Daughter Discovers Dad’s Domme Desire – Part III, An Interlude [INCEST] [D/D] [FICTION]

(Parts [I](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g4x2xj/daughter_discovers_dads_domme_desire_incest_dd/) and [II](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g4z86f/daughter_discovers_dads_domme_desire_part_ii/))

After nearly making me come by gently stroking my cock, my daughter pushed my legs apart, and knelt between them. She started licking my balls gently, stroking the skin with her tongue. I whimpered and she laughed. “Oh, does my boy like it when I lick the sweat from his cock?” she asked? I nodded, afraid of what I might say if I opened my mouth. She again swirled my precome on a finger, then I felt her finger enter my ass. I moaned loudly and felt a small spurt of come leave me. She purred, then licked the tip of my cock. “Oh my god mommy…” I said. She whispered…”Do you want to come now, James?” “Please,” I whispered.

She took my cock into her mouth…into her throat…and then began rubbing inside my ass…milking me. I groaned and released hard into her mouth. She swallowed all of it, then made another cooing and purring noise, licking me clean. “So lovely and strong, baby,” she said. Then she stood, and covered me. “Sleep now, baby. I’ll come back later,” she said, leaving the room. I blacked out from exhaustion and spent energy almost immediately.

When I woke, it was morning. Despite the bright sun coming in the window, and the smell of coffee, I wasn’t sure how or what to feel. The night before had been the fulfillment of so many fantasies I had, and even some I didn’t know I had. My daughter was an adult. I was an adult. Yet, we had done something definitely taboo, potentially illegal and life-destroying for me. Yet, I trusted her, and always had. She had always been able to keep her mouth shut, even when younger, and had mature and intelligent discretion. Yet…I was clearly confused.

So, rising, feeling satisfied, yet also like I had been heavily exercising without showering, I went immediately to the bathroom, and stood in a hot shower for something like 30 minutes, trying (without success) to process my emotions.

When I came out, she was standing there in a robe, having apparently showered as well, with a cup of coffee for me. She smiled as she handed it to me, then hugged me, her curves briefly melded to my body. She whispered in my ear, “That was a present for all of the love you bestowed on me growing up. I know you must feel strange now, but don’t talk. Just be with me, and let go. We can talk soon.” She kissed my cheek and smiled, with a light blush, and walked back to her bedroom. I watched her hips sway, then with a flash of a knowing smile over her shoulder, she vanished into her room.

She was right. I decided not think about it, sat down, turned on music, and closed my eyes, feeling the sun and spring breeze flow over me. She came out about 20 mins later, dressed in a sundress to her ankles, her hips still visible through the dress. As she came by, she leaned down and kissed my cheek, saying “Love you daddy…I’ll be back later. I’m going shopping.” I nodded, still without intelligent communication, and smiled, and she waved her fingers in an innocen-erotic way…girly, and yet…not so, and closed the door behind her.

For the next few hours, I alternated between feeling very turned on by the memories and very dirty and helpless. I took a shower…a long one…then more coffee…then a shot of whiskey. By the time Ella returned home, I was a bundle of nerves. When she came in the door with several bags, she looked at me and put down her bags, came over and pulled me to my feet, hugging me. “Oh dad,” she said, “It is really…REALLY…okay. Don’t be so nerve-wracked. Besides, how can I have you cook for my friends tonight if you’re going to be all jumpy?” I looked into the bags she had and saw lots of ingredients which I loved (steak, parsley, red wine vinegar, red pepper flakes). She knew that I needed a zen time to re-center, and cooking and friends would provide that.

I sighed, and said, “Thank you, Ella.” She smiled, opened a bottle of red wine, handed me a glass, then said, “Well, they’ll be here in two hours, so you’d better get to work.” I said “Yes, ma’am” and she laughed that throaty, erotic, laugh of hers and winked, and vanished to her room to nap and get ready. For the next six hours or so, I was totally occupied with dinner and entertaining, and between wine and conversation, was careful to avoid my thoughts.

Ella’s friends, Monica, Jeremy, and Ellen (her “name twin”), had been in her life for years, with a smattering of other lovers, friends, and acquaintances in and out of their orbit. But the core of them had remained constant, and I had watched the three of them change and grow with my daughter.

Since my divorce, and having dated younger women, I liked to believe that I was attuned to their vibes, particularly those of attraction. I had never, however, received any signals from either Monica or Ellen. I knew (and was friendly with) all of their parents, and despite their obvious maturing into lovely young women, I never got glances or eyes or “come-ons” in any sense from them.

I was not so much attuned as I thought. In fact, I was rather blind to the signals, apparently, as would become obvious later that evening.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g54prd/daughter_discovers_dads_domme_desire_part_iii_an

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