The Snuff Slumber Party [VIOLENCE WARNING] (ffffff) (snuff) (blood) (gore) (violence) (incest) (teenagers) (mutual masturbation) (blowjobs) (strap ons) (innocence)

18 year old mackenzie moaned as she made out with her best friend kelley for the last time. the asian girl’s mouth was sweet and soft, her teenage tongue gently lapping against mackenzie’s lips, her small hand exploring mackenzie’s perky little tits while the auburn haired girl gripped the smooth, firm ass that kelley sported despite her young age, diving under her elsa pajamas to explore her tiny butt.

as the two 18 year olds explored each other’s teenage bodies, the rest of their friends watched, grinning as they reached their hands into their own pajamas, moaning softly as they stroked their cocks or fingered their little cunts. ‘god that’s so hottt,’ moaned brin, the second oldest of the bunch at a mere 18 and a half, her brown arm making the telltale motion of jerking off under her pajama bottoms as she bit her little lip, watching two of her best friends make out in her bedroom while the rest of the horny girls in the circle very obviously masturbated as they giggled and moaned, watching mackenzie and kelley kiss for the last time.

as maisie and kristina masturbated to her right brin turned and made eye contact with the 18 year old goth to her left. haley, even during the sleepover was wearing a black choker, eyeliner, and black silk pajamas. the little brunette grinned back, moaning as she pumped her cock with her hand.

as they all went to school together they’d seen each other naked loads of times in the changing rooms or the showers, even giving each other head sometimes behind the library, but never had they all crossed the line into full sex. it had been haley’s idea to have this super special sleepover. ‘growing up sucks,’ brin had complained to her friends as they sat in the cafeteria, stressed from college applications. ‘we should never have to grow up.’

‘I have an idea for that,’ haley had said, and whispered it into each of her friend’s ears, each of them gasping, covering their mouth with their hands. ‘no way,’ brin had whispered with wide brown eyes, her wavy black hair flying as she looked around to see if anyone had heard them.

‘first of all,’ brin added ‘where are we even going to do this idea of yours?’

‘we could do it at your place,’ haley suggested ‘your moms are cool.’

‘no one’s mom is that cool,’ said maisie disbelievingly. shy, nerdy maisie was very pretty with reddish blonde hair and deep grey eyes, and all the other 11th graders had huge crushes on her, but she could be a little naive.

‘remember the last slumber party we had at brins house?’ kristina said. by general agreement, kristina was the prettiest of the group with her face like a porcelain doll, wavy dark blonde hair and and ethereal blue eyes. and she was a senior, so she was automatically the coolest. ‘they were carving up cuntsteak for dinner and watching cheerleader snuff porn on the tv. of course they’ll be cool with it.’

brin had to admit that the idea was hot. promising to ask her parents if they could do a sleepover (she wasn’t going to confess the truth to them, not yet, tho she did prepare a very elaborate will and suicide note) the six girls then spent every night until Friday masturbating together over video chat as they fantasized about how they would snuff each other, jerking their hands into their undies as they moaned and gasped. ‘i want you all to cum in my fucking guts’ moaned mackenzie as she stared at her friends pretty bodies and stroked her teenie cock. ‘oh god you guys I’m gonna cum…’

everyone watched as the pretty redhead pulled her pink underwear down to her knees and arched her petite young body, her flat breasts and puffy nipples hardening as she shot her hot load all over her pale hand, moaning loudly as she had her little snuff-fantasy fueled orgasm.

now mackenzie was here in brin’s room, standing in front of the kneeling kelley who was giving her the final blow job of her young life. the group had agreed that kelley gave the best blow jobs out of everyone, with her hazel eyes and fluffy pink lips, so it was only fair that mackenzie, who had decided she wanted to die while being sucked off, got to fuck her face before cumming in kelley’s small, innocent little mouth, which by the look on her flushed freckled face, she was about to do…

‘oh god yes,’ shouted mackenzie, her little boyish hips bouncing as she thrust hard into kelleys mouth, her hands gripping her glossy dark black bob cut as her own red locks bounced and flew. ‘yes i’m cumming, i’m cumming kelley, do it haley, do it! snuff me! kill my tiny little eighteen year old body! ahh! aaaahh!’

kelley meanwhile was cumming herself, her petite little mouth being flooded by mackenzie’s last ever nut, her hands flying over her clit as she watched haley plunge the knife into mackenzie’s heart and out through her flat breast, her eyes and mouth flying open, her cock spurting into kelley’s throat as her blood splashed onto her little face. the warm blood coating her face sent kelley over the edge, her spasming orgasm making her bite down hard on mackenzie’s still-exploding cock. haley twisted the knife, her hair falling down around her face like a serial killer, mackenzie’s lifeblood staining her black silk pajamas, then withdrew the blade and sliced the edge across mackenzie’s throat, covering kelley with her arterial spray. as the light left mackenzie’s eyes for the last time, haley pushed the dead redhead to the ground, her head thudding on the floor, blood and cum spurting from the hole where her cock used to be as kelley performed an impromptu castration.

‘oh fuck that’s so hot’ moaned katrina, the other three girls quickening the pace of their hands, katrina even using two hands as they rushed to their own orgasms, the room soon filled with girlish moaning and high pitched squeaks as the three teenagers came in their pajama pants.

‘guys,’ maisie moaned as she stared at the corpse of the recently departed mackenzie, her pretty green eyes staring at them in death, blood flowing daintily from her little lip ‘guys I need to go next… I need it… I need it so bad… and… I have a confession to make before I do.’

the shy, quiet maisie looked up at all of them, blushing as she blurted out ‘i don’t want to die a virgin. will you all… please be my first time…? and my last?’

‘I may weep,’ haley smiled wickedly, licking the knife clean of mackenzie’s blood.

‘we love you maisie,’ said kristina, hugging their friend as the remaining girls came in to embrace the sobbing maisie.

‘please. she begged, putting aside her stuffed unicorn and unbuttoning her soft pink pajama top, shrugging it off her shoulders to reveal her small pink nipples. ‘please fuck me… please use all of my tiny little holes… haley, get the drill ready. I want to die. I want to die so fucking bad…’

the girls arranged themselves: kristina on her knees behind the kneeling maisie, brin lying underneath her to fuck her cunt, and the bloodsoaked kelley standing in front of her so she could suck on the Korean girl’s pretty pink dildo, one of those expensive vibrating strapless ones that inserted into the wearer’s cunt. as the girls took all of maisie’s virginities, fucking the teenage girl to a moaning series of orgasms, their hips bouncing in unison, haley grabbed maisies beautiful red hair, placing the bit of the skull drill to the back of maisies head

‘last chance baby,’ haley moaned, her teenie erection at full mast as she relished in the thought of plunging her stiff cock into her friend’s brain.

‘do it haley,’ moaned maisie as she came for the third time (brin thought to herself it was a shame she was about to die, the girl was a natural nymphomaniac). ‘drill through my little skull and fuck me right in my little teenie brains… oh, oh yes! oh AAHHH!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!’

maisie screamed as the drill drove into her skill, spraying the grinning haley with bits of bone and brain. kelley plugging her mouth with her silicone cock to stop the sound. as she suffocated the girl with her dildo, she came just from watching the cruel look in haley’s eighteen year old eyes…

the other girls fucked hard, so close to their orgasms as they gave their friend the ultimate pleasure, her dying gift. haley threw the drill aside and grabbed maisies head, beginning to fuck her brain with gusto as she threw her head back and moaned with each thrust.

‘god your brain feels so FUCKING good,’ moaned haley as she ripped up maisies head with her steel hard cock.

‘don’t stop haley,’ moaned maisie as she came for the last time in her pitiful little life, her voice slurring as haley churned her brains with her cock. ‘pwease don’t stop. I’m so cwose…’

as the teenage fourgy screamed it’s way toward the world’s most depraved mutual orgasm, maisie began to scream.

‘I’m coming, mackenzie I’m coming!!’ screamed, maisie staring at her dead friends eyes as haley roared, firing spurt after spurt of cum deep into her pink teenage brain, maisies pretty eyes rolling up into her head as she began to go limp. the other three girls, so turned on by the sight of the brainfuck going on in front of them, began to cum one by one, first kristina pumping maisies cute little eighteen year old butt full of her girlseed, then brin moaning and shooting her load deep into her spasming dying teenie cunt. kelley moaned, her fingers exploring the hole in the back of maisies head, covered in wet brains and her beautiful slick red hair that haley was so enthusiastically fucking as she too came, her little dildo pressed up hard against her teenaged g-spot while the other end fucked maisie’s dead mouth.

‘oh my fuck that was so hot,’ haley said as the dead maisie fell to the floor, her cock still covered in glistening gore. immediately kristina grabbed haleys hips and sucked her friends brains from the goth girl’s cock, haley fucking kristina’s beautiful face for just a few seconds before the twisted nature of what she had just done sent her to another best of all time orgasm.

‘haley please,’ moaned kelley, kneeling before the girl. ‘I’ve changed my mind on how I want to die. watching you snuff maisie was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen… please… I want you to stomp my head in. use those sexy feet of yours to crush my skull as I cum for the last time…’

the three girls looked at each other, a smile playing on haley’s lips as she realized she would get to kill a third sexy little teen today. ‘are you sure you don’t want to give kristina or brin a turn?’ she asked. ‘they haven’t killed anyone yet.’

kristina shook her head. ‘I don’t wanna die a murderer.’

‘just a corpse fucker?’ brin grinned.

‘shut up bitch!’ kristina playfully jabbed her shoulder.

‘I want it to be you,’ moaned kelley, who had started kissing haley’s little feet, using her tongue to lick and suck her tiny toes into her small asian mouth. ‘i’ve always had such a crush on you haley… I need you to curbstomp me…’

and so little kelley was held down by kristina and brin, who watched in anticipation as haley ground her heel on kelley’s temple, the asian girl’s expression filled with lust and longing, her hair strewn around her face as she prepared to die.

‘do it haley,’ she moaned as she fingered herself with one hand and frigged her clit with the other, watching breathlessly as her friend raised her leg. ‘do it. fucking snuff me. end my worthless little li-‘

kelley made an ‘urk’ noise as haley drove her leg down, the heel connecting squarely with her temple, a sickening cracking noise driving shards of bone into the little girl’s brain. ‘oh fuck that’s so hot,’ kristina moaned as she watched kelley die, the light in her brown eyes brightening like a star as haley brought her foot up and back down again, smashing fully into kelley’s skull.

‘fucking! die! you! fucking! meat! puppet!’ screamed haley, her foot driving over and over again into her friend’s head. it was clear to brin from haley’s face that she was truly enjoying herself, having found her calling as a teenage snuff practitioner. looking down, brin could see kelley’s skull being slowly turned into mush as every smash of haley’s foot destroyed another bit of skull. the girl’s brains were oozing out through the holes in her head, one of her little brown eyeballs popping out to roll onto the bloodsoaked carpet, her brains leaking out after it as her last breath left her with a sigh.

with a final crunch, haley smashed her cut up, severely bleeding foot into kelley’s upper jaw, liberating it from the rest of her body. now nothing more than a lower jaw and a tongue, everything above it reduced to bits of bone and mush, kelley shivered, cumming for the last time in her eighteen year old life as her body went limp.

‘god this is so fucking hottt,’ kristina moaned, her cock throbbing between her thin thighs as the three remaining girls began to masturbate.

‘let’s fuck some corpses,’ haley grinned, grabbing maisie by the hair ‘you guys have to try a brain fuck…’

brin haley and kristina passed around the snuffdoll fucktoys that used to be their friends, taking turns fucking maisie’s brains, kelley’s neck stump, and mackenzie’s slit throat. ‘god I need to die,’ moaned haley as she fucked the hole in mackenzie’s chest, her cock thrusting into the teenager’s heart. ‘brin once you finish with maisie there I need you to blow my fucking head off with that huge gun…’

‘me too,’ moaned kristina as she thrust into kelley’s windpipe, the girl’s lower jaw lolling at her hips. ‘oh god me too brin… snuff us both execution style… oh god i’m gonna fucking cum just thinking about it…’

the thought sent all three girls over the edge, cumming loudly and enthusiastically into their friend’s corpses before kneeling down in front of brin, who took her mother’s giant revolver from the drawer and put it to the back of haley’s skull.

‘I love you guys, actually,’ haley said as she took off her choker for the last time, giving kristina a kiss and holding her hands. ‘okay brin, fucking do it before I change my mi-‘

brin didn’t need to be encouraged. she pulled the trigger on the massive weapon, blowing the front of haley’s face open as the goth girl slumped over hard, smashing her head onto the carpet, her remaining eyeball open in a shocked expression, the other half of her head missing as she rapidly bled out.

‘oh fuck that’s so hot,’ kristina moaned, instantly cumming as she watched haley’s brains get blown out the front of her head. brin, who had been planning to do both of them in rapid succession, didn’t account for kristina’s shuddering; the bullet glanced off the 19 year old’s skull, making her gasp as her skin and flesh tore off her scalp, but didn’t penetrate her brain.

‘are you okay?’ brin asked, as kristina clutched her head, cum leaking from her teenage cock.

‘yes,’ kristina moaned. ‘cut my head off brin. do it. cut my head off then fuck the stump. promise me you’ll fuck the stump… I wanna die thinking about being a cum hole for your cock…’

and so brin granted kristina’s final wish, listening to her final gurgling choking noises as she dragged the knife through her soft pale neck. it took a bit to cut through the bone, and kristina’s ethereal blue eyes were going dark, so just before she died brin pushed her cock into her neck hole so kristina could go out feeling brin’s warm cum filling her mouth for the last time.

surrounded by the corpses of her friends, brin stood up, clutching kristina’s newly severed head. ‘I love you guys,’ she said, crying with happiness as she arranged her friend’s bodies so that they were all lying on her little mermaid sheets, bleeding stickily into her childhood bed. throwing the rope over the hook in the ceiling, brin stepped into the noose and walked off the bed, choking as she began to hang herself, pumping kristina’s neck stump on her cock, looking down at the faces of her dead friends as she approached the last cum of her young life.

brin couldn’t speak, the air was being choked from her pretty brown neck by the rope; but she did manage to orgasm one final time, her girlcum spraying out through kristina’s dead lips and all over the faces of her sisters in death. right before she lost consciousness, brin took the gun from inside her pajama top, putting the barrel between her eighteen year old lips, and blew her brains out all over the wall of her childhood bedroom as she swung from the ceiling, kristina’s head still impaled on her young penis.

and that’s how brin’s moms found the girls the following morning, six cooling teenagers, stiff in death. after a brief period of shock, they found the girl’s suicide notes, aww’ing at the display of deadly affection the young girls had shown as they began to fondle their dead daughter’s body, unzipping their pants and lifting their skirt as they prepared to say their final goodbyes to their little girl.
