Daughter Discovers Dad’s Domme Desire [INCEST] [D/D] [FICTION]

Before my wife and I split, mutually…for greener pastures, we had done the best job we could raising our daughter. She was and is accomplished in sports, academics, music – well, pretty much everything to which she put her mind and desire. I blame her type-A mother for these accomplishments as well as for her (daughter’s) mile-wide stubborn streak. If she *didn’t* want to put her mind to it…well, let’s just leave it at “brick wall” and go from there.

She…let’s call her Ella…was 15 when her mother and I left for other pursuits – a gentle divorce (as such things go), and ended up living in the same town, about 5 miles apart. Ella had told the judge she didn’t favor either parent, and the judge pretty much let her set her own schedule, with the proviso that if her grades suffered or she began missing school or activities, either parent could request a change from the court.

So, especially after she received her driver’s license, Ella settled into a routine. She usually slept at her mother’s house during the week, then would come over to my place after school and work on her homework for a few hours. I am a science professor, and so could arrange my schedule to some extent in order to be there with her, help with her homework, and cook dinner for us. Then, she would head back home around 7 – 8 and hang out with mom before bed.

Honestly, seeing and hearing about the horror stories about joint custody and visitation out there, I was and am pleased that it has worked out so well.

Now, one of the main reasons my wife and I split was my (and her) growing awareness that, though I had been a bit of a Puritan in my younger years, after I hit age 40, I experienced a sexual awakening (spurred to some extent by lovely forums and picture posts), and my wife was simply not interested. In fact, she had admitted her sexual desire had waned as she aged. She was not interested in alternative arrangements (open marriages and the like), and so she left me to explore my…dark side.

One of these dark sides was, to put it bluntly, to be dominated by a woman. I had not yet taken the step of exploring that. Living in smallish college town, one had to be very very careful as to whom one chose for such…activities. Therefore, as it was not unexpected for professors to have affairs with students (carefully avoiding one’s own students), I pursued that side of my sexual life with abandon. I cheerfully took advantage of womens’ submissive desires, but also carefully. I wasn’t interested in long-term, and made sure that each women with whom I had a sexual relationship was aware of that. Over a few years after the divorce, there five women with whom I had relationships. Most of them probably had “daddy” issues…some even calling me that, and one or two hinted at darker or twisted relationships with their own fathers. One called me “Frank” as she bent over my bed. When I asked her about it, she said it was her own father’s name.

She was one of the more wild ones.

In order to explore my submissive side, I decided to try to frequent online dating (or, sex personal) sites. I wasn’t attracted to men, unfortunately, as there were plenty of gay and bi- daddies nearby. However, there were few women within a hundred miles who indicated they were domme, and even fewer (read: none) experienced in any way.

So, I continued with my hetero-norm relationships for the time being. Soon, my daughter was accepted to the college where I taught (yay, tuition benefits), and I *substantially* scaled back my flirting and dating and sleeping with students. I had no desire to place my daughter in any strange situations, or have people make a connection between her and me and tease her or exploit the situation in some way. She seemed to do well in her first year, now living on campus and coming home (stereotypically) for breaks and laundry and the occasional home-cooked meal.

In fact, since I was a decent cook, she would often come to my place with a friend or three – male or female, and have dinner, have wine, and spend the night. Occasionally, I heard more interesting noises from her room, but all in all, if there was physical interaction, she was being discreet about it.

My daughter continued her sports career, and continued her academic pursuits. I noticed that she was attracting the eyes of more than a few men when we would go to Starbucks or other places together, though I suspect my own youthful looks kept overt action to a minimum, save for those who knew us both. As she matured, she had developed an athletic, beautiful, body. Long hair, deep-set brown eyes, a taut stomach, long legs, and, well…noticeable curves in good places. She had her mother’s body, but longer and leaner.

She was majoring in business, and therefore, needed professional attire for accounting competitions and interviews for internships. We shopped together in places like Brooks Brothers, and by her sophomore year had a flattering, professional, wardrobe.

Now, at the beginning of her junior year, something changed. Or rather, something surfaced.

I came home one day to find her at my computer, scrolling down Google. When she saw me, she clicked off the page, and said, “It’s all yours. Off to do homework!” I sat down and realized that she had been scrolling through my searches of domme pictures and [fantasy pictures](https://images.app.goo.gl/USAnDCdAVhipTYaJ8) and online forums. I put my head on my desk, anticipating questions or embarrassing moments and fearing all sorts of things. I sighed, cleared by cache (I hadn’t done that in awhile), and pulled up a science journal to read. Then I heard her call from the living room. “Hey Dad, can I ask you a question about this?” in her “this science homework is annoying voice.” I sighed. “Here it comes,” I thought.

When I walked out, she was standing in a business jacket and skirt…no apparent shirt…hair pulled up and back…in hose and long, black heels. She had a picture on her phone and a photo of a personal ad I had posted about a domme. “So,” she said, in a new tone of voice, “is this why you and Mom split? You wanted it in the ass, and she couldn’t do that for you.” I flushed and stuttered and then found myself without words. “WELL?” she said, stepping towards me. “It’s nothing,” I said, “not your business, nothing you should worry about.” She took three steps towards me, closing the distance, and slapped me HARD across my face. I stood in mute shock. “You are a bit sick, aren’t you, DAD?” she nearly yelled. “Shhhhhh” I said. She threw her phone down and stepped on a bare foot with a heel, as I cried out.

“IS this what you wanted, DAD?” she yelled? “You want me to tell Mom and your school and the whole world about your little perversions? DO YOU?” I replied, “No…please don’t. I’m sorry, you never should have seen those.” She sniggered, in a mean sort of way, then caressed my cheek. “Kneel now, Dad…baby…” I inhaled…”What?” I asked, mumbling. “KNEEL” she shouted, “OR THEY ALL FIND OUT!” I knelt in front of her, looking up, then down, confused. She stepped before me and said, “Roll up my skirt.” I did so….she was not wearing any panties, and her hose stopped on either side of her pussy lips. “Clean me,” she said in a sweet, but demanding voice.

I leaned forward and she pushed my face into her pussy, as I submitted and began licking…


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g4x2xj/daughter_discovers_dads_domme_desire_incest_dd


  1. Well

    My friend.
    I am duly impressed with your writing skills.

    You set a nice mental impression, that allows your reader to visualize your story.

    Continue writing your narrative, but don’t rush the telling of the tale.
    It’s worth telling well.

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