Space…The Final FUCKtier Part 5 [MF]

The building behind the front line imploded in on itself, crashing to the floor blasting dust out into the streets. Earth was under attack yet again…this time France was the target. Soldiers from the space stations orbiting Earth were deployed in their thousands. The force from the Valentine were tasked with holding a extraction point which the alien force wanted. The ships which peppered the bright summery sky of the European country, getting attacked by friendly ships.

“D Unit do you copy?” Angela sat behind the front line, geared up in heavy battle armor; usually she would not be on the ground in the heat of battle, but a direct order from Captain Rays made it so. She called into her Wrist Device trying to contact one of the 26 groups of soldiers the Valentine deployed.

“Yes we copy. What’s it look like where you are Bishop?” A voice replied from her wrist, she took a deep sigh of relief when she got the response; D unit was integral to the plan they had created to end the attack.

“We’re keeping them well back, just need to keep them there for you to do your thing.”

“Watch the mother ship ma’am, I heard you like fireworks.” Angela turned her body from behind her cover, keeping her pistol in one hand poised to shoot when the enemy revealed itself. She darted her eyes across the long straight street which was covered in destroyed vehicles and debris from buildings which stray shots from ships struck them. She looked up to see the one ship which was larger than any other…long and rectangular it seemed to be made more of flesh than metal, it looked to her that it was alive rather than just a ship. It darkened the ground it overlooked, so much so that fighting the ground troops it deployed was difficult due to the shade it cast.

A loud cheer filled the street as the feeling of triumph filled the brave soldiers. Angela looked at it as a large black beam of light shot right through it from the distance. She grinned as another separate beam was cast through the mother ship, this time from the right of her. Fire and ear popping explosions erupted from the ship, slowly it descended head first down to the street below.

“Good work D Unit! Hit it with more!” She cried leaping in the air with joy, at that moment more black beams rocketed through the sky piercing the ship. The raucous army growing louder with their cheers. The ship blast open, sending debris blazing with fire through the sky.

“Watch that baby fall!!” The D Unit voice called enthusiastically over Angela’s Wrist Device. She leaned her body back on a large slab of cement which blast off a small office building when the attack begun. She ran her fingers through her purple hair as her elven ears twitched, she was exhausted from the battle; Finally she could rest.

“LOOK OUT!” A soldier cried from behind her. Her eyes shot open as she fixed her gaze on the debris which was flying directly at her. She froze with fear as it grew closer and closer. It landed only a few yards from her, sending a blast of fire which engulfed her and everyone close to it…

The hospital wing of the Valentine is located in the northern area of the second tier, around near the entertainment district of the city. It was used to house injured crew members as well as those who were no longer living; the bodies of lost lives who awaited the standard send off by anyone who enlisted to defend Earth (A small speech by the Captain and released through the airlock to explore the endless journey of outer space.)

Angela Bishop slowly opened her eyes as she felt a cold force of air hit her face. She slowly moved her head around as her blurry vision begun to fade and everything became clear.

“Ah Miss. Bishop. You’re finally awake…” A nurse sat beside her, examining a holographic image of her body, curves and measurements accurate to perfection. Angela groaned and felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

“W-what happened to me?” She spoke weakly to the nurse, one whom she recognized; It seemed the Captain had entrusted her rehabilitation to the best doctor on the Valentine.

“You don’t remember?” The nurse replied.

“I was on Earth…an invasion?” The nurse nodded slowly.

“Anything else?” She responded after a few seconds of silence.

“There was a mother ship…it went down. Something hit me…all I can recall.”

“Well Miss. Bishop I must say if you where just a human we would be giving you the sendoff by now…But as an elf, and a rather physically gifted one, you’ll be absolutely fine. We didn’t have to do much to fix your appearance…that elven magic made sure your skin was fine, we only had to grow your hair out which unfortunately burned off when the fire got to you.”

Angela gasped and quickly touched the top of her head, she felt her hair, it was as silky and well kept as always. She signed with relief and sank her head into the fluffy pillow on the hospital bed.

“How long until I’m back on duty?” She asked spying the horde of get well soon flowers which cluttered the bedside table. She smiled at the sentiment which her comrades felt for her.

“I would say a week or so…what you need is rest to re-charge your batteries as it were. Just sit back and relax, try to think about other things than work.”

“Have I been out for long?”

“Only two days.” Angela’s ears twitched at hearing her nurse. She was almost dead. What would have happened if she wasn’t so lucky? She was just following orders, was it the fault of the plan which made her like this? Would she be on the streets like normal if she didn’t listen to the rules…Angela let these questions dominate her thoughts for the next week. She contemplated many topics as the week drew closer and closer to a close.

“Why should I follow every little rule and order this place has…If I almost died then whats stopping other bad things happening if I was just a good girl and said yes sir to everything?” Angela muttered to herself, alone in the hospital wing. Everyone else she was healing with had left already, leaving her just to her thoughts. Her mind went back to that night she had with Wendy, slowly undressing each other as they explored their sexuality together under the gaze of the Earth and stars. She pressed her legs together as she relished in the memory, and what Wendy said during their time together

“This thing is almost as big as my brothers…” She had to know if Wendy was telling the truth. She sank down and pulled he covers over her head, slowly caressing her clit through her underwear.

“Come on. You should learn to use other weaponry.” Mckayla stood over Will, holding a large wooden sword, she panted hard, sweat dripping down her face. Her blue hair was loosely tied into a bun, wearing a tight white tank top with black slightly transparent leggings. Around them were a small group of people who were taking lessons from the leader of the Valkyrie Squad. Will was putting up a good fight against her, but still could not keep up with the grace, speed and deadliness of the girl he had been with, whenever he was around her mind would usually wander to what he was hiding between his legs. She extended her hand to him; he took it and stood up. Looking at him she patted his shoulder.

“Out of the group you’re definitely the only one who works me hard.” She winked at him as the others in the group whispered to themselves; she heard them all, saying she had no clue how sexual it sounded and that it was a poor choice of words.

“Take a shower, you stink.” She snapped at him sternly. Will nodded and saluted before starting towards the showers. As he approached, a shorter fellow with a shining bald head and long thick black beard stopped him by pressing his hand on his chest. The officer turned to him and gave an arrogant smile.

“Senior Investigator Bishop wants to see you in her office ASAP. Take a shower and go to her in uniform…whatever you’ve done its nice knowing you Wendy’s brother.” He moved away with a spring in his step; it was clear to Willingham that this guy got a major kick out of being the one who brought the bad news. Willingham was quite surprised; first of all he had no idea that Angela was back at work, it had been just under a week since she woke up, he expected her to be gone much longer, and secondly, what he did.

As he showered, hot water cascading down his face and body as the liquid cleaned him of the sweat he worked up during the sparring session, he thought what problem he caused. Could she have found out about Mckayla and him so quickly?

“She couldn’t have, Mckayla disguises herself when she meets me.” He thought to himself as he left the shower to dry off, the curiosity and slight worry which grew in his stomach was too much to handle.

Willingham stood outside the office of Angela Bishop. The burning emotion of worry had plagued him during his walk over, the girl on the desk proceeded with her work responsibilities without paying any attention to him. She flicked her finger across the holograms produced by her own Wrist Device, tapping on the screen paying her full attention to that. Willingham thought she was pretty cute, a skinny dark skinned elven woman with a striking chin. She pressed a button on the screen and muttered.

“Yes ma’am?”

“Is Private Willingham here?” The unmistakable alluring voice of the Senior Investigator originated from the screen. The assistant looked up at him with a vacant expression.

“Yes ma’am. Shall I send him in?”

“Immediately. And please make sure no one disturbs me until he leaves. I plan on grilling him for a while.” Will blushed and his heart sank, it sounded like she knew of the casual fling he and Mckayla had. He was done for.

“You can go in now.” The assistant sternly spoke to him. Motioning her head toward the door. He slowly turned toward the door which slid open with a silent woosh sound. He stepped inside the dimly lit room. He looked around Angela’s office. It seemed harmless enough: a large plant on the far corner, the left wall was replaced with a huge glass pane which showed a perfect view of Earth and the Moon. Her desk was quite large, wooden like something you would see from one of the antique shops down in the city. Placed on the desk beside a few frames was a cube shaped machine.

“Come sit Private.” Angela spoke from behind the desk. She sat on her chair, in uniform as she usually was; and like usual it was curve hugging, she sat with one stocking clad leg over the other as she started at the young man in front of her. Her heart raced faster than any moment before that. She had made sure to dust a bit of extra makeup across her cheeks and lips, including a deep black shade of eye shadow. She looked over done for a simple meeting with a Tier 2, but the rush of what she wanted to do today caused her not to care. He followed the order and moved to a comfortable seat opposite her. She leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand, she smiled and raised an eyebrow at him.

“You’re looking nice today ma’am…I’m glad you came out of that accident ok.”

“Thank you. I heard you took some minor injuries, I hope it won’t affect your performance in your…activities.” He shook his head, gripping the arms of the seat nervously.

“There’s no need to be tense. I know when people are called to my office it means trouble. I actually called you here for some help.” She stood up and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up hoping he would admire her figure.

“Help?” He responded confused.

“Yes…as you know I recently got out of hospital, I’ve actually been advised to come back to work tomorrow. But I want to make sure I’m back to my normal self. So…” She moved around the desk and rested her ass on the desk, her eyes darting from his face to between his legs.

“I want to do a mock interrogation. If you agree I’ll hook your arm to the truth teller and give you some truth serum. I’ll ask some harmless little questions to get back into the mindset.” Her ears flicked, she felt her face grow red as her mind wandered to deep dark thoughts about the man in front of her.

“Ok…Is there some sort of reward?”

“Hm? oh, of course…h-how about I’ll give you three days off duty? no training or deployment if god forbid Earth is attacked?” She wished with all her heart he would say yes…and it skipped a beat when he agreed. She grinned cutely and reached over and took his hand.

“Super…now you might feel a little sting. The truth teller will put you in a state where your subconscious speaks for you, anything I ask you’ll answer as your brain knows it.” Leading his hand to the device she pressed his palm onto one side. It was cold, and there was a light buzz which tickled his hand. He suddenly felt groggy, like he was on the brink of a deep sleep, it was relaxing…tranquil even.

“Ok mister. first question. Who was the first Elven queen in ancient times to be exiled from the royal family?”

“I don’t know.” He spoke with confidence, Angela blushed; she found it hot.

“Of course no one knows that.” She responded rolling her eyes.

“At least we know it works…Ok, what is your sisters name?”

“Wendy Willingham.” He felt his voice almost talk by itself. He was aware of the questions, but couldn’t do anything to let the truthful answers slip.

“Do you know of the history between Wendy and I?”

“You were colleagues, joined at the same time and became friends.”

“Oh…Friends? Is that what she told you?”

“Yes.” Angela leaned forward and smiled at him, she started to play with strands of her hair, circling her fingers through it; she raised an eyebrow and watched him stare vacantly into her eyes.

“Do you know that she likes girls?” She felt her face grow hotter and hotter, her pussy began to tingle while she shivered with anticipation.

“…No.” He responded.

“Thought not. What do you think about that?”

“It doesn’t matter who she likes. She’s my sister. I am a little disappointed though.” He fought with all his might to break free of the machine, desperate to try and stop himself from talking.

“Please tell me why you are disappointed…Private Willingham.”

“Because if you were involved with her sexually then that makes you gay as well…I’ve thought about having a chance with you since me and Mckayla have been having sex with each other.” Angela was shocked; and her face showed it. Her mouth was open with surprise.

“So you’ve been in a relationship with a Tier 3? and Mckayla Petrova at that?”

“Yes.” He responded factually.

“You naughty boy…I always thought Mckayla was never interested in that sort of thing…I guess I was wrong…and you’ve had fantasies involving me?”

“Yes. I’ve always been attracted to elven women…and your body drives me crazy.”

“Is that so.” She muttered, slowly she re positioned her body to open her legs up, causing her skirt to pull up over the top of her stockings, Willingham looked at her movements, slowly feeling his trousers get tight around he crotch area.

“So if I did this…” She swiftly moved from the edge of the well kept desk and slithered onto his lap, straddling him. She wrapped her arms around his neck; staring into his eyes.

“Do you like this baby?” She slowly gyrated her hips on his lap, feeling her dripping pussy grind on the fabric of his uniform.

“Yes ma’am.” He said.

“I can feel your cock through your trousers…its big…how big are you?”

“10 inches.”

“God, so you really are hung…I can see why Mckayla can’t keep herself from jumping on you.” She sped up her grinding while clawing lustfully on the back of his uniform, her heat raced, she could not take it much longer.

“One last question stud…If I unhooked you to the machine…would you be a real man and show this needy elf the time of her life?” She pressed her lips onto his neck, kissing him softly, she brushed her hands firmly from his back to his chest, digging her nails into his coat. She moaned softly, desperate for him to get whatever monster he was hiding out and slap her around with it.

“Yes ma’am.” He said in the same tone as the other answers he had given. Without any hesitation she grasped his arm which was hooked to the truth teller and yanked it hard. With a loud pop his arm was free, it fell to the arm of the chair. He suddenly felt himself revert to normal, feeling the Senior Investigator sitting on his lap, lovingly nibbling on his neck and cheek. He grasped the back of her short skirt and pulled it up over her thick ass, gripping the soft cheeks firmly. Angela moaned and recoiled from his neck. She smiled and licked her lips, her entire demeanor seemed to change in a second. She began to tug on her jacket, pulling her zipped down as the tight outfit loosened over her body. Inch by inch her naked body was getting exposed.

“Oh No…it seems I forgot to put any underwear on today…” Shes spoke in a playful voice before chuckling. He looked at her exposed breasts. She moaned and leaned forward to press them onto his chest.

“Like them? They’re E’s” She winked and eagerly rubbed them up and down his chest, her hard nipples poking him firmly.

“Fuck yeah, they’re bigger than Mckayla’s.”

“Oh I know. That suit leaves nothing to the imagination…” Slowly she slipped off of her partner, resting on her knees in front of him. She licked her lips and began to touch her soft tits. He stood up in an instant and positioned himself so she was at eye level with his crotch. He fumbled with his belt as his cock pulsed and throbbed, desperate to be released.

Angela felt a heavy thud on the left side of her cheek. Her eyes widened as she felt his cock rest on her cheek. She grasped the base of his shaft and moved it to get a better look at it.

“Holy shit…Fuck. I think I’m in love…” She looked up and winked at him, parting her lips to allow herself to lick the head. She moaned softly as she explored more of it with her free hand. He winced slightly as she tugged at his large balls firmly.

“Mmm so full…I want to have a little taste of this beast before it splits me in two…” She parted her lips wider and wrapped it around his exposed head, he let out a moan as she began to slowly and sensually suck 4 inches of his cock. Her moans vibrated on his leaking shaft, the strong taste of pre-cum was fresh on her taste buds. She felt her pussy drip relentlessly, growing hungrier and hungrier for this thing to violate her body. A few more moments of tasting his cock was all she could take before releasing her grip on his shaft. Her ears flicked and twitched as she grasped the shaft and slapped his cock across her cheeks; spatting her saliva and his pre-cum over her cheek.

“Ill need to prepare myself for this. Fuck me like you fuck that slut Mckayla.” She spat on his shaft, using both hands to massage her wet saliva up and down the whole length of his cock until it glistened. Raising up to her feet she rubbed her sticky hands on her black stockings, there was no time to waste on taking them off…As she moved to the edge of the desk, Willingham unzipped his jacket and dropped it onto the floor. He approached Angela and pushed her down onto the desk. She yelped cutely and let him take control.

He pushed his cock between her lips, she didn’t hold back on the volume of the moan. At this point she was so lost in the moment of passion and desire to care if her assistant heard her. She felt it go deeper and deeper inside her, feeling like she was being slit apart.

“YES! Don’t fucking stop!” She moaned, she braced herself on the desk as she felt him begin to thrust inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as she threw her head back on the other side of the desk. She begged him to go faster, a decision that was bittersweet; for the pain was stinging, but the pleasure was immense. She closed her eyes tight and dug her fingernails into the desk as she let out a guttural moan, her orgasm shot up her body like a drug. She felt her whole body move, tits thrust up and down as her partner buried his massive tool deeper and deeper inside her. She panted hard and relished in the moment as he grunted and pushed deeper and deeper inside her.

For him, fucking Angela was different to Mckayla, for Angela was much more submissive and desperate for hi to take charge, Mckayla, while on the same level of attractiveness as his current partner, wanted to have some input as to what was happening.

Angela looked to Willingham with lust, panting for him to cum inside her. Thrusting was getting easier as her walls were being stretched with every thrust of his hips. His shaft throbbed and pulsed, balls tightening as he plunged his dick as far as he could into her. She felt the warm rush of his thick cum fill her, breathlessly gasping as she came again. She grasped his hands and laced her fingers between his as they came together.

“Fuck…So much!” She cried feeling every thick rope shoot inside her. Once his final shot was milked from his monster she fell silent. Looking up at him. He pulled out slowly, his cum quickly followed. She closed her eyes and grinned to herself; She tried to let go of his hands but he kept his grip. She looked at him for a moment before squealing. He pulled her up and moved her to a laying position on the floor she smiled and bit her lip over how dominant he was being with her; her arousal for a man or woman who took charge regardless of their official positions.

“What are you going to do now stud?” She egged him on, pouting her lips. He mounted her, his legs sandwiching her thin waist. Even after he lost his erection he was still an impressive 6 inches. She felt him place it between her breasts before holding each and compacting them together. She moaned and placed her hands over his; creating extra pressure as he started to thrust between her tits. She looked down to see the head pop in and out of her huge rack, foreskin peeling back and fourth with every thrust. Angela curled her toes, pressing her thighs together as more of his cum leaked out of her pussy. She could feel his cock slide across her tits, using her juices and his cum as lube. His dick was back to its mouth watering 10 inches.

“Fuck these huge tits stud, fuck you’re so hot!” She moaned, opening her mouth wide and sticking her tongue out she awaited her sticky prize. She felt a rush of warm cum spray onto her face, shooting across her lips and into her left eye, she closed it as more of his manly cream covered her face and neck. She dug her fingers into his hands to keep him there, not wanting the sensation to stop. She was impressed with the sheer volume he blasted her with; even after the first time. He panted hard, sweating as he slowly let go of her boobs. she opened the eye which was not shot with his cum to see his cock sit between her natural chest. She licked her lips and tasted the salty pungent cum. Gulping it down before resting her tired, well fucked body. He sat there still on top of her for a few moments, before standing up again.

“Wow…just wow.” Angela panted, scooping his cum from her eye and opening it. He started to put his clothes back on, his face lit up with the bliss of a passionate fuck. She smiled and rose to her knees, staring at his cock once more before it was covered again.

“I had no idea you liked guys like me Angela.”

“Well…You’re a very special case.” She winked and stood up to get close to him. She rose to her tip toes to kiss him on the lips, moving his hand to grope one of her breasts. After a moment of lust filled kissing she pulled away; feeling his cum trickling down her thick thighs and onto her black stockings.

“I bet you never thought you would see me out of uniform huh? Am I as sexy as you thought I would be?” She leaned back onto the desk and playfully posed for him provocatively. He grinned as he zipped up his jacket.


“Mmm, correct answer…Don’t worry, whatever you and Mckayla get up to won’t be reported. But you’re not going to let that bimbo have all the fun are you?” She submissively touched one of her breasts, pouting her lips and giving him puppy dog eyes.

“Only if you want to.”

“If I said no I think that would be the biggest mistake I’ve ever made!” She giggled.

“How about this, if you want a elven bombshell to please you like only we elven girls can, give me a call, I’ll even put something sexy on just for you…” Approaching him slowly, she swayed her hips and crossed her arms under her breasts.

“It’s a deal.”

Part 6 Coming Soon.


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