My Confusion Part 8 [MF] [MM] [BDSM]

“Allie, are you OK?
What’s wrong?”
She didn’t answer me at first.
She just laid there, the tears running down her face.

When finally she could speak she didn’t.
What she did do is flip around on the table and grabbed my shoulders pulling me downward and swallowed my face while kissing me, never missing a single spot.

Coming up for air she said.
“Nothings wrong, I was just, I mean I, I was suddenly struck with an overwhelming sense of happiness.
A happiness I had never before experienced.
It just washed over my entire body.
It came out of nowhere and enveloped everything that is me.

Frank, will you marry me?”

Suddenly for maybe the first time in my life I was at a loss for words.
Allie hit me right between eyes with her question.
“Allie, I, ahem, I but, but I, YES Allie.
Yes I will marry you!!” I said.
It was at this point that she threw herself into my arms and smothered me with kisses.

Still reeling from shock I held her tight and returned every kiss three fold.
Here we were naked in the library’s study room making out like two idiots.
I needed to sit and collect my thoughts.
As soon as I sat Allie straddled my lap and sank down upon my cock.
As she did this I was only half hard.
This however lasted about 10 seconds.
At eleven seconds my cock was as hard as it has ever been.
For the next few minutes Allie rode me hard, never once letting up until we both came a second time.

After we cleaned up the room and returning to our dorm I spent the afternoon trying to reach the coach and then Susan.
Neither one answered the phone.
I did however receive a text from the coach a little later that all is well and he will see me on Saturday afternoon at 4pm sharp.

With a second text admonishing me not to come by the house.
The preparations were taking up all of his time and he didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

He explained that he has had workmen crawling all over the house all week and that I should have faith that all is well and that I would love everything that is in the works.

He went on to mention that the guest list included almost one hundred and fifty people and that for the most part they had all RSVP’d in the affirmative.

I did hear from Mistress Martha.
She was absolutely beside herself with joy at the prospect of Allie and I tying the knot.
She begged me to permit her to make all the arrangements.
She knew all the right people, all of them of the highest caliber and she promised me this was going to be “One hell of a wing-ding”.

While I had not been able to reach the coach she had been in constant contact with him as she was the co-host of the event.
The coach said that we would hold the wedding at his house.
There was plenty of room and would take it as a personal affront if he was not allowed this honor and privilege.
Well with such endorsements how could I refuse.

Two days to go and finally I received a text from Susan.

“Dear frank,

I’m sorry I have been so hard to reach lately.
So much has been happening lately I don’t know where to begin and I don’t wish to talk about it over so impersonal a method as texts.
Just know that I love you and I will see you soon.

Love Susan.

One day before the big event I returned to my dorm room only to find a large gift box on my bed.
Wrapped in red and black wrapping paper with a matching bow.
There was an envelope attached to the ribbon.
Opening the envelope I took the card and sat on my bed to read it.


Again sorry for the silence.
Everything is coming together for the party and I wanted to reiterate how important you are to me and that our friendship is as strong as ever.
Enclosed in the package is your outfit for the evenings festivity’s.
I took the liberty of checking your clothes for the proper size tuxedo for you.

Now onto the grand news.
You will never know how happy I am that you and Allie have found each other.
I had a feeling from the beginning that there was chemistry between the two of you.

As your friend and mentor my heart is filled with joy at the prospect of the future the two of you have in store together.
Martha and I have been working overtime to make certain that your upcoming nuptials will be an affair to remember.

I want you to know that all the arrangements are going to be taken care of by Martha and myself.
In the next few weeks after the party the four of us along with your and Allie’s parents will sit down and work out the details for this grand event.

In closing.
I am and will always will be your friend.

Reading this letter caused a tear to fall from my eyes.
Since the moment I said yes my heart has soared.
I have never felt a love like I have for both Allie and John.

And yet at the same time I have had a feeling of fear and sadness.
How was I to break this news to Susan?
She and I have been best friends since childhood.
Myself and everyone we knew just assumed we would marry and spend our lives back home taking over the family farm and business.

Opening the gift box I found it to be almost empty.
I said almost empty because in this big box was a smaller box.
And then an even smaller box within.
Like Russian nesting dolls there was a total of ten boxes each inside the last.
In the last was a new golden chastity device, and another envelope.
This one read,
“Gotcha did you think I would ruin a Tux by folding it up?
Look in your closet!

Opening the closet I found the garment bag and the Tux inside.
Taking off my clothes I tried on the Tux.
The fit was perfection.
Suddenly I felt like Bond, James Bond.
Damn I looked good.
I felt ten feet tall.
After strutting around my room for a bit I reluctantly removed the Tux and returned it to the garment bag.

That evening Mistress Martha gave Allie her freedom to join me to make the announcement to our friends.
Meeting up with our friends at the pub Allie and I waited for the last of them to arrive.

When the stragglers finally showed their faces we were already on our third round of drinks.
With Allie sitting beside me at the head of the table I began tapping on a glass with the edge of my knife to gather everyone’s attention.
Both Allie and I stood, when finally we had every head turned towards us I began.

“OK everyone, Allie and I have gathered you all here tonight for more than imbibing in a drunken bacchanal.
This brought a round of laughter from everyone.

The other day Allie asked me something that frankly brought me to tears.
Something that I never thought I would hear and never knew I needed to hear.
So without further ado, Allie has asked me to marry her and I said YES a thousand times YES.
So my friends Allie and I are to be married.
We haven’t set the date yet,
That being said we are inviting everyone here around this table to join us on that day.

Instantly a roar of cheers arose from our friends.
Someone began banging their empty glass against the table, this was picked up by the person next to them and the next and so on until an earthquake was eminent.

Still standing I turned to Allie, gathered her into my arms and created a most vulgar display of public affection by the two of us sharing the most erotic kiss we could.
At this the entire pub broke into a cheer.
Needless to say we were the hit of the night and try as we might we couldn’t pay for a single drink during the entire night.

By two am the party had broken up and Allie and I called an Uber to drag our drunken sorry asses back to the dorm.
Making our way to my room we found we were in luck, Paul wasn’t home.
We figured after the party broke up he and Beth were spending the night in her room.

Once in the room Allie wasted no time in ripping the clothes from my body.
I in turn returned the favor.
Although she tried to dodge away from me and I had to chase her around the room.
Each time I got a handhold I ripped another bit of clothing from her body until she was naked and laughing herself silly.
As I closed in on her naked body she had nowhere to go, and I told her so.
“Oh you think so?” She said.
“Yeah.” I said.

With that Allie turned towards the door and unlocked it.
“You wouldn’t dare.” I said.
To prove me wrong she turned the knob and flung open the door.
Without even looking out in the hall she launched herself naked down the hallway.

I was just drunk enough to follow suite.
So here you have a naked girl running down the hall laughing and I running after her my erection at full mast waving back and forth as I chased after her.

Rounding the corner she startled the hell out of a couple returning to their room.
As I rounded the corner they got a double whammy when they saw me naked and at full mast.

The only thing they could do is flatten themselves against the wall as we passed by.
As I passed them I could hear them breaking up in laughter.
Down the stairway we went.
When finally I caught up to her she had made it to the basement laundry room.

Grabbing hold of Allie I picked her up and plopped her butt atop the closest washing machine.
Pulling her legs apart she let out a squeal and fell into a fit of giggles that instantly turned into moans as I buried my face between her legs and feasted on her pussy.

I made a pig of myself as I slobbered all over her pussy and thighs.
Eating her to her first orgasm of the night I stepped away and looked around the room.
Spying cloths line strung above our heads I pulled down a length and began to tie her hands and then tying her bound wrists to a hook above.

Hanging there with just her toes touching the ground I stepped behind her.
A yelp left her lips as my hand came down upon her bottom.
Hit after hit landed on her bottom.
With each one her bottom turned redder and redder, along with my hand print becoming clearer and more defined.

Halting for a moment I reached between her legs and softly ran my fingers across her sex.
As I did so she threw her head back and began shaking on her way to her climax.
This wouldn’t do I thought, to that end I withdrew.
Standing behind her she began begging for relief.
That was not going to happen so quickly I informed her.

Taking another length of clothesline I wrapped one end around her right ankle.
The other end I tossed over a rafter above her head.
Because of her athletic training and flexibility I raised her right leg until it was pointing almost straight up alongside her torso.
This left her pussy wide open and exposed.

Spending a few minutes toying with her pussy teasing it with my fingertips, torturing her clit by touch and withdraw over and over until the sweat poured down her body and her words became gibberish.
Trying to talk only brought forth incoherent sounds from her throat.

Oh shit, is what we heard.
Allie was to far gone for the moment to do anything but have her eyes flutter open.
I turned at the sound only to find the couple we had passed in the hallway standing there watching our play.
For just a moment I was a bit freaked out until I saw the guys hand down his girlfriends pants as he played with her pussy.

Allie was far more resilient, moments after she came around she said Hi to the pair.
Here she was hanging from her wrists, one leg up in the air pussy juice running down her leg.
And she was ready to hold a casual conversation while in this state.

“Um, sorry to interrupt but after you guys passed us in the hallway we just had to see what was going on.
When we found where you had gone we just kind of wanted to watch.
You guys are so hot, I was ready to cum just watching.

When I grabbed my boyfriends hand I wanted to cum so bad I just shoved his hand in my pants.
I couldn’t help it you guys are so hot I needed to cum.
Oh by the way I’m Jill and the guy fingering me is Gary.
Were sorry if we’re bothering you and upset your plans for the evening, so we’ll just leave and no harm done.” Jill said.

“It’s OK, if you guys are cool with it I would like for you two to stay.
Who knows this could be interesting.
What do you think Frank, should they stay and play with us?” Allie said.
“Well, if everyone is on the same page I have no objections.” I said.

“If that’s all settled, I think the two of you are a bit overdressed.
For Jill and Garry the act of getting naked lasted around three seconds.
“Jill, come here and touch me.” Allie said.

With zero reluctance Jill walked over to Allie and began kissing her deeply and with passion.
While this kiss was progressing Jill reached down and began to play with Allie’s body her right hand teasing and tweaking her little tits, pulling and teasing her nipples.
Her other hand drifted down to stroke her pussy.
This returned Allie to her previous state of overwhelmed sex toy.

Looking over at Gary I watched his cock stiffen further while watching this wanton display of lesbian loving.
Motioning Garry closer I knelt at his feet and taking his cock in hand I waited to see if he had any objection with another guy touching his cock.

When I was assured he harbored no hangups with me playing with him.
So it was that I took his cock in hand and feed it to myself.
God I love sucking cock and his was no exception.

I love the feel of a silky smooth cock surrounding the iron bar in the center.
Drawing him deeper into my throat and then pulling back, only to hold still while my tongue rolled around the underside touching the most sensitive spot just below the crown.

Grabbing both of his cheeks I pulled his cock as deeply in my throat as possible.
I liked the feel of his bottom it was strong and solid offering a good grip.
Reaching inward I ran a finger around his little ring.
Followed by slowly working my finger inward.
His response to this was to jam his cock deeper and deeper as he began to fuck my throat.
As much as I loved this and wanted to taste his cum, I had to pull him away or prematurely end this encounter.

Turning back to Allie and Jill I found Jill on her knees eating Allie’s pussy like a woman possessed.
For her part Allie’s head was whipping around as she responded to Jill’s ministrations.

Coming around Allies backside I lubed her bottom with saliva and began working my cock into her bottom.
Once I passed the ring of muscles she opened up and in I went.

Starting slowly I watched her face for any discomfort.
When I was satisfied she was OK I began to hammer her bottom.
All the while Jill did her best to keep contact with Allies pussy.
This wasn’t easy considering the pounding I was administering from the rear.

I could sense Allie was about to cum and cum big time.
Five… four… three… two… one and off she goes!
I was forced to cover her mouth with my hand else she woke the entire dorm.
Her orgasm was a sight to behold.
Jill sat back on her heels with a huge smile across her face that said “Look what I did!” while watching Allie’s face as she came.

“Gary, I think it’s time you made Jill happy.” I said with a grin.
As I was saying this I was removing the binds that held Allie to the rafters and then her wrists.
Allie asked them to wait for a moment.
Taking a towel from the shelf she laid it on the floor and pulled Jill down on top of her in a sixty-nine position.

As they began eating each other Gary moved behind Jill and began to fuck her with long slow strokes.
As he pulled back Allie would lick his cock.
When the time was right I settled in and began turning this into a foursome.
Gary fucking Jill while Jill was being eaten by Allie while Allie was being eaten by Jill while I pounded Allie.

I know it sounded complicated but it worked.
After a few minutes of rest the girls untangled themselves.
Sitting there hugging each other while I grabbed a pair of towels.
Handing one to Gary, we toweled the girls off and wrapped them in the towels while they came back to earth.

A short time later the four of us collected ourselves.
Jill and Gary re dressed while Allie and I wrapped ourselves in the towels.
The four of us now began the trek back up to our rooms after making arrangements to meet later in the week for lunch.

For Jill and Gary this was easy, for Allie and I, not so easy.
On the way down we were so hyped up on sexual energy we felt invulnerable.
On the way up however we looked around every corner, ducked into hallways when we thought others might see us.

We did make it up to my room without being caught only to open the door to find Paul sitting at his desk.
Paul did a classic double take when he saw two naked people enter the room.

That is just before he broke into a gut splitting belly laugh.
Frankly all Allie and I could do is join him laughing.
When he could catch his breath all he could say was,
“Don’t tell me, I don’t think I could stand laughing any harder and risk having a stroke.”


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