Coming Home Part 1 [F4M] step siblings isolating

This isolation has me fucked up. To think my boyfriend is a big enough prick to ask me for a break during this bullshit is enough to have me lunge across the car choke him out. Reviewing the events of the morning, I shake my head and focus my gaze out the window. He looks over at me, “babe don’t be mad. I just think it will just better for both of us if…” I cant listen to this again. “Can you honestly shut the fuck up? You explained several times this morning and while I understand perfectly, I don’t want to hear it again. Just take me the fuck to my mom’s house please.” I don’t usually get this heated but he knows how I feel about being stuck in the same house as my idiot stepdad. “You know, I can’t help but think this is because I stopped giving you blow jobs, it’s like you’ve decided to punish me for it. I *know* you don’t want to break up with me.” I look at him with daggers in my eyes waiting for a response. I’m ready for a fight. “I don’t want to go over this again either Paige. You *withholding blow jobs* because of a video game is just an example of how fucking controlling you can be, and I don’t want to be stuck with you for however long this is going to last! Go to your moms and well figure it out after this is all done.” He pauses. “*Fuck* you can be difficult.” I can feel our anger lingering in the air and even notice a minute twinge of relief when we turn onto my mom’s street. I jump out as soon as he pulls up, open the back to grab my bags and head straight for the door without a word. I hope he gets infected on the way home, leaving me like this. Halfway up the walk I feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket. My jeans are pretty skin-tight and the vibrations feel kinda good, so I let it ring a couple times before grabbing it at the door. It’s my mom, I cut her off before she can speak. “Hey mom, I’m here. I’m literally at the door, will you come open it so I don’t need to find my key?” “Of course, I’ll come down now. The reason I’m calling though is because I wanted to give you a heads up before you got here…Jason’s school was cancelled so he’s coming to stay as well.” Great. More fantastic news. “And why isn’t he staying at his own mom’s house?” I ask directly, ignoring the soft tone in my mother’s voice. “Is he not allowed to stay with his *father* Paige? Come on. I know you’ve had a rough few days but you’re a guest in this house just like he is. He’s younger than you and his university year is up in the air, cut him some slack.” Her soft tone was now one of impatience. “I’ll cut him some slack, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to acknowledge him.” I can hear her on the other side of the door now and she opens it, giving me an unamused look. “Oh and Paige?” I meet her gaze. “Your grandmother’s nurse is needed at the hospital, so she will be staying with us as well. I have given her your old room.”

I can feel my anger building and I grab my bags, loudly shuffling towards my brothers’ room. I can hear her following me. She’s not finished and before she says her next few words I know what she’s going to say. I knew it was a bad idea to change the extra bedroom into an office. I walk into the room and throw my bags down, leaving her at the door. “It might be difficult not to acknowledge him when you two are sharing your brothers’ room. You’re 22 years old Paige and this is getting tiring for everyone. You should be happy you have somewhere to stay, happy that you and your family are safe and healthy. You haven’t even seen Jason in a while, maybe give him the benefit of the doubt so some of us can hope for a moment of peace in all this.” She seems momentarily distracted by something and steps back from the doorway, looking to her left. “Jason! Hey sweetie…welcome home.” She gives him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek and asks how his trip was. Taking his bag she walks it into the room purposefully. “I know you’re a little old for bunk beds but it’s going to have to do for now, since Paige beat you to the real bed. I’m sorry you guys have to share like this, but I think if we all try and embrace the situation it won’t be *too* difficult to adjust. It’s only temporary.” She waits for a response but turns and leaves when she doesn’t get one. Completely unamused I sit on the bed and scroll through my phone. “Hey Paige,” he says unenthusiastically. I can’t help but notice that Jason has grown up since I saw him last, like really grown. I always think of him as that little annoying 13-year-old who used to perv on me and my friends. Thank god he doesn’t look like his dad now. He spends the next few minutes putting his stuff away before stopping and taking his shirt off. He’s not facing me so I take the opportunity to check out how tall he is now, how tight and muscular his back is…He turns quickly, catching me watching him. He faces me in silence and throws on a work-out shirt “I’m going for a run, don’t touch my shit.”

Sitting on the bed I can’t help but feel kind of uneasy. I hate Jason. Just his way gets to me. Why the fuck would I want to touch his stuff? More importantly why was he *changing* in front of me? He might be hot now but he’s obviously still a little perv. As if I want to see that?! I open my computer and turn on Netflix to distract me from my thoughts, laying my head on the pillow to watch. I wake to Jason with his back to me again, airpods blasting – I must have dosed off while he was on his run. He grabs a towel and leaves without so much as looking in my direction. I decide to put my headphones in and press the “still watching” button staying where I am. In another few minutes he re-enters our room, this time with the towel wrapped around his waist, freshly showered and still not looking my way. Following suit I try and keep my eyes laser focused to my laptop. He wouldn’t take the towel off while I’m in the room, would he? I see him put deodorant on out of my periphery and without a moment’s hesitation he drops the towel. Since I have my headphones in I can’t tell if I let out an audible gasp, but either way I can feel my face beginning to redden. Not wanting to draw attention to myself I stay totally still. Out of the corner of my eye I can see his chiselled ass and as he turns slightly I get a good view of his cock. I can’t tell if it’s hard, but its big. WTF is he doing?! After drying himself off he adjusts his shaft and pulls on some grey sweats, running his hand across his waistband, brushing slowly against his tanned skin. I can’t help but notice he’s going commando. And he’s topless. Now he looks in my direction, locking eyes with me. In this moment I realize I forgot to keep looking at the computer screen, fuck. “Sorry Paige” he pauses for a moment, still looking deep into my eyes. “I thought you were asleep.” He says this with slight amusement in his voice, revealing a devilish grin. My face reddens even more and I stay frozen on the bed as he walks out of the room. My thoughts start to spin out when he pops his head back in. “Also, Pagie?” I looked at him. “I was wondering, do you still snore?” What a piece of shit he is. I take a pillow and whip it at the doorframe, but he’s too fast. I storm to the bathroom and lock the door. My heart is racing and I’m fucking PISSED. Who the fuck does that little prick think he is? He knew what he was doing. I’m about to sit to pee when I notice he left his running shorts on the floor of our shared bathroom. Looking closer I see a huge wad of jizz right in the crotch area. I am absolutely infuriated. I pull down my pants and my thong and sit on the toilet. Glancing down briefly I notice my thong looks wet. Stress has always had a way of making me horny, and this situation has been stressing me out big time. Trying not to think about the exchange with Jason I take my index finger and bring it to my pussy lips, which are clearly the source of the wetness. I try to focus on the sensation rather than my anger towards him. I’m dripping wet, but not just that, my slit is radiating heat…now that I’m more aware of it I can feel my clit beginning to swell up and pulsate. I use my fingers to indulge myself, slowly rubbing my perky clit, sliding a finger in to tickle my g spot, intermittently fucking myself with a couple fingers. As I increase the pace I can hear the sounds of my fingers sliding fast and squishing against my hot wet cunt, bringing my other hand to my nipple to help tease myself to climax. I’m getting really close when I hear someone coming; since the kids bedrooms are on their own side of the house, I doubt its anyone but him. Slowing my pace so not to make noise I wait for the footsteps to pass, but they seem to stop at the other side of the door. A few seconds go by, silence. I’m about to stop and get up when he knocks twice. “Hey sis” he says sarcastically, making me almost jump from the toilet seat; I forgot how paper thin the doors were in this house, “It’s dinner time.”


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