A Chance Encounter

The evening was balmy and Scott had opened the windows to let a cool breeze though the flat. He looked out across the night sky down across the lights of the city absentmindedly becoming lost in his thoughts as he brooded in the previous night’s dreams. The thing was he had found himself frustrated that he couldn’t remember the dreams he had woken to and was left grasping to put into context the events of his dream. Most bothersome aspect of his experience was that he had woken with two marks on his neck and they had been an irritation all throughout the day and well into the evening where he had found himself reflecting on the experience and occasionally touching the two marks just below his jawline. The marks hurt yet as he touched them he felt temporary relief much as the cool breeze was a relief from the warm evening.

As he reflected on the dream, he remembered a sexual encounter but it was one that was incomplete, no real beginning and certainly no end either. He sipped a cool drink that he hoped would bring him relief as the evening came on and brought a deeper dark than he was accustomed to. The dark seemed to press in and around and the candles that had been lit swayed with the gentle breeze as it washed into the room. Their flames danced and the shadows played along the walls across the ceiling bringing a new life to the room that had not been there before. As this all occurred, he found himself feeling a heavy sense of dejavu from the other evenings much like this one. 

The sense was a bit overwhelming and Scott found himself stepping back from the balcony and back into his room. The evening had become late and even though the cool breeze was relieving, he felt a need to close the windows up and take himself to bed. He was unsure where this feeling came from but in the back of his mind there was a sense of urgency as he moved from one window to the next securing each window. It had not dawned on him to secure the french doors at the . balcony and that had been his mistake.

As he closed the final window it dawned upon him that he might be in utter danger and as he turned to face the balcony doors there stood a creature. It stood at the door taking in its prey with a hungry look upon its face. For Scott it was paralyzing and he felt unable to move as the creature studied him, taking in his presence as though it were her home that she discovered him in. She was dressed in all black and even her lips and dark hair were black with the only contrast being that of her delicate, pale skin. Just between her full lips were a pair of fangs that seemed to press into her bottom lip just enough to frighten him as well as excite him. 

Her dark eyes slid down his frame, causing him to feel slightly self conscious of her intense gaze. One corner of her lips curved into a smirk as she took a step towards him away from the ajar french doors from which she had entered. She was no longer roving his body, her eyes were focused on the wound that was still aching on Scotts neck. This look brought him out of his paralysis and he reached up to lightly touch the two marks on his neck, a light pressure instantly taking the ache away and Scott barely managed to keep his eyes from closing in relief. 

When he opened them the creature was no longer there and the flat was empty of all trace of her presence, all except for the trail of blood running down his neck. A fresh wound just below the last he found. Scott sluggishly rushed forward, closing the french doors to his balcony and bolting them down much as he had the windows. He staggered to his bed and as he fell to his sheets on his back he felt a sense of relief. That is until the light from the candles danced with fury across the ceiling and there above him appeared the creature, locked in his flat with him…..

Her eyes seemed almost pure black and endless in their depth. They were staring hungrily right into his, and he opened his mouth to make a plea, what he was going to say never escaped his lips as she dipped her head and crushed her lips against his. 

As their lips met, she gently nibbled his bottom one, suckling it and receiving a murmur of pleasure emanating from him. She held him tight to the bed, her hips over the top of his body and she continued to kiss him, she could feel a growing hardness from under his thin briefs. She smiled within and began to slowly move her hips over his as she straddled him. Once again a murmur of pleasure came from him and she pushed herself up, placing her hands on his chest, watching him as she continued to grind against. With an increasing rhythm she moved against him, feeling a terrible hardness that was only separated from the thin cotton of his briefs and her own undergarments. Her black panties were becoming increasingly wet the more she rubbed herself upon him and it was then her turn to slightly moan out as a warm sensation began to move up her back.

She had closed her eyes and when she reopened them, they were immediately drawn to the bite marks upon his neck. Seeing those marks and grinding against him had raised her arousal and she flung herself down, biting into his neck just below the previous marks. She drank deeply from him and could hear him moan with equal measure of both pleasure and pain.

They were chest to chest now and she ran right hand up behind his neck, the palm cradling his head and her fingers curled within his hair. She had taken her fill of blood but now she looked to take more and she blew soothingly upon the wound on his neck, causing it to heal quicker than it should have. She noticed a slight tremor play across his body as she did so and she decided to exhale a cool breath near his ear. He shuddered again while taking in a sharp, deep breath that he then exhaled with as she used her other hand to caress his hair. Diving her fingers through his locks and turning his head slightly to the left.

He thought she was going to drink from him again, an anticipation that was replaced with her instead placing small kisses on his neck. She slowly moved up his neck, kissing him gently and working towards his jawline where she deviated to his ear. She whispered into it, huskily breathing out and causing him to writhe underneath her as she slowly traced the outline of his ear with her tongue. He began to breathe hard as she moved her mouth to his ear lobe, lightly nibbling on it while exhaling through her nose, knowingly arousing him even more.

He felt overwhelmed and breathed out a sigh that signalled his relaxation as well as his complete arousal. He had unconsciously found his hand drifting to her thighs as she continued to straddle him. He ran his hands up her thighs to her hips and with his hands he moved it up her back under the black night gown she was wearing. Feeling his way up her back and pausing to massage his fingers up her spine. His other hand moved around her hip, grasping her behind, squeezing it while pulling her towards him as he gently thrust his hips forward making sure she felt him against her.

She shuddered for a moment, halting her actions as another wave of warmth emanated from between her legs. Resting her forehead in the crux of his neck, she panted deeply and grasping tightly as the sensation washed over her.

Then suddenly she pushed herself up, looking down upon him with a stern look and causing a shock to him. She regarded him for a quick second, then brought herself back down and began to slowly kiss his chest. One kiss another another, some more bite than a kiss, as she moved further and further down his body. As she did so he ran his fingers through her dark hair as she moved further down his body. She came to his belly button and with her right hand brushed lightly against his erection, teasing him. Then with a look of mischief, she grabbed a hold of it and gave it a firm squeeze.

He let out a deep breath as she did so and felt how hard he was in her hand. With both her hands she pulled down his undergarments and grasped him, pulling back and without any hesitation, placing her mouth over his penis. She ran her tongue over his head and could taste the juices that had been building up since she had first begun to grind against him. He shook hard as she did so, an audible inhale coming from him. As she continued to draw him into her mouth, she found herself curious about how wet she had become. Moving her left hand down her body she first felt the dampness upon her panties and then moved her hand underneath them. Guiding her fingers to her clitoris, she felt warm wetness that was on par with his own that she was experiencing in her mouth.

She began to move her fingers vigorously along her clitoris moaning out even though she continued to suck upon his throbbing penis. She paused though pulling him from her mouth as she became caught up with her own efforts. She was then rewarded as he reached over her gown cuping her right breast and instinctively finding her nipple, giving it a gentle squeeze. She breathed out with pleasure as she continued to her fingers between her legs.

Distracted by the pleasure she was experiencing, he felt her hold over him weakened and so with ease he pulled her up and rolled her over. A look of surprise was painted across her face but he didn’t give her time to react as he lifted her gown over her head and then immediately kissed her. He then pulled back and completed his undressing and returned to her spread legs, gently pulling her panties off and tossing them to the floor.

Cradling her head in his hand as he kissed down her neck and firmly moved his hand down her body to grab her and pull them up as he was now grinding onto her. There was no barrier that now existed between them and he continued to rub himself against her clitoris, teasing her. She panted, a cooing breath coming from her as he continued to do so. That is until with a tender thrust, he pushed himself inside of her, causing her eyes to open wide and a look of erotic pleasure to play across her face as she made eye contact with him. The look made him want her even more and he leaned in and passionately kissed her as he began a coursing rhythm that she returned with her own movements matching his.

Her panting seemed to set the pace for him as she went from gentle exhales to quicker breathes. The faster she panted and moaned, he pushed quicker and harder into her, his eyes locked onto hers. Her breasts moved with the cadence and he continued to cup her breast as she grasped his back. Her fingers moved down his back, feeling the valley his muscles created along his spine. Occasionally, she would grasp his behind and squeeze as he continued to move within her.

A striking redness was beginning to spread upon her pale chest and continued to expand up her neck and cheeks. Though she couldn’t see it, she nevertheless felt it as the sensation began slowing building up. Her face had a pleading look and though nothing was spoken between either of them, he knew instinctively knew what she needed. He redoubled his efforts and placed his forehead against hers as he found himself nearing the end. She looked at his eyes and between her heavy breaths, she commanded now. With a heavy sigh he came into her, filling her up. In her moment of ecstasy, she bit down onto the other side of his neck, drawing blood that ran down her chin and his chest as she experienced a powerful orgasm. Her body seized up and she threw back her head gasping for breath as heat washed over her body. From between her legs she felt pulsing waves crash over her and she slowly went limp in his arms as he too shared in her experience.

Sweat beaded upon both of them and he rolled over laying on his back, his heart pounding from the experience. She would have laid on her back too if he hadn’t pulled her over, throwing his arms around her and bringing her into his side. She rested her head on his chest and could hear the throbbing of his beating heart as he continued to experience the echo of an intense orgasm that left them both speechless. Though the reality was that there had been very little spoken words outside of her one command that was less a command and more a plea to give her his seed. His blood still continued to run from the wound she had afflicted him with in the throes of their combined ecstasy. He seemed unaware of it as he laid there continuing to hold her tight. One hand running through her hair and the other resting comfortably at the small of her back. 

She dabbed two of her fingers in the running blood and placed them in her mouth, tasting the mixture of his blood upon her tongue. A different kind of warm soaked in to her and she took a deep relaxing breath as she felt the warmth of his body. Soon she noticed he was fast asleep and gently extricated herself from his arms and left the bed. With but only a thought she found herself fully clothed and though she had met the aim of her goals she still couldn’t help herself hover over him as he lay peacefully there. She reached over and gently covered him with a light blanket as the earlier balmy evening had turned to light chill. Then she ran her hand through his hair staring down at him with an affectionate look upon her face. As she left though a thought of mischief dawned on her and she stopped to stoop down and retrieve the black panties she had earlier worn, turning to place them into his hand. 

With a final gesture she lightly draped her fingers down his bare arm and with determination left the room much a shade as she had arrived.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g474wb/a_chance_encounter

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