My friend [25F] has been fucking her father for years. [MF]

This all took place last fall, pre-quarantine.

I have a good friend who I’ll call “Hannah.” She lives in a townhouse right around the block. She’s a good-looking girl – dark brown curly hair, green eyes, breasts that look like D-cups to me. We’ve been fuck buddies for about a year, and it’s great.

So one weekend, I heard in casual conversation with a mutual friend that Hannah had broken off plans with her because she had some work thing to go to. That was pretty strange, I thought, because Hannah’s car was still outside her house. I’d just passed it on a jog. It wasn’t really like her, and I wondered if everything was okay. So later that evening, I’m walking my dog, and sure enough – there it is, plus another car that I didn’t recognize. Hm!

Hannah and I have a practice of stopping by each others’ houses, since we live so close. My dog-walking route takes me around the corner, where I pass her back door, which I usually use because it’s more accessible than her front. (Ha ha, okay, I know.) So I figured I’d see what’s up. I tie up the dog and go up the steps. I’m about to knock on the door when I see some movement through the window.

What I’m seeing is Hannah’s head bobbing up and down in someone’s lap on her couch. She’s totally naked except for a little black thong (which I recognized), and she’s really putting the work in – she’s stroking him with one hand and bobbing with her mouth, cupping his balls. (I recognized the technique, too.) He’s got one hand buried in her hair.

Of course I stopped to watch for a second! It was pretty hot. She hadn’t told me she was seeing someone new, which was a little annoying, but whatever. I couldn’t see the guy’s face, but I realized he was clearly older, with grayish hair. THAT got me more interested.

So eventually he pulls her up and she’s all giggly as she wriggles her ass and pulls off her thong. He repositions himself on the couch, and… that’s when I saw his face. It was her dad.

I was positive. I’ve met the guy a few times.

My jaw basically dropped to the ground as I watched her get up and straddle him, reaching behind to guide his cock inside her. Then she was riding him, and really giving him a show from the looks of it. She was bouncing and moaning so loud I could hear it through the door, and he smacked her thick ass a couple of times before working her asshole with one finger. This was *clearly* not their first time.

I didn’t wanna make things even weirder than they’d gotten, and definitely didn’t want to be seen, so I scuttle off then to my place.

A few days later, Hannah asks to come over in the way that I know means she wants to fuck. I say sure, but when she’s there, I come clean. I stopped by. I saw what I saw. I just wanted to make sure that, like, she’s okay.

At first, she looked like she was gonna cry, but then she explained that no – she was totally fine. Just embarrassed. She asked if I wanted to know about it, and… yeah, I said I did. Long story short: they’ve been fucking for years. **[Some details redacted here for reddit.]** Her parents split up a long time ago and her mom has no idea about it. She doesn’t think of it like “cheating” on other guys she sees, because it’s her dad, and their relationship is different. There’s a small community of other folks in the area who have similar family “arrangements,” and they all know each other. She said I’d be surprised how many there are – most are dads/daughters, but about a third are moms/sons and a few brothers/sisters.

I found it all really hot and I fucked her after that. I told her to call me Daddy, which she was happy to do, and it was even hotter. I sent her home with a big, hot load inside her. I asked her how I compared to her dad, and she sorta giggled. Apparently I’m better at some things, but her dad “can play me like a harp.”



  1. Revolting! Father grooms his own daughter! My question about this situation is at what age did this start?

  2. That’s quite a bit fucked up. Like when it comes to invest, I can kinda understand the justification for like, a distant cousin, but if it’s like immediate family, blood related that’s where it gets really fucked up and weird.

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