To be clear: I never [F]ucked [M]y stalker

In my early 20s I was a theater actor in my local city. I was in a play with an all male cast so as a straight guy there was no chance for a show-mance there. However, the prop girl was interesting: she had a smoking hot body, super athletic and big boobs. However, she did not have a pretty face and had very outdated 80s hair, but she was definitely intriguing. Let’s call her “Eileen.” She kinda looked like Adam Sandler’s fiancĂ© [Linda]( in The Wedding Singer.

However, I quickly got the sense Eileen was CRAZY. She used to hit on me relentlessly, as well as my friend Jason who was also in the show. It’s one thing to be aggressive, which is wonderful, but she struck me as obsessive. She used to come up behind me and whisper “I would love to give you a full body massage” during rehearsals and stuff like that while I’m trying to focus. It was awkward. And I knew that if I hooked up with her I’d be in deep with a stalker. SPOILER: like the title says, I did not have sex with my stalker.

But Jason did. At the opening night party. I left around 11 to go home (I lived in the suburbs) and the next day before the show Jason bragged about fucking Eileen at the party and then taking her back to his place where they fucked some more. He said it was mostly anal and said she was SO INTO IT. I’m sure she was.

And my instincts were correct. Eileen became obsessed with Jason. He wanted no part of it and ignored her completely during the run, going so far as to change the way he came in and out of the theater to avoid her. I’m guessing she got the hint, because after two weeks she returned to obsessing about me. She talked about how hot it was with Jason but she REALLY wanted me. Because I’m a nice guy who wouldn’t fuck her and then run. Mmm hmm.

Closing week came and I decided to throw a party at my house for the cast, crew, and my friends. Eileen was the first to RSVP. And leading up to the party, I sadly discovered that she was the ONLY one from the show to RSVP. Since I lived in the burbs all my city theater friends had no desire to come out there so they each made up an excuse. So it’ll be me, my good friends from my suburban town… and my stalker.

My friends knew about Eileen by this time and were intrigued to meet her. They all agreed to help me out. We made up a long distance girlfriend for me; her name was Sandra and she lived two states away. I was going to move there in a month to be with her (I was moving soon so that wasn’t a lie). They each had stories about Sandra to share in case it came up.

And it did. Everyone was quick to spot Eileen with the crazy 80s hair who came alone and was drinking HEAVILY. My friends would constantly talk about Sandra, and Eileen seemed to get the hint.

The plan would have worked except for one complication: Niesha. Niesha was a friend from my office. She was dark skinned, petite, and very beautiful. I always considered her a platonic friend, never thinking about hooking up with her. We used to go to movies, talk politics, and hang out, but I never thought of her as someone I’d like to date. And Niesha thought the same way.

Or so I thought. After Eileen did another shot and said something stupid to my friends Niesha pulled me aside and said “take me to your room. Now.” I had a nice buzz going. Plus I had never been with an African-American woman. Sure!

I abandoned my friends, my stalker, and the plan we all meticulously crafted and went to my room. Niesha and I were quickly naked. Within minutes she was moaning in pleasure.

“Ohhhh. I’m so wet.” She was.

“Put your hard dick in me.” I did.

“I wanna ride you.” My pleasure. She got on top and started moaning even louder. I squeezed her perfect small boobs. Each touch of her nipple and she moaned louder.

Suddenly, the door banged open; alas, my bedroom door did not lock.

In burst Eileen. She was drunk, and swayed a bit.

“What… is going on?” Her drunk mind tried to process why the guy she obsessed over, who had a girlfriend, was now naked and under a hot, sweaty African-American woman.

One of the reasons why I enjoyed Niesha as a friend was that she did not suffer fools and took no shit from anyone.

She looked at Eileen with a thousand yard stare.

“We’re fucking,” Niesha said.

“But… he…” I could see Eileen’s gears turning.

“Get out. Now!” Niesha barked at her. Eileen got the hint and left. Niesha was a bit thrown off but she quickly recovered and we continued.

I’d like to lie and say it was a hot, sexy, fun-filled evening. I’d like to talk about how I made her cum over and over again, and then finally I splashed my hot white cum on her perky, hard black tits. But I’m not gonna lie… after about 10 minutes I passed out. Yep. Niesha confirmed it a week later that while she was riding me I stopped thrusting and started snoring. At least my 22-year-old dick stayed hard. Niesha was not impressed and left.

The next morning I went to the kitchen for some water. My housemate Dave was drinking coffee and staring angrily at me. I couldn’t blame him; I roped my friends into a plan and then ruined it, abandoning them with my stalker.

“Sorry about last night. At least it’s over.” I said.

Dave shook his head. “She’s still here. I woke up and she was on the floor in the corner. I immediately grabbed my dick to check if I hooked up with her. I didn’t. Dodged that bullet.”

So my stalker was still in the house. And from what we later figured out she had puked, got some on her shirt, and then took one of Dave’s shirts.

It was Sunday and we still had one more show! And wouldn’t you know that Eileen didn’t have a car and this was before the days of Uber (I’m not sure how she got to my house) so I had to awkwardly drive her back to the theater for the final matinee performance.

We didn’t speak much on the drive. But I did stop the car twice so she could open the door and puke.

As for me and Niesha, we hooked up one more time but both of us realized the chemistry wasn’t there. We’ve remained distant friends to this day. I will never forget her righteous and angry “We’re fucking.”

And I never saw Eileen again.
