Every once in a while, somebody new comes to church. Often they are the visiting relatives of one of the flock. Unwittingly invited in order to be flaunted before the rest of us. Even before you are told, you can always tell if they are from the city. City people often came across as more impatient and lost in their own thoughts. Everything they do seems out of touch even they are being very sincere. Right to how they clap to the hymns, slightly off tune, slightly louder, slightly forced.
My eyes searched frantically in the direction of the disharmony and settled on a curious girl. She wore a black dress that was too tight around her back making her appear to have lumps like a camel. I liked that. It was cute in her but I’m not sure it would be cute on other girls. It was the perfect fat-to-tightness ratio. No two chubby people are ever chubby in the same exact way. The way her dress cling to her back was like a signature. And I knew I’d keep thinking about her for a while because she was new and because her camel back had imprinted her on my mind. I needed to know who she was.
After the mass came the socializing. I hated this part the most. It was filled with meaningless conversations and so much interaction which drained me. My strategy was always to make it seem like I had to rush back home and perhaps look for someone I liked who I could walk homeward with. I saw my cousin Janet at the gate and quickly walked to her.
“Hi”, she greeted me as I approached her. She was looking past me as in search of someone.
“Hi”,I answered, relief written on my face. “ Heading home ?”
“Yea, have you seen Rebs ?”
“No, she’s probably with your mom and dad” I said.
“She has the keys, let me go find her. By the way, this is Maryanne. Keep her company, I’ll be right back”
I turned to find camel girl looking at me.
I caught my breathe. In a nanosecond, I had taken her all in. She stood on one foot with the other one tucked behind with the tip of her boot digging into the grass.Her boots were stylish, leather and black. Her hands wrapped together behind her. I was acutely aware of her presence like you are when you see a policeman.
“Hi”, I said and was surprised by how meek I sounded.
“Hey” she said nonchalantly, almost bored. I felt wounded, then annoyed with myself for feeling that way and then annoyed at her for making me feel that way. I wanted to punish her for that but more urgently, I wanted to repair my esteem.
“You don’t have a cigarette do you ?”
“Here” she said. Digging her hands into her bag and pulling one out. I paused. “Oh sorry, here’s a lighter too” she said a few seconds later, probably mistaking my hesitation for indignation that she would offer me a cigarette without a lighter. I took them both in a smooth and cool manner, said thanks and slowly walked behind a big SUV’s that was parked nearby.
I had never smoked before and hadn’t expect her to have a cigarette. I thought to myself that she would probably be able to tell if I didn’t smoke it so I decided to light it, take a few puffs then throw it away and go back to her. I light it, took a puff and leaned on the car.
A few moments later, I heard Janet’s voice. “He just left you here ? I specifically asked him to keep you company!” She boomed.
“He just went over there to have a cigarette”
“What ?! He’s smoking ?” said Rebecca.
I threw the half burnt cigarette down, stepped on it and started back. The last thing I wanted was for a rumor to spread around that I was smoking, much less at church. My mother would kill me.
I pretended not to have heard them. “Smoking Brian ? Here if all places ?” Rebecca asked.
“Who snitched ?” I asked turning slightly to Maryanne with a half-serious, half-smirking look. Her eyes were full of curiosity and pity at having sold me out.
“And when did you start smoking anyway?” asked Janet. I turned visibly pink.
“Let’s just head home” I said and turned around.
Everyone followed along and we were soon walking side by side down the road. The midday sun was hot but not scorching. It had rained heavily the night before and the air smelled fresh and rural. It was partially cloudy and the hot sun was interspersed with tepid, dull moments. Rebecca and Janet were gossiping to Maryanne who was furthest to my left, about the cute boys at church. Maryanne seemed disinterested which made me feel good. I hated myself for feeling that way but I couldn’t help it. She had her hands tucked in her dress’ pockets and listened with mock sincerity, walking slowly as if being in the country meant you had all the time in the world to get where you needed to. She knew, we all knew,that Janet was only speaking about the boys for her own benefit but she played along anyway. Rebecca seemed genuinely interested in the conversation especially when they talked about Mike whom she had a crush on. Mike however, liked Janet, who wasn’t sure if she liked him and had no idea Rebecca did.
My house was the first we came by. I wanted to keep going but I didn’t want to seem too eager to hang out with Maryanne.
“Catch you guys later” I said curtly with a wave to no one in particular and turned into the path toward the gate.
“Hey can I use your bathroom” asked Maryanne. Before I could answer they had all started making their way up the path.
“Yea sure”, I answered.
They picked up the conversation where they had left off as they walked a few paces behind me.
I got to the front door and inserted my key but the door swung open. My mom opened the door and beamed when she saw her nieces.
“Hi girls” she called out cheerfully. “James why do you smell like cigarettes ?” She turned towards me sharply. The laughter in her eyes that was there seconds before had vanished.
“It was me” said Maryanne. “I had borrowed his jacket” Mom never scolded anyone else’s children. “Oh.. alright” she said. “Come in girls, you’re having lunch with us” she told them. “Who’s you’re new friend?”
We all followed mom into the house as Janet made the introductions. “Bathroom’s that way” I said half turning to Maryanne then stalking off to my room upstairs. I removed the jacket and put on a hoodie then sprayed some deodorant on myself. Partly to hide the smell of cigarettes and partly for Maryanne’s benefit. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and wished I was Mike. All of a sudden I was worried my mum might say something embarrassing about me while I was away so I rushed back downstairs.
As I got to the bottom of the stairs, Maryanne emerged from the bathroom and we walked into the kitchen together. My mom who was busy talking to Rebecca and Janet as she laid the table looked up then gave me a scandalous smile. I realised she must have thought it a bit suspicious that we walked in together like that but she was always looking for any excuse to insinuate such things.
Maryanne and I sat at the table and once again I felt acutely aware of her. I thought I ought to avert any awkward silences.
“Thanks for saving my ass, she would have been furious”
“You’re welcome” she said and smiled. “What made you pick today of all days to start smoking ?” She asked candidly
I turned visibly pink. I considered lying but I couldn’t think what exactly to say.
“When did you start smoking ?” I answered in remonstrance.
“I don’t, kept them for a friend and she never took them back. I actually forgot I had them until you asked me for one.”
“That went so horribly wrong, is this what they mean when they say cigarettes can ruin you’re life ?” I retorted.
She chuckled heartily and I laughed a bit too. Mum surreptitiously glanced towards me mid-sentence then continued her conversation.
I really liked how she had laughed. I liked it more that she laughed because of me, because of something I had said. I asked her where she was from and how she knew Janet and Rebecca. Mom seemed to be stalling her conversation in order to give me more time to talk with Maryanne. To avoid sounding like a detective doing cross examination I told her some things about me. We talked for a good half hour before mum finally served the food. We said grace and Mum asked Maryanne the routine questions as we ate.
After lunch, the girls stayed for a while then left. I went to my room to do nothing in particular and to think about Maryanne.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g0v18x/maryanne_part_1_a_girl_from_the_city