Daughter Discipline Chapter 3 OC ff mother (adult)daughter


Once again, thank you so much to everyone for their support and feedback on my first two posts! This is Chapter 3 of X of my story Daughter Discipline. The story is entirely fictional and involves adults, blackmail, inc(mother/(adult)daughter), semi-nc, public.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Chapter 3

Felicia began driving back toward their house but changed direction along the way heading toward downtown. They pulled into the parking lot of a mini-mall Susie had driven by countless times but never shopped at, she had always found it a little rundown.

Set independently of the storefronts was a coffeehouse. Felicia put the car in park and said, “Let’s grab a latte. We need to talk.”

Susie looked around as she followed her mother into a place called Coffee and Calm. Dark wood panelling gave the place a basement bar feel. At this time of the day the coffeehouse was mostly empty with just an employee behind the counter, a pale curly haired college kid playing an acoustic guitar and a woman sitting at a table who appeared to be the musician’s girlfriend.

Although Susie had never been there Felicia had frequented the place usually on the way to or from work. Her main reason for liking it, it was never busy. “Go grab that table in the corner I’ll get our drinks,” Felicia said.

Susie did as instructed while her mother went to the cashier. Felicia looked at the woman who was behind a pastry case. The woman was in her forties, Felicia had pegged her as the owner. She wondered for a moment if this place was just a hobby for the woman or was it counted on for a livelihood.

Felicia ordered an iced latte for Susie and herself. While Felicia waited, she reached into her purse and felt for a pill bottle. She took her hand out of the purse when the barista came back with two cups.

After paying with her phone Felicia took the two cups to a counter with sweeteners and other add-ons. She placed the cups down and made a point grabbing a yellow sweetener packet and opening it. She looked at Susie, busy looking down at the table arms crossed, obviously cold. Felicia grabbed the bottle from her purse and emptied the contents into one of the cups. She placed bottle back in her purse then took the cups to the table.

Felicia walked toward her daughter, as she moved across the floor she noticed the guitar player looking at her for a split second then back at the girlfriend. She put one of the lattes in front of Susie and sat down across from her daughter. “Thank you mommy,” Susie said quietly not sure how to address her mother.

Felicia smiled at her daughter, impressed with herself on how quickly she had turned her daughter’s behavior around. She took a drink of her latte as she cautioned herself that she still had a lot of work to do. “I love how they make lattes here, loaded with vanilla. Usually it settles on the bottom though,” Felicia said smiling.

Susie took a sip and gave a puzzled look, tasting only a hint of vanilla. Felicia caught her look and was ready, “Oh, take a bigger drink it’s settling.”

Susie did as she was ordered and seemed to disregard the lack of vanilla this time. Felicia had put twice as much of Randy’s powder in her daughter’s drink as she had in the mimosas earlier in the morning.

“I know this adjustment has been tough for you Susie,” Felicia said largely trying to bide time while her daughter drank and the concoction took effect.

“So,” she continued. “Since you’ve mostly behaved today we’re going to take a little break.”

Susie took a drink of her latte and wondered if her mother was trying to trick her into misbehaving. “Soooo do you have any questions about what’s going on?” Felicia asked.

Susie felt herself beginning to relax finally, just a bit. The question came quickly, “How long are you going to do this to me?”

Felicia had been waiting for the question and had the answer ready, “That really depends on you. The better you behave, the sooner I’ll have faith in you making the right decision.”

“Days, weeks, months?” Susie asked nervously then taking another drink of her latte.

Felicia let her daughter’s interruption go as she answered and noticed the laced drink was about half done, “Well I don’t see it being a day where we announce it being ‘done’. I think we’ll just notice one day that you and I will have been on the same page and disciplining you and correction won’t be an issue.”

Susie tried to absorb the answer, it seemed like double-talk to her but it was fine, her mother was finally beginning to act normal for the first time since this had all begun. She took a breath then a gulp of her latte and then asked, “What about Brad?”

Brad Mitchell, the boy that Susie was with the previous day that had started her roller coaster ride. Felicia took a measured drink of her latte then answered, “Leave him alone for now, his mother threatened to have you arrested.”

Susie felt a chill, they had talked about it earlier but now it felt real. “Besides,” Felicia continued, “It’s not like the two of you were going to go by a house in the suburbs and have three kids and a dog.”

Susie laughed out loud at the comment. Her mother was right, it wasn’t serious with Brad and now she wondered why she had even asked. Susie didn’t wonder for long, the vision of Brad railing the previous day made had jumped into her head and her mouth went dry. She was horny and the last eighteen hours with her mother had her on the edge.

“Anything else?” Felicia asked.

“No, I guess not,” Susie answered finishing her drink. She thought the latte was good, not great. Susie didn’t know if it was the nice conversation with her mom, the adrenaline crash from the park restroom or the latte but she could feel herself just being happy now. So relaxed.

“So, break’s over,” Felicia said pleasantly enough. She reached into her purse and pulled out Susie’s phone and a newer phone of the same model. “Your phone,” Felicia said placing directly in front of herself out of Susie’s reach without stretching.

Susie let out a shriek of glee at the site of the possession that had pretty much become a part of her body in recent years. She fought the urge to grab it and see what that the creepy military guy had done to it.

Felicia waited to get her daughter’s attention again, “Your phone has been ‘Twinned’.”

As Felicia expected Susie gave a blank look, not knowing what the term meant. She continued, “What that means is every time you send a text, take a pic, make a call, post something to social media, or anything else on your phone it will show up here.” Felicia held up the new phone.

Susie thought about the consequences of what her mother had just said and realized she was technologically lockedown. “On the bright side, you get your phone back,” Felicia concluded, handing the phone to her daughter.

Susie unlocked her phone and noticed immediately that she had fifty-three texts she hadn’t read. “You have a bunch of texts from your friends,” Felicia said.

“Look at me,” Felicia commanded. Susie being scared of her mother’s tone looked up quickly. “You have two minutes to reply to everyone with the truth.”

Susie froze at the thought of the ‘truth.’ What did ‘truth’ mean? ‘Sorry I haven’t been able to get back to you but my mother has been humiliating me and to be honest I don’t know how I feel about it.’

Felicia as if sensing her daughter’s dilemma said, “‘Hey I got in trouble with my mother and lost my phone privileges for a while. She let me explain to everyone but that’s it. I’ll talk to you later.’ Something like that, but dumb it down for your friends.”

Susie was thankful for the help on the phrasing and began to reply. Felicia held up the twinned phone and said, “Needless to say, if you deviate I’ll know.”

“Yes, mommy,” Susie giggled as she typed on her phone. She could really feel herself starting relax, her mom was being so nice. When she was done with the replies Susie fought the urge to get caught up on Instagram and instead placed the phone on the table and looked at her mother.

Felicia smiled at her daughter, the girl at times had great instincts. She reached into her purse and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Susie. “Put this in your purse,” she directed.

Susie was puzzled but took the bill and placed it in her purse as instructed. She smiled at her Felicia.

“Okay, so take your purse and your phone and go to the restroom,” Felicia said looking at the time on her own phone. “Let me know when you’re in there.”

The blood drained from Susie’s face. The word ‘restroom’ had her envisioning another spanking session.

Felicia saw the look on her daughters face and reached for Susie’s hand. “No, No nothing like that,” she soothed.

Susie let out a gasp of relief. “There’s only so many places where a girl can have her privacy,” Felicia said.

Felicia’s daughter laughed as she gathered up her phone and purse then stood. She giggled, loud enough for the musician’s girlfriend to look over. “Where is it?” Susie asked.

“In the corner by the stage,” Felicia answered. “Text me when you’re in there.”

Susie giggled at the idea of texting her mother after a forty foot walk. Felicia watched as Susie walked in front of the stage on the way to the restroom between the guitar player and her girlfriend. Although her back was to Felicia, she could see the woman’s gaze follow her daughter. Susie disappeared into a hallway.

Susie entered the single person restroom and locked the door behind her. Unlike the park this room was almost nice. With the pictures on the wall and hand lotion on the sink, it definitely had a woman’s touch. Susie unlocked her phone and texted her mother, “Here.”

MOM: Take off your dress.

Susie put her purse on the door knob and placed her phone on a table next to the sink. Sticking her thumbs inside the top of her dress she pushed her dress down and stepped out of the garment then picked it up and balanced it on her purse. She grabbed her phone.


MOM: Proof?

Susie pointed her phone at her purse and dress on the door knob took a pic and sent it to her mom.

MOM: Brat

MOM: Better proof!

Susie laughed at being called a brat then turned red as she understood what she was being told to do. She tried to compose herself as she looked in the mirror. She ran her fingers through her hair then covered her breasts with one arm, her nipples were almost aching in excitement. Susie absently bit her lower lip as she snapped a picture of her reflection then sent it to her mother.

MOM: That’s better. Now use the mirror to take a pic of that slutty ass of yours and your smiling face at the same time.

Susie felt a rush with her mom using the term, ‘slutty’. She thought about how to set up the pic that she was being order to take. It took a moment for her to realize the set up; over the shoulder face in the foreground ass reflected in the mirror. Susie tried for the ‘perfect’ picture. For reasons she couldn’t understand she wanted praise from her mother. She finally settled on the fifth attempt and sent it.

MOM: Take it again. I either want a smile or a pouty face. Actually send me one of each.

Susie recreated the pose and did her best ‘duck-lip’ pout then sent it. She followed with an attempt at a smile but kept turning into a giggle. She sent one of the attempts and expected a reply to try again.

MOM: Very nice! You have such a beautiful smile!

SUSIE: Thanks Mommy!

MOM: Now find a way to get your pussy and face into the same picture.

Susie thought for a moment wondering how to capture the pic, finally deciding on stepping on the commode then reaching down and taking a shot upward. After numerous attempts she landed the right shot and sent the photo.

MOM: Good.

Susie was disappointed with her moms luke warm response

At the table Felicia looked at the pic of her daughter’s cunt. She could see the swelling of her daughters clit. Susie was wanton to say the least.

MOM: Next task. Get yourself together. Look through your purse and find something to drop on the ground.

Susie felt a subconscious breeze of frustration at having to get dressed. She grabbed her dress and looked at herself naked in the mirror one last time before getting dressed.

Rifling through her purse she found a tube of chapstick that she could take or leave.


MOM: Proof?

Susie smiled and took a picture of herself in the mirror holding the chapstick. She sent the picture.

MOM: Beautiful!

Susie beamed with pride at her mother’s text.

MOM: Okay, next walk out of the of the restroom and drop the chapstick to your left. Turn and bend down at the waist to pick it up. Give the guitar player a chance for a show. You gave GI Charlie a view without trying, think you can do it for the college kid?

Susie giggled and felt herself blush. She couldn’t understand why she was reacting this way, but she didn’t mind feeling slutty right now.

SUSIE: Yes mommy

MOM: After you pick up your chapstick turn and walk out of the hallway. Put the twenty dollars I gave you in his tip jar. Position yourself between the guitar player and that woman sitting up close. Bend over again so the musician can see down your dress and the woman gets a view too.

MOM: Make sense?

Susie read the texts carefully and wanted to say, ‘Mom are you fucking crazy? That bitch will kill me!’ Instead she texted.

SUSIE: Yes mommy

Susie grabbed her purse, took a deep breath and walked out. The chapstick made a clicking sound as it fell. With her back to the musician she bent over to pick it up. Susie felt cold air on the lower parts of her ass. She counted to three then picked up the tube and straightened up. She turned around to see the musician staring at her frozen in mid-strum. Susie smiled at him as he began playing again.

She walked out of the hallway and around the tiny stage to the tip jar. Reaching into her purse she fumbled with and unintentionally dropped the bill. Susie feeling brave bent over at the waist like she had in the hallway. She picked up the bill and looked at the musician as she straightened up. Susie placed the money in the jar.

“Thank you!” the musician said. Susie smiled at the man and turned to walk to their table. Catching a look at the woman, Susie saw a bewildered expression.

Susie tried not run from the stage in embarrassment. As she came to the table she noticed that her mom had switched seats so Susie would be facing the musician.

Susie sat down almost out of breath with the excitement. Felicia smiled at Susie amused as she watched her daughter try to collect herself.

“You’ve made quite an impression,” Felicia said her smile vanishing and the tone of her voice serious.

At the sound of her mother’s voice Susie straightened up and tried to be serious. Felicia continued, “Sending slutty pictures to your mother. Flaunting your body around like a groupie trying to get back stage.”

Susie was confused and could feel panic begin to build. “I did what you asked me to do mommy,” she said not wanting to upset her mother.

“I’m aware, you did everything I asked to a ‘T’ and quickly,” Felicia answered. She wondered if her daughter understood what she meant; Susie was falling into line.

Susie stayed silent not knowing how to answer or what to say.

Felicia looked over at the musician. The man looked over at them then scanned away to the only other customer. She instructed her daughter, “Point your body toward the stage but keep looking at me.”

Susie did as instructed rotating herself in the chair keeping her knees together. “Spread your legs apart,” Felicia instructed.

Ignoring every single lesson about proper dress wearing behavior she had received since seven years old Susie opened her legs exposing her pussy to anyone that wanted a look. She tried unsuccessfully to suppress a gasp of exasperation.

Felicia ignored her daughter’s compliance. “I’m going to give you a pre-paid credit card. There’s a store on the other end of the parking lot. It’s called ‘Killa’ Diva’ it has that god awful purple and grey sign.” Felicia rolled her eyes as she pronounced the name. Felicia stopped talking as she saw Susie lose eye contact. She followed her daughter’s gaze.

Susie glanced away from her mom for a second as she finally looked toward the stage to see other woman walking from the restroom hallway. The musician gestured with his chin toward Susie. The woman looked at Susie covering her mouth that had opened in shock then turned to a smile as she looked back at the musician.

Susie closed her legs reflexively but felt a firm hand on her knee. She looked up to see her mother giving her an icy stare. Susie separated her knees again.

Felicia ran her nails over her daughter’s knee lightly, she could feel the goosebumps form on her daughters skin. “As I was saying, I want you to go to … ‘Killa’ Diva’ and buy some panty and bra sets. The senior citizen center, Amish school girl thing you have going on isn’t working.

Susie focused hard on her mother’s words, trying to ignore what her body was doing as she put herself on display. “Okay mommy,” she answered, her moms words embarrassing her but somehow the demeaning words adding to the arousal she was feeling.

“I’m going to stay here and finish my latte and then I will meet you at the car. Do you understand?”

“Yes mommy.”

Felicia handed the card to Susie. “Try not to get ravaged by that couple when you walk out,” she said nodding toward the stage.

Susie chuckled nervously as she placed the card in her purse and stood up and walked toward the door. “Send me some pictures from the changing room,” Felicia said as her daughter walked past her.

As Susie walked toward the door the musician looked at her intently. Too embarrassed to look at him or the woman he was with Susie kept her eyes straight ahead.

When Susie reached the door she heard the musician say, “Thanks for coming!” Then A split second later a female voice, “And the show!”

Susie walked across the parking lot toward the store entrance. Not a heel person, the pumps that her mother had picked out for earlier in the morning had started to take a toll.

As she got closer to the Killa’ Divas she read on the sign in smaller text,’Dancewear, Lingerie and Accessories’. She looked in the windows and saw mannequins dressed glittery skimpy swimsuits and black leather.

Susie walked into the store and was immediately overwhelmed by the scent of lavender. In front of her were a maze of circular clothes racks and tables. All loaded with clothes.

The place was empty with the exception of two African American women who appeared to be employees. One sat behind a cash register that stood over some glass display cases. She was studying a textbook and only looked up slightly at the sound of Susie walking in.

The other woman was younger and organizing shoe boxes at a table. At seeing Susie enter she stopped what she was doing and said, “Welcome to Diva’s where you’ll be Divalicious in no time!”

Susie gave a startled reaction to the greeting and said, “Uhh thank you…?”

The woman who had straight and wore it down to her neck smiled, “Sorry, were required to do the greeting. Is there something I can help you find?”

“I’m just looking for a couple bra and panty sets. To wear under clothes not… too… uh…” Susie stumbled for the right word.

“Not Performance wear,” the woman provided the term Susie needed. “What you’re looking for is against that wall,” she pointed to her right.

Susie looked in that direction and said,”Thank you.”

“No problem at all,” the woman said cheerfully. “Let me know if you need to try anything on.”

Susie had been looking at a rainbow of undergarments for about three minutes when her phone pulsed. She looked down to see a text:

MOM: Progress?

Susie replied with a picture of the rows of underwear and the text:

SUSIE: Lot of choices

She pulled a pair of black boy-shorts panties that caught her eye and took a picture. She sent the picture to her mother followed with a text:


Felicia’s response was quick:

MOM: Too much material. Look for a G-string and bra set.

Susie walked further down the wall and found a black panty with a string of rhinestones that formed a ‘T’ in back. On a rod above the panties were matching bras.

She took the g-string and a bra and positioned them next to each other on a table covered with cellophane wrapped stockings. She took a pic of the garments and sent it to her mom with a text:

MOM: Try them on and show me how they fit.

Although Susie was still light headed she knew this was coming, pictures of her trying on lingerie. She walked to a corner of the store where a bank of four changing stalls stood. Susie attempted to use the closest stall but found it locked. She turned to look for the woman who greeted her when she entered and found the woman only feet behind her.

“Need to try something on?” The woman said with a smile that seemed genuine.

“Oh!” Susie said mildly surprised. “Yes,” holding up the bra and panties.

“Two items,” the woman whose name tag read ‘Toni’ said. She pulled a key on an elastic wrist band and unlocked the door.

Susie walked in the stall and placed her purse and the garments on a bench that was built into the wall. “Let me know if you need anything else,” Toni said.

“Thank you,” Susie answered closing the door.

She pushed her dress down and stood in the stall, naked for a moment then grabbed the g-string. She put it on quickly. Susie had worn a thong on occasion but never something this skimpy. She pulled the cheeks of her ass apart slightly to get the string to the right location. She then reached into the crotch of the g-string and tried to pull the fabric over the lips of her pussy. Susie looked at her crotch, a black satin triangle with tufts of lighter hair sticking out of all sides.

Susie picked up the bra and confirmed the size: ‘32C’. She wrapped the bra around her torso with the hooks in front. She fastened the bra then rotated the clasp to the back. After poking her arms through the shoulder straps Susie felt her breasts overly constricted. “Shit!” Susie said, annoyed as she was every time tried to buy a bra.

“Is there something I can help with?” Toni asked on the other side of the door.

Surprised once again Susie said, “Well, this bra’s not fitting right.” She looked at her chest in the mirror, her tits touching each other almost in pain. She said finally, I’m guessing I need a larger cup size.”

“Okay, I can get you a different size what do you need?” Toni asked making eye contact over the stall door.

“I guess 32D,” Susie said exasperated.

The employee opened the door to the changing room, getting a full view of Susie clad only in a black G-string, bra, and pumps. With everything Susie had been through in the last twenty-four hours Susie did not bother to cover herself, instead turning slightly to face the black woman.

“I’m sorry but you are not a D cup,” the woman said. “Lemme see?” She held out her hand. Susie took a look at the woman in front of her. She was light skinned and thin to the point of skinny. Her black hair was straightened and had a tint of red dyed into it.

Susie reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She pulled it off and handed it to the woman. As she handed the bra to Toni Susie placed her hands over her erect nipples. “Put your hands down for a second,” the woman said.

Susie did as instructed and let the employee look at her breasts. The act of being made to present her in front of a complete stranger made her breath quicken. “Yeah, this is the right size,” the woman said definitively. She fidgeted with the straps and bent the underwire a touch.

“Let’s try it now,” the woman stepped into the changing room with Susie so they inches apart.

“Umm,” Susie tried to interject.

“You can call me Toni or T,” the woman said ignoring Susie’s confusion. “Turn around,” the woman instructed making a rotating motion with her index finger.

Susie turned around so her back was to the employee and they were both facing the mirror. In the reflection Susie saw Toni step back and look down at her ass ‘covered’ by a single black string and a few fake diamonds.

After a moment Toni cleared her throat and said, “Okay.” She held the bra in front of Susie by the straps.

Susie stuck her arms though the straps and let the employee fasten the clasps in back. Already, Susie could tell that the garment fit better. She was about to adjust it slightly when she saw one of Toni’s hands stretch left side of the bra out slightly and her other hand grab Susie’s entire bare breast. Susie gasped as woman’s warm hand sent a rush through her whole body. Toni lifted her tit up to better sit in the bra cup.

Before Susie could protest Toni did the same thing with her other breast. When she was done Susie’s creamy white breasts formed more cleavage than she had ever seen on her own chest.

Toni looked over Susie’s shoulder into the mirror at the customer’s reflection. She felt the sides of Susie’s bra covered breasts with the back of her hands. “Black definitely looks good on you. Your skin and shape really pop in this,” she said.

Susie’s with her mouth completely dry and whispered, “Thank you.”

“So what I did with the bra to make it fit right is,… You know what? It would be easier to explain if I showed you in our three way mirror. Let me show you,” Toni put her hand on Susie’s hip, her index finger resting on the waste band of the panties. She opened changing room door and lightly nudged Susie out.

Susie felt as though she was almost outside of her own body as she allowed herself to be lead into the general store area wearing almost no clothes. She was led to the center of the of the changing rooms where three mirrors were position in a half hexagon shape.

Susie began to feel lightheaded as Toni started explaining something about straps and position the words lost on her in an erotic haze. Toni’s hands ran lightly over Susie’s breasts pinching them lightly as part of her explanation. She placed her hand partially between Susie’s ass cheeks and positioned toward a side mirror, “… and so you see here…”

Toni pulled at the g-string and bra lightly as she looked at the customer’s reflection and said, “So should I ring these up?”

Susie came back to reality. “… Yeah I need to get someone else’s opinion,” Susie said making her way back to the changing stall. She grabbed her phone and faced the mirror.

“Taking a picture? Here,” Toni said smiling and holding out her hand.

Susie thought for a moment then handed the phone to the woman. She noticed a college graduation ring on her hand for the first time, a purple stone in center with a gold Greek letter on top of it. Susie stood and waited for Toni to take the picture.

“Babygirl!” Toni said laughing, “Smile it’s not a mugshot!”

Susie smiled at the nickname. “There you go,” Toni said encouragingly but continued to direct, “Put your foot on the bench like your about to climb on top of it.”

Susie did as instructed and realized she was showing more between her legs than she wanted to. “Stay right there,” Toni said and stepped closer to Susie. “Let me fix this,” Toni reached down to the g-string and pulled it out from the folds of Susie’s cunt. Susie closed her eyes as she felt the other woman’s hand brush against her soaking wet clit.

“Okay perfect,” Toni said stepping back. She looked Susie in the eyes as she licked her fingers. Susie swallowed hard as Toni took the picture.

Susie took her foot off the bench and held her hand out for the phone. “No, no. We need the back too. Anybody that see’s the first picture is going to want to see that fine ass of yours,” Toni said.

Susie’s entire body blushed as she turned her back to Toni and waited. “Stick your butt out a little,” The woman said. Susie complied and Toni soaked in the full milky white ass of the woman in front of her. Susie heard the camera sound from her phone.

“So nice,” Toni said under her breath but loud enough for Susie to hear.

She handed the phone back to Susie. She closed the door of the stall and took a breath as she sat on the bench. She looked at the pictures on her phone and felt her arousal grow again. The front pic, the look on her face one of complete lust. The back view, she was embarrassed how big her ass was but couldn’t take her attention off of the black string disappearing completely between her ass cheeks. Susie sent the two pictures to her mother followed by the text:


Seconds later:

MOM: Very nice!

MOM: No selfie? Someone find a friend?

SUSIE: An employee took the pictures. She’s been really handsy, touching me everywhere. It’s humiliating.

MOM: Be polite, but don’t act like a slut.

MOM: Definitely buy the black set. Also ask if they have the same style but in pink.

Susie cringed. She hated pink and how pink looked on her. Her mother knew that and the suggestion of pink was nothing more than an attempt to degrade her.

She looked over at the black woman on the other side changing room door. “I’ll take this set,” Susie said.

“Great! Saves me the pain of forcing you to buy them. I wasn’t going to let walk out of here without getting them. You look too good,” Toni said smiling causing Susie to blush again. “I’ll set them aside,” Toni said holding out her hand.

Susie unhooked the bra and handed it to her. She started to take the panties off but stopped. Feeling demeaned she asked, “Do you have this style in pink?”

Toni raised her eyebrows and smiled, “Pink? I’ll take a look, we should have something.” Toni kept her hand out waiting for the panties.

Susie pulled the G-string down, the crotch of the garment soaked and peeled off her pussy. A feeling of fear and utter disgust with herself ran through her body as she stepped out of the panties and handed them to Toni.

Toni took the panties and rubbed the wet crotch between her fingers. She acknowledged nothing as she said,”Stay right there, let me see what we have in pink.”

Susie stood there naked waiting, she thought about putting her dress back on for a moment but thought it pointless.

Toni came back smiling with two small pink wads of material. “I found these, they’re pretty close to what you are looking for.”

She stepped into the changing stall without asking and repeated the process of fitting the garments and fondling Susie in the process.

When she was done Toni looked at Susie’s reflection in the mirror. What there were of the pink bra and g-string was largely see-through. “Nice,” Toni said with emphasis.

Susie chest heaved in and out slowly a reaction to Toni’s manipulations. She looked at herself in the mirror and said, “I look like Strawberry Shortcake if she were a streetwalker.”

Toni giggled and squeezed Susie’s ass lightly with one hand. “I’m guessing you need someone’s opinion?” She asked holding her hand out for the phone.

Susie completed the same poses as before the sultry smile coming a little easier now. She texted the pics to her mother who responded quickly.

MOM: Adorable! Yes! Buy those!
MOM: Now try on…

An hour had passed in Killa’ Divas and it had been sheer torture for Susie. She was taking off a black bustier with breast cut out when a text came.

MOM: Ehh. Maybe next time.
MOM: Have them ring up the rest of the things and let’s go.
MOM: Oh! Wear the pink panties out of the store.

‘Next time?” Susie’s pulse quickened. She was starting to get a headache because of her unfulfilled desire. Susie handed the bustier to Toni and said, “I don’t think we’re going to get this. Can you ring up the rest?”

“Sure!” Toni said gathering everything into her arms.

“Oh sorry can you pull the pink g-string out of the pile? I want to wear it out,” Susie couldn’t believe what she was saying as she grabbed her dress.

Toni fished through the pile and found the pink panties. She stood up with the g-string hanging from her index finger. She walked closer to Susie and kept the panties out of her reach. “That’s against store policy. I’m not sure I can make an exception,” Toni teased.

There faces were inches away as Susie filled with lust and desire almost whispered, “You’ve kept me naked since I walked in here and found a way to much almost every inch of my body. What else could I possibly do?”

Toni smiled for an instant and was about to move in closer when she heard from behind, “Toni! What the fuck!”

Susie, ready to kiss the woman in front of her looked up to see the other employee standing behind her indignant with her hands on her hips.

“Calm the fuck down Latisha! We’re just having some fun! You’re not the manager!” Toni shot back. She placed the g-string in Susie’s hand and squeezed tight.

Toni turned around and took the various articles toward the register. Susie let out a huge frustrated sigh as she slipped the g-string on then got into her dress.

She walked to the register feeling the fabric rubbing against swollen clit and her asshole as she moved. Toni had rung up most of the items by the time Susie had pulled out the pre-paid credit card that her mother had given her.

Toni waited for a moment holding the price gun in her hand as she looked at Susie. “One more item to scan,” Toni said.

“Shit,” Susie said remembering the pink g-string she was wearing. She thought about going to grab another g-string to scan the tag.

“No problem, just turn around and pull your dress up,” Toni said as if it were one of the most innocent things in the world.

Susie looked around for Latisha as she had no desire to be yelled at again. “She’s out back having a cigarette,” Toni said interpreting Susie’s look.

Susie decided it was probably for the best that she get out there. She turned around and lifted up her dress. The vision of a black woman ogling her ass wearing a pink g-string made her feel like a complete slut one more time. She heard a beep from the register then felt Toni’s hand grab the waistband and the sound of scissors. “Got it,” Toni said triumphantly letting go.

Susie pulled her dress down and and turned around to see Toni holding a pair of scissors and a price tag.

Susie swiped her card then saw a prompt for her phone number on the screen. She gave a puzzled look and said, “Phone number?”

“E-receipt,” Toni said. “We like to save trees here.”

Susie punched in her phone number and grabbed the two bags. “Thank you,” she said as she began to hurry out. She felt her phone pulse with a text.

“You’re welcome babygirl,” Toni said with a giggle.

Susie saw that her mother had moved the car and parked in front of the store. She opened the back passenger door and threw both bags in. She her phone pulse as she got in the car and let out a huge gasp. “Oh my god!” She said exasperated.

“It looks you got some nice stuff, pretty slutty too,” Felicia said looking down at her phone then putting it in her purse.

Susie tried to relax and not snap at her mother, her frustration making her really uncomfortable. “Thank you mommy,” Susie said her lips right. Her phone pulsed again.

Felicia started the car and said, “That Toni girl seems to really like you.”

Susie looked at her mother not knowing what to think, ‘Was that whole thing a set up? Was my mom spying on me while I got groped by that girl?’

Taking the lack of response as confusion Felicia said, “Check your phone.”

Susie looked at her phone. She had eight texts. The first was a receipt from the store the rest were from a number she didn’t recognize. She read:

‘Hello it’s Toni! Stole your number from the register. :) Thanks for letting me help find your look! You’re really beautiful and I’d love to hang out with you sometime. Here’s something for you!’

Followed by the text were a series of pics all of Toni in various stages of undress. The black woman had bikini tan lines, smaller breasts and a clean shaved cunt. After a torso pic Toni followed with the line, ‘Wish they were as big as yours.’

“Oh my god!” Susie said wantonly.

This time it was Felicia’s turn to giggle.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g0wfoy/daughter_discipline_chapter_3_oc_ff_mother


  1. I’m really loving this story, I also love how long each chapter is I feel nearly every story I read is just to short to give the idea justice but this, well this is amazing 10/10 will be reading the rest

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