The Breeding Station (Warning)

I had this idea a while back whilst travelling home, and thought it worked well with either a male or female protagonist. It does contain elements of forced sex, along with some other taboo topics, so read at your own discretion. If you enjoy this kind of story let me know – it’s a little more kink than I’d typically write.


The radio blared as she roared down the quiet country bypass, at least twenty over the limit. Casey shouted the words, completely out of tune, with a great big grin on her face. It was a song about going home and it was tradition for her to listen to it at least once every time she visited her family. Her dad, a truck driver, had introduced her to the tune and since then it always felt like they were together when it was on.

There were quicker routes to her hometown, but Casey liked the solitude of the back roads. They were generally only used by trades wagons and delivery drivers, purely because it offered plenty of places to park up and rest. It was only a couple of times a year that she made the three hour journey, too, so it was quite nice to have some time to think. And to do car-aoke.

She was about half way through the journey, so around a half hour away from merging onto the highway. The golden fields that had lined the road on either side now made way for dense forests that always sent a shiver down Casey’s spine when she drove through them at night. She might be twenty five but she couldn’t help but imagine glowing eyes peering at her from the dark.

As the final chorus ended and Casey lowered the volume to give her voice a rest she began to anticipate what her week with family might entail. Forced visits to every family member, even those at the bottom of the Christmas card list, were a given. Those visits were always a treat when she got asked whether she’d settled down yet: the answer never changed.

Truthfully, no one was bothered about her finding true love. They just wanted her to have a baby. That was not something on Casey’s to do list.

A beep drew her attention from the imaginary argument she was having with Aunt Val and Casey glanced down to see a warning light blinking on the dashboard.

“Fuck,” she groaned.

Her car wasn’t anywhere near new but it had character, if that’s what you could call one door that never opened and air conditioning that smelled a little like sweaty feet. The great thing about it was that there were already several warning lights on her dashboard that had been there for months. Casey just let the light merge into the rainbow and hummed along to the next tune.

That was until a weird clunking sound appeared from behind Casey’s seat, and even when she increased the volume it didn’t disappear. It simply got louder and louder until eventually she could feel the vibrations against her ass.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she mumbled.

Fortunately, Casey was approaching a lay-by. She flicked on her indicator and clunked off the road and behind a row of trees that shrouded the stop from passing traffic. It looked like an ideal rest area, but when she came around the bend she found that hers was the only vehicle.

Her car creaked to a standstill and Casey inhaled deeply. She wasn’t a car person, she couldn’t even open her bonnet. That knowledge had passed from her dad to her brother, but somehow slipped by her. Maybe it was essential for being in the trucker trade.

She pulled out her phone to dial for help, ready to be teased and treated like the damsel in distress. However, a little red ‘x’ loomed over the service bars.

The damn lay-by didn’t get service.

Casey yanked open her door and stepped out onto the cracked earth of the lay-by. With her phone above her head she began to wander along the desolate road in search for some precious reception.

She’d near given up and accepted that she would be at the mercy of the forest’s night time monsters if a knight in shining armour didn’t arrive soon, when she spotted a sign buried behind the dense foliage.

The words ‘-eeding Station’ were painted in large, black letters.

“Thank fuck,” she sighed as her stomach rumbled. Somewhere called the Feeding Station surely didn’t offer Michelin star food, but at least she could use someone’s phone and get a hot meal whilst she waited for help to arrive.

The path to the Feeding Station began under the actual sign, though it didn’t look like it had many visitors; the vegetation had grown so thick the trail was barely visible. She swatted branches out of her way as she trudged along.

She eventually emerged from the tree lined tunnel onto what looked like a farm. There was a big metal barn just to her right which was adjoined to a white building she assumed was the place she needed to be, though the lack of signage didn’t make it clear. Still, Casey approached the glass door to the building, ignoring the paint peeling from the walls, and peered inside.

There was a small desk in front of a doorway. Otherwise the place was empty. Casey pushed the door open and jumped as a bell rang.

Inside the building was plain. Beige walls were decorated with faded pictures of floral displays, and in the corner two scuffed chairs sat awkwardly like they belonged in a dentist’s waiting room. This certainly wasn’t like any cafe she’d visited before.

“What can we do for you today,” a voice croaked behind the desk.

Casey looked over to see an older woman coming through the door, and when she spotted Casey a look of shock flashed across her face before being replaced by a grin.

“Uh, my car broke down. I wondered if I could use your phone and maybe get something to eat?”

“Oh, how unfortunate! Of course I can help. Let me get you a drink first. Tea?” the woman grinned.

“Yeah, sure. Milk, one sugar.”

The woman hurried away and Casey heard clinking from down the hall. She hoped she wasn’t going to have to eat in the dingy waiting room, too.

The woman returned with a cup in her hand which she shakily handed to Casey. She took a sip and grimaced: the woman had put a lot more than one sugar in.

“Please can I use your phone?” She asked once she’d gulped half the mug.

“Oh,” the woman shuffled awkwardly. “Why?”

Casey frowned. Maybe it was the long drive but she was suddenly feeling a little woozy. “My car broke down. I need help.”

“Sorry, I didn’t quite understand that,” the woman smiled.

This woman was clearly too senile to be working. Casey tried to repeat herself but the words kept getting jumbled in her mouth.

She really didn’t feel good.

“Oh, you look a bit peaky. Let me get you a chair,” the woman sympathised before shuffling out of view.

Casey tried to protest but she couldn’t find the words. She just wanted to sleep.

“Vernon,” the woman called out. “Vernon, we’ve got a fresh one here.”

Casey wanted to know what she meant, but she couldn’t find the strength to ask. Instead she fell back into the chair and drifted off into a deep sleep.


When Casey finally woke up she was on a thin bed. At first she thought she might be in a hospital, but when she tried to move she found that her arms were chained by her sides. In fact, she couldn’t even see her body. A wooden wall separated her head from the rest of her body, and if she tried to move she could feel the splinters scraping her skin.

“Help,” she cried out.

“Oh, you don’t want that,” a girl said from beside her.

Casey looked over and saw a pretty ginger girl grinning at her. Her eyes looked drowsy, like she was drunk.

“Where am I?”

“Paradise,” the girl giggled.

Somewhere a door creaked and Casey felt a cool breeze over her body. She was naked.

“Why am I naked?”

“How else are they going to fuck you?”

The words stuck in Casey’s mind. She must be having a nightmare. Before she could question the ginger girl she saw the old woman again, this time with a handful of rags.

“What the fuck have you done to me?” She screamed.

The woman blinked. Then she continued to approach Casey and stood over her. With hands rough from years of work the woman grabbed Casey’s cheeks and forced her mouth open, into which she shoved one of the rags. Casey screamed into the cloth, her mouth too full to make any words.

“Welcome to the Breeding Station, an exclusive club for Bulls. The first day is always tough but we’ll break you in soon enough.”

Breeding Station? Bulls? Casey didn’t know what the fuck was going on but there was no way she was going to come around to the idea.

“Now, as tradition my husband Vernon gets the first go on all fresh meat.”

Casey felt the familiar chill of lube being squirted onto her crotch. Then she felt the bulbous head of a cock pressing against her hole. She screamed as the woman stroked her hair.

“The rules are simple. You stay here and you entertain all the weary travellers that pass by. Then, once we have a full house of pretty girls, we’ll pick one to get bred. Once she’s served her purpose she can leave.”

Casey shook her head at the woman as the cock thrust up into her, the shaft curved so that it hit her most sensitive spot. She could feel the tension rising in her body unwillingly.

The woman left Casey to be fucked relentlessly by Vernon. He grabbed greedily at her boobs as lube dripped from her pussy to her ass.

“Don’t worry,” the ginger girl smiled. “I’ve never known the Breeding Station to be full. We won’t be leaving any time soon.”


Days passed and each one brought in more travellers. The Station seemed to be a haven for Bulls, and each day Casey was fucked raw at least once every hour.

The ginger girl relished cock. She begged the men to fill her pussy, and as they neared the edge she urged them to cum in her. Her Bulls were always vocal, and they never let her down.

Maybe a week had gone by when Casey had eventually begun to understand the ginger girls passion. The Station was so boring. She was restricted to the bed and there was nothing to read or watch. But every time a new cock came along it took her mind to a new place.

Some men couldn’t take the filth of the Station. Breeding a fertile pussy drove them over the edge and they’d flood her almost as soon as they’d slipped inside.

Other men were experienced Bulls. They’d savour her cum soaked pussy for as long as they could: there were no time limits in the Station. They’d alternate between fucking her slow, teasing their cocks with her wet hole, and pounding her to the point she couldn’t breath. All the while Casey would scream into the rag as the orgasms shook her body.

She hated to admit it, but she’d cum more strapped to the table than she ever had before.

After a while days became a blur. Travellers could appear at any time of the day, and once night fell the reception desk was closed and the side door was left open for anyone that might pass by.

There was the odd trucker that would slip in before he went to sleep, but there was another the ginger girl called the Night Stalker.

He must have lived nearby because he frequented the Station a couple of times a week. Luckily for him, at night there was no security and over time he’d found access to the rear of the Station, to the girls’ faces.

Dressed in nothing but a mask, the Stalker took it in turns fucking their throats. He was relentless, but it wasn’t hard. Neither girl could move to fight him off so they simply let him control them. His cock was thick and it was long, and even in the dark of the barn Casey could admire the veins that throbbed along his shaft. He’d fuck them until their faces were caked in drool that clung to his cock in thick ropes. Sometimes he’d bury his cock in Casey’s throat for as long as it took her to go red in the face. Only then would he pull away and allow her to gasp for air.

Each morning after he struck, the old woman would tut and clean the cum and spit from their faces. Still, every night the side door was left open, and the Night Stalker continued to return.


One morning the woman came to Casey and pulled the rag from her mouth.

“Are you ready for the day?”

Casey grinned at her. Her pussy was already leaking as she heard the bell ring, signalling a Bull had arrived.

“Good girl,” the woman stroked her face and then left to see to the customer.

This was the first time Casey had been left without the rag. A few days or even weeks ago she might have taken the opportunity to scream for help. But she knew now she needed cock, and if she left the Station she would lose it.

“Okay, son,” said a voice Casey recognised. “You take the ginger beauty. I’ll try out the fresh meat.”

He came nearer and Casey felt him between her legs. His cock was thick as it stretched her, and she gasped as he filled her. Inch by inch he slid the shaft deep into her pussy, and she could hear him gasp as he relished the wetness. She felt his balls press against her ass and she arched her back in delight.

“Clean pussy,” he boasted. “I hope she’s ready for her first few loads of the day.”

The man was primal as he fucked her. Each thrust was hard and fast, but his stamina was incredible. His son had already cum twice in the ginger girl by the time he was even close to releasing his first load. Casey was careful to be quiet, but she couldn’t deny the odd moan she released. As he neared the edge she began to squeeze his cock with her pussy, willing him to flood her full of his seed.

Finally she understood why her dad loved this route home so much.



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