Bachelor party mile high club hopeful 29[M] 21[F]

Last Memorial Day weekend I was at a buddy’s bachelor party. Great weekend of boozing with some college buddies I rarely get to see anymore. The last day everyone put it into overdrive, seeing the finish line in sight. I (like a pro) scheduled my flight back home for the earliest flight I could find on memorial day, hoping to be back recovering in my own bed by noon.

I stayed up through the night with most of the guys and around 5 am I took off for the airport to catch my 7 am flight. Like any good bachelor party, everyone was bummed to see everyone else leave and I was the first of the bunch. Made it through security and boarded my first of two flights. First flight was an hour and I passed out like a baby. One more flight and I’ll be sleeping in my own bed in no time. While getting onto the flight I started to look at where I was sitting and to my displeasure I had a middle coach seat. As I got to my aisle, I out my bag in the overhead compartment and couldn’t help but notice the girl who was sitting in the window seat checking me out. At first I thought it may have just been a glance but it continued. She was good looking but as someone that was still in the clothes he went out in the night before and assuredly smelling of booze, weed and cigarettes, I didn’t think much of it.

The woman sitting in the aisle seat was a 45-50 year old mother and I had little interaction with her. When I did finally get settled in my seat, however, the chick in the window seat, let’s call her Syd, began to strike up a conversation with me. First it was simple pleasantries like introducing ourselves, then it became more personalized. I eventually found out she was on her way to my home city to go to a concert festival. The only problem was I was fully aware of the festival and knew it only had one day left. I told her she may have been a little late and missed all the fun but she said she was good at finding fun. After conversation simmered down, I put my headphones in to listen to some music and hope to pass out. When I closed my eyes, Syd took one of my headphones and put it in her ear saying she loved the group I put on (shout-out Rüfüs Du Sol). I took this as a very forward move and that she was definitely interested in me. I quickly thought to myself, only one thing could keep me up right now and that’s a prospect of fucking someone.

I then began to flirt back with her and put my hand on her thigh to which she was very receptive. I then leaned in to kiss her and we made our for a minute or so. I couldn’t help but wonder what anyone around us was thinking. Here are two strangers that started hooking up at 7am on a flight. By this point I was basically boxing out the mom to my other side and squarely facing Syd. The people behind us were about to get a free show. I took my hoody off and placed it on her lap and slowly put my hand on her lap. Then slowly went down into her yoga pants. When I put a finger in her pussy she let out a muffled moan and she was soaking wet. After a few minutes of discreetly playing with her pussy and making her cum I whispered in her ear that I needed to go to the bathroom. She caught my drift but said that she couldn’t do that and I was hugely bummed. But she did say that she had a little free time once we landed.

As soon as we landed, I text my dad that was supposed to pick me up from the airport that I had another ride. He text back the fastest he ever has and said he was already at the airport pickup spot. Fuck I thought. I told her I still needed to go to baggage claim to get my golf clubs and that my dad was picking me up and she could come to my house, but should Uber there to avoid the awkwardness of that car ride to my place. She agreed. I have her my address and headed into my dad’s car. The 20 minute drive felt like a lifetime. I texted my roommate giving him the heads up and got dropped off at my place. Thanks Dad I thought, almost wishing to tell him this story in real time. Syd got over a few minutes after me and we kinda chuckled about the plane ride while smoking a joint. I then took her in my room and as I was taking her panties off she said you have twenty minutes before my friend picks me up. I took every second of that twenty minutes to fuck her silly. She had never squirted and I gladly showed her a new trick. She had the tightest, wettest pussy and was exactly what I needed after a long weekend of boozing 24/7. Before she left, I gave her a little bud to enjoy at the concert and said bye. I then passed out for what seemed like 12+ hours and woke up almost thinking that it had all been a dream. The next day she called me for seconds during my lunch hour but I unfortunately was on a conference call. Don’t know if I’ll ever top that one. Thanks Syd.


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