We finally Met – Chapter 3 – Getting to know each other

[Chapter 2 – Regretful](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxhlsb/we_finally_met_chapter_2_regretful/)

Team bonding activity of the day “Getting to know each other”, European employees will get a random number, and American employees would pick a number, then we should talk to each other, and get to know us. At the end of the day, we should present our partner to the rest of the audience.
Of course I cheated, and sent Jen my number, 37. Now we could be seen together.
Even though we knew each other very well, we still learnt things about each other.
We had lunch together, I introduced her to my Dublin colleagues, and later I was introduced to hers.
After lunch, we had to prepare a short speech, so we can do the presentation. When my turn came, I introduced her

– “This here, is Ms Jennifer Rizo, she’s 29, mother of two kid. She’s been with us for 7 years, and was recently promoted to Senior Manager. She graduated with honors from UC Berkeley, BS in Business Administration. She’s a raising star in the company, and I’m sure she’ll guide us. On a more personal aspect, she likes to watch the sunset and long walks on the beach. We didn’t get to talk too much about hobbies, but I’m sure she likes watching sports and practicing biking and trekking. I’m sure she’s an excellent mother, and an outstanding wife. Cheers for her.”

I then raised my head, and looked for her, she was almost crying. I winked at her, and got back to my seat.
Her presentation, was shorter, almost a 1 liner.

– “Today I met this wonderful guy, Rodney MacNal, 41, and has been in the company for the last 15 years. He’s a Senior Manager, he graduated from UCD. Father of 3, he likes watching what he calls football, but I’m pretty sure it’s called soccer. He’s a great asset for the company in the Dublin office.”

At around 6PM, it was everything over. Everyone went to his room.

– “The sun will set in about 50 minutes, are you up for a walk?” – I texted her.

10 minutes passed, and I had no answer. Another 10, and I was still waiting. After half an hour, I was starting to get worried, when I received a reply

– “Why not watching if from my room?”
– “Are you sure?”
– “Yes, I’m sure. I need to talk to you.”

Her room was 3 floors obove mine. I took the elevator, and knocked the door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I knocked a third time.

– “I’m coming ” – Jen shouted
– “I was taking a shower, did you want to see me that much?” – she said while opening the door and laughing – “Please come in.”
– “Do you really think is a good idea? After this morning? Come on, let’s go for a walk.”
– “I think it’s an excellent idea. What you said about me this afternoon was beautiful. Please come in, I’ve something for you, that I was saving for saturday”

She was still wearing her robe. I came in reluctantly, but intrigued. She did, indeed, set 2 chairs in front of the window wall, where we could sit and watch the sunset. She closed the door behind me and said:

– “Just take a sit, I’ll dress and be back in 5… well, mayve 10. Make yourself comfortable.”
– “Scotch is good?” – I asked
– “Nah, I prefer bourbon, with ice, please”

I poured the drinks for both of us, took off my shoes, and sat down in one of the chairs. As the sky was starting to turn orange, she came out of the bathroom, with an amazing sleek knee length black dress, with a round neck and lace long sleeves. It didn’t show too much, but it looked terrific on her. Her face shone, her eyes were lit. I was speechless. She stood there, in silence, just letting me admire here, look at here. And I looked her from head to toe, I wanted to say something, but the only thing in my mind was “I love you”. I handed her the bourbon, silently, trying not to screw the moment, and was then when I saw her hand.

– “You are not wearing your wedding ring” – I said – “Did you just take to take the shower?”
– “You see me in the magnificent dress, and the only thing you can say, is that my ring is missing?”
– “To be honest, your look left me speechless, I have no words to describe how beautiful you look.”
– “Awww, that’s so sweet Rod. I’m not wearing my ring, and I don’t know if I’ll ever wear it again. And that’s I’ll say about it.”
– “I’m not wearing it either Jen, and I won’t ask nothing about why you took if off” – I said, while raising my hand – “Now, come and sit with me.”

Time froze again, the sun setting, Jen by my side, an above average irish whiskey. If I could save just 1 picture, just 1 part of my life, just 1 little part of my life, it would be that, and I’ll call it happiness.

– “You said you needed to talk with me…”
– “I also said I had a surprise for you” – She interrupted me
– “Well, I assumed seeing you in this dress, and this irish whiskey were the surprise, I now the hotel doesn’t carry this brand, I’ve already checked”
– “Those are part of the surprise. But if you want to talk, let’s talk. What you said about me, this afternoon, did you mean it?” She asked
– “Of course I did. I’m sure you love you family, and you are a great mother and wife. Even if an asshole is making you rethink a lot of things”.

She started leaning towards me, and I leaned towards her, we kissed, first a little lip kiss, then another, and a french kiss, passion was growing, I didn’t want to stop, but I did. We remained forehead against forehead, in silence. We stood up, Jen started unbuttoning my shirt, I kissed her forehead, and hugged her, she laid her head in my chest and fondled it.

– “Your chest is much more hairy than what I imagined, and I like it, you look like a bear”

And as she finished that sentence, her laptop started ringing, it was a video call from Mike, I went to the bathroom, while she took it, I put on my shirt again.
She knocked the door once she finished.

– “I’m so sorry” – She apologized – “I wasn’t expecting him to…”
– “Shhh” – I said, placing my index finger over her mouth – “It was not your fault, and I know the rules. And the moment is gone now.”
– “But, I want to be with you”
– “And I want to be with you as well, but today it’s not the day. When I saw you coming out of the bathroom, I was speechless. Everything was perfect tonight”.
– “But? there must be a but, don’t hide it.”
– “There’s none. I like you, I want you, but the moment is gone, for better of worse”

I kissed her once more, I hugged her, tightly. I wanted to take her dress off, to see her body, to kiss it, cuddle, and let all the passion unleash. But at the same time, I kept thinking about Mary and Mike. I then leave the room, and went to have dinner, all alone.
Before going to bed, I sent her a message “Thank you! You are amazing”.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fy5hw8/we_finally_met_chapter_3_getting_to_know_each