My [M]36 rendezvous with a work colleague [F]43 from abroad. Part 1

I work in an industry where I have to speak with people from all over the world everyday. I am the client in these interactions and therefore there is an incentive for my ‘sales coverage’ to reach out to me everyday, share views on local conditions, ideas about business propositions, and build up a rapport for mutual benefit. Oftentimes I get to know my coverage quite well and when I travel abroad or when coverage comes to me, we will meet in person to get drinks and/dinner. The industry in which I work is male dominated but there is the occasional female sales coverage.

Kelly was one such coverage. She worked out of Sydney, Australia. I had just switched firms and I was a new client for her. We had never met but she was very friendly from the get go. Some of the sales people that cover me are very business focused. Others tend to use more personal interactions to drive sales. Kelly was certainly in the latter category. Nearly immediately the conversation with her was friendly banter about our personal lives with some work sprinkled in. At 43 years of age, she was older than me (36). She had two kids to my one and had been married for number of years.

Everyday should would reach out to me by calling me not by my name, but with a moniker such as “hon”, “darling” or “dar”, or some other term of endearment. Her Australian accented voice would hum along talking to me about her day, sharing with me what she had been doing with her friends and family before asking me about what was going on with me. She was, I would say, overly friendly and shared a lot of personal information. But our conversations were filled with fun banter and I enjoyed speaking with her.

About a year or so into getting to know each other from afar, Kelly mentioned that she would be coming to where I am located and suggested that we meet for some drinks along with a few of our colleagues. I was excited to meet Kelly but I was not happy about sharing our first in person meeting with my co-workers and hers. But alas I did want to see what this mysterious woman looked like so I agreed to the drink.

The following Tuesday afternoon I left the office early to meet Kelly. She was already at the bar with my colleagues and hers. As I walked into the bar I scanned across the room to find our group. I spotted a co-worker and to his left there was a tallish, in-shape brunette that I immediately knew was Kelly. She had long dark hair – a weakness of mine – dark eyes, a big bright smile, and quite the chest. She was dressed fairly casually but wore tight jeans and blue top that did not leave much to the imagination.

I approached the group. They had already ordered me a drink and we did the introductions. Kelly leaned over to me and squeezed me close and said “it’s good to finally meet you” in her Australian accent that immediately made blood rush to my crotch. She had on perfume with a very specific smell. She was hot and sultry. And I was turned on.

But we were in a group of five people so the conversation was amongst the group. It stayed professional and certainly “above the belt.” I kept stealing glances with Kelly and I couldn’t help but think that she too was taking an interest in my physical appearance. But again there were just too many people – not mention people that I worked with everyday – for me to pull her aside and have a one-on-one conversation with her.

After my second drink I needed to get home to attend to some responsibilities there. I was a bit sad that I didn’t get to take advantage of the opportunity of having Kelly in person to get to her better but there was no alternative. I made my way home. And that is when things got a bit interesting.

I was in bed about to sleep and I head my phone buzz. I looked down and I had a text from an unknown number that was clearly foreign. It was Kelly. I had forgotten we had exchanged numbers earlier in the day in case we couldn’t find one another at drinks. “It was really good to finally meet you. Too bad we didn’t have more time to tie one on,” Kelly said.

I respond, “hey yeah. I’m sorry we didn’t have the opportunity to talk. I guess we’ll have to wait for your next trip to meet up.” She continued, “will be another year…sad. By the way, why are you still up? I figured you’d be asleep right now. My excuse is that I’m on my flight.”

“I can’t sleep,” I texted. “Ah- you need a little of NSP” she responded. I had no idea what NSP meant so I just responded with an “?” A nanosecond later she respond, “an orgasm! Works for me every time. I should find my way off to the bathroom before this flight takes off.” My heart immediately began racing. Kelly had never said anything sexual to me. I could feel my cock stiffen. “Have a great night” she texted. My only recourse was to lube up my cock and make myself cumming think of this strange, yet welcome, turn of events.

From that day forward with Kelly our interactions were different. We still spoke often at work over the phone but she texted me over WhatsApp nearly everyday. Oftentimes our conversations were not overtly sexual but she would drop double entendres that I could not tell were innocent or otherwise. For example she’d ask me about the weather. “Cold and rainy- how about for you,” I’d say. She’d respond with something along the lines of “Yeah…it’s so so so wet here down under.” I had the suspicion that somehow she was not referring to the weather outside but instead to the condition between her legs, but I could never be for sure. But there was no doubt that she often recommended to “NSP” if I couldn’t sleep. And she would let me know it ALWAYS worked for her. This banter went on for months and months.

One day while I was on vacation and we were texting she told me that she and her friend were about to go shopping for panties. My jaw dropped. She texted me a link to some of the hottest undergarments I’d ever seen. And then she dropped another bomb, “my friend Michelle wants to see me in them.” “What??” I responded. “Yeah – Michelle likes me to look sexy when I eat her pussy.” I was floored and my cock was rock solid. I could feel my boxers getting sticky w/ precum. “You don’t like to play around?” She asked. “Um, yes I do.” I responded. “Some people can keep lives separate. My husband gave me the pass long ago to play with girls.” she respond. That is when I knew it was game on for her next visit. And luckily her next visit was in two weeks….

There is a lot more to this story if people want to hear more.



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