Erotic Stories? Ladies?

So I have an interesting question…I guess according to my fwb I have a way with words, and instead of sexting, I write her erotic stories about us to help get her off when I’m not there. She recently told me I should start to write a book about it, I’m obviously reluctant to even try. What do you ladies think? Should I attempt it? Here’s a very rough draft of one of my stories I wrote to her a few days ago….

It’s a nice day out and I’m in a giving mood so we decide to go to the mall. After about 10 minutes of looking around, we spot a Victoria Secret store and decide to go in. The sales clerk asks us if we need help finding anything. “No we’re just browsing” I tell her as you see a few outfits that catch your eye. You run the lingerie through your fingers feeling every inch of the fabric. You ask the sales clerk which way to the dressing room. She points you towards the back to a secluded area away from the sales floor. “It’s definitely secluded” I say as I follow behind you. There’s black drapes that cover the outside of the dressing room with a leather bench for the gentleman to wait, definitely a more private setting. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Victoria Secret wants girls to put on a show for their man” the thought definitely crept into my head but I slowly brush it aside as we have to be at her sisters in about 45 minutes.

As you go behind the curtain, I hear your cloths beginning to hit the floor. Your obviously taking your time as I know you’ve completely forgot about having to meet your sister. So I sit there patiently waiting for you to come out. A few more minutes go by and now I really start to wonder what going on in their? “Is the zipper stuck?” “Did you get it tangled up?” I poke my head in to see what the hold up is, as I hate to wait. Right when I do you grab me like your trying to grab a briefcase full of money and yank me behind the curtain.

I notice that you still have your bra and panties on, as I look up and down your toned body, you flash a very seductive smile at me as they both hit the floor.

This is just a sample, what do you ladies think? Would anyone read something like this?
