We finally Met – Chapter 2 – Regretful

[Chapter 1 – The Welcoming](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fwzlbb/we_finally_met_chapter_1/)

Jet lag was never my friend, I woke way to early for San Diego. I called Mary, and told about the city, the beach and the view. Then I went for run alongside the beach. I wanted to shook off the kiss of my head, I wanted to think in the woman that gave 3 kids, the one I spent the last 20 years together. This was simply crazy.
What I didn’t think about, is my run was going to pass through that bench, that bench where we sat the day before, and everything crumbled. I sat down, and I couldn’t take that kiss of my mind, and I cried, thinking in how good it felt, in how much I liked Jen, in how much I desired her. But also in how much I loved Mary, and how she deserved better.
I took a look at my watch, it was almost 7.30. I went back to the hotel, to take a shower. While I was in the shower, I received a text message, and just as I got out of the shower, someone knocked the door.

– “I’m coming” – I shouted
– “Why don’t you answer my messages?”

It was Jen, and I was, with just a towel around my waist. I checked the phone, and the message said just “Breakfast?”. I put on the shorts I used to go running, and opened the door.

– “I was taking a shower, you wanted breakfast that much?”
– “I want breakfast with you, silly”
– “Do you want to come in? I’ll be ready in 5”
– “Do you really think it’s a good idea? What if I jump on you?” – Jen said, with a flirty look in her face.
– “I think I can trust you, and on top of that, I’ll lock the bathroom, while I dress, just in case”

Of course she came in, I went to the bathroom, and dress for the working day. In 5 minutes I was out. Jen was sitting in my bed.

– “Ok, let’s go” – I said.
– “Wait, I need to talk to you before we” – she said with a serious tone – “I planned to talk about this during breakfast.”
– “Go ahead Jen, to be honest, I also needed to talk”
– “Mike called yesterday, we talked a lot, and” – She got speechless
– “And now you regret kissing me?” – I tried to confirm
– “No at all, I like you, i liked that kiss, it’s perhaps, th emost passionate kiss I’ve given, ever.”
– “So? what about Mike and you?”
– “This is going to sound crazy, but I don’t know if I love him anymore”

There was silence in the air, tense silence, her face showed she had more things to say, and I wanted her to continue.

– “He’s a good man, we spent together the last 7 years, we have 2 kids, but there’s something missing between us, and have been missing for some time now”
– “Jen, things are going to get complicated from now on. Not between you and me. Things are not going to be the same between you and Mike, and between me and Mary”
– “I know, I knew even before coming here, hell, I even knew when we started flirting over email, and I regret nothing”
– “But I do” – I said, and quickly added “and please, don’t get wrong, I loved that kiss. I need that kiss. But Mary deserves better”

Her face changed, I could see the sadness, she was about to cry. I moved forward, she stood up and I hugged her, I hold her tight, and she cried, no words were needed. Silence and company were enough. We stayed like that for 5 or 10 minutes, the time with her flew, I lost track of it, I wanted every moment with her to never end.

Finally she asked, while cleaning her tears.

– “What does mean?”
– “It means I regret not being honest with Mary, it means my feelings for you are much deeper that what I thought”
– “And what are you going to do?” – she asked, while tilting her head back
– “I don’t know, I was not prepared for this, I love it, I want it, but I’m not prepared, I’m not even sure I can handle it” – I tried to step backwards
– “Please don’t let me go. Hug me tight, please, I need it”

I hugged her again, our height difference allowed her to rest her head just below my chin, in my neck. I hugged her tightly, and we stood still. Silence was there, but the tension was gone, and sorrow started growing.

– “We should get going, Jen, if not they are going to come and look for me.”

I kissed her forehead. She tilted her head back, I peck kissed her, I wanted to say “I love you”, I wanted to say “I need you”, but most importantly I wanted to say “Everything is going to be alright”.
I open the door, and let her out, and while she passed by me, I slapped her ass.

– “Ron!” – she said smiling.
– “You get going, I don’t want anyone seeing us together, at least not right now.”

I closed the door, and walked to my night table. I slowly took off my weeding ring, and put it in the small drawer. The conversation made me realize a lot of things, I finally understood my marriage was over. Not because of Jen, not because on Mary, but because of me. I finally understood the teasing and flirting, was not the cause of breaking my marriage, but the effect of a long dead marriage.
I left my room, and took the elevator and headed to the dinning room, where breakfast was served. It was going to be difficult to pretend I didn’t know Jen through out the day.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxhlsb/we_finally_met_chapter_2_regretful