Special diet for the basketball team (MF) (Oral) (Lactation) (DubCon)

*Authors note: This was based on a writing request, I hope you enjoy it.*


“Coach Williams, we need some wins, and soon. This college is famed for it’s basketball, we get a lot of support due to it, if we lose any more games we’re going to start losing our patrons, and that means we start losing money, a lot of money.” The colleges President, James Burns, pointed at the coach as he continued. “And that means we’ll need to make cuts, like getting rid of an underperforming basketball coach.”

Coach Tim Williams stood in front of the President, so far, it had been the colleges worst basketball season in the last 50 years, he’d been desperately trying various strategies with his team, there was one possible solution he’d found after exhaustive internet research, but he hadn’t thought he’d get approval, until now. He could see the desperation in the Presidents eyes, if ever he’d get approval, now was the time.

“I have something that should increase our players performance by around 20%, it’s a bit unusual though.”

The President shook his head. “We can’t give the players drugs, there are random tests.”

Coach Williams smiled, “No problem, what I have in mind isn’t drugs, its 100% natural, nothing illegal at all. Some people might consider it shocking, so we would need to keep it a secret.”

The President mulled this over. He sat back in his chair. “Tell me all about it. What do you need?”

Coach Williams relaxed for the first time since being summoned to the Presidents office, and sat down in one of the chairs facing the desk. “I’ll need access to the students records, and some time in the chemistry labs.” He raised his hands as the President frowned at the mention of the chemistry lab. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t involve any chemicals for the players. Let me explain.”

After explaining his strategy, the President shook the Coaches hand as he left. “You’re sure this will work?”

“Trust me Mr President.”

“Then you have my full support, we need to win games. Let me know if there are any problems.”


Lisa Greenfield approached Coach Williams office with a combination of nervousness and curiosity. She’d received a message to report to his office, even though she wasn’t involved in any sports.

She knocked on the door and entered at the sound of the Coaches voice.

“Come in, shut the door and sit down.”

Lisa sat in the chair before coaches desk, she shuffled nervously as she waited for the coach to begin, she saw him look her up and down, did he linger looking at her chest? Her breasts were a decent size, not too big, but enough so that she was used to guys checking her out. Even so, it seemed no-one wanted to be her boyfriend, just a quick hookup to fondle her tits, a couple of unfulfilling attempts at sex. Perhaps it was because she spent most of her free time working, her parents weren’t well off and she needed to work to pay her bills. This left her tired and with little time to socialise.
“Hi Lisa, I’ll get right to the point, you’re not doing well at your studies, you’re barely getting by, and I understand this is partly due to the large amount of time you spend working, not studying.”

Lisa felt her eyes begin to well up, she tried really hard, but the coach was right, having to work so much didn’t leave her with enough time to study, and even when she could, she was tired and found it hard to concentrate.

“We want to help. We have a new basketball support programme that you could help us with. It wouldn’t take up too much time, we’d pay you, you’d get free lodging in the teams accommodation, plus you’d be really helping the team, the college. Not to mention you also receive bonus credit.”

It sounded amazing, free accommodation, pay and more free time to study!

“Now because of the competitiveness within college basketball, you would need to complete a Non Disclosure Contract, we can’t have our methods being copied. Should you reveal anything related to the support initiative, you would be expelled, and there would be a financial penalty as well.”

“What would I do?” Asked Lisa.

The coach smiled. “I can’t reveal all the details until you sign the agreement, but basically you would help with our players diets, and other tasks to reduce stress. Helping them play better.”

Lisa stared as the coach pulled a document from out of a drawer, did she have to decide now?

“I’m sorry, but we need to start as soon as possible. So, will you help your college?”

The coach continued, outlining the pay, more than she was receiving now, plus she wouldn’t have to pay rent too.

Lisa’s mind raced. The offer was tempting, yet she was still nervous. But what choice did she have? The coach was right, if things continued she would end up failing, and what would her future be like then?

“Okay, I’d like to help the team!”

“Excellent!” Coach Williams beamed as he handed over a pen. Lisa began reading the contract, but coach Williams turned to the signature page. “It’s all standard stuff, if you don’t want this opportunity, the door’s behind you. Lisa gulped, and timidly signed the contract.

Coach practically grabbed the contract as soon as she’d finished. “Come back this time next week and we’ll get started. In the meantime please take this medication, take one pill 3 times a day after meals.”

Lisa took the offered bottle of pills, there was no label on the bottle. “What are these for?” She asked.

“It’s part of the initiative, you’re required to take them.” Coaches voice had taken on a stern timber, he waved the contract in front of her. “It’s all in the contract you signed.”

Lisa felt the room get smaller, what exactly has she agreed to?

“Three times a day, without fail. See you next week.” With that coach turned to his computer, dismissing Lisa, who quietly left the room.

She stood in the corridor for a moment, holding the bottle of pills in her hand. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. It would be okay, she’d do as she was told, she needed this.


The following week Lisa returned to coach Williams office, When prompted she entered. Inside she found the coach, as well Dominic Maxwell, one of the members of the basketball team, already seated in a chair. He seemed excited, with a smirk on his face. Lisa noticed him checking out her tits as she sat down.

“Morning Lisa, how are you?”Asked the coach.

“Actually,” Lisa looked sideways nervously at Dominic. “I think I’ve had a side effect from the pills you gave me.”

Coach grinned. “Really? Tell me.”

Lisa looked again at Dominic.

“It’s fine, you’ve been assigned to Dominic here, you can speak freely in front of him.”

Assigned? Both the coach and Dominic were staring at her, so she nervously continued.

“It’s, erm, well, I’ve begun…” She lowered her head and voice. “Lactating.”

“Fantastic!” Exclaimed coach, and Lisa stared at him, her mouth agape.

“Lets have a look, get your tits out.” Demanded the coach.

“What? NO!” Exclaimed Lisa.

“It’s in your contract, you will provide breast milk upon demand to your assigned player, in your case Dominic. Studies have shown that in a young adult male, breast milk will improve athletic performance. So you have a choice, leave the college and pay the $100,000 penalty, or stand up, and get your fucking tits out!” Coach snarled, standing up, towering over Lisa. Dominic just grinned, his gaze now openly checking out the swell of Lisa’s breasts under her clothes.

Lisa felt small and trapped, she could never pay back such a penalty. With a whimper, and tears forming in her eyes she stood up, removed her top and her bra, standing topless in front of the coach and Dominic.

“Hands behind your back, keep them there.” Growled coach as he came around his desk, standing in front of Lisa, leering at her exposed tits.

Lisa put her hands behind her, she flinched as coaches large hands began cupping and squeezing her tits. His fingers then running over her nipples, feeling the wetness there, He put his finger into his mouth and tasted her breast milk.

“Mmmm, your nice young tits should produce excellent nutrients. Okay Dominic, come and have your first meal.”

Dominic got up in a flash, grabbing one of Lisa’s breasts she greedily took her nipple in his mouth and began sucking.

“You are Dominics milkmaid now, each player has one, he will feed from your tits. You may have wondered why your room has two beds, well Dominic will be moving in with you from today. At any time he wants to, you are to present your tits, without fail, so he can get your milk. Do you understand?”

Dominic had switched boob, and was greedily suckling from her nipple, holding the breast tightly with one hand, whilst his other hand fondled her other boob.

Lisa whimpered. “Please… no.”

“I SAID, DO YOU UNDERSTAND, MILKMAID?” Coach yelled, leaning towards Lisa. “You know what happens if you disobey?”

As a tear ran down Lisa’s cheek, she gave up. “Yes, coach. I understand.”

“You’d better, and remember to keep taking your pills, and keep your mouth shut.”

Lisa just nodded, turning her face to look away as Dominic continued sucking at her tits, whilst coach looked on.

Eventually Dominic finished, squeezed her tit and left, winking at Lisa whilst smirking.
She could see the bulge of his no-doubt aroused cock as he left, and despite herself felt her pussy warm with her own arousal. She was also unable to deny how nice his strong, smooth hands had felt on her breasts.

“Come back tomorrow so I can check on how things are going.” Said coach, returning to his desk as Lisa picked up her clothes and put her bra and top back on. She wiped the tears from her eyes before leaving without saying a word.

Luckily Lisa didn’t have any classes that day, so she returned to her assigned room back at the teams dormitory. She stared at the bed opposite hers and her tears returned. Laying down on her bed, she wept into her pillow, how had this happened? She was a milkmaid to a basketball player, her breasts now udders to be suckled from at his demand. Drained emotionally, she felt asleep, her cheeks wet from tears, her nipples wet from leaked milk.

Lisa awoke with a start as the door to her room banged shut, rubbing her sore eyes, she saw Dominic throw a bag on the other bed. His bed. She looked over him, he was tall and athletic, and from seeing his bulge earlier she was pretty sure he was well endowed. Being alone in a room alone with him would have seemed like a dream, if not for the circumstances.

“S’up milkmaid. Get those tits out!” He said, standing in the middle of room, already looking at her chest.

Lisa knew she had no choice, she stood up, pulling her top over head before removing her bra, releasing her now larger than normal breasts. Turning her head away, she submitted, placing her hands behind her back.

Dominic wasted no time, grabbing her right boob, squeezing as his mouth went directly to her nipple and began sucking her milk. After a while he switched to her left boob, he moved closer as he squeezed and sucked, she could feel the hardness of his cock as he pressed against her.

Lisa felt her cheeks redden, the feel of his cock against her was making her pussy wet. She felt betrayed by her bodies reaction to Dominic, to his hands and mouth on her breasts, and how her pussy wanted the cock she felt against her.

Dominic finished, wiping his mouth, causing a droplet of Lisa’s breast milk to drop from his lips.

“Ahhh, nice.” Dominic released his grip on her tits. “I’m off out. See you later milkmaid.” He added as he opened the door to their room and left.

Lisa stood for a moment, her breathing faster than normal. With a moan she laid on her bed and pulled down her jeans, wriggling out them hungrily before pulling her panties down. Her hand moved down to her pussy, she felt her wetness and began fingering her clit. Her free hand cupped one of breasts, copying how Dominic had fondled her earlier. Within minutes she felt an orgasm rip through her, she trembled as the feelings subsided.

Thoughts tumbled in her mind, she was being milked to improve a young athletes performance, how was it that she was finding it arousing, enjoyable even?

She could find no answer as she wrestled with her conflicting thoughts.


The following day she found herself again in the coaches office, Dominic was not present, it was just herself and coach Williams.

“Good morning, Lisa!” Coach seemed in a happy mood, smiling as he looked at her. “Tits out, please.”

Lisa found herself obeying without thinking, she unhooked and removed her bra, before pulling her top up above her breasts.

Coach Williams came around the desk, sitting on it as he took each of Lisa’s tits into his hands, cupping them, squeezing them, before rubbing his thumb over her nipples until a small drop of breast milk appeared out of each one.

After putting each thumb into his mouth, tasting the drops of milk, he smiled and spoke to Lisa.

“I checked in with team at morning practice, it’s too early tell really, but they all seemed really energised by our programme. How many times has Dominic milked you?”

“Twice yesterday, once this morning.”

“Good, good. You’re doing well. But we have an issue.”

With her tits still exposed, Lisa looked at coach in the eyes for the first time. “Issue?” She asked.

“Yes. The guys showed a lot of energy, but they were unfocussed, distracted.” Looking down at Lisa’s tits, his gaze lingering there, he continued. “It seems all those perky, young tits have left my team sexually frustrated. They need a release. So it seems we will need to enact clause 8 of your contract.”

“Clause 8?”

“Have you ever given a blow job?” Asked coach, ignoring her question.

Lisa rocked back in shock. “Blow job? N, no.” She stammered. Lisa did not find the thought of giving a blow job appealing, why would she want some guys dick in her mouth, and why would she enjoy tasting his cum?

“Well the guys need a release, and you’ve already agreed you’d provide that release.”

Coach went around Lisa as she struggled with what he was saying. Had she really agreed to give blow jobs on demand?

The click of the lock to the office door brought her back to the present.

“Due to your inexperience, I’d better teach you whats expected of you.”

Lisa watched, frozen, as coach pulled down his tracksuit bottoms and boxers, revealing his already hard cock. It was large, bigger than the couple of young guys she’d been with.

“On your knees, keep your tits out.” Demanded coach.

Without conscious thought, Lisa found herself getting out of the chair and kneeling before coach. Her tits still exposed, her face now in front of coaches cock.

“Lets see what you think a blow job is, get started honey, it’s not going to suck itself.”

Lisa reached out, until her hand was around coaches hard shaft, she ran her hand down it’s length until she reached the base. Trying to remember what she’d seen in a couple of porn videos she’d seen, she took the head of his cock into her mouth.

Her tongue ran over his head, tasting a drop of pre-cum. It was slightly salty, but not as bad as she’d imagined. In fact the taste of his cock was strangely enjoyable, having the taste of a man in her mouth was actually causing her pussy to react, was she really getting wet from this?

She ran her tongue around his cock as best she could, she began to bob her head taking more of him into her mouth, just as she’d seen in the videos. She continued, bobbing up and down, until she had a few inches of his cock in her moth and she felt him reach the back of her mouth.

“Mmmmmm, not bad for a beginner.” Said coach, reaching down and fondling her right tit. “But you can take more.” His other hand reached behind her head, pushing her gently until Lisa felt his cock reaching her throat. Gagging and spluttering she tried to pull back, but coaches hand kept her from moving.

“Just relax, you can do it.” He said soothingly, but his hand took a tight grip of her hair, enough to cause some pain. Holding her head firmly by her hair he pushed her head back down onto his cock, backing out slightly before pushing in deeper again and again, pushing more of himself into her until she felt his balls rest against her chin, his cock down her throat.

Lisa felt light-headed, unable to breathe around the cock in her throat, her hands against his hips, trying to push him back without any success.

Coach pulled back and Lisa gulped in as much air as she could.

“Thats it, relax and you’ll be fine.” With that he began rocking his hips, holding her head as he began pumping his cock into her throat again and again.

Lisa felt her arms go limp as she focussed only on getting air when she could, as coach continued fucking her mouth, keeping up a strong rhythm.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but eventually she heard him grunt and his pace changed to slow, hard thrusts down her throat, she felt his cock twitch. He was going to cum in her mouth. She tried to speak, to tell him no, but only muffled noises came from around the cock in her mouth, and then she felt him cum, hot spurts of jizz shooting from his cock, down her throat. Coach kept his cock in her throat as he continued firing his cum into her, pulling back into her mouth where the last shot of his cum filled her it.

“Swallow it.” Commanded coach. “I don’t want cum on my floor.”

Lisa spluttered as coach pulled out, swallowing obediently as she’d been told.

“Clean the cock, always clean the cock.” Coach ordered, his still hard cock in front of her.

Silently Lisa licked and sucked the remaining cum from coaches cock, finding the experience… pleasurable? Her body was certainly giving her that message, her nipples hard, leaking milk, her pussy now definitely wet.

“Good enough.” Commented coach, pulling his underwear and bottoms back on. “You can put your bra back on. We’ll meet again next week to assess your performance. Work on your technique, I’ve advised Dominic he can now use your mouth whenever he wants. Okay?”

Without waiting for an answer, coach returned to his seat and started typing on his computer.

“Send in the next girl as you leave.”

Pulling her top back down over her bra, Lisa unlocked the office and left. Outside was another student from the college, Lisa recognised her from one of her classes.

“Um, you can go in now.” She said, neither girl looking the other in the eye.


Dominic had found her around lunch time. “Dinner time, milkmaid.” He grinned, pulling her into an unused room, locking the door behind him.

Without waiting to be asked, Lisa unhooked her bra and lifter her top, Dominic eagerly began sucking on her tits, drinking down her milk. His hands roamed her breasts as he suckled her breast milk.

Again he pressed himself close to her so she could feel his erection.

Licking a last drop from her nipple, Dominic stood back. “On your knees, I need a release.”

Lisa dropped to her knees, opening her mouth as she watched Dominic undo his belt, removing his jeans and boxers until she could finally see the cock she’d found herself imaging I her head.

Dominics cock wasn’t quite as big as coaches, but was still much more impressive than the couple of guys she’d been with, and it was fully erect.

Quickly pushing himself into her mouth he rocked slowly in and out as Lisa began licking and sucking as best she could. She wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to, or if she wanted to make him cum without having him in her throat. She could still feel a soreness from coaches ‘teaching’ earlier.

Dominic seem to be enjoying it, he took both her breasts in his hands, groaning as Lisa sucked his cock. She used her hand at the base of his cock, stroking it up and down.

Within just three minutes Lisa felt his cock spasm and his cum filled her mouth. She gulped it down and licked his cock for any remaining drops. Lisa thought him cum was somehow sweeter than coaches.

The two students pulled their clothes back on, Dominic seemed more relaxed than Lisa had ever seen him.

“Thanks, that was…. nice.” He said, and left the room. Lisa was alone, finding herself feeling horny, a feeling that lasted all day, until she relieved herself as soon as she returned to her room.


Lisa began to settle into her new routine, Dominic would suckle milk from her breasts, often followed by a blow job Lisa found she craved having Dominic in her mouth or throat, disappointed at the times when he didn’t need one, burning up his energy on the basketball court. Her grades improved as she had more time to study, and she enjoyed the times she could hang out with Dominic and the team, even if she was a milkmaid, not a true girlfriend. In fact only one thing was wrong, and she decided she would fix it.

The next evening just as Dominic finished suckling the milk from her breasts and pulled his boxers off to reveal his hard cock, instead of dropping to her knees as expected, Lisa pulled down her pyjama bottoms instead. She was not wearing any underwear, so she now stood in front of Dominic completely naked, her freshly shaved pussy on display.

“You can use my pussy if you want, for your relief.” Lisa’s voice was soft as she stood nervously watching Dominic. “Y, you can use it whenever you want.” She offered.

Dominic had looked surprised at first. “Really?” He asked, his eyes lighting up.

Dominic didn’t say a ward as he gently guided Lisa over to her bad, allowing her to lay down.

Lisa opened her legs wide, Dominic didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation, thrusting himself inside her eagerly.

Lisa moaned at the feel of his of his cock finally inside her, filling and stretching her wonderfully.

“Damn, your cunt is so wet!” Exclaimed Dominic at the ease at which he could enter her. Within moments he began pounding hard into her pussy, pushing in deeper with each stroke until his balls slapped up against her.

Lisa wondered if her milk had helped give him such strength and stamina, Dominic continued pounding into her without any slowdown.

It only took her a minute before she felt an orgasm exploding within her, her pussy clenching around the cock she’d found herself yearning for in the last few days.

Dominic continued, watching as Lisa’s tits bounced in rhythm to the fucking.

“I love those tits!” He cried, as his cock began shooting his load deep inside Lisa’s pussy. Feeling his hot load deep inside her was enough to trigger her own, second orgasm.

He collapsed on top of her, still inside her as they both regained their breath.

“Thanks.” Said Dominic, kissing Lisa on her cheek before returning to his own bed.

Lisa smiled too, still feeling the echoes of her orgasm.

Being a milkmaid was OK.


Coach Williams looked at the collage paper with pride, reading the headline for the umpteenth time.

*’Basketball team wins championship!’*

President Burns had almost shook his hand off after the championship. “I never had a doubt!” He’d said. Coach appreciated the lie. But his plan HAD worked.

Coach returned to the paper, below the headline was a photo of the team, many of whom had a girl next to them.

Leaning to get a closer look, coach looked at one of his players, Dominic. His arm was around a girl, his hand perhaps just a little too close to her breast than typical public behaviour.

Coach smiled. “Breast is best!” He exclaimed, laughing.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fxfaqg/special_diet_for_the_basketball_team_mf_oral


  1. I’m not really into milking but I’m into CNC and fictional rape stories and this was beautifully written and played out. Love it!

  2. Thanks for responding to the prompt. The quality of this is very good, and it gets better toward the end. A very heavy emotional distress vibe suffuses the story, which is well executed and which no doubt is quite nice for people with that kink.

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