[MF] [Long] [Deepthroat] [Mind Control] [69] [Threesome] [Two Cocks, One Man] Metamorphodick: Chapter 2

Metamorphodick: The Sexually Explicit Adventures of a Man and His Shape-Changing Penis

Chapter Two: Escape from Base 69!

I wake up. Again. I’m in a dimly lit room. It looks like small laboratory: a few worktables with sciencey-looking stuff, with shelves and cupboards lining the walls. I try to move and discover that I’m strapped to something. Looking around me, I can see that it’s something like a dentist’s chair. As I move my head, I feel something moving with it. Rolling my eyes up, I can just about make out the edge of some device around my scalp. Back to being an experimental subject, it seems.

One wall of the room, the one I’m facing, is dominated by a room-length window. Through it, I can see a group of people studying me intently. Meela is among them. That solves the mystery of where I am: this must be the rebel base.

The people are talking. I can hear them through the window.

“But it’s just sexual augments,” one of them is saying. “That’s no use to us.”

“Any glimpse into the Corp’s genetic technology is invaluable to us,” says a slightly dishevelled man. “Even it is something as frivolous as this.”

“Besides,” says a gruff looking man, probably their commander, “that base was the most lightly guarded one we’ve seen. It was too good an opportunity to miss.” He turns to his dishevelled colleague. “Are we ready?”

The dishevelled one performs a few actions on a terminal on their side of the window. “Yes, we can start.”

“OK,” says the commander. “Meela, you’re the most familiar with the subject. You have the honour.”

Meela sighs, not entirely out of resignation.

A door slides open and Meela walks into the lab. She crosses the room to stand in front the chair, looking down at me.

“I’m going to…stimulate you,” she says to me, “so that Albram can get some readings.”

She kneels down, and unzips the silver coverall I’m still wearing, all the way down to my groin. She reaches a hand into the crotch of the suit and draws out my flaccid penis. It’s almost like the encounter we shared back on her ship, except here she’s professional and dispassionate.

Meela makes a circle of her forefinger and thumb and uses it to rub my soft cock up and down. Nothing happens. The sting of her betrayal still hurts, which makes this a less than erotic experience for me. Plus there’s a bunch of people watching me through a window.

“We need you to get erect,” Meela says, like a teacher talking to an at-risk teen.

“It’s not going to happen,” I tell her bluntly.

She sighs, this time entirely in resignation. Then she reaches behind her and pulls out a pistol, a sleek thing that probably shoots laser beams. She presses the barrel down on my foot. Hard.

“You’re going to get an erection, or I’m going to shoot your foot off.”

“You can’t do that!” I laugh in disbelief.

Meela is not laughing. “There are only a few parts of your body we need. Your feet aren’t among them. Neither are your legs, your hands, or your arms. I will shoot them all off until you get erect.”

I swallow. I’m fairly certain that having my foot shot off will not get me horny. But I’m also fairly certain that I don’t want to have my foot shot off. Or my legs, or my hands, or my arms. I need to do something.

“What if you talk dirty to me?” I suggest.

“What?” Meela’s professional demeanour slips for a split second.

“You know, give me some encouragement,” I continue. “I mean, this whole scenario isn’t exactly sexy, is it? What with those guys watching and you threatening to shoot bits of me off. Give me something to go on.”

“Alright,” Meela says tentatively. She clears her throat. “Get hard for me, big boy.” This time she sounds like a doctor asking me to bend down and cough.

My cock is suitably unimpressed. “You’ll need to do better than that,” I say.

Meela rolls her eyes in irritation, then she shoots a furtive look behind her at her rebel friends. She fixes her stare on my still flaccid penis.

“Show me that big, hard cock of yours,” she says. There is a slightly breathless note to her voice. My cock gives a minute twitch.

“There you go,” I say encouragingly.

Meela starts to move her finger and thumb over my cock again. “Oh god,” she moans convincingly. “I want to see it. I want to see the hard cock you fucked me with last night.”

My dick is getting bigger, hardening in Meela’s grip. I catch my breath as the first pang of pleasure climbs up my lengthening shaft.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” Meela croons. “That’s a good boy. Show mama that big, hard cock.”

At Meela’s words, my semi-erect cock gives a jolt and surges upright in her hand. I didn’t even know I was into that kind of thing.

Meela gives my now fully erect dick a look of satisfaction, of a job well done. Then she stands up and turns her back to me to face the window. “Am I done here?” she asks the group on the other side.

The dishevelled man – Albram – looks at his terminal, shakes his head. “I think you’ll need him to, you know, get bigger,” he says. “Actually activate the augments.”

“Fine,” Meela says, pinching the bridge of her nose. She turns back to me. By now, my cock has gone limp. “For fuck sake,” Meela curses.

“Maybe call me a good boy again?” I offer.

“No, I’ve got a better idea.”

With that, Meela kneels down again. She takes my flaccid penis in her hand, but this time she leans forward and takes me into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around my soft shaft and head, and I start to harden in her mouth. My breathing intensifies as my cock twitches and twinges under the caress of Meela’s tongue and lips. Unconsciously, my arms strain at their restraints, desperate to grab Meela’s head as she sucks my cock.

My dick is now hard again, Meela’s lips wrapped around the head. She lets me go, wipes saliva from her lips.

“Right,” she says, “time to get bigger.”

Nothing happens. I’m putting it down to performance anxiety. Meela grabs her gun and pushes it down on my foot again.

“I said, get bigger, like when you filled me up last night,” she commands.

The memory of my giant cock stuffing Meela all the way to her cervix keeps me from going soft again, but I still can’t seem to find the mental controls I used last night.

“Please don’t shoot my foot off,” I say, a little more pathetically than I intended.

Meela sighs in exasperation. She takes a deep breath, and takes me in her mouth again. Takes all of me in. She lowers her head until her nose is buried in my pubic hair. The tip of my cock is pushing against the back of her throat; I can feel it contracting and releasing around me as Meela tries not to gag. She stays there for a few seconds, then lifts herself off me. A thin line of saliva, or maybe precum, stretches from the head of my cock to Meela’s mouth, then breaks.

Meela gasps for breath. “I’m going to deepthroat you,” she gulps, “until you get so big I can’t take all of you. OK?”

Without waiting for an answer, Meela swallows my cock whole again. Her throat is so warm and moist and tight that I could come right now. Suddenly I can feel my mental controls. I flip a switch, and my cock pushes a little further down Meela’s throat. She gags, coughing around my cock, and pulls herself up. Spit and precum dribble down her chin.

“Now we’re getting somewhere,” she gasps.

Meela takes another deep breath and takes me into her mouth again. My cock shoves itself further down her throat. The passage is getting tighter, the walls of her oesophagus squeezing my dick. It seems as if this is as far as my cock can get down Meela’s throat; her nose is no longer nestled in my pubes.

Meela doesn’t seem to have noticed, though. She pulls herself up, catches her breath, then gobbles me down again.

A voice speaks up from beyond the window. “Er, Meela,” Albram says, “you can stop now. Good job.”

Meela comes up for air. Her chest heaves as she gulps down air; a thick rope of saliva and precum joins her mouth to my glistening cock. There is a hungry look in her eyes. “One more for luck,” she breathes.

She practically rams herself down onto my cock. My head is shoved deep into Meela’s throat, where it is massaged by her muscles as she controls her gag reflex. I can feel the orgasm, the one has been building ever since Meela started deepthroating, me surging up my shaft. I close my eyes, and with a cry I come down Meela’s throat.

Just before I empty my balls, something – instinct, perhaps – guides my mental hand over my mental controls and presses a mental button.

My cock pulses inside Meela’s oesophagus, and I shoot my cum deep into her. She gags, sending the first wave spurting out between her lips. Then she regains control and starts swallowing. She practically drinks my cum down, stream after stream of the stuff.

I expect to keep coming, but though it’s certainly a big load I end up spewing into Meela, it’s still a fairly normal amount. Not that I’m complaining: my hips buck into Meela’s face, my cock throbs in her mouth, and my mind is flooded by the pleasure of coming down her throat. Still, a part of me wonders what it was I did when I flipped that mental switch.

Meela lifts her mouth off my cock; there’s a wet squelch as my head clears her throat. She wipes her mouth with her sleeve, cleaning off the saliva, precum, and the initial blast of spunk. She gives my slowly softening cock, coated in all the same fluids she just wiped off her face, one last look, then she stands up, turns around, and walks to the door.

As Meela crosses the room, I notice a weird…I suppose you’d say presence in my head. Experimentally, I give it a mental prod. Meela stops. Comprehension begins to dawn, and I psychically whisper, “Turn around,” to the presence. Meela turns around to face me.

Holy shit. Did I just pump mind-controlling jizz down Meela’s throat?

“Everything OK, Meela?” the commander asks from the other side of the window.

I tell Meela’s presence in my head to carry on with what she was doing. Confusion briefly passes over her face, then she turns back to the door and leaves the room.

As the rebels gather around Albram’s terminal and talk amongst themselves, a plan begins to form in my mind. I only half listen to what they’re saying; something about genetic encryption, full organ control, and vivisection. That last one sends a jolt of panic through me, and I try to think faster. I tell the Meela in my head to come back when everyone is asleep and release me. She glances at me through the window, but I can’t tell if it’s worked or not. I can only hope.

After a while the rebels leave. I am left alone, strapped to an alien dentist’s chair, waiting to be cut open for science, or, if I’m lucky, rescued by a woman who swallowed my mind-controlling spunk. Time passes. I have no idea how long I’ve been waiting. I might have dozed off, but I can’t be sure. My mind might have just blacked out through sheer boredom. I find myself surprised at the idea that I could get bored when the threat of vivisection hovers over me. My buttocks start to ache from resting on this chair for so long. Then they go numb. Then they start to ache again. I think I’ve come up with a new way of measuring time: the buttock ache system.

Eventually, after what might genuinely have been eternity, Meela appears on the other side of the window. Her presence in my mind had dulled to almost nothing when the rebels left me an age ago, but now it grows stronger. She opens the laboratory door, crosses the room, and releases the restraints confining me to the chair and the contraption around my head. I stand up, stretch, and massage my aching muscles, paying close attention to my numb buttocks. “Thanks,” I say to Meela.

She doesn’t respond. Instead, she just stands there and stares at me. There is a strange look in her eyes, as if she’s not quite there.

“I need you to take me to a ship and get me out of here,” I command her.

For a few seconds, Meela doesn’t respond. A complicated series of emotions subtly plays out on her face: confusion, defiance, fear, acquiescence. Then her face settles on that vacant look again, and she says “Yes,” in a dull monotone. She immediately turns around and heads for the door. I follow her.

Meela leads me through corridors. There is a decrepit appearance to the gunmetal grey walls, as if the rebels are merely squatting in whatever this facility used to be. We don’t come across any of the others, so I assume that they are occupied elsewhere, probably asleep.

We come to a door. Meela taps on a panel on the wall and the door slides up, revealing a hangar. A handful of ships are dotted about the cavernous space, including what I think is Meela’s ship. Before we can enter the hangar, a side door slides open and another woman steps through.

“Meela, what are you doing?” the woman asks.

Meela doesn’t respond; she just looks blankly at the woman. I panic. Frantically, I prod at Meela’s presence in my head, instructing her to do something, distract this interloper somehow.

Suddenly, Meela’s face changes, returns to normal. I’m briefly terrified that my control over her has broken, but I realise that I can still feel her in my head. She responds to the woman, saying, “I thought you might like a go at the subject before Albram cuts him open tomorrow.”

The woman gives me an appraising look. I try to appear docile and stupid, so as not to break Meela’s deception. “That’s so thoughtful of you,” the woman says. “You know, me and the other girls have been super jealous that you got to take that cock of his. And they way you deepthroated him earlier? Ugh, I almost came in my suit watching that.”

I recognise the woman now. She was one of the rebels on the other side of the window. Her black hair, cut to just above her shoulders, frames her round, full-lipped face. Her breasts are large enough to be visible under her shapeless silver coveralls.

“Come on, then” she says, turning back to the room she came from. “My pussy can’t wait any longer.”

Meela and I follow her into the room. It is a small security office, with monitors set into one wall and a desk in the centre of the floor.

“Get him to lie on the table,” the woman says to Meela.

“OK, Narin,” Meela responds.

I take my cue and lie down on the desk. I’ll go along with this for as long as I need to, until I see an opportunity to get back to my escape.

The woman, Narin, shucks off her coverall, revealing a voluptuous body, all curves and soft flesh. Having discarded her clothes, she unzips my coverall all the way. She then kneels on the floor between my legs and starts stroking my cock. Without a whole group of people watching, it’s a lot easier to get aroused, and my dick immediately begins to harden. Before I’m even fully erect, Narin takes me in her mouth. Her lips caress my shaft and her tongue swirls around my head. My hips buck gently upward, and I let my cock continue to grow in Narin’s mouth. The head pushes against the back of her throat, and she gags before pulling up, keeping just the tip in her mouth. Clearly, she’s not interested in deepthroating.

Narin spends a couple of minutes slobbering over my cock. Suddenly, she stands up and clambers onto the table, somehow keeping my dick in her mouth throughout the manoeuvre. She lays herself across my body, positioning her pussy, glistening with juices, directly over my face. I take the hint. I run my tongue all the way down her moist slit, from her engorged clitoris, down her vulva, ending just before her little asshole. Narin shudders and moans around my cock. The vibration of the sound around my head elicits a shudder of my own.

I lick back up Narin’s pussy and begin circling her clit. Narin’s moans become continuous as she slurps around my cock. One of her hands starts stroking my shaft, adding to the pleasure. In response, I insert a finger into Narin’s cunt. The action prompts a muffled shriek, and her hips buck downward, pushing my head into the table below. Narin’s stroking picks up speed as I finger-fuck her pussy.

At some point, through the sensation of having my cock sucked and stroked, I remember Meela. I wonder if it seems suspicious that she’s just standing there while Narin and I go down on each other. I wonder if Narin would even notice; her moans are increasing in intensity, after all. Just in case, I command Meela’s presence in my head to join in, any way she wants.

I can’t see anything, what with Narin’s pussy riding my face, but I feel a hand start to caress my balls, and another hand join Narin’s in stroking my shaft. Then I feel a tongue on my perineum, massaging the sensitive area between my balls and asshole.

The intense pleasure of having my cockhead gobbled, my shaft stroked by two different hands, my balls fondled, and my taint licked becomes too much. I can feel the familiar pressure building at the base of my shaft. But I am nothing if not a gentleman, and I don’t want to come until I can do Narin the same courtesy. I push another finger into Narin’s soaked pussy, producing another muffled scream, and swirl my tongue like a whirlwind around her clit. It isn’t long before I feel Narin’s walls clench around my fingers, at which point I shove a third finger into her and begin to gently nibble her clit. Narin’s hips smother my face and her thighs clamp around my head.

“Mmph! Mmph! Mmmmmmmmph!” Narin’s screams as she comes all over my fingers and face.

The sound of Narin’s orgasm, the vibrations of it on my cock, the juices practically pouring into my mouth: all of this serves to send me over the edge. I grunt into Narin’s cunt, buck my hips into her face, and come into her mouth. My cock throbs and pulses as it shoots stream after stream of cum into Narin. She gags on the first spurt – I feel it dribble through her lips and down my shaft – then she settles into a rhythm and gulps it all down. Meela runs her tongue up my shaft, lapping up the cum Narin missed.

Once both our orgasms have subsided, Narin climbs off the table. My view no longer obstructed by her crotch, I see her wipe the cum off her face and lick it off her hand.

“Stand up,” she says to me. I do what I’m told. Narin takes my place on the table, her buttocks resting right on the edge. I’ve stood a couple of feet from the table, and Narin stretches her legs out and uses them to pull me closer. “I still want that dick inside me,” she purrs.

I’m not sure how I can help her now; my cock is soft and tender after being so thoroughly sucked. Still, Narin grinds her wet pussy against my groin, mixing her juices with my cum and her own saliva. Meela stands to the side and leans down, kissing Narin deeply on the lips. Her hands seek out Narin’s huge tits and knead the fleshy mounds.

The view and Narin’s grinding are enough to get me hard again. Narin reaches a hand down between her legs, grasps my stiff cock, and guides it to her entrance. I push my hips forward and my head pops into Narin’s pussy. I let slip a groan; her cunt is so tight. I push further, burying myself in Narin.

“Is that it?” I hear Narin say. “Come on, you can fill me better than that.”

I suppose I do have a reputation to uphold. I allow my cock to increase in size and girth. Narin breathes hard as it stretches the walls of her pussy, then cries out as my head presses against her cervix. I stop growing, allowing Narin to get accustomed to my size.

“Holy shit, that’s big,” she moans. Then she fixes me with a demanding stare over Meela, who is still fondling her tits, and says, “What are you waiting for? Fuck me.”

I don’t need to be told twice. I pull myself out until just my head is nestled inside Narin’s tight cunt, then I shove myself all the way back in, bashing against her cervix.

“Aaah!” Narin cries.

I fuck Narin like this for a while, assaulting the furthest reaches of her cunt with my monster cock. She is straight screaming as her cervix is pounded.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Fuck! Yes!”

As I’m smashing Narin’s pussy, Meela climbs on top of her. She buries her face in the other woman’s tits while she grinds her crotch against mine whenever I slam into Narin. It’s a wonderful view; I’m just disappointed that I can’t fuck both of these pussies at once.

Then I remember the blacksite and the eight penises and I realise that I actually can fuck both of these pussies. I search my mental controls; I’m becoming increasingly familiar with this strange addition to my mind, and I quickly find what I’m looking for. I pull myself out of Narin, eliciting a moan of disappointment.

“Oh god, put it back in!” she whines.

I ignore her for the moment and concentrate. I watch in fascination as my cock, right now a ten-inch monster, ripples along its length, then splits into two ten-inch monsters, one above the other. Holding one in each hand, I position my two heads at the entrances to Meela and Narin’s pussies. Then I thrust, burying my cocks deep inside each of the two women.

They each cry out in ecstasy as I fill their cunts. For a moment, each woman thinks that she’s the only one I’ve chosen to fuck. Almost as one, they turn their heads to look back at me, and see two cocks sprouting from my groin and impaling their pussies.

“Fucking hell, that’s hot,” Narin moans.

Meela doesn’t say anything; she just grinds her hips against mine, urging me deeper.

I begin to fuck Meela and Narin with abandon. They both scream and wail as their insides are pummelled. Occasionally they kiss each other, shouting muffled cries of pleasure into each other’s mouths.

I alternate between holding on to Meela’s hips and Narin’s. The feeling of their inner walls yielding to my cocks is incredible. Meela is not as tight as Narin, whose pussy is squeezing me like a vice, but Meela still makes a fantastic cocksleeve. Even though I came just a few minutes ago, I don’t know how long I’m going to last now; the feeling of two cocks slamming into these two cunts is like nothing I’ve felt before.

As if on some prearranged signal, Meela and Narin’s tunnels begin to spasm around me.

“Oh fuck, I’m going to come!” Narin yells.

“Shit, me too!” Meela shouts.

I increase my pace, foregoing depth for speed. My cocks jackhammer in and out of Meela and Narin as their pussies ripple and convulse around me. After a few seconds of shallow pounding, each woman screams, their hips buck wildly, and their cunts practically crush my cocks as they come.

“Oooh! Oooooh! Oooooooh!” Narin screams.

“Aaaaaah! Aaaaah! Fuuuuuck!” Meela wails.

With these two cunts milking cocks, I can’t hold back any longer. The pressure builds in my shaft, my cocks throb, and I shoot my loads deep into these two pussies. I continue thrusting, spurting rope after rope of cum into Meela and Narin. My orgasms are so intense that I collapse on top of Meela. My hips buck weakly as I pump the last of my seed into the two women.

I’m breathing hard as I push myself up and stand back from the table. My two cocks, softening after emptying my balls, flop out of Meela and Narin with two audible and wet pops. With a mental click, my two cocks merge back into one. A trickle of cum oozes out of Meela’s pussy lips and drips down onto Narin’s dark pubic hair.

In my post-orgasm clarity, I notice a second presence in my head, alongside Meela’s. I think that it’s Narin, and I realise that I must have ‘left on’ my mind-controlling jizz, which Narin swallowed when I came in her mouth. This makes things a lot easier. Once Meela has climbed off Narin and we’ve both zipped up our coveralls, I command the other woman to sleep. Narin curls up on the table and dozes off, cum dribbling down her chin and out of her cunt.

Meela and I leave the security office, and I follow her into the hangar. She leads me to her ship, the one that brought me here. We enter the ship, and I get Meela to show me how to fly it. It’s a longshot – after all, what are the chances that I can learn to fly a super-advanced spaceship in just a few minutes – but it pays off. Turns out that super-advanced spaceships are actually super easy to fly. The controls are simple, with most of the functions handled by the onboard computer.

Once I’ve familiarised myself with the controls, I command Meela to return to her bed and sleep. When she leaves, I power up the ship and take her out. As I’m passing out of the hangar entrance into space, I notice the hangar number painted on one of the walls.

69. How appropriate.

I chuckle to myself and accelerate away from the base and into my next adventure.

To be continued in Chapter Three: Hunted and Fucked!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fvycc5/mf_long_deepthroat_mind_control_69_threesome_two

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