What Happens in the Industrial Mall Elevator, Stays in the Industrial Mall Elevator.. [MF]

If you’ve read any of my other stories, then you’ve probably heard me mention my partner, Ian. This is the story of how we met, years ago now, when I was still in school. I was working part-time at a bookstore in the mall, in the merchandising department. Merchandising suited me; it satisfied my desire for maintaining aesthetic order and minimized my interactions with demanding customers. I spent hours each shift, often early in the morning or late at night, in the back rooms, unpacking and organizing the merchandise. I didn’t mind that either, the mall was quiet then and I could listen to my own music as I unpacked books and generally mind my own business. Plus, I had never really had a problem with early mornings. Overall, I liked the job a lot; I loved the bookstore environment and my quirky coworkers, and I didn’t hate that, thanks to the physical element of it (lifting boxes of books all day), my arms were looking nicer than they ever had before.

My least favourite thing about being what I guess you could call a ‘back of house’ employee at the mall was taking out the garbage. Behind the walls of the mall is a maze of corridors. Narrow, dimly lit, and painted with passive pastel yellows and greens, the back alleys of the mall were equal parts disgusting and terrifying. My store was on the top floor, and the garbage was on the bottom, so my route involved maneuvering through those narrow, dim hallways with a big bin full of cardboard or trash, and then operating an industrial elevator that both scared and amazed me. Just one look at it and you couldn’t help but imagine 1 million ways to die in that elevator. Hallways, elevator, more hallways, eventually the underground parking lot and trash center. I can still smell it down there – the mix of oil and wet cardboard mixing with the rot of garbage. There was also always at least a 50% chance of getting garbage juice somewhere on my skin or clothes, but I have never been a complainer, and it was worth it to not have to deal with customers.

My favourite thing about work? That would have been Ian. I noticed him about a year into working there when, in a moment of weakness and desperation, I went to the Starbucks that was located inside the bookstore. I had gone in every now and then over the previous year, preferring the other cafes that were slightly farther away, but falling victim to the sheer convenience more often then I would like to admit. That day I stood in line, eyeing the pastries, absentmindedly thinking about the displays I had to work on after my break.

“Right here!” a voice called out. I looked up and met the eyes of a barista I had never seen before. I’m sure I would have remembered. Walking up to him I couldn’t help but return his easy smile, his bright green eyes were trained on me. Cute. Really cute. I felt my neck and cheeks begin to flush.
“What can I get you?” his eyes stayed on me and I found it hard to meet his gaze. Looking down instead I took in the patchwork of tattoos covering his left arm as far as I could see.

“Grande americano?” Hopefully he didn’t hear the tremble in my voice.
“You got it. Name?”
“Teddy.” He looked up from the cup he was writing on and startled me with searing eye contact against.

“Dope name.” No denying the heat on my face now. Full blush, no subtleties. I murmured my thanks and hurried through the rest of the transaction, hoping he wouldn’t notice how red I could feel my face was. As I waited for my coffee I tried to watch him serve the line without seeming like I was watching, watched him flashing his incredible smile. I found myself hoping that he would look at me again, but he didn’t.

“Teddy?” I took the drink offered to me by a different barista and left. It wasn’t until later, when my break was over and I was heading back to the stock room that I noticed the little smiley face he’d drawn beside my name on the cup.

From that day on I always looked for him. I found myself hoping to spot him behind the counter, so we could make eye contact and maybe I’d get a smile. I found myself circling around the cafe more often than necessary, scoping for straggler books or merchandise that customers may have brought in and not returned, hoping for an excuse to stay on his radar. I started going in more often when I saw him there, drinking shitty americanos, to have a reason to talk to him and see him up close. Eventually, we built up a bit of a banter; he would ask me about my day and wink, I would blush and try my best to muster up enough brain cells for an answer. He started giving me my americanos for free, and continued to draw silly faces and leave notes on my cup. Just ‘have a good one’ or ‘u rock’, but I loved them. I thought about saving them but never actually did.

Fast-forward a couple months, Ian and I are almost friends. He still made me blush (I truly had no control over it, I still don’t), but I was comfortable with it enough to be myself around him, joke with him. He was easy to talk to, and although every brief conversation we had left me wanting to know more about him, there was a part of me that loved the mystery of ‘Ian’ that existed in these brief interactions, a couple of minutes a couple of days a week. As much satisfaction as I got from our ‘relationship’, I never really thought that Ian felt the same way about me, yeah he left me notes on my cups and winked but he probably did that with everyone… he was a charismatic guy and I knew better than to think the attention he gave me was anything special. Despite believing that I still enjoyed the attention, and besides ,it was fun for me to have a crush at work, not to mention totally harmless.

I was making my rounds through the store right after closing one night. My shift didn’t end for a couple more hours; there was reorganizing and restocking required to recover from the day and prepare for tomorrow, and at that moment I was searching for out-of-place items to replace. I scrunched my nose as I picked up an empty Starbucks cup from one of our table displays. Looking around for the garbage, I saw Ian heading in my direction, pushing a garbage bin towards the door to the back hallways. We met eyes and as he got closer I held up the dirty cup and looked at him accusingly.

“Can you please tell your customers not to leave their shit on my tables?” I said jokingly and he laughed, coming up right in front of me now. I felt the familiar flush in the back of my neck but tried not to focus on it as I tossed the cup into his garbage bin.

“Sorry, but they actually won’t be my customers too much longer” he said in response, laughing at my fake anger.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m out of here soon. Finally got a bartending job, I start next week!” For a moment I didn’t know how to respond. This was something I knew he’d been wanting and I was happy for him, but next week? That was so soon. We had just finally started to become real friends and now he was leaving? I had a hard time pretending I wasn’t crushed, but I tried my best

“Ian that’s amazing, I’m so happy for you. You really deserve it.” I hoped my voice sounded sincere, I did mean it after all, but his face looked serious as he took in my expression.

“Thanks Teddy. You’ll have to come visit, let me make you some drinks.” His voice was soft and he didn’t blink as he looked at me. I had to drop my gaze.

“Yeah of course. Definitely.”

“Seriously.” Two fingers on my wrist as he said it. My eyes shot back up to his and I all of a sudden became hyper-aware of how short the distance between us was. Close enough for him to touch me. His fingers were rough but cool on my wrist, and they were sending lightning bolts of heat to my face, to my chest, to my stomach and beneath it. His eyes had a different look in them now, I couldn’t place it. Surprise? Curiosity? I was too flustered to speak, I just looked at him and tried to remember how to breathe. I don’t know how much time passed as we stood there, but eventually his eyes left mine and, after pausing briefly at my lips, flickered away to the garbage bin beside him. His fingers left my wrist and the skin ached in their absence.

“I’d better deal with this” he said, nodding towards the rash.

“Yeah you’d better”. I had wanted my voice to sound flippant, but it came out shaky, influenced by my racing heart. He smiled at me and I caught his eyes flit to my lips again before he gave his head a little shake and turned away from me, flashing a peace sign as he did. I leaned down to straighten a stack of books on the table, but caught myself watching him walk as he headed towards the back hallways, the elevator. I loved the way he walked; he had a very distinct gait that was easy but playful. Hard to describe. As he got to the door and propped it open, he turned back and caught me watching him. I expected the smile, the wink, but this time he just locked eyes with me. Even with the distance between us I could feel it. Heat, intensity, coming from his gaze. I felt a shiver go up my spine and my pussy began to tingle. Did that look really mean what I thought it did? 10 more seconds and he was gone through the door. I stood there, heart racing, officially hot and bothered, trying to decide what to do. It didn’t take long. After a cursory glance around, I abandoned the floor and followed him through the door and into the back of the mall.

My heart pounded in my ears as I wound through the familiar hallways. I couldn’t see him but I thought I could hear his footsteps up ahead, just around a few more corners. The footsteps ceased and I realized he had reached the elevator. I wiped my sweating palms on my black jeans as I rounded the last corner and came to stand with him in front of the industrial elevator. I noticed he had pressed the button that opened the two layers of iron door, but had not gone inside. He was standing there with his hands in his pocket, waiting. For a moment he didn’t say anything, just looked me up and down slowly. Had I misread the look he gave me before? Was I totally embarrassing myself? He met my eyes again and this time he smiled. Before I could speak he turned away from me and shoved his bin of garbage into the back corner of the elevator. He then stood at the entrance of the elevator and, still smiling his sexy crooked smile, beckoned for me to join him.

I stepped into the elevator beside him. The tension in the air was building to almost unbearable heights, and I almost swooned when he leaned to press the ‘close door’ button and his arm grazed mine. We stood side by side and watched in silence as the metal doors swung in and closed in front us, one after another. One button to close the doors, another one to make it move. But Ian wasn’t going to press that second button. Instead he turned to face me and, grabbing the small of my back with one hand and my neck with the other, pulled me in to kiss me. As soon as our lips met, I melted. His mouth was soft but firm as we kissed, his sweet tongue darting out to taste and caress mine. He was an amazing kisser. Or we were amazing together? Letting out a moan that made me flush, he brought a hand up into my hair and grabbed a firm handful, and then using his body to guide me he moved us over and pressed me firm against the dirty elevator wall. I gasped at the cool metal and the sensation of his body pressed all the way against mine. I let my hands roam around his broad shoulders and toned arms, then brought them up and tangled them in his sandy hair, like I’d thought of doing so many times before. I felt his cock stir against my hip as my fingers tightened. He lowered his lips from mine and ducked down to plant warm kisses along the nape of my neck.

“I thought about this so much” I hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but it came out in a raspy whisper. I felt him exhale harshly against my neck, but he didn’t say anything, he just stepped back enough that he could take my shirt off, and then his own. He raised an eyebrow at me as he regarded the black lace bra that was doing its best to show off my tits. I couldn’t stop myself from looking down to see his erection, the outline of which was now almost visible through his jeans. I felt my pussy getting wet. Unable to resist, I reached out to rub his dick through his pants, smiling as I felt it harden under my hand. He was breathing heavily as I went for his belt and began to slowly undo if. As I did he reached behind me and removed my bra. My small pink nipples were rock hard in the cold elevator air and he took them one at a time in his mouth, rubbing his tongue firmly across them, making me lose my focus on his belt. Eventually his pants came down, and as I slid his boxers down to join them I followed too, dropping to my knees on the rough metal floor, taking in the sight of his cock, now fully erect, right in front of me. Long but not too long, thick but not too thick. My mouth watered just looking at it.

“Teddy…” he started, but before he could finish I grasped his cock at the base and began to lick it slowly and firmly from base to tip. He groaned. I focused my tongue on the head of his dick, looking up to meet his eyes as I licked on it sloppily before putting it in my mouth. His hands reached down to pull back my hair, holding it roughly at the base of my neck. Sucking gently, I tried to let my saliva build as I worked my way down his cock, taking little by little until my eyes watered and I gagged as his length reached the back of my throat. I felt his dick throbbing in my mouth, growing harder and harder as I spat and gasped on my knees until he pulled back, removing his dick from my throat, and used his hands on my hair to pull me to my feet. The look in his eyes was ravenous. He spun me around and shoved me roughly against the wall again, this time with my back to him. I whimpered as I slammed into the metal and arched my back, showing off my ass. Pressing his bare wet cock against me he reached around to undo my pants and ripped them down. His aggression, desire, was turning me on so much, and I was quivering in anticipation of having him inside me. It briefly occurred to me that someone could find us here, or call the elevator to another floor and surprise us, but the thought was soon gone from my head.

He didn’t bother taking my thong off, he barely bothered to move it aside before he had kicked my legs open, spread my glistening pussy lips, and pushed the head of his cock into me. I gasped in pleasure, it was so warm and wet, and he applied more and more pressure, his thick cock straining to get access to my tight hole. I heard him groan and then, with a firm stroke he was fully inside me and I cried out, the walls of my pussy burning with pain and pleasure as they stretched to receive him. I could feel every inch of him, my cunt gripping tightly, as he fucked me. Slowly but firmly, each stroking made me gasp as he penetrated deep, his cock slick with my juices. I pushed back on the wall, bringing myself to meet him with every thrust, greedy for him. He laughed as he caught me trying to pick up the pace – he felt so good but I knew he was holding back, and I needed him to give it all to me.

“You want it harder?” He asked me, his fingers digging into my round ass as he continued to pump in and out of me painfully, deliciously slowly. My cunt was hot and throbbing.

“Yes please” the words barely got out, my breathing ragged, desperate to have him take me. He laughed again and then slapped my ass, hard. I yelped, surprised, but I loved the way the hot heat of pain mixed with the heat of my building orgasm. At the sound of my cry he began to fuck me faster, rougher, pulling my hips back into him and slamming me down onto his cock. One had reached up to pull my hair and the other continued to slap my ass as he slammed me again and again against the elevator wall.

“I thought about this so much,” Ian growled, and those words in his voice pushed me over the edge. With a cry I came all over his dick and he groaned as he felt my pussy clench and ooze around him. A couple more hard thrusts and he pulled out, leaving me to collapse my weight against the wall as he finished himself off, spraying hot cum across my ass and lower back. A moment passed and then I was surprised to feel him gently cleaning me, wiping his cum off my back with the rag that had been sticking out of the back pocket of my jeans. When he was done I turned around to face him and watched him get dressed, admiring the way his body moved as he put his shirt back on. He smiled when he saw me watching him.

“Wow, Teddy.” He said, and I smiled back. There was no awkwardness in the elevator, just post-coital joy.

“Wow yourself” I replied, gathering my strewn clothing from the ground. I dressed quickly and then turned to face him again. He didn’t say anything just walked up and wrapped his arms around me, kissing me again. This kiss was deep and sweet and I allowed myself to fall into it for just a second before I pulled back and, ignoring his protest, hit the button for the elevator doors to open.

“Gotta get back to work” I said, only then realizing that I had no idea how much time had passed… had no idea if anyone would have noticed my absence and come looking for me. He nodded and kissed me one more time before allowing me to leave the elevator. I caught him wink as the doors closed again, this time between us, and then he was gone. I ran a hand through my tangled hair and groaned, not looking forward to going back to work with spit in my hair and cum drying on my back. Then I smiled to myself, thinking about the look on his face. I rubbed gently on my sore knees through my jeans. It was worth it, after all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fvjbik/what_happens_in_the_industrial_mall_elevator