Sir and his kitten pt. 2

Basking in the glow that remained from her pleasure, she was calm, content even, but the beast had only just begun…
Laying there, still trying to gather herself, she began to feel a familiar touch on her cheek as he gently placed his hand on it with thumb wrapping under her chin resting on the other cheek, turning her face to look at him. Looking deep into her eyes he spoke in a low tone with a slight growl to his voice, “You’ve been a naughty little girl, tempting me, knowing I will take what’s mine and using as I see fit”. She nodded, “Yes sir”, acting shyly as a devilish grin came across her face. While kitten knew that the beast would never hurt her she knew that he dreamed deliciously deviant thoughts exciting her to want to see more of where he would go. Before she could even ready herself for what was to come she was flipped over, tightening the belt’s hold on her hands. His gentle yet rough hands caressing her body, admiring the blank canvas that laid before him. Then his hands turned their attention to the back of her neck, calming her more, the other hand gliding across the bare ass. She was enjoying the enticing feeling but then he began to grip the hair on the back of her head, pulling back ever so slightly while his other hand moved down and glided over her already soaking velvety pussy. Giving her hair a slight tug, “who’s is this?” he asked, “yours sir” she replied. “Good girl, you deserve a treat.”, he said lowering his head to her ear, feeling his hand pushing two fingers inside her, lifting her ass up into the air, slowly he began to move his fingers in and out. Her breathing beginning to intensify, his thumb rubbing against the entrance to her ass, she began to bite her lip while pushing against his hand. Then she felt it all disappear and before she could even question what was going on, smack, then instant warmth on one cheek, smack, that same warmth on the other cheek. She gasped, “what was he doing to me?” she thought, “I thought you said I get a treat.” she said curiously. “In due time baby girl, in due time” he explained. She was excited and confused, she had never felt anything like this, arousal and a slight sting, warmth and pulsing wetness from between her legs. “Are you ready for more?” he asked and she nodded without hesitation, seeing him excited to use her as he saw fit pleased her greatly.
“Ok, those were warm-ups, I’m not going to be as gentle this time”, she nodded again approvingly knowing she trusted he cared for her more than anything in this world. Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, pausing slightly between each, he then repeated it on the other side, smack, smack smack, smack, smack. She moaned, “Mmmmm”, he then began rubbing her wanting warmth. She was soaked, a little trail of it running down her leg, he wiped away and placed it in her mouth and she eagerly cleaned his finger. “That’s my good little girl” he said with amusement in his voice. Caressing the areas he had just caused the burning sensation on, letting her cool down, he began to move his fingers in and out of her again, this time using that wetness to ease his thumb into her ass, resting it there while his fingers continued to please her pussy. She started to move into it again, and again it stopped, his hand on her hair, he pulls ever so slight “Not yet” he said.
Pushing her knees apart, he moved into position, his stiff cock just barely touching the entrance to her inviting warmth. He moved his cock up and down, pushing just between her sensitive lips and clit, positioning himself at the entrance he pulled back on her hair, guiding his shaft down to the hilt. She let out a breathy sigh, releasing all that anticipation, letting her adjust, he began to move in and out slowly. As he began to build momentum, he became more forceful with each thrust, bouncing off of her ass and resetting. Keeping a good rhythm he began to tease her ass again, pushing his thumb against it and letting off in sync with his rhythm. Pulling her head back by her hair, he was really bouncing off of her hard, going deep, reaching all of those spots she ached to be touched. She was lost in a trance with the movement and the feeling of her body not being in her control anymore, small quivers leading to electricity shooting through her body, tensing then complete relaxation. The beast was enjoying the flesh before him and began to feel that tension that had been building slowly coming to the peak. Letting go of her hair, he leaned forward using that arm to hold himself up. His other arm around her waist reaching under to rub her clit, he began to thrust and whispered in her ear, “I am going to bury myself deep in you before I cum” she, wanted to cum just hearing that. “Here it comes” he said with one last hard thrust, both of them convulsing with waves of pleasure. Letting the moment subside, he then rolled them both onto their sides and undid the belt. He wrapped his arm across her waist and she pushed back against him, her arms holding his. He whispered in her ear, “I love you my perfect little baby girl”, that is when she knew the beast had been put to rest for now…
