High Flower Academy – Part 1 (Solo)(Spanking)(FxFuta)

Thank you for coming by! This is part 1 of what will be a story updated daily over on my sub r/dailysexstory! Please come over and read the introduction if you’re interested. Chapter 2 is there as well with chapter 3 coming tomorrow!

Author’s Note: Our protagonist is Grace. Grace is 24. She is 5’5 with a curvy body. Her skin is a simple cream color and she currently has red hair. It looks natural, but it’s dyed. Her eyes are a bright blue that are less piercing and more doe eyed. She has a cute button nose and a smile that endears many. Her body is rather curvy. Her top half is slimmer than her bottom half, with mid-sized breasts and a nice stomach. Her hips then flare out a bit and she has a bubble butt, slightly larger than expected on her shorter frame. Putting this here as it just didn’t flow naturally into the story. Please enjoy!

**Chapter 1 – Welcome to High Flower**

“Shuffle in, shuffle in!” A voice boomed from the field. I couldn’t believe this place. It looked so stereotypical. “Where did they find this place?” I muttered as I sidestep my way down the bleachers.

“Seriously,” a woman next to me agreed, “It looks like they took it from a cartoon or something.”

I started to laugh and turned to her just as she was extending her hand. “Kate Chang,” she smiled. She was about my height and I’d guess around my age.

“Grace Ellis,” I smiled back and shook her head.

“No talking!” The woman on the field shouted. Grace and I rolled our eyes together and finally got to sit. The woman on the field tapped her mic as the bleachers finally settled down. Behind her was a large soccer field and around it a track. It looked like what you would see at the average American High School. The only difference was how pristine it looked.

The woman took a long breath. Like me, she was red-haired, but she was tall, a little tanned, and her eyes felt like they bored into your soul. I’d met her before, the day I signed my contract. Well, I hadn’t really *met* her, she was just in the room. She started a speech.

“Welcome Class, to High Flower Academy,” she said in a husky voice, “I am your headmistress, Ms. Daisy. You and those around you make up the 48 new female and futa students we have for the next 8 months of classes. We always have classes of 42-48, but our average graduation rate is about 28.7. You may think you are here to become something with a terribly negative connotation. Prostitutes, hookers, call-girls, women of the night. That is not what you are here to be trained as. You are here to become *Flowers*.

“A Flower’s job is not the same as these other things I’ve listed. We are so much more. We are lovers, yes, but we are advisors, counselors, therapists, friends, shoulders to cry on, life partners in a whole new sense of the word. We are not just things, we are people. People with incredible skills.

“You have all been chosen for differing reasons. Your looks, of course, are a part of those reasons. Along with them, though, you all have other talents as well that make you exceptional. Your job while you are here is to round out your skills. The most paramount of which will be the art of pleasure. I want to make one thing clear. Everyone here has signed up for this. Everyone has agreed. And if you ever decide to leave, we will pay for the transportation and you can be on your way. But if you stay, there are rules. *You will follow them.*”

“Ominous,” I smiled to Kate. She laughed and when I looked back up Ms. Daisy was looking right at me. My blood ran cold. The woman, who must have been at most 40, looked me dead in the eyes.

“Those who disobey will endure punishment,” she said, “Stay after the rest Ms. Ellis.”

*She knows my name?*

The rest of the talk was just about the Academy grounds and division of the class, our groups. We are divided by who we are willing to be Flowers for. For me, I’m in the Futa and female group, so students who are willing to be Flowers for female and futa clients. There is also a strictly female cf 16 and a class for servicing males only. Kate, the woman I met earlier, is in my class.

The assembly ended and we were told to go with other staff on a tour of the campus before going to the dining hall for dinner. Kate gave me a soft smile and an apology, but I waved her off. It wasn’t her fault really. Soon there’s no one on the vast field but the headmistress and me. She approached the bleachers and I walked down them to sit on the bottom row. I was still wearing the clothes I was in when they bussed us in, a T-Shirt and Jeans. They didn’t have us bring any clothes, only a few personal possessions.

The headmistress came up to me and stared me down with eyes of ice. She is the kind of woman who looks her age (assuming she’s around 40) but wears it well and makes it look incredible. She was wearing a dress, tight to her lithe body. This woman probably hadn’t eaten a carb in 10 years.

“I know you,” she said, “But, then again, I know all of you. The staff and faculty must learn all the students’ names and faces by heart before you arrive. I’m sure you were wondering why I knew yours.

I kept my eyes down, hands folded in my lap. I just gave her a little nod.

She approached me further, a long finger tilting my head up. “Stand,” she said, “Bend over, and accept a punishment.”

My eyes widened. *Is she for real?* I’m not sure what else I expected, though. I know why I’m here, I know what they do and what they teach and what being a *Flower* is. I just thought I’d make it further without having to do something like this.

Before she could accuse me of disobeying I stood. I pointed my butt to her and put my hands on the second row of bleachers. Her hand laid on my lower back.

“I am very interested in you, as a student,” she told me, “You are one of only two of what we teachers like to refer to as Gold Stars. The only virgins here.” I swallowed hard. She was scaring me. She was right, though. My past has been a bit tumultuous. Dating and sex were never high priority and were pushed to the side. I’ve done plenty to myself though. They found that out during the polygraph portion of recruitment.


Her hand left my back and smacked against my left cheek. I was thankful for the denim guarding me, but it still stung. I made no noise, just winced.


Another one, on the other cheek. She was alternating. This time I let out a little noise, but it surprised me. It wasn’t much of a yelp so much as a groan.


“Ah…” There it was again. Like I was sighing into them. Could I…

Ms. Daisy continued, “But to have someone who has never even kissed someone, that is a first here, I must say. Coupled with our psychological evaluation of you…you are such an interesting case.” I felt my face get red in embarrassment. I didn’t like that she knew that. Her hand.

*Whack. Whack. Whack.*

“I know,” Ms. Daisy said, “I know how you feel right now. Follow it. Help yourself.”

I did. I can’t explain it. It was like she was connecting to me on a primal level. I stood up straight. *Whack.* My fingers played at my button and I unzipped. I pushed my jeans down a bit until they gathered at my upper thighs. My hand went in. The sounds I was making weren’t groans, not sighs, they were moans. She knew that.

Her hand gripped my right cheek now, lifting it a bit, fingers digging over the fabric of my simple cloth panties.

My hand reached my pussy lips. *Wet.* It had been a little while since the last time I’d done this. But I was so horny, I can’t explain it. It’s all happening so fast. Please don’t judge me. You have to understand I’ve never been touched like this. This woman is so beautiful. And I guess I’m into being spanked.

My fingers played at my lips the best I could with my legs only parted a little. I teased my clit once my finger was wet, delicately.. Her spanking commenced once more. “Oh!” My moans were so wanton. I loved it. The sound of her smacks filled my ears and married with my moans as she had her way with my butt’s flesh.

I was close. She came up near me now, gripping my ass tight, bending to whisper into my ear. “This whole school is going to watch in desire or envy at this backside of yours, Ms. Ellis.” Her words triggered something in me. Took me to the edge. But then something pushed me over it. She pressed her body to mine. And I could feel, on my hip, coming from between her legs, a hard, hot bulge.

It turned me on to no end. And a crash hit.

My thighs quaked first. My knees moved inwards but an arm reached around and caught me around the waist. Ms. Daisy held me there as my fingers circled and circled and circled myself, giving myself a phenomenal orgasm that blocked out the whole field, the whole school, the whole world. It was me in pleasure with Ms. Daisy and that was all that existed for those few moments. Just pleasure.

But soon I was back. My feet were aching. My ass was aching. My arm was tired, and the orgasm dissipated all too soon. I panted with a little sweat on my hairline. Ms. Daisy brought a hand down to gently soothe my ass with her fingertips. It felt nice.

“There is a common trick we teach our students,” Ms. Daisy said, “Not for themselves but for their lovers. Something that will turn them on, whenever they get sticky fingers. Any idea what that is.”

I turned and looked up at her, my face one of pure obedience. I would do anything she told me to at this point. I lifted my fingers from my happy place and put two of them in my mouth. I closed my eyes as if to savor it and, in a way, I did. I sucked them and it made me feel even warmer between the legs. The taste wasn’t bad or good – it was the act of it. Doing something that she’d like to see. It made me feel good.

“I’ll be rooting for you, Ms. Ellis,” the headmistress told me, “I won’t be able to help you of course. I would never play favorites.” She gave my ass one final squeeze, “But I’ll be rooting for you. Wait ten more minutes here and the tour will be done, then join your peers in the mess hall.

She leaned in close to my face. My eyes fluttered shut, but nothing happened. Her hands left me and I was left puckering to the air. When I opened my eyes she was far away. I sighed and fixed myself up.

**End Chapter 1**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fv7f2j/high_flower_academy_part_1_solospankingfxfuta