Dangloon Virus

A little piece I started writing. Doesn’t have an ending yet, but I think you can see where it’s headed.

“Brian? Oh my God, Brian, are you in there?” I heard a voice cry out followed by the sound of urgent knocking on my cabin door. “Brian!”

Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my eyes and looked across the room at the clock on the wall. 2:36 P.M. it read.

“coming.” I called out as I stood up, my legs wobbly beneath me as I shook the cobwebs from my head.

“Cathy?” I said, questioningly as I opened the door. “Is everything alright? Did something happen to Slutzky…ah, I mean Jeremy.”

Jeremy Slutzky was my best friend who happened to have the worlds most unfortunate last name. He didn’t mind, though. His soon-to-be wife, Cathy, on the other hand, wasn’t a fan of the name, even though she was hours away from becoming Cathy Meredith Sluzky.

“They shut down the airport.” She said, fighting back alligator tears that welled up in the corner of her eyes.

Cathy and Jeremy were to be married in a little over twenty-four hours in the small town of Summit Lake, Colorado. The wedding location is just outside of town, situated on a property of over fifty acres, and besides having a wedding hall, there are numerous cabins and other accommodations for guest and out of town travelers.

There is no question they picked a beautiful location in which to give their vows, but my one complaint is that it is a hell of a drive from Denver. It is, without a doubt, in the middle of nowhere Colorado.

Because it is so far a field, and because I hate to fly, I chose to make the trip from Denver at night so I could arrive early in the morning, check-in, get a few hours of sleep and then be well rested by the time Jeremy showed up so I could help him get whatever needed to be done, done.

Jeremy, on the other hand, opted to fly in and would have been here early afternoon if everything hadn’t have gone to shit.

“So he’s going to miss the rehearsal dinner tonight.” I said, already knowing the answer to what I was asking. “It’s alright, we’ll make due. The wedding isn’t until tomorrow evening and…”

Placing her head in her hands, she shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. That virus…the one they’ve been talking about all over the news…”

“Yeah, the Dangune Virus…Dangloon…Dang…” I said, nodding my head as I struggled to remember the correct name the press had given it.

“Yeah, that one.” She said, continuing to sob as she wiped tears from here eyes. “The first cases have appeared in the United States…L.A. and New York…It’s bad, Brian. They closed down all the airports. Nobody is traveling anywhere.”

Fully awake, I sat down next Cathy and put my arms around her shoulder.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” I assured her as she placed her head—which had a half-dozen curlers tangled in her hair—on my shoulder. “If you’re worried about Jeremy, don’t be. He’s a survivor.”

She nodded her head in agreement and sniffled, trying to hold back more tears.

Standing up, I gave her a firm hug, doing my best to ignore her large breasts which squished against my chest, sending a rush of blood to below my waist.

“I know it sucks because the wedding will have to be delayed, but I guarantee you it will happen.” I said as I gave her a squeeze. “Why don’t you go back to your cabin and get some rest.”

“What are you going to do?” She asked, starring up at me with wide, puffy, sky-blue eyes.

That’s a good question. What was I going to do? I could pack up the car and drive back to Denver? But if the airports were shut down that probably meant that every gas station between her and there would have lines rapping around the block as people were trying to escape and get somewhere safe, just like him.

Wherever safe was.

“I’m going to call Jeremy and see what he wants me to do.” I said to Cathy, looking her in the eyes and doing my best to sound calm and reassuring.

Nodding her head, she turned and made he way towards the door and her cabin.

“When I know something, I’ll come and get you.” I said as I closed the door behind her.

Much more can be found on my blog [https://mr69erotica.blogspot.com/](https://mr69erotica.blogspot.com/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fvkag6/dangloon_virus