Christine’s First Time(s) – Part 2 [MF, Chubby, “Virgin”, Non-Fiction]

Christine did not show up like she was told to the next day at the coffee shop. But I knew in advance.

Half way home I remembered the bus ride back to the town she was working in was supposed to be at noon the next day. I’m guessing she was so excited it slipped her mind like it had mine. This wasn’t the cell phone era, but when I arrived back at my place I saw several missed calls from her, and found an email waiting for me:

> I’m so so sorry I can’t be there tomorrow for “coffee” as you ordered. My bus leaves at noon and I have to be on it. I promise I will make it up to you if you really want me to and if you give me the opportunity to. Please sir, I beg you.
> Hoping to be your play thing,
> Christine


I left her hanging. Not entirely. I wrote back something like, “I really did enjoy you. We’ll see what’s next.” But then I waited a couple of days to write anything more.

I could almost feel her sitting behind her keyboard, using all her will power not to hit the send button on whatever email she’d drafted.

I was proud of her resolve.

I broke mine part way through the week.

Turned out friends invited me back to my home town for the weekend, and that same bus that took her home the few days before had a connection I could use to get where I needed to be. It’d add a half hour commute time, cost me something like $1.25 less, and if I staggered it right, could give me a good three hour window to find out how Christina would make it up to me.

I could not resist that plan, so I reached out first.

I didn’t tell her details so much, I just said:

> Christine,
> I’ll be at the city train station Thursday at 4:30, and need to be back there at 8pm. Do not dare reply to this message. Just be there to greet me at that coffee shop. I’m anxious to see how you’re going to make up for disobeying me Sunday.”

She was a good girl and didn’t reply as I’d ordered.


She was also a good girl and was waiting for me at a table in the shop when my bus arrived.

She wore a navy blue dress, and had her long brown hair pulled back in braided pig tails – with a blue bow tied around the base of each.

I half expected her not to be there, but felt a stirring in my groin instantly when I saw she was.

When she saw me she smiled and it almost “popped”, before she quickly wiped the smile from her face. She was back to serious immediately.

There was hardly anyone in this place at this time, and I’m sure that made her a little more bold, and I’m sure she was working from a script she’d no doubt rehearsed in her head a million times.

When I sat down she said, “I’m so sorry about last time sir. I assure you I do not have on any panties.”

I replied, “I see, and here I thought you said when we started chatting that you wanted it rough… but as you wish.”

I could see she was already thrown off her game. It was really, sorta very, nice playing games with her. Especially since I felt, and I assure you I would later hear her admit, they were all done with “love” (or whatever equivalent formed between us).

I said, “So what is your plan Christine? I hardly think we can get away with you blowing me under the table here, and I hardly think you want the first dick you ever suck to take place in a dirty public bathroom.”

I could see she wasn’t expecting that. And frankly I hadn’t really planned it. I tried to walk a line between pushing and encouraging and at the same time controlling.

She looked pissed but at the same time like she was scrambling. It was as if she really thought I’d walk away from the sure thing she represented. What exactly that thing was going to consist of I had no idea. But there was no wrong move she could make, still it was so obvious she didn’t know that.

She said, with what seemed like a great deal of effort, in a tone I could tell she meant to be sexy, and was for the most part, “I plan to take you back to my apartment and make you dinner. It’ll be up to you who eats what or who… I’ll set an alarm for 7:30 so it’ll remind us to get dressed and walk back. Till then I’ll only speak if you tell me to.”

She was honestly impressive.

I stood back up after barely sitting and said, “Ok, Lead the way.” And motioned for her to walk up ahead.

I hung back and let her walk a few steps ahead. I felt like watching her, and I knew it’d make her squirm.

She wore blue heels that matched the rest of her little outfit. They were cute but I’m not sure how much she’d ever walked in such things, either that or she was aware I was scrutinizing her every step because each looked like it took a ridiculous amount of effort.

I watched her meaty ass almost all the way out of the train station. And I did enjoy the view.


The walk really wasn’t far, maybe ten minutes. But it must have felt like a lifetime to her.

When we finally made it to the house she paused, as if to say something, then I guess remembered her promise. She fiddled with her keys and soon we were inside.

It looked like some old maids house, reminded me of my grandmothers. No doubt she was renting a room there – unless she was indeed living with her grandma – but I saw no one else. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my bag beside them.

I wondered if she seriously wouldn’t speak and thought I’d test that, I said, “Well bring me to the kitchen, let’s see you cook.”


It was weird but wonderful. She worked in virtual silence as I sat at the little kitchen table and watched her pull out veggies and pasta and wash and prep some sort of Italian meal.

Part way through I felt like testing her limits.

I said, “Christine,” and she paused, “Take off your dress.”

She fiddled with it, but soon, it dropped to the floor. She kicked it to the side. I saw her naked ass before me, and round and very sexy hips.

She wore a blue bra.

After a brief pause she started cutting or whatever she’d been doing with the food again, and the second she did I said, “Christine,” and again she paused awaiting instruction, “Lose the bra too.”

And she reached behind her, unclasped it and tossed it to the side where her dress lay on the floor.

I saw the side of my one of her huge breasts peaking around the side of her.

I did like what I saw.

She resumed, and again I immediately interrupted, “Christine, go and put the blue shoes back on.”

She hesitated this time, aware I’m sure that I’d finally see her naked proper, from the front, everything on display and nothing to hide.

She put the knife down. She turned and looked at me briefly then started to duck her head as if to sprint to the front door.

I said, “Stop.”

And she did. She put her hands on her hips as if automatically.

I made a show of looking her up and down.

Her curves were ample and nice.

Yes she had a bit of a belly but it really wasn’t much. Her pussy was fat, plump lips but nice and bald. She’d shaved her everything for me like the good girl she was.

Her tits were miraculous though. They were huge. And she had big dark nipples. And her breasts showed no sag, they looked firm and strong.

She was the definition of pleasingly plump.

I hoped my eyes let her know that as I licked my lips.

“Has anyone else ever seen you naked?”

She blushed, I could tell she didn’t want to answer.

I said, “Be honest Christine, you tell me everything as I ask it, or I will walk away…”

She didn’t sense my bluff.

She said meekly, “A couple yes. I think so at least.”

I could almost sense something, I said, “In the flesh?”

And she shook her head “no” and almost looked ready to cry.

I said, “Well, it’s going to be nice to touch that flesh later… now go put on your shoes.”


She cooked the rest of the meal for me wearing only the shoes.

Then she served it, and ate it there at the table with me.

And I enjoyed consuming the food and consuming the view of her naked body – so perfectly submissive already on this our first real date of any kind. On probably her first date of any kind.


When the meal was complete I told her straight up, “That was delicious… now clean up these plates, then come sit down on the table where my plate was so I can eat your pussy for dessert.”

I thought she was going to pass out or something. I saw her visibly shake as she picked up the plates with shaking hands.

I watched as she washed the dishes and she seemed to almost be trying not to rush.

I could feel her anticipation and anxiety mix. It hung in the air, along with the aroma of her pussy. She was so wet I could see it glistening between her pussy lips whenever they came into view.

To make it harder I said, “So Christine. If no one has ever really seen you naked, I’m guessing no one has ever tasted your pussy before. Is that right?”

I think I heard her swallow.

I said, “I said – has anyone ever tasted your plump little pussy before?”

And she said, “Well one person…”

I was shocked, but not unhappy, maybe she did have a bit of experience…

She continued, “It was me, I’ve tasted myself. I tasted myself after the last time I saw you, I licked my hands clean after I touched myself that night. I couldn’t help it sir.”

My cock swelled inside my jeans.

“Did you imagine it was my hands touching you that night Christine?”

She said, “Yes sir.” And I swear she was trying to mash her thighs together as she seemed to at least be trying to finish the dish washing job.

I said, “Good… now forget the fucking dishes and get your little virgin ass over here and sit on the table my little slut.”

She almost ran. She slid herself in front of me, then put her hands back on the table and hopped up. Then shimmied her ass back then finally looked down into my eyes.

She was shaking.



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