Alex and Nina part 1

He waited…patiently for Her to arrive. The bed was made, candles were lit, and Her favorite music was playing. She had expectations when entering a room, and it was his job to make sure those expectations were met.

One thing that kept Alex focused and calm was that he knew Goddess never kept him waiting. A message saying she was only 15 minutes away reassured him. There was so much he wanted to tell Her, he longed for a nice lingering embrace and a soft kiss. It had been so long…too long, really. After weekly dates, “social distancing” kept them apart for a month, but now it was all over. They could pick up where they had left off, and explore some of the things they had discussed over the absence.

Nina was close. She was eager to see Alex. She craved him, she missed him and she knew they would have a few blissful hours together. She had grown to know him over this break…this time would be different she knew, but wasn’t sure how, she wasn’t worried, they always seemed to figure it out. She pulled into the hotel parking lot to check a few messages, touch up some make-up, and wait a few minutes. She liked the idea of sitting in the parking lot knowing that just a few hundred feet away Alex was sitting, waiting, and lost in a cloud of ecstasy and anticipation. She loved seeing him, talking to him, laying with him, and knew they would have plenty of time for all of that. What She needed….what She craved, and what had occupied Her mind for a solid month was the thought of his tongue on Her beautiful pussy. The thought of laying on a set of clean fresh sheets arms back, legs wide, and nothing to do but enjoy and be worshipped. She wanted that thought to become reality as soon as possible, and what turned Her on the most, was knowing that She could make it happen pretty quickly, once She got there.

With just minutes before arrival Alex checked everything once again…candles, music, bed, snacks, water, seltzer…check, check, check. His thoughts then of course turned to her, Goddess Nina…his Goddess. He loved opening the door to see Her coy smile. She knew how to enter a room, and Alex couldn’t wait to welcome Her. Minutes later she knocked.

Alex opened the door in just seconds. She walked into the room and his long awaited embrace which evolved quickly into a passionate kiss and soft moans from Alex as his hands reached over her shoulders along her neck and alongside her perfect jawline. “I missed you Goddessssss” Alex said trailing the s in an involuntary attempt to sound sexy.

Nina appreciated this affection, She had a special bond with Alex and She looked forward to a playful afternoon, but She decided right then and there that Her pleasure would be the first order of business. The first couple of times they met She felt a little awkward directing him right to Her Pussy after just 5-10 minutes together, but She knew that was exactly what he wanted, and that they would have plenty of time for anything else.

Nina responded quickly and firmly as Alex’s hands on her neck relaxed and their eyes met just about a foot apart, ”Alex, I have missed you too. I really have. And you know what I have missed the most…don’t you?” A tentative “Yes” was all Alex could muster as his gaze was locked with hers. “And fortunately for you it is exactly what you have missed the most, right?” she continued. His “Yes” was fast and firm this time. “Yes?” Nina asked. “Yes Goddess” Alex replied as he dropped to his knees…..
