So before I went and lost my mind with the virus, I was over at Astrid’s helping her around their place. Because despite being 26 year old millennial, she and her fiance ‘Wonderboy’ are living all my hopes and dreams in their nice place they work their ass off to afford. (As a side note maybe doing porn would help with rent judging by the Reddit response… ideas for corruption later) But while I was helping her with some laundry and folding I found her ‘secret dresser drawer’. What i wouldn’t give to get a photo of my face discovering her secret hiding spot for her COLLARS! And there were quite a few. They were expensive, well crafted, and built (from my perspective) for comfort of the user. It was a shocking realization that your best friend is a kinky person… and I must be terrible because I stole one that day for myself.
Yes, you heard me correct my horny friends! I Saph stole my friend’s collar from her sacred bedchamber! Muahahaha! God, i wish it was that epic but honestly i just shoved it between my boobs and kept about our day. I still don’t think she knows it’s gone but more importantly I even forgot about it until a few days ago. Which leads us to our story today…
(Story starts here)
I haven’t been wearing any clothes for almost 3 days besides underwear. My bitch of a mother fucked off 3 weeks ago and hasn’t called. No one has come to visit. No one will see me. And I might get to flash a delievery guy or two… so i see no reason to get dressed now a days besides comfy clothes or panties. That being said while i was going threw my dresser I found Astrid’s collar. I had forgotten i’d taken it and my stomach suddenly felt sick to my stomach. Had she known? Did she realize it was gone? Would she hate me? She hadn’t mentioned it for months soooo… could it be mine?
Truthfully this was the first time I had a chance to examine it. So I took it to the kitchen and sat down in at the table with the windows open and only wearing panties, poring myself a bowl of lucky charms as 26 year old (because i’m an adult and no one can stop me damn it!) and set the collar down across from me to get a good look at it. I couldn’t understand how my body was reacting and how my heart was racing looking at it. Like this was some kind of legendary equipment from an D&D run. Slave collar Wisdom -100 Charisma +300 sort of thing. But was it a slave collar? This thing is well made and soft to the touch. Clearly Wonderboy did his research and designed this thing for maximum comfort for extended use. Actually there was a spot for a lock to go for what i could only assume was damn near permanent use. The leather was smooth but mixed with silk to prevent sweat and grime. The most interesting quality about it was that it was made to imitate jewelry. Not perfectly but I suddenly made a realization about my best friend. Astrid always wore one of several necklaces she had received as “Gifts”. They were silver or fancy, and you would never assume much about them or examine them for any reason. Just really nice jewelry.
“You sly slut! You mean to tell me Astrid has been collared for years!? She’s been wearing it around in public this entire time?! And she didn’t tell me!? What the flying Fuck! That’s… really hot…” I screamed at no one in particular. Now thinking about it a collar was a big deal. You could force it on someone but it would be removed. It meant nothing. Nothing mattered with it. It was then a prop. A toy. Nothing more. But to BE collard… that was different. To willingly submit. To allow or even place it upon yourself. To submit totally… God even writing this my pussy is getting wet… sorry sidetrack!
So long story short there I was staring deep into the collar with a mouth full of lucky charms and the other hand rubbing my sore tits when I hear my phone ring. It’s Astrid. I answered as gracefully as anyone would think, “Papa Johns pizza, order your shit and get the fuck off the phone.” (Ha, nailed it)
“Saph, good to hear from you, love. How are you doing today?”
“Same old same old. You know it’s like I don’t even miss you guys. I think i’m over it.”
“Oh… so you don’t want us to drop by the house? I’ll just tell Wonderboy to turn around and head back…”
“Don’t you dare! No! I didn’t mean it! Send people! Rescue me! I’m so fucking lonely!”
“That’s. What. I. Thought.” I still don’t know how anyone can sound so cute and demanding at the same time. “In truth he is still here but he was having the idea of dropping by to bring you some supplies. He was thinking about you and a few others and wanted to set up his new calling feature to keep everyone sane and in touch. I think he is just needing a reason to leave the house, the damn extrovert.”
I could hear him jumping in on the call over her but he sounded so excited like a puppy i couldn’t make out anything he was saying. Only the sound of Astrid laughing at some unheard joke and quip from our local punny Paladin.
“How soon can i expect my rescuer?”
“How dressed are you, Saph?”
“What does that have anything to do with it?! Why would you ask that?”
“Saph, I’ve known you for over 17 years, you are alone, probably bothered as hell, and didn’t answer my question. How. Dressed. Are you?” Silence, “Don’t worry about it honey, asking her a question.”
“I’m not nude…”
“You have 3 hours to get dressed and finish fucking yourself before he gets there.”
“Why 3 hours?”
“Because i’m about to rock his world before sending him out into the world full of thirsty bitches looking to steal a taste of him. It’ll take about 20 minutes to get over to you and he’s going to check on a couple people… so give me 2 hours to drain him dry. Ok?”
“No! Not ok! Not fair at all!”
“I’ll see you soon Saph, bye.” *click*
My heart was beating. My mind was racing. As it slowed and I looked around my ever increasing lonely prison I noticed my phone was on speaker. My right hand had made it’s way down inside my panties and had begun to touch my soaking, needy, desperate to cum pussy. My left at some point had grabbed hold of the collar and held it to my breast. When did that happen? What was i thinking?
I took it back to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I got fully undressed, cleaned up and even did my hair. Put on a little bit of makeup and stood in front of my mirror starting back at me fully exposed. I saw a horny, young, confused girl who didn’t know what she wanted. Who started this Reddit tale being confused by her lust for her 2 best friends. It’s been months… nothing has changed. She’s still a confused horny girl lusting and jealous. I knelt in front of the mirror and placed the collar at my knees and looked at myself in the mirror.
“What do you want? What is wrong with you? Think about this clearly…”
I was speaking alone in my room. Not a soul to hear. At war with myself… and losing. My tits were so sensitive and nipples were hard that it hurt. I was dripping from my pussy and felt such a need. My hands wandered all over the girl i saw in the mirror. The look on her face was that of pure need. I wanted to help her. She knew was she wanted. Her hands picked up the collar and started back into the mirror. “I want to be a good girl… I want to be like Astrid. I want to be a good girl like her…” As i felt it touch my skin I imagined it burning, marking me. Bonding to me. It was a unique experience… The last thing i said that day besides moaning in front of a mirror and fucking myself senseless for the two hours that Astrid gave me… was “I submit to you… Sir. I am claimed… you just don’t know it.”
So that’s my story but don’t fret all my horny people. Despite making a profound discovery about myself i’m far to horny to ignore others so please don’t feel like i’m going to vanish or dissapear or am ignoring anyone. Have a good night and i’ll expand on what happened later when time allows. Let me know what you thought. Ok bye!
wow. i had to reread this. love it. i learned something new, i’m turned on and now looking for someone to submit to me. thank you. i want to know more.
Me likey
So, did either one of them buckle the collar on you, yet?
I love your writing style. Incredibly well told. Extremely sexy. I can’t wait to hear more stories!