The Sexual Exploits of Jace and Trix – (MF), public play

The next few stories I share will be some of the exploits of Jace and Trix. Some of the stories are drawn from real life moments and embellished upon. Just a bit. :-*

Lusty Adventure Number 1 –

I sat in the passenger seat of his car, nervous but very ready. We’d been teasing each other mercilessly for weeks online, like the nerds we are. It’s weird how attraction works, no? It’s a bunch of chemicals your brain gives off saying “I WANT THIS OTHER HUMAN” and your body begins to ache and agree wholeheartedly.

And sometimes, that attraction is instant and intense. Like, you enter a room, see the human in question, and your body goes into overdrive.

Senses are heightened.

Your heart slows down.

Skin heats up.

Goosebumps scatter over you.

I’d been waiting for this for weeks.

His hand grazed my thigh. Dark eyebrow arched, smirky grin. “You ok?” he asked me, knowing full well what I was. I nodded, “All good here,” I answered, my voice hoarse. We were on the way to the bookstore. I had some money to burn and books were a less volatile passion of mine. His hand flattened on my thigh, hot through my pants. I covered his hand with my own, fingers linking with his. I couldn’t help but stare at our hands as he drove along. His thumb wove tiny circles on my leg, and just the thought of that thumb doing that *elsewhere* made me wet just thinking about it.

Half an hour later, and much “accidental” groping later, we were in a quiet corner of the book store and I was pretending to look at books as he shopped around me.

I turned to tell him something and bumped into his chest, he was so close behind me. My heart sped up and I looked up at him.

“Yes?” was all he said, his arms wrapping around me. All thoughts fled my head. I licked my lip and his eyes dropped to watch. His lips dipped to mine, hot and gentle. His teeth caught my bottom lip, and he gave me this.. look. Heat punched me in the gut, and I could feel his arousal against my pelvis.

He kissed me again, a hard fast kiss, before turning me towards the shelf. His hips pressed against my ass, his cock nestling between my cheeks, and his hands slid up my torso.

“You smell fucking amazing,” he said quietly, his breath in my ear making me twitch against him. He palmed my breasts through my shirts, a good squeeze before sliding down to my waist.

“What would you do if I was to touch you now? Feel how wet you are, just from my close proximity?” he whispered in my ear.

My breath rushed from me. “I’d probably let you,” I answered honesty, my hand guiding his to my crotch. He growled low in his chest, as his hand felt the heat of me through my jeans.
His coat fell around me as he shifted, bringing his hand to the button and zipper, quietly undoing both and splaying his fingers on my stomach.

“Jace, please,” I quietly begged. He chuckled softly, before his hand slid under my panties and cupped my pussy. I swallowed a sound as his fingers spread my lower lips, finding me wet and so very aroused.

“Fuck me, you’re so damn wet.” The awe in that deep voice made me laugh, the laugh fading to a low moan as his fingers found my clit. My head fell back against his chest as he began to slowly rub circles around it.

“What I would give for you to be bent over that table, letting me fuck you senseless…” he said in my ear. I gasped as he rubbed his cock against my ass again. I reached back between us, my hand rubbing his cock as he rubbed my clit. The sound that rumbled into my ear from his lips made me weak kneed. His 2 middle fingers slid down my pussy, and inside me as his thumb stayed at my clit, doubling it’s efforts.
My hips moved with his hand, desperate for more. Or for him to quit. For the bliss of release. I made another sound and his free hand covered my mouth.

His fingers inside me, they curled just enough to rub me right, and I fell into a hasty orgasm, my body shuddering against his. He pressed me against the bookshelf, his hand and pelvis holding me up as I rode the pleasure. I was shaking, my muscles gripping his fingers as I throbbed around them.

He sighed in my ear. “That.. was so fucking sexy,” he whispered as I trembled against him. I could barely nod, my legs were so weak and his body was the only thing saving me from collapsing onto the floor in a puddle of Trix juices.
He slowly pulled his hand from my pants and as I watched him, he brought his fingers to his lips, licking each one clean and from the glassy look in his eyes, enjoying the taste thoroughly.

I gave a small whimper when he pressed his cock against my
ass again.

“Next time, it’s my turn,” he murmured, before helping me fasten my pants and stand up straight again. We left the store with a single book and I never saw that corner the same again…

— More to come later!
