The Time I Fucked A Very Russian Girl 10 Feet Away From Her Very Russian Mom [MF]

RUSSIA! RUUUUUUSIA!!! I’ve never been to Russia, and to be quite honest my two experiences with Russian women were pretty similar to how I imagine the country of Russia- beautiful, dramatic, pretty trashy… and super fucking weird. Both times I’ve been with a Russian, family members of the girl I was about to fuck have been far too close to the action for my puritanical American self. However, they’ve also featured me disregarding old standby concerns like, oh I don’t know, “your mom is literally sleeping in the bed next to us!” in favor of some sweet Russian/US relations. I mean her name was Katrina. Katrina! How you going to fight that shit? This story is true and was fairly awkward at the time. I get it sounds porny as fuck, but honestly if you saw her mom, you’d be like “oh yeah. no one would make that porn.”

A couple of years ago I had been based out of Kuala Lumpur, for work, for about 3 months and hadn’t had much time for anything but work. By the time weekends rolled around I was either a) still working or b) too exhausted to do much in the insane Malaysian heat, but one long weekend I decided to fly up to Langkawi. I booked a flight and a room at the Westin and took off, and even though I’m not a huge beach person, I figured it had to be better than KL for another weekend. I got to the hotel, checked in, opted for the beach instead of the pool, and got to drinking in a lounge chair. I purposely picked a chair that was closest to the water, but also had a really good view of this girl in a tiny black bikini doing a laughably elaborate amateur photo shoot, with who appeared to be her mom holding the camera. “Russians! For sure!” I thought. In about 5 minutes I’d find out I was right.

The girl in the black bikini was an absolute dime (are we still saying ‘dime’?), and after seeing her naked later that night, she somehow got even better looking. I know it’s a thing on this sub to be honest about descriptions, but seriously, based on looks alone this girl was probably the best looking person who’s butthole I’ve ever licked (do with that what you want). Her impossiblely smooth, tan skin was offset by her raven-black hair that hung down to her mid back. She was probably only 5’7, but all legs and ass and tits. Her bikini was obviously not the one she had been wearing earlier in the trip and faint white tan lines peaked out from behind the slight black strings holding it to her body. It wasn’t quite a thong, but it revealed the perfect little curve under each cheek and rode far enough up her perky tan ass that she constantly had to reach back and nonchalantly readjust it.

She had just been in the water, and by the way the thin, almost translucent, material clung to her body it was clear from the outline of both her nipples and her seemingly smooth pussy, the Russians didn’t go in much for bikini linings. For about five minutes she struck different “kneeling in the water while holding my hair over my head” poses. Her mom clicked away with a cheap point and shoot digital camera, and just as I was thinking “I should probably stop staring” she looked over at me, made searing eye contact, gave a wry little smile and pulled a fierce pose… her mom shot away. I assume she knew and was laughing at the Russianess of impromptu beach photo shoots.

After 3 months of a tropic induced celibate stupor, that was enough for me order two more Carlsbergs, adjust the semi-boner that had begun to strain at my shorts, stand-up (making sure the boner was cooperating), and see if the language barrier was a surmountable obstacle. By the time the drinks arrived they had moved to their chairs a little bit down the beach from me so I walked over, without a plan, holding a drink for both the girl in the black bikini and her mom. She looked up as I walking towards her, said something to her mom, who also looked at me, and they both let out a small laugh. One of those laughs that could be a good thing, but also the type of laugh that makes you feel a bit insecure. Even though I’m a pretty good looking guy, mid-30s, greying hair, fairly thick shoulders and chest with a cross fitters build and a well groomed chest hair, that little giggle made me feel like I was about to ask a girl to dance in 7th grade. I shrugged it off and went with the only Russian I knew “Preevyat! Myo eemya Tommy!”

She sat straight up, pulled off her fake Ray-Bans off in fake shock, and mockingly teased, in perfect English, “You’re Russian!”

“Da,” I responded, “Da, Da!” Her mom began to genuinely laugh and I told the girl in the black bikini who was now leaning back on her elbows with a faint drip of sweat or water running between her perfect breasts that I had brought them some beers. Her name was Katrina, she was 22, and she was Russian (somewhere in Siberia), but spoke perfect English and the woman with her, who didn’t speak a word of English, was her mom. They had been on Langkawi for 6 days and had two more days left. “Sit down American boy,” she said in accent that made me feel like I had just entered every Cold War movie from the 80s, or an episode of rocky and Bullwinkle, and I pulled a chair next to hers. “Ura!” I said and held up my beer. Her mom looked up from whatever she was watching on her iPad and snorted, and Katrina made a ‘tsk tsk tsk’ sound.

Until laying next to her I hadn’t spent much time looking at Katrina’s face. She was almost Asian looking (her family was originally form Kazakastan) with broad cheekbones and slight freckles sprinkled across her turned up nose and smooth cheeks. It sounds like I’m making this up, but she was like a mix between Irina Shayk and Lucy Liu. She was beautiful enough that by the time I ordered a second round, and then a third round, and then a fairly elaborate late lunch (“In Russia we always eat lunch late on the beach” I mean that’s a thing, right?) I started to assume I was being taken for a ride. But as her mom fell asleep and the sun started dipping towards the ocean she leaned over to me, pressing those goddamn perfect tits together, put her hand on my hip and said “We should swim for a bit, no?”

She grabbed my hand and walked me towards the ocean. In the water our bodies would accidentally touch, her hand would graze the front of my shorts or the back of my hand would slide up her waist until finally I pulled her into me. Her body felt perfectly smooth in the warm water and she, almost instinctively ,wrapped her long legs around my hips and her arms around my neck. The waves bobbed our bodies up and down and I could feel her pussy pressed against my cock- only two thin layers between us. My hands slid under her ass to support her and then under her thighs. I checked to see if her mom was still sleeping, and she grabbed the back of my head playfully, “Don’t worry about my mom. She is very sleepy.”

It felt like we were alone in the world and she moved her mouth against mine. Her lips tasted slightly salty and sweet and her tongue flicked between my lips. My thumbs hooked the thin straps of her bottoms and slid around her waist, tracing the lines of her hip bones. She tightened her thighs around me and purposely began to grind up and down against my cock, with each thrust pulling my shorts down a little until the tip of my dick sprung above the waistband. She didn’t stop moving her hips against me, but instead pulled her mouth from mine and smiled as I felt the slick material of her swimsuit slide up and down the front of my cock, until it was almost fully out of my shorts. I grabbed her ass tighter and began directing her body, sliding her slowlyup and down mine. She slid one hand off of my neck and wrapped her thin fingers around my now pulsing dick and made that “tsk tsk tsk” sound again. “This is very naughty, no?” she said and for some reason I thought that was adorable. I laughed as she simultaneously let go of me and said “We will have to wait to play.” This is when things got weird.

Katrina and her mom were not staying at the Westin, I found out as we were all packing up after the sun set, but instead at some cheaper hotel a short walk from the beach. After a fairly animated discussion with her mom, in Russian, they both ended up laughing and she turned towards me and said I should come back to their hotel and shower before we grabbed dinner. I need to be clear at this point. The mom was not hot. Like She was maybe 50, but a hard 50. She was nice and had a broad smile, but her body spilled out from her swimsuit in a fairly unruly way. Katrina had translated a couple conversations between her and I during the day, and she seemed to think I was funny, but that was kind of it.

We got to the room and since it was pretty tiny with nothing to sit on but the two beds I walked out to the balcony while the mom went straight into the bathroom. I left the sliding door open and leaned on the railing looking back into the room. As soon as I could hear the shower start in the bathroom Katrina lifted her little sundress over her head and took a couple of steps towards me in just that tiny black bikini. Then, without hesitating or breaking eye contact, she reached back and undid the knot on her top and pulled it over head. Her breasts didn’t move. Her tiny brown nipples, stood up and I could make out goosebumps where her top had just been. She stepped closer and slid her bottoms to her ankles. She was still in the room and I was still on the balcony. The shower was still going. She ran both hands up her body, over her milky white tan lines and playfully covered up her tits, fully aware that she was totally naked. I smiled and bit my lip. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around just her waist, slung low on her hips, and flicked her thumbs mindlessly across her nipples. The shower turned off. “You should shower after my mom,” she said. I stood up and walked towards her but all she did was hold out a towel.

Katrina’s mom came out of the bathroom fully clothed and didn’t seem to think twice about her daughter digging through her suitcase 5 feet away from me in just a towel, her breasts fully exposed. I kind of motioned to the bathroom with my towel and her mom smiled and nodded. I closed the door, got naked, piled my shirt and shorts on the sink, and stepped into the shower. I could hear Katrina and her mom talking and then I could hear the room door open and shut, and almost simultaneously Katrina stepped into the tiny bathroom. She didn’t bother to close the door in the least, laid a condom on the sink, and dropped her towel. Her naked body was amazing. Strong dancer legs and flat stomach. She didn’t say a word, certainly didn’t mention where her mom went, and slid into the shower. She ran soap over her hands and began rubbing it all over my body, over my ches and neck, down my arms and then over my stomach and cock. Sliding her hands between my legs and up between my ass. Pressing her perfectly smooth body into mine. Her tits sliding across my chest, her tan thigh pressed between my thighs. My hands moving across her silky smooth skin. Grabbing at anything I could.

The water cascaded down my back as she moved to her knees in front of me and began stroking my dick with both hands. She closed her eyes and with one hand grabbing my ass and the other wrapped firmly around the base of my cock, she slowly slid her lips around the head while flicking at my precum with her tongue. I had wanted to fuck this girl for like 8 hours and the feeling of her perfectly soft lips sliding down my shaft made me forget I had no idea where he mom was, and the fact the bathroom door was pretty wide open. She pushed her mouth as far down my cock as she could go, pressing the tip against the back of her throat and gagged slightly but held it there, grabbing my ass and trying to pull me deeper into her. Water and spit ran down my dick and dripped off my balls. She slowly slid her mouth back up my shaft and flicked the tip with her tongue, then circled it it with her thumb. “Fuck my mouth,” she demanded in a voice that seemed a bit too loud for how small the hotel was.

She leaned back against the wall, moved off her knees and onto her ass, and spread her legs in front of her. Her hand rubbed circles against her perfectly smooth pussy. She opened her mouth wide. Water ran down her body and collected under her. I hesitated. Where did her mom go. “Fuck. My. Mouth!” she looked up at me and opened her mouth wide again and stuck out her tongue. I stepped between her legs, braced my weight on the wall behind her, and she put her hands behind her head, cushioning it from the hard tile. I jammed my dick into her open mouth as hard as I thought appropriate for the occasion, and she didn’t flinch. She gagged and sputtered a bit, but kept her mouth open wide as I slammed myself like a jackhammer into the back of her throat, over her tongue, past her lips. She kept a hand behind her head, but reached down and began rubbing her cunt- hard. I was hyper aware of how good I felt, but at the same time ready to instantly stop the moment I heard the room door open. She didn’t seem to care. As if I wasn’t doing a good enough job brutally fucking her mouth she grabbed my ass with both hands and started controlling my hips and tempo until I almost lost it. I grabbed her head and pulled my dick out of her mouth. Still sitting on her ass with water and spit running down her chin she smiled and spit on my cock. She got to her knees, her tongue running up my thigh and then used my body to pull herself up her. She circled my nipple with her lips and then gave it short, hard bite, while she reached over to the sink (the bathroom was tiny) and grabbed the condom.

I was still freaked out about her mom coming into the room and as we stepped out of the shower tried to push the bathroom door close with my foot, but she stuck out her hand and kept it half ajar. Standing there, staring at this dripping wet 22 year old roll a condom over my throbbing dick, I decided to not make a bathroom door my fucking Alamo. She put one knee up on the sink and balanced her weight on the other leg and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I grabbed my dick and stepped closer to her insanely pretty pussy, her ass pushed up, the curve of her tan back. I looked at her reflection and she never broke eye contact. I slid my dick across her dripping wet cunt before slowly sliding deep into her- fuck it was tight. Like it almost hurt. She arched her back a little more and pushed onto her toes. She braced herself against the wall under the mirror, and I grabbed her hips, glancing quickly into the hall of the hotel room. I locked in hard to her hips with my hands and braced a foot against the edge of the shower so I could giver her what I had. I pumped in and out her, the condom glistening from her pussy, pulling at her lips as I slid in and out of her.

She reached between her legs with one hand my free hand slid up and cupped one of her milky white breasts. Her breathing grew heavy, and she muttered things I couldn’t understand. I kept my rhythm steady as I could feel her body begin to grow damp. Her knees started to flex and buckle. She dropped her head and hair fell forward as he began to grind her hips in a circular motion against my cock against my body. Her breathing was erratic as if she was exhaling more than inhaling. “cum! she whimper. “I’m cumming!” this time louder. This time loud enough for me to feel a little uncomfortable. I could feel her body flex. Her thighs flex. Her pussy tighten on my cock. I grabbed a handful of her and and jerked her head back. “Cum,” I commanded and her body let go. She spasmed and then collapse against the edge of the sink.

I slid myself out of her and pulled the condom off. She spun around. “Cum on me now!” she giggled and fell to her knees as she grabbed my cock with both hands, sliding her hands against it while she tried to position her mouth around it. I pulled her hands off and she ran them up my thighs while I stroked my dick twice or three times and could feel my body let go over her neck and chest. It ran down between her tits and dripped down the side of her neck. She ran a finger up her body and through my cum plastered across her body before she stood up. I grabbed a towel and handed it to her sheepishly. My dick began to soften and she turned around and looked at herself in the mirror, wiping her chest, and then running a hand across them, lifting them and then suddenly dropping them. I ran my hand over her ass and she pushed back into me a little. “Well I should get dressed quick before your mom gets back,” I joked, expecting her to say she’d be a while still. She nonchalantly kept looking in the mirror and smiled. “Oh,” she looked back at me, “She’s still here.” I laughed and then just to make sure she was joking, poked my head out of the bathroom and looked at the beds. Sure enough her mom was laying there, looking at her phone. She looked up, laughed, and said something I didn’t understand while making the universally understood gesture for “flexing.” Then things got really weird.



  1. You flipped from telling the story from the guys pov to the females haha

  2. This is a repost. Is it your story or did you just copy and paste it?

  3. That Alamo line made laugh so hard man. Kudos. Everyone wants to hear how it got weird.

  4. Are u still in KL? If yes i would really need you to tech me those skills man

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