Part II (the sex part) of how 34[M] and 23[F] reddit-perverts on opposite sides of the Atlantic got to fuck

Part I, where I describe how we started talking, is [here](

She is dating someone else now, but I send her a message about having written part I of how we met. I would not mind being in lockdown with her, in this coronavirus season, but writing about how we met in person is a nice way to pass the time.

I flew to her country. The original plan was that I was going to pick her up by car, and then we were going to drive up north. I had a reservation in a pretty nice hotel. When I got to the car rental place, however, my non-European driving ID wasn’t well received. This was pretty stressful, but after texting each other on Whatsapp, I told her I would just find a train. We would meet at the train station in her town. And so I got on a train. Some time later, as the train was arriving, I saw her waiting on the platform. She looked even prettier in real life. Very down to earth person, and she had warned me that she did not look like a model. But wow, who wants to date the stereotypical model? She was pretty, with short hair but not too short, and wearing a pretty dress. Most of the curves I was so familiar with were a bit hidden, but fuck I already knew how she looked naked. I knew under her dress were my favorite breasts and my favorite tits and my favorite pussy I had been masturbating to for months.

At the train station, I was hungry and without a plan we went to the train station cafe and ate a pizza. We were in her town, but I kinda didn’t want to go to her place. I wanted a little more adventure. So I suggested we get on a train on go to a nearby town and stay in a hotel.

Ladies, would you get on a train with a stranger you just met to go to a hotel? Well, she did. I guess that’s how trustworthy I can be in person, despite how hugely horny I can be.

On the train we had a nice awkward chat. And I touched her leg and made her blush.

When we got to the spontaneous destination, we were at a mall. There was a mall at this train station. We went to a store to get some sleepover stuff, since she wasn’t fully prepared to not go back to her place after picking me up at the train station. Damn, she was so nicely able to be spontaneous. I already knew we were going to have fun.

I don’t remember what she had to pick up from the store, but I found myself on my own in a section with massage oils. I chose two candles where the warm melted result was a massage oil! I didn’t even know this existed. Oh, I also got wine I think. Damn, here I was in a different continent about to live a fantasy.

We got to the hotel. It wasn’t too classy of a hotel, not the most charming of places, but we had a huge room. Bedroom and living room, and two bathrooms. Some sort of suite I guess I ended up reserving. The hotel had a spa, and I suggested we get massages and stuff. There was some spa package. But when we called to make a reservation we were told that these things had to be reserved in advance! Well, we did have those candles for massage that I got, so I suggested we just did it ourselves.

It was a long day of travel for me. I told her we should shower separately. I took the bathroom outside the bedroom and told her to just get on the bed, cover herself with a towel and relax and wait for me.

And she did.

I am too horny now after writing this and remembering what happened next. Sorry I wrote this was the sex part. The sex part comes after I came into the bedroom and found her laying down on the bed, with a towel covering her.

I will continue this tomorrow. In the meantime, I will also tell her I wrote part II. If we are lucky, she might allow me to post a picture or two from the trip. But it’s up to her (what do you say?).


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