Volume I: The Hidden Library (Trig. Warning: Incest, Dark Magic, Witchcraft)

[**Seven Sins: Volume 1 *FREE version***](https://www.patreon.com/posts/seven-sins-1-35304987)

**Volume I: The Hidden Library**

Cassidy Manhuer perused the shelves of the strange shop, each new item making the hairs on her arm stand at attention. She was feeling a mixture of emotions that included but was not limited to disgust, disbelief, and burning intrigue. There were all kinds of roots, tonics, talismans, and strange tools filling the scant space inside the dusty building.

“Have you ever seen anything like this?” 

“No. Most places have some tarot cards and a selection of crystals but, Maddie…I feel like this might be the real deal.”

“You think they have it?”

“If they did,” she said, turning slowly on her heels until she was facing the VIP-section of the store, “it would be in there.”

“What does that say?”

“Approved Customers only,” Cassidy said, rolling her eyes, “but come on. We already ditched our case study for today and took a bus two towns over. Are you gonna let three little words stop you now?”

“I was talking about the words above that. *Vetiti?*”

Madison never got her answer. She looked over and Cassidy was already slipping through the dark curtains with a sly smile on her face. Madison looked around, getting a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach at how empty the store was. There was no clerk, no stock-boys, not even a security camera. 

Feeling exposed, alone, and increasingly anxious by the moment, Madison urged her body forward and followed after her friend through the dark curtains, unable to get the strange word out of her mind.


Stepping through the curtains was like walking through a portal. The room, which she had expected to be only a little bigger than a closet, seemed to be infinitely larger than the front of the store. It struck her as architecturally impossible and left her head spinning for a moment as her brain tried to make sense of the space. 

The longer she thought on it, the more the VIP-section defied all logic. It couldn’t be a financially sound choice to have one little section of the store house so much merchandise, and yet, here she was. Standing in front of one of the largest libraries that she’d ever seen.

There were books everywhere. Rows and rows of books. Shelves with ladders attached to them and carts piled heavy with precariously stacked books awaiting re-shelving. Half-open books laid on their faces on tables and hanging on the backs of chairs.

Madison pulled out her cell phone and began dialing Cassidy’s number only to see that her phone had no service. That sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach was back, and now it was stronger than ever. Why were there so many books and yet still she hadn’t seen a single soul in the shop. Some deep part of herself felt like it was screaming that something wasn’t right with the place.

She turned around, wanting nothing more than to go home, and found that the black curtains that she’d walked through only moments before, were nowhere to be found. 

Madison could feel her breathing begin to grow shallow and inconsistent but she kept herself calm. All she had to do was find Cassidy. She would know what to do–she always did. Madison wandered down the aisles, searching for her best friend, worried that this place was so vast that she may never find her. 

Eventually, she happened upon a cart full of books that seemed to have a faint glow to it. As she approached it, she saw that at the very top, glittering and waiting for her, was a beautiful topaz book with a familiar name on the cover. *Madison Ivy Sanders.*

She picked up the book and began reading, losing herself within the pages, reliving the memories of her life over and over, like so many victims of the library before her.


“Annnd…it’s done,” Cassidy said to The Librarian, pointing out from the overhead glass pane.

“She just picked up her book, her soul is as good as yours now. I held up my end of the bargain, now cough up.”

The cloaked floating dark form before her hissed, making a sound like compressed air shooting from a can to show its displeasure at having to relinquish any of its precious information. Reaching a long, shadowy limb into its cloak, it produced a cigarette and lit it. 

The creature had long since corrupted itself past the point of humanity, but truth be told, old habits were hard to break.

The Librarian exhaled a cumulus cloud of smoke and reached into its cloak again. This time, it retrieved an old, obsidian book with scarlet red lettering and extended its ethereal limb towards Cassidy. She took the book, and as her hand came into contact with the creature, she could hear its voice in her head whispering and screaming simultaneously.


She didn’t dare open the book during the ride home, no matter how badly she was dying to finally read the knowledge it held. Instead, she kept herself busy erasing any evidence of her fake identity, Cassidy Manhuer, and her connection to Madison Sanders. 

She disabled her Cassidy’s social media accounts, un-enrolled from the University, threw her phone, ID, and credit cards into the sewer as she exited the bus. Cassidy Manhuer had served her purpose and now, thankfully she didn’t have to pretend to enjoy the miserable boring, mundane existence of humankind anymore. 

As she followed the clean-up protocol, she knew that none of it really mattered now. She held in her hands the power to change the world. The person that stepped through the door of the vine-covered two-story brownstone wasn’t Cassidy any longer.

“Delilah? Is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me, Mom! Be right down, just gotta put my bag down.” Delilah closed her bedroom door behind her, pulling out the dark and powerful book and running her fingers along its spine. She could feel the tendrils of power running along her spine as she traced the book’s title.


“Hoooney, the food is getting cold!” 

Delilah hid the book underneath the panties in her first drawer, and went downstairs. She ate dinner with her mother and the two of them talked and drank wine and laughed together. They were close, not just because they were the only family they had ever known, but because they were more than just mother and daughter.

They were witches. It was a bond just as strong as their familial one, but one that they chose, which made it all the more special. Though many people didn’t understand their beliefs, or their abilities, they chose to not only continue to foster them, but to explore that part of themselves with each other. It kept them close, and sometimes, also drove them apart.

“Something feels off in the house tonight. Like a darkness. Do you feel it?”

“Not at all, mom,” Delilah said, sipping her wine and peering at her mother out of the corner of her eye. It amazed her sometimes how intuitive and powerful she was. Even now, at forty-seven, she still looked young, toned, and had all her wits. There was only thing that Delilah never could understand about her mother. She had a sense of complacence and casual attitude even with all of the power that she had been gifted with.

“Well, I’m going to turn in,” Delilah said, eager to dive into the tome that she had literally sacrificed a virgin to obtain. “See you in the morning, mom.”

“Wait! My kiss!” She jumped up, only slightly wobbling from the wine, and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek, just like she had done every morning and night for the last two decades.

“Hey, Sapphira,” she said, using her mother’s name to let her know that she was serious. “Please don’t drink too much tonight. I start at a new community college tomorrow and you’re going to have to drive me.”

Delilah locked her door and pulled out the book, tracing the letters on the cover. 


She opened the book and began poring over the spells and incantations that were recorded. There was all kinds of magic and witchcraft that she had never seen before. Spells for awakening the dead, spells to stop the spread of disease, spells to bind demonic entities–she couldn’t wait to master them all.

But first, she would have to try one and make sure the book was legit.

Librarians were notorious for going to great lengths to stop any information from leaving, including forging and tampering with grimoires and tomes. In life, they were great, worthy magicians who at some point bit off more than they could chew and were overtaken by magic. She always made sure the same thing didn’t befall her by testing out a simple spell from any book that she got.

She thought about which spell would be most beneficial as she perused the pages of the tome. It had taken her months to gain the trust and affection of Madison. She’d befriended the lonely, culpable mouse that she knew would be an easy sacrifice. After a few months, she knew that she could convince Madison to do anything–even accompany her to a strange, supposedly supernatural shop. 

All she had to do, she realized soon after meeting Madison, was make her fall in love with her. Then she was like putty in her hands–she would do whatever “Cassidy*”* wanted.

She stopped her finger on a simple but effective love spell and smiled when she realized that she already had everything she needed to complete it. The spell stipulated that it would make the caster irresistible to the next person to kiss them. It seemed like an easy way to test the spellbook’s validity. All she had to do is find some unwitting person she could use, kiss them, and either they would love her and do her bidding, or she would know that she had a Librarian’s ass to kick. 

After casting the spell, Delilah slept like a baby. She dreamed of money, and beauty, and a unionization of all of the witches in the nation. When she awoke, she felt rested and better than she had in months. She looked in the mirror, and although she figured it might be a side effect of the spell, she was absolutely glowing. 

Her olive skin had always been a subject of insecurity for her. Not quite light enough to be fair-skinned and not quite dark enough to be exotically beautiful. But today, she seemed to be catching the sunlight perfectly, reflecting a gorgeous shade of golden tan that matched her sparkling hazel eyes and short brown hair perfectly. 

She showered and got dressed in a flowing, white sundress that came down to her knees. It was her first day and she wanted to make a good impression. She cycled through her options of fake ID’s until finally landing on April Meyers. Gathering all of her things, and hiding the grimoire once more, she called for her mother.

She emerged from her room, her robe half-open and yawning, with her car keys in hand. “I’m up, I’m up. I’m ready.”

“Mom, you’re still half-asleep. I’m going to be late.”

“Oh, hush, honey. I’ve driven you to school with my eyes closed. You think that this whole self-driving car thing is new? Please, I’ve been enchanting cars since the 1970’s.” She finally opened her eyes and whistled. “Well, don’t you look nice today? You must be trying to make a good impression at this school, huh?”

They’d gotten all the way to the front door when her mother stopped as if she remembered something. “Wait, you’re forgetting something,” she said, holding the door open.

“I guarantee you I’m not, I have everything. Let’s go.”

“No,” she said, gesturing to her cheek.

“Mom, we can do that when you drop me off, come on.”

“You know you’re not going to give me a kiss in front of all your classmates. If I don’t get one now then I’m going to have to go all day without one and then I’m going to just be more annoying when you come home.”

“Fiiine!” Delilah said and kissed her mother on the cheek, then began walking to the car, still ranting. “I just want you to know that this isn’t normal. Moms don’t hold their twenty year old daughters hostage for kisses. This is behavior that was supposed to stop about seventeen years ago, around the same time that the baby fat went.” 

She got all the way to the car until she realized that her mother wasn’t listening to her. In fact, she hadn’t moved from the porch. “Damn it,” Delilah whispered under her breath. “I don’t have time for this,”

“Mom, what’s going on?” She said, walking back up the yard. “Let’s go.”

“I don’t want you to go,” her mom said. She could hear in her voice how upset she was. As Delilah got closer, she could see there were actual tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?” 

“I don’t know. I just…got a bad feeling.” She looked at her mother, seeing the sincerity reflected in those hazel eyes that were so similar to her own. 

“Okay.” She said, and walked back into the house closing the door, behind them. 

“Are you sure?”

“One thing I’ve learned is to listen when you say that you’ve got a feeling.” 

Delilah couldn’t count the amount of times her mother’s intuition had saved them from certain death or led them to a lucky windfall. There were some people in life that were just more attuned to the natural frequency of the universe than others. And Delilah had long since realized it was much easier to listen to those people than to try to fight them with logic. 

“Thank you!” Her mom said, throwing her arms around Delilah and hugging her closely. As she held her daughter, she couldn’t help but feel a warmness inside of her. It seemed to emanate from every point on her body that met Delilah’s skin. Their knees rubbed together and started a fire in her that would climb up to where her nipple brushed against her daughter’s through the light fabric of her nightgown. 

She looked at Delilah, who was still trying to console her, and before she could stop herself, she was kissing her. Not like the chaste pecks and cheek kisses that had defined their relationship up until this point. She kissed her with passion, like the only thing tethering her to reality was her hold on Delilah’s lips.

“What are you doing?” Delilah asked, once she finally managed to snap out of the haze of pleasure to break the kiss. 

“Something I should have done a long time ago.”

Sapphira took off her robe, letting it fall to the floor, revealing nothing but a black lace teddy that did nothing to hide her womanly curves. Like her daughter, Sapphira had golden olive skin, but where Delilah had a petite, gymnast’s physique, Sapphira had the voluptuous body of a mature and developed woman.

“Mom, stop this…”


And with a single utterance, Delilah’s words were reduced to unintelligible mumbles. Sapphira gripped Delilah by the neck, pushing her into the wall and whispering in her ear with a teasing lick of her tongue. 

“Did you think that you could bring something like the *Vetiti* into my home without me knowing? Please, child, I’ve been around enough dark magic to know the stench.”

Sapphira tugged at one of the straps of Delilah’s sundress and snapped it, leaving only a lone strap covering her daughter’s bust. She brought her mouth to where the fabric of the dress covered her daughter’s nipple and stuck out her tongue. With a snap of her fingers, the strap was broken and the dress fell to the floor. Delilah’s moans were muffled as her mother took her nipple into her mouth and began to lick, nibble, and tease her daughter until the little white cotton panties that she was wearing were visibly soaked.

“I’ve wanted this for so long. Hell, half the time I didn’t even know it, but this was always what I wanted deep down. I’m just glad you gave me a way to do it,” Sapphira said, gripping her daughter’s moist pussy through her panties gingerly. 

“I know you’re not a virgin, so there’s no reason to go easy on you, is there?” She asked, giving her pussy lips a rough pat through her panties. “Now, if I remove my spell, will you be a good girl for mommy?”

Delilah shook her head affirmatively. Sapphira snapped her fingers and instantly Delilah’s tongue and mouth began to cooperate with her again. As powerful as a witch as she was, she knew that she was no match for her mother. 

The dark magic spell, it seemed, had worked. Unfortunately, it had worked on the wrong person and a little bit too well. Now, she had an aged witch with devastating magical prowess and an insatiable libido holding her immobile with a hungry look in her eyes. There was nothing she could do except cooperate with her until the magic wore off. 

She recalled something that her mother had once told her: *all dark magic comes with a price.*


With no other option and a building heat building in her core, Delilah stepped out of her panties and spread her legs, allowing her mother full access to her waiting, warm pussy.

Sapphira smirked, her mind swimming with all of the options and possibilities of pleasure laid before her. She stuck two fingers in her mouth, sucking on them and swirling her tongue around them, pulling the moist appendages out of her mouth and lining them up with her daughter’s waiting hole. As she slowly eased her fingers into Delilah, she felt her daughter’s tight muscles clenching around her as she tried to stifle moans of pleasure.

There was a moment, a fraction of a second, as she worked her fingers in a familiar and slowly building rhythmic pattern, that she was lucid, completely aware that she was under some form of dark magic. In that moment she realized three things.

The first was that her daughter was far more powerful and cunning than she had ever realized. The only way that she could have gotten a spellbook with a lust-inducing spell of such power would be to bargain with a powerful and probably malevolent creature. She had always wondered how much of her powers had filtered down to Delilah, and now, it seemed that she had her answer.

The second thing that she realized was that she knew how to counter the spell. Dark magic, which always came at a price, was no more powerful than any other kind of magic. Although it pushed the boundaries that other crafts and concentrations dared not cross, it could still be counteracted with a powerful spell, in the opposite direction. 

There was a time when Sapphira was much like her daughter, using her magic and her seductive tactics to gain the things that she wanted in life. But, everything changed when she had Delilah. She fell in love with that precious reflection of her from the moment that she laid eyes on her baby, and she chose to close the door on her darker side. 

She learned all kinds of counterspells, healing tonics, premonition-inducing herb combinations, and cleansing rituals. She could stop this entire lecherous and taboo fiasco if she could just remain lucid long enough to speak the incantation. 

The third, and last thing that she realized, as her daughter began to squirm underneath her still-building fingerfucking, was that she didn’t want to stop. A part of her–a part that had been there long before Delilah had brought the accursed spellbook into her house–wanted this, and had wanted it for quite some time. 

Making her decision, and giving into the magical lust-inducing haze that was rolling in from the edges of her vision, Sapphira pumped three fingers into her daughter and leaned forward, flicking her tongue across Delilah’s clit in slow, powerful strokes.

As Sapphira’s mind sunk back into the mind-clouding haze of lust and dark magic, Delilah was completely conscious and coherent. She felt every slight movement of the dexterous fingers inside of her and shivered with pleasure as ginger kisses were placed along her exposed neck. Her body ached with desire and a carnal hunger for more, but her mind was conflicted.

This was her mother–the woman who had cared for her and watched her grow through every singular phase of her life. She was her best friend, her High Priestess, and the only constant in her ever-shifting life.

Her mind was screaming at her that this was wrong on so many levels and that some lines weren’t meant to be crossed. And, yet, as she considered everything, the whole of her life, a part of her felt that this was the most natural decision in the world. 

Sapphira stood up, locking eyes with her daughter as she pulled her in for a deep kiss, their tongues intertwining in a sensual dance. Delilah could taste herself on her mother’s lips and she found the sweet nectar intoxicating. 

As they broke their kiss and looked at one another, Sapphira moved her mouth to Delilah’s ear, nibbling her lobes gently before whispering a seductive invitation.

“How about we move this upstairs into my bedroom?”

Delilah felt the hairs on her arms stand at attention. She seemed less aggressive and unpredictable–almost as if she was giving her the option. Perhaps, if she said no, all of this could be over. 

In fact, as Delilah looked closer, she could swear that she recognized a glint of recognition in her mother’s eyes. They seemed too clear, present, and lucid, for her to be under a spell still, and yet, her eyes were still full of lust. 

The moment seemed to stretch on for eternity as Sapphira waited on her daughter’s answer. This could be her way out, she realized, keeping her expression unchanged. Maybe the magic had dissipated enough for her to get through to her, she thought. But, even as her mind was formulating the words to say, her body throbbed and ached for her mother’s touch.

Wordlessly, she shook her head affirmatively, following behind her voluptuous mother as she led her up the stairs and into her bedroom, where the true fun was just beginning.

***Extended Scenes would go here in the FULL, purchasable edition. TAGS: (Magic, Futa, Incest, Paranormal, Witch ***)

Delilah would eventually try to convince herself that she had made the safe decision and that things had only gone so far because she knew how powerful her mother was. But, she knew that wasn’t true. She followed her mother into the bedroom for the same reason that Sapphira stayed under the spell even though she could have broken it.

The magic wasn’t doing anything but making the two women act on the lust that had already existed between them. Rumor has it, that they’re still in that room, bolstered and sustained by the dark forbidden tome, *vetiti,* and doomed to fuck one another senseless forever. 

At least, Sapphira won’t ever have to miss another kiss.


If this piqued your interest and you’d like to read the full version or some of the other shorts that make up this collection of erotica, send me a message, comment, or check out my patreon link at the top of the post.

We’re all shutdown, horny as fuck in quarantine anyway. Might as well read some smut?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fq9dts/volume_i_the_hidden_library_trig_warning_incest