[MF] Hospital Lockdown [long read]

(This is my first time posting anything like this and I hope I did this correctly. Everyone and everything is fictional. Enjoy)

Gracie was sure Aaron hated her. He was always silent and never smiled. Especially not at her. He would leave quickly after she entered a patient’s room or the ER, where he was usually stationed. He hadn’t said more than 10 words to Gracie since she started at Saint Augustines. And today sure as hell wasn’t gonna help.

The patient was brought in by EMS. She had stopped breathing, she’d been tubed and it wasn’t looking good for a while. The woman was stable though, and they needed to get an IV and lab work quickly. Gracie brought her tray and was attempting to get the blood she needed to run labs. She was one of the best at her small hospital. She hadn’t been there long but she was confident in her abilities. She was always perky and polite and said the right things. She tried to stay out of everyone’s way as best she could. Which wasn’t that hard considering how small she was. Well at least height wise. She was definitely a curvy girl. Her scrubs were snug around her hips and chest reminding her that she needed to lay off the stress eating. She was barely 5’2 but her curly red hair made up a few inches.

Why couldn’t she get the blood? The damn veins kept blowing. And finally she had to admit to Aaron that she needed help. She looked up to find him looking at her, she looked around and the nurses were looking at her too. They were waiting for her to say something.

“I can’t get it. The veins are blowing too quickly”. The nurses nodded their heads and Aaron cursed. “Dammit, someone get me a central line kit and make it fast.” The nurses ran off to get the necessary supplies and that left Aaron and Gracie alone. Gracie looked up. And then up some more. This giant was looking at her with the most handsome brown eyes she’d ever seen. His stubble was turning into a beard, he’d been working as much as she had during the quarantine. And he was glaring at her. She jumped a little and tried to make herself busy with the tubes and needles. Discarding the sharps and getting out the syringes for the central line. She could still feel his eyes on her when the nurses ran back in with the kits. Lauren was telling Aaron that they had a waiting room full of people and needed to go triage. “Go ahead. Take Jessica with you. You’ll need the help.”

He looked back at Gracie and sighed. She just wanted to run away but she couldn’t. He scared her in just about every way thinkable. “I’m gonna need help. Passing me instruments and keeping the area clean. Can you do that?” She nodded, trying not to meet his gaze. She helped him secure the sterile field and they made quick work of setting up the blades and everything to do the line with. She had to help him get into his sterile gown and had to almost stand on her tippy toes to reach his shoulder tie. She hadn’t realized how broad his shoulders were until then. He was honestly very attractive, but he was always so short with her she just never bothered looking.

The procedure went on without a hitch. The patient was doing great and Gracie finally was able to get her blood. And get back to the lab. She hid here most of the time. It was easiest for her, to stay out of sight. She had her speaker playing some music and it was just relaxing to be with her instruments and computers. The was mostly relaxed after this latest brush with Aaron.

The hospital was small. Barely a 30 bed facility but some of the doctors and nurses were having to stay there because of the lockdown. It was a pretty stressful time in the medical world. There were a few rooms for staff to sleep and do laundry if needed. And showers. Thank god for showers. She’d likely be staying on tonight. Mandy, her relief, wasn’t coming in until the next day and Gracie was gonna catch some sleep and a shower when it slowed down some.

When the night had finally died down she made her way to the more private on call room on the first floor. No one used this one because it was tucked in behind the ER bay and could be loud. But Gracie didn’t mind. She was a light sleeper and would wake up after a few hours anyway. She showered and changed into clean scrubs, thankful she had a little bag with her toothbrush and extra panties and socks. Feeling blessedly clean and cozy she laid down to catch some much needed rest.

Something had startled her awake but she couldn’t figure out what. Was the shower running? She swore she could hear the shower stream. She looked into the restroom that was inside the on call room. The door was open and there was definitely someone inside the shower. She could make out the shadow of a big mountain shaped man behind the glass. “Ohh god” she said out loud. She couldn’t believe what was happening. And though she couldn’t make out any details, that was definitely him.

Aaron had seen Gracie lying in the bed. Almost didn’t see her under the pile of covers but she was there. She ran away as soon as she could tonight. He remembered her face when the nurses left the room. She was terrified of him. And rightfully so. He was being a jerk. He knew it but he couldn’t help it. She was so fragile looking. There was no way she should see him as anything else.

He was hard. He hadn’t meant to stand in the shower this long but he couldn’t help it. The water was hot and he was exhausted. And now with thoughts of Gracie in his head, he couldn’t help but feel himself swelling up. From the moment he saw her, he knew she’d be trouble for him. He knew when he’d seen those big blue eyes and her innocent grin, that he’d have to stay as far away from her as he could. He wanted to relieve himself but he had already pushed his luck. She was outside the door and was probably already stirring. Trying to get a grip of himself, he shut off the water. He quietly opened the door and grabbed his towel. He was drying off when he met those big blue eyes, Aliveand watching him from the bed.

Gracie was in shock. Not only because Aaron was in her bathroom. But he was naked. Very naked. And hard. So hard, she wasn’t sure he had blood left anywhere else. And he was trying to dive for a towel. Gracie covered her eyes and almost shouted “I’m so sorry”. She heard Aaron curse under his breath. “I can leave. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were gonna be in here. I’m sorry” She started to get up and he quietly, but gruffly said “if you’ll just give me a few minutes I’ll let you get back to sleep. You were here first it’s fine” she dared to look at him. He had his scrub bottoms on, his chest still bare. He had a nice layer of hair from his chest down below his belly button. He was broad shouldered. Not obviously muscular, but thick all the way down to his still good sized bulge. She gulped and met his eyes. They were closely watching her. He was glaring at her again. She apologized again “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Let me just grab my things and you can have the room” she bent to retrieve her bag and phone charger from the wall. When she straightened back up he was barely a few inches behind her. She whipped around and found she was looking into his chest. She had to raise her head to find his eyes.

He was looking down at her. Not quite glaring anymore. Almost… smirking? He was laughing at her. She was embarrassed and tried to look down at her hands. He grabbed her chin and made her look at him again. She looked at him. His brown hair and stubble looked softer than she’d originally thought. His face and eyes were softer too. “Don’t go. Stay. Just let me finish getting ready”. He dropped her chin and motioned for her to sit back down on the bed. She watched him finish up and all too quickly he put on his scrub top and was ready to go. He met her eyes and smiled at her. God he was handsome when he smiled. She couldn’t believe how much it changed his face. She felt herself smile back. And she looked down. Feeling a blush on her cheeks and neck. “Don’t you need some sleep?” She asked. He looked back at her “I couldn’t sleep right now even if I tried. But there’s a cot I can use in the ER if I get time” and with that he walked out the door. Shutting it behind him.

She didn’t rest well. She had gotten a few hours of sleep but couldn’t quit tossing. She dropped her stuff back off at the lab. Heading to take her dirty scrubs and things to the upstairs laundry room. Mandy had texted her about an hour before saying she couldn’t be there until later that following night. That was fine, she texted Mandy back and told her to just stay home and she would stay here for a couple days to ride it out a little. Things had finally slowed down and the county was on a strict lockdown. Most of the staff was sent home and a few essential personnel were left to staff the quiet hospital. She padded back out of the laundry room in search of coffee. It was early morning and hopefully the kitchen staff had already started a fresh pot. If not, she could always start some in the labs breakroom.

In the hallway by the cafeterias doors he heard someone coming up the hall on the left. He looked up just as she rounded the corner. The shock and blush that crossed her face nearly undid him right then and there. She was starting fires down in his belly with just the look on her face. “I was just looking for some coffee” she said quietly. “I was here for some too. They won’t be starting it until 7.” He looked at his watch “which is an hour from now” he said while he rolled his eyes. “I can make a pot in our breakroom” she said, looking down at her feet. “You could have some” she glanced up and saw him smiling at her again. “That would be perfect” he said.

He followed her to their little breakroom. It wasn’t much. Had a desk and a sink and counter with the coffee pot and mini refrigerator sitting on it. She quickly got to work getting the water into the back and measuring the grounds. He couldn’t help but look her over. Her small stature and dainty features have her a younger, innocent sort of vibe. But her curves were all woman. Her breasts and ass were very noticeable in those scrubs. It was everything he could do not to grab her and take her on the counter. He felt his scrubs tighten and tried to relax.

She looked up at him and caught him checking out her backside. She felt a blush rise across her chest and cheeks. His eyes met hers and he was glaring. Like an animal. Hungry and serious. She looked down at the coffee pot and told herself not to look up again. She heard him take a deep breath. He started to say something. She looked up at him. He looked perplexed. Confused, like he didn’t know what he wasn’t to say. She just waited. “I don’t think you know how beautiful you are. And you need to” he said, his voice sort of rough and gravely. She stared at him. Not sure if he was joking or momentarily insane. “Excuse me?” She asked. He looked her in the eyes “you heard me.” He said gruffly.

She was stunned. And a little angry. “You’ve said about 15 words to me in the year I’ve been here. You’re a jerk when you’re not ignoring me. And now you want to say that?” She was angry. But mostly just in shock. He hadn’t responded and she didn’t want to look up. But she had to.

He felt like an asshole. He should. He’d been one. He knew it and she’s called him out on it.when she looked up at him he sighed. “I know. You’re right. I am a jerk”. He said quietly. She looked at him, pondering. “Why?” She asked. Barely a whisper. He thought about how to answer. “Because from the moment I saw you I’ve wanted you. We’re colleagues. I didn’t want to ruin a professional relationship with a quick fuck. You deserve more than that.” It was more than she’d ever heard him say. And she thought about what he had said. The way his eyes had trailed over her when he said he wanted her. She was shocked still. But increasingly aware of how close he was standing to her. She wanted to touch his face. And maybe it was the lack of sleep. Or the fact that she hadn’t had anyone look at her so brazenly in all her life, but something was making her wet. And she wanted him.

He was sure he had scared her. She was just looking at him, shell shocked, he’d guessed. He was about to turn around and walk out when she started to speak. “What do I deserve?” She asked. Meeting his gaze and not backing down. She had a small smirk on her face. Barely noticeable. But that’s all he needed. “You deserve much more than I can give you right now. But after the world stops ending, we can start with dinner and see where it takes us.” He stopped to read her face. She was definitely smirking. He grinned at her and she laughed. “I would love that.” She said. She then looked at him and scooted slightly closer “But what could you give me right now?”

It was his turn to be shocked. What game was she playing? His cock twitched. Surely he was misunderstanding what she was saying. “What do you want right now?” She laughed and shrugged her tiny shoulders. “Surprise me” she said, in what could only be described as a bratty tone. He almost lost control right there. His cock was immediately hard. “I don’t think you know what you’re asking for, Gracie” he said as calmly as he could.

Gracie looked up at him. She wanted him. And if he was telling the truth he wanted her back. No better time than the present right? She was wet already. Her heart was racing. She wanted to make a move but she didn’t know if she could or should for that matter. What if she was reading him all wrong. What if she was imagining the sexual tension building in the room. She glanced down at her hands. And she again saw the overly large impression in his scrubs. She wasn’t imagining it. He wanted her too. That was it. That’s what she needed. She looked him in the eyes, then looked at his pink lips. She wanted nothing more than for him to claim her. “I know what I’m asking for. I want you too”. She whispered.

He was on her. He moved so quickly she gasped. His lips were setting hers on fire. Warm and slow. His hands were in her hair his fingertips running up the base of her skull, grabbing a handful and tugging. Raising her chin so he could kiss her neck. He was so much taller than her he couldn’t reach. He released her hair and had both hands on her thighs and ass. He lifted her to the counter. He was between her thighs and his rock hard cock was rubbing her in just the right spot. She wanted to feel it. She untied the band and had her fingers down his pants, he grabbed her hand roughly. “This is when you need to tell me to stop. Are you sure you want this? There will always be more time. We can take it slow” his words were gentle. More gentle than she’d ever expected. “I want you. Right now. We have time to figure stuff out, but right now I just want you inside me” she pushed her fingers under the fabric to expose his thick cock. Her fingers almost couldn’t reach all the way around it. She gulped. She didn’t know if it would fit. He seemed to sense her worry “it’ll fit. I’ll be slow.” He said softly in her ear.

He had to taste her. He stripped her quickly. Stopping for a moment to admire her breasts. Suckling both erect peaks. Her waist was little but her breast and hips were beautifully curvy. She had an hourglass shape that was just perfect for him. He spread her thighs and got on one knee to be face level with her creamy center. She was soaking wet already. He had no doubts she wanted this as much as he did. He kissed her stomach. Right below her belly button. He heard her moan. He drug his tongue down to find her engorged clit. Working her up with his tongue. Her moans and whimpers getting higher, she was close already.

He stood up and looked her in the eyes. He rubbed the head of his cock over her clit and she leaned back allowing him to angle her so he could squeeze the tip of his shaft inside her. He nearly blew it right there. She was so tight and wet. He knew he wouldn’t last long but wanted her to come first. He raised one of her legs so that her foot was on his shoulder. He used one hand to brace himself against the counter and the other thumb on her clit. He was teasing her. Going in and out while torturing the little nub. Finally he sunk into her. Her gasp made him pause, he looked into her eyes and she met his. He thrust into her again. And again. Playing with her clit and stretching her out over and over. Thankfully she was close. He thrusted harder and quicker, massaging her clit until she screamed his name. She shuddered with release. He picked her up and held her against the door, still buried deep inside. She was still shaking from her orgasm. He held her ass and pounded inside her. She wrapped her legs around him whispering to him to fill her up. It was okay. He lost it. He couldn’t hold it any longer. He shot a massive load deep inside her. He cradled her for a moment, still throbbing. Her head was tucked in his neck, kissing him gently. She was almost purring.

He sat her back down on the counter. His cock slipped out and their combined juices were dripping down her thighs. She was so lost in the moment. She was smiling and stunning in the afterglow. He couldn’t help but smile back. “The end of the world can’t be that bad, if I’m stuck in here with you”. She said, laughing.

“Just wait till we get out” he said with a devilish grin.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fpscxc/mf_hospital_lockdown_long_read

1 comment

  1. What a nice escape from reality! You must be a healthcare worker (maybe a nurse?) because the details in the story were on point. Great work!

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