[M] How Last Summer I Just Went For It (long)

If you’ve read any of the previous stories on my profile, you know that I have a certain kink associated with shared nudity, or public nudity, especially any kind of risky nudity.
I love being naked when there’s a medium to strong chance that I will be seen.

It gets me extremely aroused.

I live in Europe, and as most of you know, it’s common to have areas of certain cities and beaches in certain countries where people can be naked in public. In fact, in some countries, the nudity in these locations is not only encouraged, but it’s mandatory.

For the majority of people born and raised in these countries (not me), that kind of public nudity is as common as ordering coffee. It’s just something that’s always been around, and it’s weird if you think it’s weird, if that makes sense.

It took me a long time to wrap my head around that notion, that it can be so …normal.

All my life I’ve had an erotic fetish for being nude in public places, or even just outside around my house.

I used to walk around my house naked when no one was home, and when I got bored of that, I started running around outside my house, going further and further, always a bit riskier.

When I couldn’t take the excitement anymore, I would vigorously masturbate outside and explode cum all over the grass. I loved it!

So, as you can imagine, once I came to Europe and saw that this kind of nudity was the norm, I only had to wait to have the courage to do it, and warm temperature of course.

I moved here during the Fall so I had to wait quite a while before I could finally bite the bullet and go outside naked in front of people. So, naturally, I found other ways to feed the fetish.

I live in a busy apartment building with about 10 floors. So, during the colder seasons I have on several occasions gone out into the hallway completely naked, leaving my door cracked slightly with a shoe so I could run back in if I got nervous.

I obviously checked thoroughly for security cameras, but thankfully there aren’t any.

I’ve walked up two whole flights of stairs in my building, naked! Knowing, that at any second, someone could come into the building headed right for my floor. Or come out of their door to take out the trash which is next to the basement.

It’s one of the most exciting risks I’ve ever had and it turns me on so much. I’ve even taken the elevator from the top floor to the basement and walked back up to my floor! Now that was too risky and I haven’t repeated it but holy shit I was rock hard.

I did things like that for a few months until FINALLY, it was Summer.

Shorts, flip flops, tank tops, beach towels, girls biking by in bikinis, shirtless guys smoking cigarettes near the bus stop, it was fucking Summertime baby and you better believe I had only one thing on my mind.

The day neared, I had prepared everything. My apartment would be all mine for 2 days, meaning I didn’t have to explain myself to anyone about where I was going or why, etc. Just one less thing to worry about.

I also knew exactly where I would go, and visited there before that day to be sure it was ok for me to be naked there. I was ready.

I barely slept the night before. I eagerly awaited the opportunity. I was pining for the wind between my legs and the sun on my chest.

That morning, I said goodbye as my apartment emptied of the other tenants and quickly jumped into my bathing suit.

Bathing suit, t-shirt, towel, water, sun lotion. I was ready.

I quickly ate something and ran outside to my bike. Such a hot day! I was already sweating, this was perfect.

The place I decided was the best option for me to not be seen by people I knew around town but only by strangers was alongside this river near the outskirts that is about a 25 minute bike ride away.

It’s beautiful and grassy there, and you can swim in the river. Plus, ya know, lots of naked people.

So, I biked away, and eventually arrived at the spot I had planned.

I laid my bike down on the grass, between these 2 huge bushes and spread out my towel. I kicked off my sandals and immediately popped off my shirt. I had to get comfortable first and get an idea of today’s surroundings before I could just get bare. I was so excited, my heart was racing.

I applied sun lotion and gazed around. Thankfully, not too crowded.

I saw across the river about 12 other people, some quite old, and some maybe in their 30s/40s sitting around on towels or in fold out chairs. Some drinking beer, some sleeping in the sun, all naked.

I thought, well, what the fuck am I waiting on? I’m in the spot and it’s now or never!

I straightened out my legs, lifted my ass, and slowwwly slipped off my bathing suit down to my ankles. That last single moment as the fabric left my skin, I felt immediately so free. I sat my shorts next to my shirt, and sat quite confidently.

Fuck this feeling was incredible! I sat with my arms behind me, knees bent up with my feet flat on the towel, letting the sun wash over my entire body. A soft, warm wind passed over my skin and my dick shifted slightly.

I was finally doing it and there was no risk, no punishment, nothing to feel guilty about!

I had to push it further, what else could I do? Ah! I could swim naked in the river, giving the people across the water a good look at my semi-hard dick.

So that’s what I did, after a few minutes of relishing the moment and getting a solid sweat, I stood up with my hands on my hips.

I heard a noise to my right and immediately within my personal bubble was someone speeding by on a bicycle.

They passed by quickly, and I had no idea bikes came through here. That’s exciting! Whoever that was got a good, up close look at me. Probably as boring as the newspaper to someone like that but to me, I had to sit back down because I was getting so hard from the exposure.

After my dick calmed down a bit, I stood back up and eased into the water.

A few of the people on the other bank watched me. One older lady waved, in a friendly way. I waved back, dick stiffening in the sunlight. God I felt so welcome and also so turned on.

I dipped quickly into the water, swam for a few minutes and then climbed back onto my bank to my towel and rested in the sun. This was one of the best days I’d had in ages.

I knew, I was going to have to cum. And I knew, someone was going to watch me.

I sat up on my towel, legs spread wide, and looked across the bank. A few of the people were now standing up to their knees in the river, some still in their chairs, but we shared head nods and glances back and forth.

I rested my hand near my sweating cock and began to massage myself. It didn’t take long to get fully hard. In fact, I was achingly hard. I wanted to fuck out here in the sun so bad.

God I wish I had a cock to suck or some tits to squeeze or anything, I wanted to be treated like a wild animal out there. I wanted to be abused and fucked and sucked and edged and exposed all at once, and just the excitement alone had me so close already.

I stood up.

Raging hard now, no going back. I faced the group across the river, and begged that another biker would come by.

I began to stroke.

I started slow, watching them, noticing that a few were giving me a double-take. “Is he jerking off?”

Then, as luck would have it, a masturbation miracle for someone with a fetish for public nudity… I saw that on that same bike path, just a minute or so away from me, coming in my direction, were 2 girls in bikini tops and shorts, carrying a picnic basket and some white wine bottles.

They were going to be just a couple of feet from my towel!

I quickly laid back down on my towel, and edged myself until I heard through the bush that they were close. I had to time it just right.

I clenched my ass and stroked like a mad man. I was pumping and thrusting, getting myself as close as possible, feeling the pressure and anticipation swelling up in my balls, and just as I knew they were entering my vision, I exploded all over my chest.

They stopped walking, just for a second, not talking. They saw me cum all over my hand, on the towel, and some ropes even coming up to my neck. I was a mess, and I was out of breath.

After I stared at them, letting my throbbing cock soften back down to its resting position, they finally continued walking past, saying nothing.

I waited until they were long gone, and then I jumped back in the river to wash myself off. I came back out and laid there in the sun for a long time after that, occasionally getting hard again but not jerking off again.

It was everything I had wanted it to be. Can’t wait for next Summer, hopefully not in quarantine.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fpxem9/m_how_last_summer_i_just_went_for_it_long