Maybe self isolating isn’t so bad – Day #6 – I watched my best friend get fucked hard by her husband. [MF]

So, there was a bit of an argument on who should write this one, all three of us wanted to, but I (Mona) won, because I hadn’t written one yet. Also, I just want to say thank you to everyone for all of the upvotes and comments on Nick’s previous stories, John and I have gotten off numerous times reading them and I’m glad to see others have too!

The following morning, Jenna and I woke up fairly early, but made sure to try and keep quiet so as not to wake Nick. But, he was sleeping in way longer than we thought he would, so because we were starving, we decided to make some food. Jenna had started up chopping, and I was going to the cooking, but was keeping her company in the dining room/kitchen.

Just for a mental image, Jenna was wearing turquoise underwear, they were full bottom, and a black Super Mario tee, while standing at the counter. I’m not really relevant here, since I did nothing but watch.

We were chatting, when I heard the bedroom door slide open. This was around noon, he had slept for roughly 16 hours.

“Ohhhh look who’s up,” I said, before lifting my eyes, I saw Nick standing in the doorway, still completely naked, and as hard as I had ever seen him.

“Whoa, you’re really up,” I added. I looked toward Jenna who was looking at him and then back to her chopping, shaking her head a bit.

He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, I assumed to piss, but it turned out just to brush his teeth.

“Poor guy,” I said to Jenna, “no wonder he’s horny, we left him with blue balls last night.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll pay him back,” she answered.

He came out of the bathroom, his thick dick still as hard as when he had walked in. I thought he was going to go put underwear on, but there was something different about him. Instead, he walked up to Jenna, and pressed his cock into her butt. He stood like that for a few seconds, when he just pulled her panties down to her knees in one quick, rough motion.

My view was slightly to one side, but really I was watching them from behind at this point, my eyes always going toward his cute muscular little butt as he thrusted. He pushed her down into the counter top, she had let go of her knife before, and put his dick into her. He didn’t go slow, there was no foreplay, he just went straight at it, hard, rough, and fast. I saw his hand come down and slap her ass over and over, the sound echoing throughout their apartment, her screams of pleasure, and his grunts of pleasure and effort, were so loud that I’m certain people at the other end of the hallway, maybe even outside 4 stories down, could hear them loud and clear.

I watched as he kept on going, even in the moments he didn’t slap her ass, I could hear the loud clap of skin on skin, I could only imagine the force he was thrusting with.

Thats when he pulled out of her, and spun her around, and pushed her down onto the dining table. Yes, the same one I was sitting at, Jenna’s head was laying on the table only a couple feet from me. I looked at her face, she was red like I hadn’t seen her before, her voice quivering as she caught her breath. He went into her again and I watched as she winced with pleasure, clenching her teeth together trying, but failing, to stop the screams a bit.

I looked up toward Nick, his face was red too, as red as when we were burnt in Greece. A vein was showing on his sweaty temple, his short hair disheveled from just waking up, and a determined look in his deep blue eyes I don’t think I’d seen before. It was the type of sex I couldn’t have imagined them having, and I had seen them have sex many times, I’d even had sex with him, but I had never seen this side of him. They were usually so romantic and sentimental, whereas this was just like watching two animals.

He kept thrusting hard, his chest hair now damp with his sweat, his grunting loud. He went on for a few minutes as I watched him go into his lucky wife. He pulled out, and for a second I caught a glimpse of his hard dick, as he flipped Jenna over so her back was on the table.

He went into her roughly again, though now it wasn’t so animal like. He was leaning down as thrusted into her, kissing her as they groaned and screamed in pleasure, pulling her shirt up a bit, before finally taking it off, he delved for her little tits, licking and sucking on them as they both continued to moan loudly.

Finally, what felt like an eternity, but was really only about 10 minutes total, he pulled out, his thick cock pretty much red, and shot 3 or 4 long shots of his cum on her stomach, while letting out a deep loud groan. He kept stroking himself, the few drops of his remaining jizz dropping onto her bush. Jenna lay below him on the table, panting, out of breath.

His phone rang. It was right behind him on the kitchen counter, he left it there the night before.

With his cock still getting stroked by his hand, he leaned back and picked it up with his other one. He kept stroking it while he exchanged a few sentences on the phone, I didn’t take my eyes off of it, his balls were pressed up against his skin now, his dick was still at full length, a little bit of a dark bush surrounding it, his veins showing through the stem.

He put the phone down.

“Fuck, I have to go into work, emergency,” he said. He leaned down and exchanged a long kiss with Jenna, then went into the den. She stayed there panting right in front of me. I was about to open my mouth to say something when he walked out of the den, pants in his hands, his red cock still out, now pointing straight forward.

“Can someone please remind me to empty the dryer tonight?” He said, as he pulled underwear and then his pants on. He put on his boots and jacket, walked back to Jenna, kissed her again, told her he loves her, and that he doesn’t think he’ll be too long. Within 5 minutes of taking the phone call, he was out the door.

I looked at Jenna, still sprawled out on the table, her underwear on the floor, his cum starting to dry on her skin in places, though her breathing had slowed down.

“I…..I’ve never seen that side of him before” I said.

“Yeah, it’s been a while,” she said, pushing herself up, “we only have that kind of sex as morning sex when he wakes up after me, which is almost never.”

She got up and walked to the bathroom.

“Oh my god, you should see your ass!”

She stopped at the mirror as she looked at it. It was red from his hand prints when he has been smacking her, it definitely looked like it would bruise.

“Oh, yeah, I’m not surprised,” she said, sitting down to pee, “I like it, you should try it with John sometime, I mean, it’s nice once in a while, but not all the time. At least for me.”

So she gave me an idea what to do with my husband when he comes back. In the meantime though, I was just left horny as ever after having watched that display. I found myself wanting Nick even more now for a quick sexual release.


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