Maybe self isolating isn’t so bad – day #5, I basically got used like a dildo [FMF]

The sex starts under the —————.
So, as I had said in my last story (go through my post history if you’re interested), things between Mona, John, Jenna, and I had died down a bit over the last year or so (sexually, we stayed best friends). Well, let’s just say this lockdown has had a bit of a benefit for three of us.

My wife had been away visiting her father, and barely managed to come back to Canada two weeks ago. John had gone to visit his parents with his and Mona’s kid abroad (Mona was unable to go because she couldn’t get the time off of work), and has ended up stranded and locked down where he is.

My wife decided to self quarantine for two weeks and work from home when she arrived, they sice extended that to four weeks. She was talking to Mona daily, but when Mona realized John would be unable to come home, she decided to pack her bags and basically move in with us until he’s back. She was lonely and missed her friend as she put it. I didn’t mind at all, after a month apart with Jenna and I, I was exhausted from the constant sex we had had since she had come back the week before, and knew that if the urge arouse, Mona wouldn’t have much of an issue if we excused ourselves for a bit. I also was still required to work (emergency electrical work), and Mona is good company anyway. She came to our place two Sundays ago. We live in a small apartment in downtown, about 55-60 square metres (700 square feetish, I think), one bedroom, a separated den, living room and small dining area and kitchen between the den and the bedroom, and one small bathroom. Mona was crashing on our couch, Jenna and I stayed in our room obviously. I didn’t expect anything to happen while she stayed with us. Boy, I was wrong.

Nothing did happen the first few days, we were just hanging out, sometimes the three of us, sometimes just the two of them while I relaxed and played games in the den.

Come Wednesday night, it was just after midnight, we had all already gone to sleep, when I got an emergency call for work, which meant I had to leave right away. I got out of my bed, being quiet so as not to wake anyone. I keep my clothes in the den, aside from underwear, but I had actually just done laundry that day, so my underwear was in the dryer. I walked in the buff through the living room to the dryer, grabbed my underwear, then went into the den to get dressed. At one point I thought I heard some shuffling behind me, and checked to see if Mona was awake, but didn’t notice anything and dismissed it as the dog. I wrote a note, stuck it on the fridge telling Jenna I went to work, and left.

I went off to work that night and got home around 16 (4pm) the next day. I was exhausted, covered in sweat and dirt and sawdust, probably smelled like a mix of a dirty gym sock mixed with Eastern European sweat stench and tobacco. The two girls were both “working,” but really just hanging out, in the den. I called out hello, went to the fridge, cracked open a beer and sat down at the dining table while lighting up a cigarette, enjoying the relative silence for a change. My plan was to have a beer or two, rest my legs for a half hour or so, and then shower before passing out.

I was about halfway done my beer when the girls came out of the den, explaining that they saved their lunch break for the end of the day so they could get off early. They were both still in the clothes they slept in from what I could tell. Jenna was wearing loose white shorts and grey tank top, the faint outline of her little nipples visible. Mona was wearing boxer shorts basically and a very loose tank top, the side of her round tit hanging out the arm holes or whatever they’re called, obviously without a bra. They sat down with me and poured themselves some coffee while lighting a cigarette themselves.

“Nick, you fucking stink, go shower,” Jenna said to me.

“I just wanna finish my beer first.”

“No, seriously you’re gonna stink up the whole place, go shower now,” she said.

I took one more gulp of my beer, and made my way for the den to grab a change of clothes.

“No, you’ll stink up that tiny room in a second, I’ll bring you clothes, just go shower.”

I obliged, went to the bathroom, stripped, and took a shower. With my mind as gone as it was then, from no sleep, I forgot to check if there was a towel. When I was done showering, I saw my dirty clothes were gone, no clean clothes were there, and there was no towel.

I called out to Jenna, asking her to bring me clothes and a towel.

“Ugh, I forgot, whatever, just come out, I’m lazy, and she’s already seen you naked.”

“Yeah, years ago,” I said.

“Actually, I saw you just last night when you walked by to go to work.” I heard Mona say.

So it wasn’t the dog. I asked for my clothes again, but they didn’t even bother responding. I stood there dripping dry for a few minutes, before I finally stepped out. They had moved to the couch, which faces the bathroom door almost head on. They were both smiling ear to ear when I stepped out.

“There he is, it’s been a while!” Mona said through her grin, as I saw her scanning my naked body up and down.

“I thought you said you saw me just last night,” I said, as I walked to the bedroom to grab a towel. I didn’t bother trying to cover up, my flaccid cock flapping against my thighs as I walked.

“And there’s your cute little butt!” she said again, adding “and it’s different in the pitch black compared to during the daylight.”

I dried myself off in the bedroom, wrapped the towel around me, grabbed underwear and an undershirt from the dryer, and went to the den to put them, and sweatpants on. I walked back out, took the last gulp of my beer, then grabbed another from the fridge before I sat down opposite them.

“You guys are like two school girls,” I said. They ignored me.

“So what do you guys want to do tonight?” Mona asked, as I watched her through the trail of smoke left by her cigarette.

“Im finishing this beer, then going to sleep.”

They told me how I was boring, how they won’t call me in to work tomorrow, so I should feel free to hang out instead of fucking up my sleeping schedule. I didn’t make any commitments or suggestions. Just drank my beer as the two of them talked about potential plans.

“Are you guys planning on getting dressed at all today?” I asked them, referring to them still being as they awoke.

Mona leaned forward to take her cigarette from the ashtray, her loose tank top coming down, showing her tits quite a bit, though not enough for her nipples to slip out. She saw me looking.

“Well, it doesn’t seem like this is bothering you, so why would we?”she said, talking a drag of her smoke.

“Actually, I need to let the dog out, so I should probably put some clothes on,” Jenna said, and went to the bedroom to change.

Mona and I talked for a bit while Jenna went out with the dog, I finished up my beer, Mona stood up, and under the pretense of clearing the coffee table, leaned forward in front of me, her tank top coming down, I could see almost everything, though I wasn’t quite sure since it was still in a shadow.

I didn’t comment on it, and she just smiled and went to put everything into the trash. She made herself a drink and gave me another beer, setting it down normally on the coffee table. Jenna came in a few seconds later and joined us.

We were chit chatting, talking about work, and obviously the virus, because what else is there to talk about?

“Did you tell him what you and I discussed?” Jenna asked Mona.

She answered no, and I asked what she was on about.

“Well, we thought that maybe, the three of us could have some fun, like we used to.”

I said we would need to check with John first, and given his timezone, he was asleep, Mona said she already did, and showed me the messages, he was okay with it.

“I’m honestly way too tired right now,” I said, I really was, my legs were throbbing, my hands I could barely open how much pain they were in, “maybe tomorrow.”

They exclaimed their disbelief, and I tried explaining to them that I hadn’t slept in almost 48 hours, not even believing that I myself was turning them down, but I really couldn’t imagine myself doing anything physical.

I got up to put my now finished beer in the trash before going to bed, but had a change of heart while passing the fridge and grabbed another one, I sat down in the same seat and opened it. Jenna commented how there is a chance now, since my third beer usually wakes me up.


“Let me see if I can speed that along,” Mona said.

She walked over to me, her tits slightly bouncing with her every step, and straddled me, moving her bottom half back and forth, rubbing my cock with her own crotch, as she looked at me with her brown eyes, a naughty smile across face. After a few minutes, my cock started to stir awake, slowly growing in my sweatpants. Her smile turned triumphant as she turned to Jenna, giving me another nice look at her side boob, she told her it was working.

She kept on grinding on me, started to lift my shirt up a bit and running her hands up and down my torso. I was started to get quite turned on, my cock was fully erect now, and I reached behind her and grabbed a handful of her ass through her boxers, then ran my hand underneath them and felt her smooth ass, squeezing it, feeling her muscular ass with my hand, grabbing her left cheek with my right hand, following the movement of her body as she went back and forth. She leaned forward a bit, my face pressing up against her chest, and me taking looks down at her full tits. It looked even bigger than what I had remembered, but I dismissed it as being because of the shadow it was in. The pain in my hand grew though, so I let it slide off and rested it on her thigh.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, stopping for a second.

“I told you two, I’m beat.”

“Just relax, we’ll do everything,” she answered.

She grabbed me by my hand and helped me up, moving with me to the couch. She sat me down next to Jenna, then squatted down and pulled my sweat pants and underwear off, down to my ankles, my cock being pulled down with them, before thumping back into its upright position, smacking against my stomach.

Jenna sat on the couch on her knees and leaned forward, she kissed me, then was kissing and sucking on my ear lobes, then my neck, while she ran her fingers up and down my shaft and balls. I leaned my head back with pleasure, enjoying myself.

Mona stood up in front of me, and dropped her boxers down, her legs slightly spread. Her long white legs, muscular as ever, gave way to the slightest triangle of her dark pubic hair. It was short and trimmed, and I could still easily make out her lips, evidently a little plump already.

She got on the couch, her legs on either side of me as Jenna continued kissing my neck and ear softly. I felt Mona grab my dick and position it, and I turned my eyes down, watching as she put me into her, going first halfway down my shaft, before going back up, her juices visible on my dick as she did, before going down again, all the way this time. She began riding me up and down, first slowly, matching the soft tenderness of Jenna’s kisses.

Her pussy felt as good as ever, soaking with her juices, my cock sliding inside her effortlessly throbbing with pleasure, pushing up against her roof. I took one of my hands and squeezed her firm ass again, the other I put up the back of Jenna’s shirt and rubbed her back, pulling her closer to me. I could feel both of their hot breaths on my skin, Mona’s soft moaning starting to get a little louder as she continued to ride me at the same pace, her brown hair up in na pony tail bouncing just slightly with her motions.

I took my hand from Jenna’s back and slid it under her shorts, reaching for her pussy. I ran my fingers down her landing strip, feeling the moist hair as I reached her lips but she took my hand away.

“No, you’re too tired, we’re going to be doing all the work,” she whispered into my ear, before going back to nibbling on my earlobe.

At that point, Mona stopped riding on me and started to grind on me, still slowly, her juices spreading around me as she did, the wet sound loud enough for all of us to hear, her tiny little hairs prickling my skin just slightly, her moans, though far apart in time, were growing in intensity with each movement of her hips. She kept on going for a quite a while, maintaining the same pace, I felt her pussy clench around my cock, and gush of her juices cover my pubes and balls, trickling down then, as she let out a louder moan, she leaned in toward me, pressing my face against her full tits through her shirt, now damp with her sweat. She stayed like that motionless for a few minutes.

“Okay, my turn now,” Jenna said.

Mona got off of me, my cock, still covered in her juices, smacked against my stomach again. Jenna slid her shorts off on the couch, and got on top of me in the same position Mona had just been in. Effortlessly putting my cock into her, her dark, thick landing strip going against my crotch. My cock filling up her all too familiar pussy. Mona pulled my shirt off in the meantime, and started kissing my neck, then my chest as Jenna rode me. Jenna wasn’t going as slow as Mona, quite fast, and forcefully, I could hear her smacking against me with each of her movements, as she held onto my thighs for support, her curly hair was down, and kept on covering her face with the movement of her body as she rode. I took my hands and tucked it behind her head, as she looked me in the eyes, moaning away, her warm breath coming out quickly now, as I felt it on my chest, now wet with Mona’s saliva as she now sucked on my neck.

Jenna started to grind on me, in quick motions, I took both my hands and grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks apart, noticing that the entire scene was visible in the mirror on the opposite wall. Jenna’s ass being stretched out by my hands, my soaked balls beneath her, and Mona’s body from the side, her large tits hanging down into her tank top, her bare from the waist down too, the side of her bent over ass and her long legs looking perfect. I reached over with my hand, my eyes still on the mirror, and grabbed her ass, giving her a few spanks while at it. I felt a few gasps of hers escape as she briefly stopped sucking on my neck, feeling the soft wind of her breath against my wet skin.

Jenna started to moan louder and louder, as I felt her juices gush onto me. She kept on going for a few more seconds, her fingers dug deeper into my thighs, as she leaned her body and head back. She stayed like that for a few seconds then looked me in the eyes.

“Okay, that’s enough,” I said.

“What, no! You still haven’t cum,” Mona protested.

I told them it’s fine, I was too tired to, and that I’m sure they’d think of a way to repay me another day.

Jenna reluctantly slid off of me and sat down next to me. I asked if they could grab me a beer, and Mona obliged. I watched as her tight ass, peaking out underneath her tank top, walked to the fridge, she handed it to me, as I smacked her butt lightly as she went to grab wine for the two of them.

We were all sitting there, me naked, them two bottomless, quietly drinking our drinks and smoking, my cock going down to its flaccid state, though still covered in both their juices. When I finished my beer, I wished them a good night, and collapsed onto the bed for the best sleep I had had in a long time.



  1. I had similar experience but i would not be able to write ot this good.

  2. I bet you guys had some more fun while quarantined! Would love to hear more of you stories

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