A drunken party fight leads to an FWB relationship that may be rekindling soon….[MF]

So I was about 19 when this happened.

I used to party pretty regularly at Jack & Jill’s house. Looking back, they were probably two of the most irresponsible people I’ve ever known, but 19 year old me didn’t care. There was a party and plenty of alcohol to go around every weekend. Eventually, Jack & Jill got into a fight; Jack basically accused Jill of sleeping around on him, mostly because Jill was sleeping around on him. Jack left, but Jill had no intentions of cancelling her usual weekend party.

So I’m at the party. Jill decides to show Jack just how faithful she can be by spending the entire party in the bedroom banging my best friend. I’m sitting around after having several beers, and for the first time I start talking to Amanda. I had seen Amanda several times at previous parties, but this is the first time we really got to talking. Amanda is visibly overweight, but not morbidly so. Gorgeous eyes, a smile that could light up the room, and tits that would make a pornstar jealous. We were splitting another beer. The conversation was going great, and things were looking good.

I do not remember much of the rest of the evening. Most of this part of the story is cobbled together from what I was told the next morning, along with a few fuzzy memories.

At some point in the evening, Jack came home. Jack apparently started accusing me of sleeping with Jill. I’m not sure why I was the one being accused of sleeping with her when she was screwing my best friend….but with that said, if he’d have interrupted them and started making threats, my friend would have easily flattened him. Here’s the problem. I know me. I’m drunk by this point. Even when I’m sober, it’s a massive pet peeve of mine to be accused of something I know I didn’t do, and it causes me to immediately fly off the handle. And he’s seriously undermining my ability to hook up with Amanda. I’ve heard a couple of versions of what happened next, but apparently I got right into Jack’s face. Some people say I took a swing at him. Some say I threatened to. Given what I know about my temper, the reality of what happened probably isn’t too far off. Whatever happened….I do have some recollection of another guy at the party spearing me Goldberg style. Hard. And that is my last recollection of the evening. By all accounts, I was down for the count, and Amanda and the guy who tackled me helped me into the spare bedroom.

I woke up the next morning. Amanda was sleeping next to me, topless. To this day, I do not know if anything sexual happened between us the night before. All I know is that I woke up….my ribs were sore as hell, and there was a topless girl next to me. What few memories of what happened the night before started to come back. I’m trying to mentally figure out what happened. I’m disoriented. Amanda wakes up about a minute or two later. Fact is….the only thing going through my head (besides “ow my fucking ribcage”) is “did we fuck?”. I didn’t want to ask. I was afraid of sounding like a piece of shit if I found out we did fuck and I don’t remember it.

So we get to talking. I mention being disoriented, and she begins to fill in some of the details of the night before. The way she made it sound, I got tackled, they helped me into the bedroom, and there was some fooling around but my soreness and drunkenness prevented too much from happening.

I thanked her for helping me out and sticking around to make sure I was OK, and leaned in for a kiss. I’m sure those of you who are lucky enough to have met someone that you have total sexual chemistry with will understand when I say….we shared a kiss and I instantly knew that the sexual chemistry was there. She was already topless so I figured she wouldn’t mind if I started feeling her up. Not only were her tits enormous, they were absolutely rock-solid. We were laying next to each other, and i nudged down and started sucking on one of her nipples. She begins to roll me over on my back while fumbling with my pants. She crawls on top of me and damn near smothers me with her tits. What a way to go….

I’m laying there with her tits firmly in my hands while we deeply kiss, and she eventually makes her way down and starts giving me the moOOOOOOOH MY GOD I have never had a woman give a blow job this good in my life. She continues to go from sucking my dick to rubbing my dick down her chin, down her neck, and between her tits, then back up into her mouth. And when it was between her tits, our eyes would always lock. God it was amazing and I swear only divine intervention stopped me from blowing a load all over her chest.

I think it was the fact that my eyes were rolled in the back of my head that stopped me from noticing that at some point she had removed her own jeans. She rolls over onto her back and pulls me on top of her. It was when I started to reach down to remove her jeans when I realized they were already off.

I like a woman who enjoys having her pussy eaten, and it was very obvious she enjoyed having her pussy eaten, as the instant my head made its way down there, she immediately grabbed my head and held on for dear life, wrapping her legs around me as well as she could. My tongue found her clit and started working it like my life depended on it, and she could barely contain herself. Between her hands grabbing the back of my head and her legs tightening to the point I thought I was going to pop, I’m not sure which one was more erotic. Eventually, she pulls me up to her and I can’t get my cock into her fast enough, and we start fucking with reckless abandon. Unfortunately, this didn’t last long; she had long since had me on the brink of orgasm, and once she started working her hips and milking my cock for all it was worth, it wasn’t long before I came inside her. I collapsed on top of her, out of breath and sore.

We did date for a while, but unfortunately, for all the sexual chemistry we had in the bedroom, we had absolutely no chemistry outside of it. As fuckbuddies, we were great. As a couple, we were awful. Our personalities simply didn’t gel. Over the next few years, we would try dating a couple more times, only to remember why we broke up in the first place, and eventually settled on just being friends with benefits whenever we both happened to be single. This has gone on now for about 25 years and counting, and in fact one of the reasons I wrote this story is because she had found me on Facebook the other day, and it looks like there may be a new chapter added to our sexual history. Since our facebook chat, I’ve had trouble getting the memories of our past out of my head.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fphbnc/a_drunken_party_fight_leads_to_an_fwb


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