[MFF] My wife has been taken over by a lesbian she met online

I don’t know if this is really the right place to share this. I’m not really a “storyteller” and I thought this was maybe something to post more in a polyamory subreddit, but when I read that sub, it seems to be a place for people asking for advice or sharing tips and best practices. That’s not really what I’m doing here. It’s more of a thing where I don’t have many people in my life I would feel comfortable sharing this with. They would never get it and would probably be totally dumbfounded given what my IRL persona is like. I’ve read stories here once in a while and so this seemed the best place for this. However, I’ll just give a heads up, if you are looking for a super steamy erotic detail filled story, that’s probably not this. I’ll provide some details, but it’s really the overall experience of what I’m going through that I want to share.

It seems like this sub has a mix of stories that are real and fake. So having said that, I know some may read this and think it’s fake. That’s ok if you think that. A lot are obviously are here for entertainment. But for what it’s worht, I really did need an outlet to get this whole thing out to somebody. This really is happening in my life and it strange and exciting all at once.

I (M38) and my wife (F36) will have been married 9 years this May. We have an Australian border collie, but no kids. We both have busy careers, but we love to spend time with each other and enjoy getting outdoors and hiking and usually go on one multi day backpacking trip every summer. We are both fit and athletic and enjoy being active. I think my wife is beautiful. She is capable of roughing it with me out on a backpacking trip, while at the same time she knows how to get dressed up and is beautiful if we go out for an evening in public. We get along really well and genuinely enjoy each other’s company and love each other.

My wife is a little on the quiet side if she doesn’t know someone but is very friendly and kind. She’s very professional at work (she’s a nurse) and is someone that no one would suspect of having somewhat of a wild side. We’ve talked about this before, and she feels it really boils down to the fact that she is genuine in her interactions with others and isn’t fake, but at the same time, she likes having a piece of herself that is just hers that others don’t know about.

We’ve always been very sex positive and had very frank open discussions about sex, our likes and dislikes, and had good communications in that area. A few years ago we started talking about the idea of swinging. It took almost a year as neither of us rushed it. We are both very trusting of each other and didn’t feel like jealousy would be an issue, but we wanted to make sure we did it on our terms and in a way that was to our liking.

I love seeing her pleased and I think we both gravitated to the idea of having our first time involve adding another guy into the mix for a one time thing. As it relates to other guys, I’m not a cuckold in any way. For me it really is about the idea of seeing her pleasured, but I cringe at the idea of having some guy come in and be a “bull” or whatever. We eventually went through with it and after some searching online went out on a “date” one night with a guy and had a threesome. it was actually a really classy evening. We went out to dinner and went on a walk together before taking things back to our house for the fun part. When I say threesome, I did get involved, but a lot of the evening was me just watching her receive pleasure and getting true enjoyment out seeing her experience that. There were things about it we liked and things we didn’t, but overall it was a very sexy experience. We talked about it afterward and for a while talking about it and reliving it was something that would get us turned on and made our sex life even better.

We certainly didn’t talk about it all the time, but the conversation kind of evolved and we decided we wanted to try again about a year after. I asked her what she wanted and it eventually came up that she wanted to explore with a woman. The idea of this really turned me on. But, she had something very specific in mind. She didn’t really want to go find a couple where she would interact with the woman. She said when she fantasized about being with a woman, she envisioned a woman who was more on the lesbian side. The woman she envisioned was something like a Megan Rapinoe type. Strong, athletic, outspoken and certainly more on the dominant side. However, there was a twist to her fantasy. She felt really bad bringing it up and she was worried about how I would take it, but she eventually told me that the first time she tried it, she wanted to just be alone, one on one with the woman so that she could really experience what sex with another woman was like with nothing else going on in the periphery.

When she told me this…I really had to pause and think. This meant I wouldn’t be involved at least initially. The more I thought about it, the more I realized if she wants a woman who is lesbian, the other woman isn’t going to want me around either. Surprisingly, the more I thought about this, the more the idea really turned me on. As I mentioned before, I really don’t like the idea of being a cuckold with a man involved, but the idea of her being with a lesbian really started to light a fire inside. There was something about the idea of a strong, dominant woman taking her coupled with me being excluded from it that oddly became a really fascinating thing to me. I can’t explain it. Knowing she is getting taken by another woman and I can’t be involved was so hot. I realize this sounds weird, but it did it for me. When she first brought all this up, she was worried about my feelings, but the more we talked and the more I explained to her my excitement about it, the idea started to gain traction and we were both excited about it. Once we both realized this was what we wanted, I had to check myself. I started to really push the idea and she had to tell me a time or two to back off and let it happen in due time. She wanted it to really be the right situation and she didn’t want to rush it.

I let her take the lead with things and do her own searching. We live in the Bay Area in CA, and so luckily there are a lot of people here and so there were plenty of opportunities. We did talk first and come up with some ground rules. Which funny enough, wasn’t a lot of rules. I think it was more of a thing where we both wanted to be in agreement as to what the expectations were ahead of time. I told her right up front that I didn’t want to put a lot of rules on this. I said my main concerns were that she stay safe and not walk into any risky situations. Outside of that, I wanted her to feel free to let things develop naturally and not be worried about a restrictive “in bounds/out of bounds” list. I told her my only real request was very open communication. I wanted her to share how she was feeling and what she was thinking beforehand, and if she ended up having an encounter, I wanted to hear about all the details afterward. She was excited about my willingness to let her go where ever it took her and she agreed about the open communication part.

After that, I left her alone to do things at her pace. I didn’t always know when she was looking online, but she would give me updates. It was harder than she thought at first. It should have been obvious, but most lesbians didn’t have interest in a married woman who had a man in the background. Many had too many experiences with couples who were looking for a woman to be their “unicorn” and they had no interest in that. She also had 2 different women she met that basically had interest, but basically said they wanted her to be willing to forming a relationship with them and pushing me out of the picture if it progressed. The other issue was attraction. She is fit and wanted someone who was into fitness as well and there just weren’t a lot that caught her eye. The other issue she ran into was catfishing from guys pretending to be women (which made zero sense to me given she was looking to meet someone and would eventually find out)

She kind of started to get a little frustrated with it but she finally found someone she clicked with that she was attracted to. She showed me her picture and I even thought she was good looking. She was into cycling and definitely had a butch type look, but she had a very pretty face and gorgeous body.

She was very funny and made my wife laugh which was really attractive to her. She also had this “I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks” kind of persona which my wife thought was admirable and a turn on all at once. My wife would show me their back and forth messages. I’ll just call her K. Right from the get go, it was obvious K was skeptical. My wife assured her that this was just for her, and that we weren’t just trying to pull her into a 3some. She let her know I wasn’t going to be involved. At one point, K asked her “So, what if you like it a lot and want more?” That was a point for us to stop and talk. I asked my wife what she thought, and she said she didn’t intend for this to become more than trying out sex with a woman. I let her know not to worry about it, and if it continued beyond once, so be it. We hadn’t even gotten to the starting line yet, so let’s just see where it goes and not worry about what may or may not happen.

After a couple of days of back and forth, it became clear that K was definitely what she was looking for. She was fun and sexy, but she definitely had a very dominant personality and knew what she wanted. K suggested they do something casual like meet up for coffee first just to see if there was a connection. My wife agreed.

My wife was a bundle of nerves before their meetup. She questioned herself several times, but she was also very excited about the anticipation of meeting K in real life. I was pretty nervous too. I wondered what we were getting into. The day it happened my wife planned to meet K for coffee after she completed a morning shift. She came home and got all ready and called me at work before she left. I told her to relax and just enjoy it. A few hours later she called me. I only had a few minutes to talk, but she told me it went really well and I could hear how excited she was. I told her lets talk about it when I got home. I was nervous as hell to hear her story.

We sat down after I got home, and she told me the whole thing. She said K was wonderful. She was funny, easy to talk to, and she said they were there for almost 2 hours talking. She said K spent a lot of time understanding why my wife was doing this and what my involvement was. At one point, she said K asked her why I would be ok with this. She told her about how there was something sexy to me about the idea of a more dominant woman taking her and I couldn’t be involved. She said K laughed about that and said something like “well..he’s certainly right about the not being able to be involved part.”

Toward the end of their meeting, K basically told her that she felt like they had a really good connection and that she wanted to help my wife fulfill her fantasy. She suggested she pick my wife up the upcoming Friday night and take her out to dinner or drinks and let things go where they go. My wife agreed. K said the only condition was that when she picked my wife up, she didn’t want to see or hear from me or even know whether or not I was around.

Friday rolled around. My wife was getting ready and I sat by her in the bathroom on the edge of the bathtub talking and calming her nerves. I had my own nerves I was dealing with. Once she finished getting ready, she came and gave me a huge hug and told me how much she loved me and appreciated how supportive I was. We started kissing and making out and she finally said we had to stop as her date was coming soon. Eventually the doorbell rang and I stayed back in the bedroom but left the door open so I could hear. K stepped into the entry for a few minutes and they chatted and then left. My wife promised to text when she could. We didn’t have any expectations of when she would come home. I didn’t hear from her for several hours. Finally around midnight, I got a text that just said, “I am safe. Staying the night. Is that ok?”

I went kind of numb. I was shocked and turned on all at the same time. I pictured all kinds of things in my head about what was going on. I was wired and could not fall asleep wondering what was happening. I jacked off fantasizing about what she was doing and that helped me to relax. Finally, I was so tired from lack of sleep that I passed out. I didn’t wake until around 9 the next morning and I laid in bed trying to process everything. An hour or so later, I heard her open the door and come in. She came straight to where I was in the bedroom. She didn’t say a word. She wrapped around me holding tighter than I’ve ever felt her do and she started kissing me. We didn’t say a single word. We just kept kissing and making out. I was hard as a rock and she pulled down my sweats and started to blow me. She couldn’t get undressed quick enough. It was the horniest I had ever seen her. She went crazy with it and wanted me to bend her over and fuck her. She is usually vocal during sex, but I had never seen her like this. She ended riding me on top and she came hard. I did too. She collapsed but after a bit she wanted to go again. It was fucking amazing. Once she finally got it all out, she said “let’s talk.”

She told me every detail. She said she had so much fun. K was hilarious and entertained her all night. They got something light for dinner and then went for drinks. She did say K was very jealous of her attention. She went to go text me between dinner and drinks, and K basically told her that wasn’t allowed and that for the evening, K should be her 100% focus. When they eventually made their way back to K’s apartment, K basically let my wife know she’d be staying the night and my wife convinced her to let her send one text to me to give me a heads up. That was when the text came through.

She said K was amazing. She was very dominant in bed..but she said she took her time. She kissed her for what seemed like forever, and took a long time to slowly undress her and caress and kiss her body. She said she had never experienced anything like it before and it’s like the whole build up was just as amazing as the finish (which she said happened multiple times). She said K would alternate between gentle and rough..one minute she was gently stroking her back and gently kissing her, the next minute K was hold her pulling on her hair and pushing her down to spank her ass. She said she loved exploring K’s body as well and couldn’t get enough of playing with her boobs. She said when K finally went down on her it was one of the most amazing things she had experienced. She said they would fuck, rest, and then go back at it again. She said at one point K got out a strap on and fucked her with that. This went on all night. My wife said she had never been that exhausted from sex. She said when she saw me, she wanted nothing more than to connect with me and that all the thoughts and feelings from the night before made her so horny and she wanted nothing more than to fuck me.

We talked a long time, processing each others feelings and trying to make sense of the whole thing. We decided to finally put it all down and try to finish out the day normal and revisit things later. The next evening we circled back to talking about it. My wife said she couldn’t get the evening with K out of her head. I asked her if she wanted it again. She said she’d be lying if she said no. By that point, K had actually texted quite a bit. I said “well..let’s see where it leads.”

Here is where things got a bit wild and took a turn I wasn’t expecting. The following weekend, I had reservations at a restaurant I had been wanting to take my wife to for some time. K texted her and said she wanted to take my wife out again. My wife texted her back and said she really wanted to, but asked if they could do it the following weekend as I was taking her out to dinner. K basically said no, and that she wanted to see her again. They went back and forth and finally K asked my wife for my phone number. My wife asked her why, and she said not to worry about it. Next thing I know, I’m getting a text from K saying “This is K. I understand you had plans for Friday to take _____ out?” I was shocked when I got it and told her that yes, that was the plan. Her response floored me. She said “Well, you are going to need to re-arrange your plans. I’m taking her that night.” I responded asking if she was serious? She told me yes she was serious, and that she wasn’t asking. My wife was hers for Friday night. I didn’t know quite what to do with it. I wasn’t angry, but I was floored with how ballsy she was about demanding it. It was also a big turn on. Here was this attractive lesbian woman coming in and laying claim to my wife. I know most people wouldn’t feel this way, but it was a turn on to me.

K apparently texted my wife back and told her she had taken care of things and they would be going out. Next thing I know, I’m getting a call from my wife. At first she was kind of upset and asking why I changed the plans. I told her what K said and that I apparently wasn’t given a choice in the matter. She got quiet and didn’t know what to say, She finally asked how I felt about it. I told her I didn’t really have a choice, but yes, I said I knew she was really excited to see K again and that the restaurant wasn’t going anywhere and to go for it.

It was basically a repeat of the previous week. She went out, stayed the night, came home super turned on and we had amazing sex.

At this point, the whole thing had gone way beyond a one night stand to try sex with a woman to something totally different. We had to have another big discussion. My wife was definitely hooked on K, but she was having real concern about how this would impact our relationship. I asked her straight up if she was worried at all about how this would change her feelings about me. She had to think about it, but she said if anything, it made her feelings toward me all the more intense. She said it was definitely drawing her to me versus pushing me away. I said, “well, it sounds like that is a good thing. Let’s keep going until things change and we can always re-evaluate.”

This went on for a while until K finally decided she wanted to meet me which surprised both of us. So, the plan was that on a weekend, I would get some wine and she would come over and we would hang out.

When the evening came, K was not what I was expecting. I had envisioned a hard ass bitch who kind of had a disdain for men. She was charming. She put me at ease. I could see the appeal for my wife. She was funny and fun to be around. The three of us talked about a lot of things all evening and kept it pretty light. Finally, at one point that evening, K flat out asked me. “So, how do you feel about the fact that I’m fucking your wife?” I saw my wife’s face go pale and I wasn’t quite sure how respond. I kind of laughed and turned it back on her and asked how she felt? She got serious and told me that she thought my wife was pretty amazing and that it was some of the best sex she’d ever had. She said she wanted more of her. She asked me the same question again. I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, but I finally admitted that it was all new and different, but that I actually really liked that it was happening.

She smiled and said she was glad to hear that. She then surprised us both when she said something like “That’s good to hear you like it, because I’m going to make you watch me fuck her here and now.” She then told me to sit down in the corner on the chair and that I would just be watching and nothing else. I did as I was asked and she proceeded to start making out with my wife. I got the biggest hard on watching all this happen. Things progressed and they got naked right there in the living room and K finally went down on her on the couch while I watched. My wife looked at me right in the eyes the whole time as the pleasure built up and she finally came. At that point, K told me “Ok, you’ve done as your asked. You can come over and have your fill of her.” I didn’t need to be told twice and I came over and kissed my wife, grabbing her tits and started to roughly fuck her. It…was….amazing.

I never in thousand years would have expected to be in this situation.

So..fast forward to now. This all started a couple months ago and has been working well so far. Now with the coronavirus shut ins, she hasn’t seen K in a bit over a week. K texted her yesterday and let her know she was going to bring my wife to her apartment this weekend and she would stay there the whole weekend. She texted me and let me know they would let me join some of it over facetime but for the most part, K was going to be shut in with my wife and she was hers for the weekend.

I don’t know where this will continue to, but for now, I like the arrangement. I’m not saying things won’t change. My wife and I are both being careful about this and being open with our communications. I realize this could venture into polyamory type territory. I’m just enjoying the ride for now and seeing where it goes

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/foxhvw/mff_my_wife_has_been_taken_over_by_a_lesbian_she


  1. That all sounds pretty positive for everyone involved – given that K’s relaxed and opened up a bit to include you (albeit peripherally at times!), your wife’s being open with communication and it’s reinforcing how close she feels to you, and you don’t seem entirely upset by how things are going either.

    So here’s to you all. Best of luck with everything and no Corona or else. ;)

  2. This. Is. An. Amazing. Story

    Your wife is an angel. Do anything to keep her. Do anything to keep her yours, but do anything to let her flourish.

    K is a perfect lesbian. Love her dominance. Love that she wants you to watch her with your wife.

    I’m well experienced with nurses. There is something about them. Maybe it’s because they see so much emotion, trauma, life when they work.

    My lesbian nurse FWB told me it’s because they see people on the worst days of their lives. They have to respond to anything, good or bad, funny or tragic.I understand ‘K’ involvement. I’d love to be in your shoes. I’m gonna PM you with more about my involvement with a lesbian pair.

    Good luck!

  3. I have to say that this story reads like a cuckold story, but in this case the bull is a lesbian woman instead.

    Aren’t you worried that K and your wife are going to fall in love and push you out of their relationship?

    I do hope it goes your way and doesn’t blow up on you.

    It seems like once K has your wife completely hooked on her, she’ll just tell you that your wife belongs to her now and that you’re no longer needed. Be careful, man.

    I really liked your story. You wrote it very well.

  4. Not sure if this is an alt/throwaway account or what – but I sent you a PM.

  5. First of all, your writing (flow, grammar, spelling) is very, very, good.

    Secondly: I’ve never been in the situation you’ve been in – but my feeling, from the way you’ve described things, is that you should be extremely cautious about all of this. With how dominant K is being, what will her reaction be if your wife breaks things off with her?

    Take that for what it’s worth. As someone very wise once said, “Take no advice, including this.”

    Good luck.

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