[MF] [Abduction] [Experimentation] [Genital Metamorphosis] Metamorphodick: The Sexually Explicit Adventures of a Man and His Shape-Changing Penis

Chapter One: The Beginning

The last thing I remember is a blindingly bright white light flooding my bedroom. Then darkness.

Now there is a burning in my lungs, as if I’ve held my breath for too long. I open my eyes; it’s like opening them underwater, in a swimming pool, a slightly acidic feel on my eyeballs. My body starts to thrash, desperate for air. Through a greenish haze I see vague shapes moving to and fro. Then a sharp but not unpleasant cold suffuses through my lungs, and I feel like I’m breathing again. Only later do I realise that my chest still wasn’t moving. A brief pinprick at the back of my neck, and then darkness again.

Sometime later – a few minutes, or a few years, it’s impossible to tell in the darkness – a part of me resurfaces. All is still black, and whatever sliver of consciousness this is has a strange quality to it. It’s like I’m a guest in my own home. No, it’s more like I’ve got the builders or the decorators in and I feel out of place as they work. There is a sense that someone or something is refurbishing my body and at least some part of my mind. I float in this odd feeling for a time, before the darkness takes me down again.

The next time awareness comes on, there is a sharp, unbearable, all-engulfing pain in what I think is my groin. I want to scream in agony, but I have no mouth, or I do but it’s filled with the cold. Another prick in my neck, and the merciful darkness consumes me.


This time is different. I’m no longer a guest in my own head – I’m me, in control of my own body and my own mind. I’m lying down, face up, on something cold and metallic. I must be naked, as I can feel the chilly metal on my back, my buttocks, the backs of my legs, and my heels.

I open my eyes. I am in a small, brightly lit room, comprised of uniformly white walls and ceiling. I can’t see a door or any windows. What I can see, suspended above me, is a huge and complicated machine, various bizarre-looking tools and appliances attached to multijointed metal arms. The whole thing looks like a nightmarish metal spider.

I try to move, to get out from under this monstrosity, but I seem to be pinned down by some unseen force, perhaps generated by the machine.

Suddenly, one of the machine’s appliances, a screen maybe thirty inches wide, comes to life. The arm to which it is attached has been positioned so that the screen is directly above my head, pointing down at me. Images start to flash on the screen. Pornographic images. Couples, individuals, men, women, all fucking and sucking and stroking and coming. Tits, cocks, pussies, toys, flashing before my eyes.

Despite myself – despite being confined in an unknown location, strapped underneath some menacing machine – my cock starts to harden. I am terrified, with no idea where I am or what is happening; yet, with a montage of porn playing out above me, what was limp and resting lightly against my thigh is now lengthening. My engorged member stands to attention, then, fully erect, falls down onto my stomach.

And then keeps growing. Something has *clicked* inside my head, wherever it was I went when I felt like a guest in my own mind. And my cock keeps getting bigger. It wasn’t small to begin with: I’m a respectable, average six inches. But now I’m eight. Ten. A foot long. My cock grows and grows, girth matching length, making its way up my chest, the engorged head, now the size of a pomegranate, pushing past my nipples. It is almost to my chin by the time my penis finally stops growing.

Then one the machine’s arms descends, this one with something like a mechanical hand on the end. The hand grips my giant, distended cock by the base and pulls upright so that the massive head is pointing to the ceiling.

There is another *click* deep in my brain. My penis ripples, like something is squirming under the skin. With a sensation not unlike pulling back my foreskin, my penis splits down the middle. Not into two halves, but into two separate penises. I now have two cocks. These two ripple and split, and now there are four. Another split, and eight cocks are thrusting upward from my crotch. I can feel each of them; they are all mine, all functioning.

A whole set of arms descend from the machine, each equipped with a long tube. The arms position themselves, and each lowers its tube over one of my penises.

It’s like entering a fleshlight, a tight, velvety tunnel embracing my cock. Cocks. The sensation of eight penises being engulfed is incredible. I let out a low moan.

The tubes begin moving up and down, pumping my dicks. I completely forget my situation; this feels amazing. The tubes slowly increase their pace. I want to thrust my hips upwards to meet their downstrokes, but whatever force pins me down won’t let me.

Soon the tubes are pistoning up and down my cocks. I can feel the pressure building in my testicles, at the base of each penis. The feeling of eight cocks about to blow their load is almost too much.

What definitely is too much is eight orgasms. Each of my cocks explodes, pumping cum into the tubes. The pleasure is excruciating; I scream, literally scream. Then there is another *click*, and I keep coming. Normally, if I keep pumping as I come, an orgasm lasts around ten seconds. I have no idea how long I spend coming now. My eight cocks continue to spew out cum for what could be minutes, hours, years. I don’t know where it’s all coming from, but my cocks just keep shooting semen into the tubes. Gallons of the stuff. So much that the thick white fluid starts to ooze out of each tube, dribbling down my eight dicks.

However long they last, eight simultaneous, seemingly never ending orgasms are too much for me to handle, the pleasure too intense. I black out.


I regain consciousness to the sound of wailing. Some kind of alarm, I think. When I open my eyes, I see that I am still in the same room, the same multi-limbed machine hanging above me. I move my gaze down across my naked body and see that I only have the one, normal sized penis.

The light is dimmer now, though, and the room is filled with the blaring siren.

Suddenly a rectangular section of the wall is blasted away, the metallic material clattering to the floor. Grey smoke, the smell of burning, and the sound of what can only be gunfire floats into the room. Smoke, smell, and sound is followed by a figure. A humanoid in silvery coveralls, a sleek reflective helmet covering its head.

The figure strides across the room to the metal slab onto which I am still confined. It does something I cannot see, something to the slab, and I can feel whatever force pinning me down disappear.

I stand up, and am immediately at a loss. Do I run out of the room and take my chances in the chaos I can hear beyond? Or do I stay and take my chances with this mysterious figure?

The humanoid walks over to one of the walls and puts its hands on the smooth surface. A panel slides away, revealing a small cupboard containing what appears to be coveralls similar to the one the figure is wearing. My liberator takes one of the coveralls and tosses it over to me. I quickly pull it on, covering my nakedness.

The figure then moves to the opening it blasted in the wall and peers out. Satisfied, it motions for me to follow. I suppose I’m taking my chances with whoever this is, I think to myself.

We step out of the room into a dark corridor. Debris is strewn over the floor, and the smoke and smell of burning is more prevalent. I follow the helmeted figure down the corridor, and down others identical to it. The walls are made of the same uniformly white material as the room I awoke in, albeit with the occasional hole or black scorch mark. The sounds of gunfire haven’t let up, but they always seem far away.

My head has cleared somewhat, and I begin to wonder where I am. Strange technology, erotically-charged body horror, silvery coveralls: I’m pretty sure I’m in some kind of secret military base. Though, fuck knows what they want with me, other than giving me the best wank of my life.

Eventually my rescuer leads me to a large open space. At first, I take it for some kind of hall, then I notice the vehicles dotted around. They are unmistakably spaceships. Beyond them is a large opening, the height and width of what I realise is a hangar, through which I can see black dotted with pinpricks of light. It is unmistakably space.

I am in space.

Beyond the smug acknowledgement that reading all that science fiction might actually pay off, I have no time for wonder or contemplation, as the figure leads me to one of the parked spaceships, a stubby, angular vehicle about the size of a bus. A hatch opens on the side of the vehicle, and a walkway descends to the hangar floor. We walk up into the spaceship.

The interior of the vehicle is small and cramped. The hatch leads to a tiny space which appears to be a combined storage and sleeping area; a couple of metal lockers and a floor chest crowd around a pallet. Beyond is what looks like the cockpit: a chair facing a panel of dials, switches, and buttons, all below a wide window displaying a view of the hangar and the blackness of space beyond.

Once we’re inside the ship, the walkway retracts and the hatch closes with a hiss. The figure moves to the cockpit, sits in the chair, and begins interacting with the panel. A low hum starts up; the whole vehicle vibrates slightly. With a jolt, the ship leaves the hangar floor to float in the air. Another jolt, and we are moving forward, past the other ships and out of the opening, into the void beyond.

Once clear of the hangar, the ship accelerates steadily until the stars are streaming past the window. Seemingly happy with the ship’s speed, my rescuer finally removes its helmet. I see a cascade of blonde hair fall down its back. The figure stands up and turns to face me.

The figure is a woman. An exceedingly beautiful woman. Her long blonde hair frames a soft face with blue eyes, a button nose, and full, pouting lips. She opens those lips, and a torrent of gibberish gushes forth. She must notice my expression of incomprehension, because she stops, motions me to wait, and goes to one of the lockers.

She digs through the locker and brings out a small object, like a microchip. She hands it to me, and points to the side of her neck, pressing a finger to the skin. Cottoning on, I press the object to the skin on my own neck. I feel a slight sting as the chip’s legs dig into my flesh. Then a slight numbing sensation, and it’s like the object isn’t there.

The woman opens her mouth again. “Can you understand me now?” she says.

“Yes,” I reply.

“OK, good,” she says. “My name is Meela. I’ve just rescued you from a Corporation blacksite. You’re welcome.”

“First of all, hi Meela, I’m Chris,” I say, giving an awkward little wave of greeting. “Secondly, what corporation, where am I, what’s happening, am I really in space right now?”

Meela sighs and says, presumably to herself, “Why do they have to abduct backwater primitives?” Then, to me, “Look, I don’t have the time or the inclination to explain the intricacies of galactic civilisation to you. Suffice to say, you were abducted by bad people, who did bad things to you, and I rescued you. My colleagues created a diversion for us – that’s what all the fighting was – and now we’re heading to a remote location until the heat dies down, after which we’ll rejoin the rest and see about getting you home. For now, I suggest you get some sleep.” She points to the pallet.

I realise that I am tired. And overwhelmed. Even with a lifetime of sci-fi books and films to cushion myself, this is a lot to process. I settle down on the pallet while Meela returns to the cockpit. I close my eyes and let sleep take me.


I am woken up by Meela clambering onto the pallet. It’s barely big enough for one person, and her intrusion necessitates that I scooch over and press myself against the bulkhead. I grunt in annoyance.

“Sorry,” Meela whispers.

“What’s going on?” I ask sleepily.

“You mean in general, or right now,” she replies.


“OK, fair enough. I’m part of a resistance cell fighting against the Corporation. The Corp rules most of the galaxy, and not benevolently. Their power derives from their genetic manipulation of their members, which they develop at blacksites like the one I found you on. We’ve been hitting those sites, destroying what we can, and rescuing any subjects we find, in an attempt to reduce the Corp’s power.”

“So I was an experimental subject?”

“Yes. No idea what kind of experiment, though by the look of that machine it can’t have been any fun.”

I keep silent. Now is not the time to mention giant penises and endless rivers of cum.

Meela continues, “So now we’re hiding in an asteroid field, waiting for the Corp’s forces to give up the search for us. My comrades will come and pick us up when they do.”

Meela reaches over to the floor chest, opens it, and pulls out a heavy, coarse blanket.

“Problem is, I’ve had to disable all nonessential systems to keep us off Corp scanners, and that includes the heat. Which means it’s gonna get very cold. Which is why I’ve climbed into bed with you. We’ll need all the body heat we can get.”

With that, Meela throws the blanket over the both of us.

“How long will it be?” I ask.

“Should only be a few hours,” Meela replies.

A few hours? I wonder how slowly that will pass, with nothing to do, especially now that I can feel the temperature dropping, even through the thick blanket. Meela feels it too; she moves closer, pressing her body against mine. I can feel the heat of her body through our coveralls. I can also feel her breasts pressed against my chest. I hadn’t noticed them through the shapeless garment, but they’re unmistakable now. The cold has caused her nipples to become erect, the hard nubs digging into my skin.

Meela’s closeness, her beautiful face right next to mine, her breasts pressed against me, all cause a familiar stirring between my legs. My cock begins to harden. Not now, I think to myself. There’s no way Meela will miss my lengthening dick, not at this close proximity.

I’m right, she doesn’t miss it. There is a moment of awkwardness as we make eye contact and I can tell that she’s noticed my erection. Then she gives a small smile and shifts her body slightly. Her thigh brushes against my hard cock, sending a small spasm of pleasure along my length.

“You know,” she whispers, “there are ways of warming ourselves up.”

With one hand, and a little awkwardly given the size of the pallet, Meela unzips my coverall, all the way down from neck to crotch. Then she reaches inside and places her hand on my cock. At first she just rubs her palm up and down my shaft. I move my hips, grinding myself against her hand. Then she grasps me fully, wrapping her hand around me, and starts to slowly pump my cock. I let out a low moan and continue to grind my hips.

With her other hand, Meela unzips her own coverall. She is naked underneath. Her breasts are full and round, her nipples small and erect. She takes my hand in hers and guides my hand between her legs.

Meela’s sex is warm to the touch. With my middle finger I trace a line along her vulva and, at the end of her cleft, find her clitoris. I gently draw a slow circle around it.

“Mmmmm,” Meela moans.

I run my finger back down her vulva. Then I slip it inside her pussy. Meela gasps, and her hand jerks on my cock, eliciting a jerk from my cock in reply.

My thumb finds Meela’s clit again and begins to softly rub it as my finger fucks her pussy.

“Oh, fuck,” she groans. Her hips start to move against my hand, and her hand pumps my cock faster.

After a minute or so of rubbing her clit and finger fucking her cunt, Meela screws up her eyes and gasps, “Fuck, I’m coming.” Her whole body stiffens. Her legs clamp themselves together. Her hand on my cock pumps erratically. Then she lets out a low, continuous “Mmmm” sound as I feel her inner walls contract and release.

After about ten seconds the noise she is making trails off and she lets out a breath, gasping for air. Her eyes are still closed. Then she opens them, looks me in the eye, and says, “I want you inside me.”

I don’t really know what to say to that, so I don’t say anything. Instead, I manoeuvre myself so that I’m on top of Meela on the pallet. I prop myself up with one hand, and with the other I take my cock and position it at the entrance to Meela’s pussy. I rub my head up and down her cleft, coating it in her glistening juices.

“Mmmmm,” she sighs.

Slowly, I push myself into Meela. She gasps as I slide my entire length into her. Her insides are slick and warm, her velvety walls enclosing my cock.

“Oh, yes, fill me up,” she coos.

Fill me up. Those words lodge themselves in my head, and where they stick I can feel the…controls, I suppose, for whatever it was that kept my penis growing back at the blacksite. Tentatively, I mentally nudge these controls. Immediately, I sense my cock getting bigger inside Meela’s cunt.

Meela growls appreciatively. “You’re bigger than I thought.”

Then her eyes widen as I keep getting bigger. “Oh my god,” she cries. “What the fuck is that?”

There is shock in her voice, but also a hint of breathless excitement. I keep my dick growing, pushing deeper into Meela’s pussy, stretching her walls. I feel my head bump up against her cervix. She gasps, and I “let go” of the controls.

“Shit,” Meela groans. “What is this?” Her hips are grinding against me, as if she’s trying to draw my cock deeper inside her.

“I think this is what they did to me,” I answer, “back at the blacksite. Do you not like it? Should I go back to normal?”

Meela laughs. “Oh, fuck no. I’ve never had one so big before. Fuck me with your monster cock!”

That’s all the encouragement I need. I start slow, pulling out until just the head is stretching Meela’s pussy lips, then pushing back in until I bump against her cervix.

“Oooooooh,” she moans with every thrust.

I am loving the sensation of Meela’s tight tunnel yielding to my huge cock, the resistance as I push up against her cervix. At the end of each stroke, her eyes widen and her mouth makes a perfect little ‘O’.

“Oooooh. Fuck. Yeah.”

Still propping myself up with one hand, with the other I grasp one of Meela’s tits. I knead the firm flesh; she arches her back, pushing her breast into my palm.

“Oh god, fuck me harder,” she demands.

I withdraw so that just the head is parting her vulva, then I slam my cock as hard as I can into Meela’s pussy.

“Aaah!” she cries.

I pound Meela’s cunt with all the force I can muster. My head bashes her cervix. My balls slap against her buttocks. I have to use both hands to brace myself.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Fuck! Yes!”

Meela’s hips have begun to buck, thrusting to meet my own thrusts. Her tits bounce and jiggle.

“Uh! Fuck! Faster!”

I increase my pace. My cock isn’t driving as deep into Meela as before, but it is pistoning in and out of her pussy. She lifts her hands above her head and grabs hold of the locker behind the pallet, steadying herself as my cock rams her cunt.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she screams.

Meela’s knuckles are white as she holds on to the locker for dear life. Her eyes roll back and her back arches.

“Oh shit, I’m gonna come!”

Her inner walls start to contract and convulse around my distended cock. I keep up the pace, feeling my own climax approaching.

“Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! I’m coming!”

Meela’s whole body stiffens. She let’s go of the locker, and her hands fly to my buttocks; she squeezes hard, urging me deeper into her cunt. Her pussy is spasming around my cock.

“Aaaaah! Aaaaaaaah! Shiiiiiiiit!”

Meela comes hard on my huge cock. Her eyes roll back into her skull, she bites down on her bottom lip, and her hips buck wildly beneath me. I keep ramming myself into her, feeling her inner walls convulse around me.

Meela’s orgasm begins to subside, her inner walls gently undulating around my dick. My own orgasm is almost here. Looking down at Meela, writhing on the pallet, getting her breath back after coming so hard, I am hit by the possibilities: I could come inside her pussy; I could come on her beautiful tits; I could come on her face; I could come in her mouth, down her throat. Just thinking about these images sends me over the edge, making my decision for me. My cock jolts, I grab hold of Meela’s hips, and my cock erupts inside her. Still thrusting, I pump my seed deep into Meela’s cunt.

Somewhere in the blissful nothingness of my orgasm, I am aware of another set of controls. I mentally flip a switch and, just like back in the blacksite, I carry on coming.

“Oh my god,” Meela cries as I continue spurting jizz deep inside her. “Fuck, there’s so much. How are you still coming?”

Instead of answering, I pull my pulsing cock out of her pussy. As my head pops out, it shoots a thick rope of cum over her belly. I grab my shaft and, pointing my cock, come all over Meela’s tits, covering her mounds in white, sticky fluid.

I’m not done yet. Leaning over Meela, I shoot my cum over her face, thick ropes of the stuff splashing on her chin and in her hair. She opens her mouth, to protest or encourage I don’t know, and I take the opportunity. I ram my cock into her mouth, filling it with cum. I thrust myself down her throat, spurting cum into her. She gags, coughs, and spunk spurts out from between her lips, dribbles down her chin.

She frantically slaps at my buttocks, and I come back to myself. I fumble inside my head and switch off my orgasm. I withdraw my cock from Meela’s mouth. Her face is coated in cum and saliva; semen covers her tits and belly as well.

“Sorry,” I say sheepishly. “I’m still getting used to whatever it was they did to me.”

Meela’s smiles tentatively. “It’s OK,” she says. Then she starts rubbing my cum into her skin, moving her hands across her tits and her stomach. “At least we’re a bit warmer now.”

She zips up her coveralls, sealing my warm cum against her skin. I realise that I’m sweating, and I zip myself up. I lie down beside Meela on the pallet, and we fall asleep.


I awaken to a crashing sound, followed by a prolonged hiss. I open my eyes and look around. Meela is no longer on the pallet with me. Instead, she is standing by the ship’s door, which is sliding open. Three men, all in silver coveralls and reflective helmets, walk through the door to stand by Meela in the cramped space.

“This him?” one of the newcomers asks, gesturing towards me.

“Yeah,” Meela replies. Her expression is cold, professional.

“You can confirm the augments?” the newcomer asks.

Meela laughs curtly and looks me over, like someone appraising a potential purchase. “Oh yes,” she says. “Likely a complete reproductive overhaul. At least control over basic physical characteristics and volume of ejaculate. You’d need further testing to determine the full extent.”

“Noted,” says the newcomer. He motions to his companions and they approach the pallet.

“What’s going on?” I ask Meela.

“It’s nothing personal,” she says. “Whatever they did to you could be of great assistance in our fight against the Corp. Take comfort in the fact that your sacrifice will help usher in freedom for the galaxy.”

“Sacrifice,” I gasp. “Wait, no, I…”

I try to disentangle myself from the heavy blanket and get off the pallet. The two helmeted figures grab me, and I struggle against them, pleading with Meela. One of the figures produces a device with a hypodermic needle and presses it to my neck. Darkness takes me once again.

To be continued in Chapter Two: Escape from Base 69!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fonftt/mf_abduction_experimentation_genital


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