[MF] Hard Fucking: A story about a youthful exuberance, lots of Jack Daniels, a water bed, a bicycle helmet and a life long love.

This is a story from long ago, my long ago, when I was young. I was living on the Oregon Coast. I worked at a beach side restaurant where I was training to be a chef. My days were long and I worked 6 days a week for months at a time. When I finally got some downtime, on Monday when the restaurant was closed, I spent it with the people I worked with because everyone else was working their 9 to 5’s. Early on in my employment at the restaurant I met Margo. She was the dining room manager and worked each evening as a server. We worked nearly every shift together. I ran the kitchen and she ran the dining room. Margo was a petite brunette with beautiful long straight hair that she tied in a pony tail when she worked. She was smart as a whip, funny and the epitome of the girl next door. I’ve never seen anyone work a table like she did. Rowdy college kids, horny businessmen and loud families were all under her spell when she was serving them. She never took shit from anyone. That was the first thing that drew me to her. Of course, that took some time. Our start was rough. Though we started at the restaurant within days of each other from the start she had a way she wanted things done and, being me, I did, too. For months we butted heads. At one point, she even threw a water pitcher at me. It was full. She had a way of getting right up in my face, like inches away, and telling me exactly what I was doing wrong. We were oil and water. Our coworkers called it hate. Me? I liked it. I liked her fire, her passion, her intelligence. I was hooked.

Late one night, after a rather long Sunday that started with brunch and ended with a busy dinner, she grabbed me and said, “We need to talk.” We were the last two people in the building when she dragged me to a beach side window table in the restaurant where she had put two bottles of Jack Daniels and 2 glasses. After she shoved me into a chair she sat down opposite me she said “We’re not leaving until we figure out how to work together.” We started talking at 10 PM and our discussion, which at times became very heated, was still going at 2:30 AM, Monday morning. The bottles of Jack were empty and we had moved on to coffee with more Jack from a 3rd bottle (Yes, we paid the restaurant back for the bottles). At 5, I made us omelettes because our conversation had morphed into the type of discussion that happens when 2 people finally realize how much they have in common. It was just after breakfast that I made the fateful comment that changed our relationship forever. “Margo, the truth is we need to fuck. I can only speak for me but I’ve wanted you since the moment we met.” Margo’s response was perfect. She leaned back in her chair and said, “I was wondering when you were going to realize that.” I’m not sure who moved first but in seconds Margo was on the table and I was sliding my cock into her. Two words. Unbridled passion. We fucked there for almost an hour until we realized that the early beach go-ers were able to see us through the glass. We quickly grabbed our clothes and ran back through the restaurant. We rushed to dress in the server’s station then closed up the restaurant and left through the back door. We jumped in my Honda Civic and headed to my place. I didn’t ask her if she wanted to go there and she didn’t offer up a plan. We both just knew that was our destination.

When we arrived at my place we ran into my roommates in the kitchen where they were having breakfast before going to work. Their expressions were priceless as we blew past them to my room. We might have said hello, our focus was elsewhere. We both heard their laughter when I closed my bedroom door. There was no foreplay or conversation, we both simply stripped our clothes off and jumped on my water bed. I was in Margo within a minute of our entering the house. All the months of pent up frustration were still boiling out of us. Sex on a water bed is a unique experience. It’s possible to use the waves in the bed to accent the fucking motion. That allows for extremely hard fucking as the waves rebound off the bed frame. Margo and I were still drunk, fueled with coffee, well fed and sexually excited well past the point of reason. After 30 minutes or so of unrelenting fucking, I might have heard the “thunk” that followed each of my down strokes. I do know that I saw the blood. I told Margo and she put her hand to the back of her head and put it in front of her face to see it covered in blood. I had been fucking her so hard that her scalp had been cut after being repeatedly slammed into the wooden frame of the bed. But, we didn’t stop right away. It was after 2 or 3 orgasms by Margo and 1 massive orgasm by me when we finally took a break and we headed to the shower. As we stood under the spray, Margo felt a massive bump on the back of her head and I was able to see that she had a large cut. We finished showering, dressed and headed back out in the Civic to find a doctor. Stitches were required.

As she shaved around the cut, the nurse asked Margo what happened to cause such a large gash. In true Margo form she told her that she cut it on the side of a bed during sex. I wasn’t there to hear it but Margo said the nurse simply stared at her with wide eyes and said, “Oh!” When the doctor came in to put the stitches in, 3 were needed, he had obviously heard the story so had some pointers for protecting Margo’s head from further injury. He knew from the way Margo told the story that abstinence was out of the question so he recommended that she wear head protection during sex. I lost it in the waiting room when she told me that. We headed back to my place where Margo took a couple aspirin for the swelling and pain. And, as you might expect, we were soon on each other, ready to go, again. Margo dropped to her knees and started giving me what would end up being the best blowjob of my life. Her approach to everything in life was passion. Her rule was, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing with passion.” Blowjobs were no exception to her life rule. That first blowjob from Margo is beyond my ability to aptly explain here but, to this day 40 years later, I can close my eyes and relieve the moment like it happened 15 minutes ago. As I approached my 3rd orgasm of the day, I put my hands on Margo’s head so I could fuck her face. Immediately, she pulled off my cock and yelled at me to be careful. I said something apologetic and she started again. Now, I like to fuck my partner’s mouth when I orgasm from a blowjob and Margo wasn’t complaining about that part, just my grabbing her head. In a moment of clarity I realized that my roommate had a bicycle helmet in his room. I told Margo to wait a second and grabbed it from Mike’s room. We laughed hard when I brought it back in my bedroom and strapped it to her head. She tested it by twisting it around on her head to see if the pads hit the stitches. To our luck, the stitches fell in one of the ventilation holes in the helmet. Margo resumed her blowjob and after some time I was ready to blast. I grabbed the helmet, this time not causing her any pain, and fucked her face. When you’re in your 20’s, cumming multiple times a day is a possibility. Still, I was surprised at the amount of cum Margo struggled to swallow.

After the blowjob, it was my turn to take care of Margo. I was slightly more gentle as I took Margo’s clothes off and laid her back on my bed. I pulled her forward so her ass was right at the edge of the bed and I knelt between her legs. It was rare in the 70’s for women to shave so my view in this moment was a very wet mat of hair around a pussy with engorged, excited lips. It was simply beautiful and I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on it. I kissed up Margo’s legs, teasing her ticklish inner thighs before I pushed her legs apart and back so I could lick her from asshole to clit. The “Ice Cream Lick” has become my staple for eating a woman after the reaction I got that day. It took no more than 3 minutes before Margo entwined her fingers in my hair and held me to her pussy as she came. I sucked her clit as long as I could stay attached while her hips bucked and I nearly ran out of air. Finally, she let go of my hair and I was able to breathe. I climbed on the bed and we fell asleep in each others arms.

We woke up a few hours later, just in time to go outside and watch the sun set over the ocean. My roommates were on the back porch so we joined them and smoked a few bowls. Neither Mike nor Ron said anything about Margo being there, we just enjoyed some beers and great buzz from the weed. Mike had grilled some steaks and made a big green salad so we all sat down to eat as the sky grew dark and afternoon beach breeze died down. Finally, Mike asked how our day was. I responded by saying that “we finally worked out some issues.” That was it. For the next 14-15 months Margo and I were inseparable. We worked hard, challenged each other at work, played hard and loved like fools. The stitches came out after a few weeks, the helmet was returned to Mike as Margo’s hair grew back. It was fairly common for me to gently rub her scalp when we watched TV or sat on the beach. I think that brought us both back to the day we found each other. Mondays continued to be our day for long bouts of lovemaking. We’d start as soon as we got home from work on Sunday night and continue until my roommates came home, in the evening of the next day. In the fall of 1980, I got a job offer in Portland. We talked about getting married and we talked about just being friends. In the end, we decided to go our separate ways, not to lose each other but to open our lives to more of what life had to offer. We knew that we would always have each other no matter where life took us.

Margo died last week of cancer. To the end, she lived with passion. I was with her when she passed. This story is the result of our final conversation. We’ve stayed in touch over the years, a secret love we each vowed to share with no one. Her husband and family didn’t know about me and my family and friends don’t know about her. Part of me died with Margo. It wasn’t something sexual and it wasn’t about love. Sure, we loved each other but what we were was soulmates. It transcended love. Sorry, I can’t explain it. We knew that no matter what we would always be there for each other and have each others back. When she wanted to start a business, I loaned her the money. When my relationship with my wife went south she counseled me. When her husband died, it was my shoulder she cried on. Life events were shared with each other first. There wasn’t anything about our lives that we didn’t share. When she passed, I was the one she wanted there. Her husband, parents and siblings are all gone so I helped my friend move on. Just minutes before she passed she asked me to feel the back of her head. It was still there, the lump of a scar from a day of passion and the start of a love affair that lasted a lifetime.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fodf8y/mf_hard_fucking_a_story_about_a_youthful


  1. This was beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Take care of yourself.

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