I have two siblings. Thinking about either of them in even mildly sexual situations make me uncomfortable to the point of wanting to vomit. Same with my parents, for the love of god! I CANNOT enjoy incest porn. In fact, I hate it. It makes me feel sick. But I swear to god I can’t go to any porn-related website, subreddit, group or platform without half of the shit I see being incest.

I can’t get off to it! It’s a HUUUUGE turn off!!! A lot of the time I’ll be starting to get off to something and it’ll hit me with that goddamn “mom” or “sis” or “bro” or “dad” shit. And no, putting “step” in front of any one of those words does not make it ANY less uncomfortable for me. It’s a boner killer, period. Is there anywhere I can go to not see this shit?? Is there even one place on the entire internet where I can go to jerk off without my fantasies being invaded and ruined by thoughts of family members???

And another huge turn off- rape! No means no. Period. My partner has trauma from having this happen to them. I don’t want to see stuff with it. At all. Ever.

To be clear, I’m not shaming anyone for having certain kinks. Like what you like. But I just want to know if there is anywhere I can go to get off without having to see these specific things. Or if there are stories you can link me to.



  1. the incest and non-con are in individual sections so you can narrow down what you want. If you have specifics I can probably recommend stories or at least point you in the right direction

  2. Thank you! I agree. Thankfully I can hide posts if I see the flare. But it’s disturbing to know there is so much interest in it.

  3. More generally, and this is an unveiled appeal to the mods, there is no ‘tag culture’ in here, compared with other places in reddit, like r/gonewildaudios and related subreddits. Things like rape, incest, snuff etc are tagged, so that if you don’t like it, you can go elswere, and inversely it is easier if that’s what you are interested in. It is also a way to convey what the themes will be like, because beside the rape and incest things, a story labelled [scifi][Fdom][breathplay] and another one labelled [faery][shy][GFE] won’t appeal to the same people.

  4. As someone who IS into both of those things in stories, I am still very much in favor of creating tags and tag filters on the sidebar. Many other subs can and do do it, so can we.

  5. Totally feel this! I’ll get real into a story then BAM, step-sis something or another.

    Same as OP – I’m not kink shaming it’s just not my cup of tea.

    Playing rough? Yes! Non-consensual? Hmmm…

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