In Defense of my Queen

                   In Defense of my Queen

“Don’t worry Arthur I will escort her highness to the theater later. We are honored guests in this nation and these people love Queen Rae. There is nothing to worry about.” We were visiting one of the neighboring nation’s on a good will mission to strengthen our alliances. Tonight we were to go to the local theater here to watch a performance as honored guests of the Duke and Dutchesse. The Queens guard Arthur is giving me a hard time about escorting our Queen to the theater.

“The theater is only a few blocks away it will be fine.” The Queen looked as beautiful as ever wearing a new dress specially made for this occasion. Her beautiful smile the only light I needed in the room to see. She truly was the essence of Grace and beauty. Truly a radiant soul who brightens the lives of all she meets. 

“Okay fine you can escort her to the theater, after all the people here do love our Queen like you said. But we’ll be at the theater waiting for you don’t be late!” Finally Arthur agreed and was off my case. And so I continued to help the Queen get ready and prepared her favorite meal, double cheeseburgers. I rolled a smoke for my Queen after while I went to get myself ready. As the Queens personal assistant I get to go everywhere she does and have to dress fancy like she does.

Finally it was time. Arthur had left a little before us with the other guard. The sun had just set and it was starting to get dark but that did not matter to me. As long as I had my Queens smile I could always see. We set off down the road in the direction of the theater as we talked about how neither of us really wanted to go. Somewhere along the way I must have gotten too caught up in my beautiful Queens smile and taken a wrong turn. We were no longer on the road to the theater but down a side road somewhere that did not look friendly. “Stay close to me my Queen I think we got a little lost. I’ll find our way back.” 

As we turned to retrace our steps I heard a voice from behind a building. “Well what we got here two fancy dressed ones got lost down here?” Three figures emerged and started to approach us. “My Queen stay back!” I yelled as I grabbed her and pulled her behind me “We are looking for the theater, I advise you tell us where it is” but the men continued to approach, the same one speaking again “Ain’t no theater down here. Ain’t no one down here but us. That bag there looks pretty fancy your lady friend has, wonder what else fancy you two have” as the first man moved towards us both. Instinctively and without hesitation my body twisted and my arm swung punching this man in the side of the face as hard as I could.

The other two men lunged in but I was not going to let any man touch my Queen. I was able to duck the first man’s attack as I yelled “My Queen run find Arthur!” But the next one got me, a solid punch to the guy. When both men had their attention on me my Queen unleashed a hell of a mighty swing of her own hitting one of the attackers right in the jaw with her purse knocking the man to the floor. With the momentary distraction I was able to free myself from the 3rd man’s grasp. The first man was back in the fight now however so I quickly stepped between them and my Queen. 

The first man now pulled out a knife “just hand it over and I promise I’ll let your girlfriend live” as the man attempted a slash in our direction. This was it, now or never and I lunged in grappling with the man with the knife. After the tussle we both lay on the ground, the man clutching his gut where the knife pierced him. I stood up and screamed a beastly roar and told the 3rd man he better get his friends out of here. And off the man went carrying there friend in defeat.

“Oh my God Dane that was amazing!” I turned around just in time for my Queen to wrap her arms around me and kiss me! “Anything to serve my Que..” but before I could even finish my Queen cut me off “Oh Dane that was incredible I can’t believe you did that. I’m so hot for you right now!” As she kissed me again. “I want you right now!” As she started pushing me backwards in the dark alley the men had come from our mouths intertwined as her passion flowed from her. 

She pushed me up against the wall of a building “Just think of this as my way of saying thank you” and with that my Queen kissed my lips and started to kiss my neck as she undid my belt and let my pants slide off. Her hand fell from the back of head down to my growing manhood “Oh hehe I can see I’m not the only excited one” as she lowered herself down onto her knees and took my member into her mouth. The sensation was unbelievable I thought I was going to explode right there. She slowly began to move her head and flick her tongue around my shaft. She looked so incredible before me like that. My Queen who I lived to serve was now serving me in the most intimate way she can. 

Sliding her back and looking up at me she asked “Do you like the way I suck on your big cock?” As I smiled looking down at her and replied “Yes my Queen I love it, you’re so amazing” as my hand found its way to the back of her head guiding her back to my cock. She sucked it into her mouth going deeper this time moving her head back and forth faster. I started moving my hips trying as I grunted “mmm ohhh yeah my dirty queen you’re such a slut for my cock” ‘what had I just said? I can’t believe I just said that to my Queen! The woman I love and admire and respect above all else. My Queen who I swore to serve! That’s it’s she is going to have me beheaded!’ I thought to myself.

“Mmm Dane do you like when I’m your bad Queen?” ‘What? She wasn’t mortified? She didn’t think I’m some kind of weirdo? I can’t believe this, my Queen truly is the greatest!’ “Oh yes my Queen.” As I pushed myself back into her mouth again this time making her swallow my entire bulge. My hand was on the back my Queens head as I started moving my hips back and forth again into her waiting mouth I instructed my Queen to touch herself. “Yes Dane” was her muffled reply as I continued to use her mouth for my own personal pleasure. Her hand reached between her legs and she began to rub herself moaning on my cock.

My beautiful Queen, on her knees in front of me taking every inch of me touching herself was all that I could handle as my excitement erupted forth from deep inside me. I was dazed I couldn’t believe what just happened. Did I get hit in the head? “Queen Rae! Queen Rae!” I can hear Arthur’s voice in the distance. The Queen is standing up in front of me “Quickly adjust yourself!” As she helps pull my pants back up. 
