I [M, 48] gave a young woman [21, F] a special internship [MF]

I got divorced about 10 years ago. Thankfully, we had no kids. For the first 7 years, I was basically a hermit: relationship-less and sex-less. I spent almost all of my time at work and worked my way up the totem pole until I became the COO of my medium-sized company. The workaholism almost killed me to be honest. But, the upside is that I saved up millions before quitting about 3 years ago. I quit because I wanted to finally have a life, dedicate time to myself, and maybe find love again.

I went on a few dates but nothing panned out. I felt out of shape, old, and gray. I hired a personal trainer and started going to the gym. I became a fit gymrat at the age of 47, and jokingly got on Instagram at the behest of a former intern at the company I used to work at. To my surprise, I got a bunch of followers…many of whom were actually young women who like my silver-fox aesthetic.

I checked my photos religiously because I really had nothing else to do at the time. I would follow back most people who followed me, and my Instagram front page became filled with fitness models – many of whom were young women. That’s how I met Hannah. She was a fit young Greek woman with olive skin, long curls of dark, wavy hair and many, many pictures of her in bikinis with her plump ass out on Instagram. She was just my type – if I had been 20 years younger. I started liking all her photos because I was incredibly attracted to her and didn’t really know Instagram etiquette at the time. Apparently, she thought this was hilarious, and she sent me a private message asking if I was “having fun” looking at her pictures.

At first, I was incredibly embarrassed. I pretty quickly realized that liking a bunch of pictures that date back up to 2 years on Instagram is…not how you use that website. But I responded playfully, and a conversation ensued. It turns out that she was not only beautiful and fit, but also a very intelligent student at a good school who was interested in my field. I told her a bit more about my former job, and we flirted a bit through messages. But, I knew I wasn’t going to date someone 20 years younger than me, so I eventually let the conversation fizzle out and forgot about it.

Months later, it was approaching summer and I got another message from her. She was looking for an internship and remembered that I worked in the field she was interested in. I inquired for her even though we had only flirted a little bit many months ago because I did want to help her out (I was in her situation once). Unfortunately, nothing was available with my old company, and I wasn’t going to push for someone I don’t really know. However, I was starting up my own company at the time, and I half-jokingly messaged her that I could use an intern to help me out with my endeavor. She actually took the offer very seriously and asked where she could send her resume too. Now at the same time, she was still posting half-naked pictures of her bubbly ass on Instagram, and I was still liking them. So naturally, the conversation became flirty again. I took her resume, was impressed, and told her she had the job if she wanted it. I had zero expectation that she would actually take the offer because it would mean flying across the country to work for a start-up with just me.

But she immediately said yes, and started making plans to come to the area for the summer. I felt weird about the whole thing because I was attracted to her, but I decided to keep things professional. She, on the other hand, did not. She kept making the conversation flirty, occasionally commenting on my body or saying something about how guys her age just don’t have it together. She posted a picture of herself in a tight pair of yoga pants and a crop top. I normally would have liked it, but now that she was going to be my employee it felt weird. But of course, she sent me a DM saying something like “Oh so you like all my pictures except for this one??” I took a day or two to respond, but I finally responded jokingly “I’m not going to be THAT kind of boss and this isn’t THAT kind of internship! Haha.” She responded “How much would you pay me for that lol?” The thought of having her at my beck and call turned me on immensely. I decided to give her an actual response – a year’s tuition (about $40k) for the summer. That was not much of my savings at the time, and I figured she was just kidding around, so no harm in it…

She then sent me a picture of herself in a crop top with her underboobs showing and captioned it “I’ll take the job.” I remember furiously masturbating and hoping that doing so would clear my head of my horniness and allow me to make a more rational decision. It didn’t and our chat became dirtier until it was decided that on paper she would have the internship we initially talked about (so she could put that on her resume)…but in reality, she would only be helping me a bit with the new business and more being my “personal assistant” as we decided to call it.

In the meantime, my dirty mind went to work thinking about what this experience would be like. I felt somewhat foolish for paying so much, even though I had a lot saved up / had growing investments. I told one friend only, and he convinced me that I should get everything I want out of the exchange. She told me that she didn’t tell her parents about the internship, but I did end up Skyping with two of her college friends who wanted to make sure I wasn’t a psycho-killer or something before she flew over. Good friends.

I remember she arrived off the plane with her hair in a scrunchie, a crop top showing her tight stomach, and sweatpants that somehow also hugged her ass. She was shorter than I imagined – about 5′ 3″, but that was perfect for me. She recognized me instantly, and we hugged. I realized how overdressed I was compared to her (I was wearing a summer suit). It must have looked like I was her father, picking her up at the end of a semester.

It somehow wasn’t awkward at all despite the age difference. Even on the way to my house, we hit it off. She kept touching my arm and laughing. As I drove back to my house, I decided to test the waters by reaching over and stroking her thigh as we chatted. She let out a soft moan and opened her legs. WE literally almost got into an accident – I had to stop the car and we both laughed.

Back at my home, I handed her a contract I typed up. It had all the dirtiest things my brain could imagine: she would be sexually available to me 24/7. She would wear what I told her to wear. She would refer to me as “daddy” or “master.” She would tell nobody about the experience. She was required to be on birth-control, and agrees that any child resulting from the “internship” would not be my responsibility. **remaining on** [**https://lenubilefilms.blogspot.com/2020/03/i-m-48-gave-young-woman-21-f-special.html**](https://lenubilefilms.blogspot.com/2020/03/i-m-48-gave-young-woman-21-f-special.html)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fmwayh/i_m_48_gave_a_young_woman_21_f_a_special


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