Up and Coming [MFFF], [rape], [incest], [BDSM], [M Dom], [F Dom], [Drugs], [etc.]

*Rape is wrong. This is fiction. Cheers*

Up and Coming Chapter 1

My vagina is on fire. I’m on my back with my wrists tied over my head. I’m naked. I’m helpless. My legs are open and my boy is on top of me. He is driving that huge cock into me like a mindless machine, taking me for his pleasure. I can’t stop him. This is the second time my son has raped me tonight and I know it won’t be the last.

Better me than Andrea. He raped my daughter as well. His twin. She is passed out on the large bed next to me, oblivious to what is happening to me right now and for that I am grateful. I’m sure her mind is forever scarred by what he has already done to her, and by what he made us do to each other. What *they* made us do.


We were lucky. My husband is a gambler at heart. Reggie Wriggle became a congressman against the odds in a formerly purple district that was ready for change. Before that, he was just a lawyer with connections. Reg wasn’t really political when we met at Duke. What he *was* was persuasive. He just had a knack for seeing where the buttons were and knowing how to push them.

For him, politics was another game. A level up. The money wasn’t exactly tight before his first run but after, Lord Almighty the dollars.

We had a nice home outside of Ashland and the best life anyone could hope for. That is until Jack became a problem.

He was always a violent boy but he could be so charming when it suited him. When he was thirteen his therapist told us that he was a malignant narcissist and a sociopath. Reggie fired the therapist. Got a second opinion we could live with. We had some incidents over the years but people were respectful enough of our name to deal with those discretely.

But when he met that woman. She was the only one who could tell him what to do anymore. She was older. By a lot. And beautiful. We knew they were spending time together and we did not approve. We tried to put an end to it but he had stopped listening to us at all by then. Started getting into the kind of trouble it cost his daddy political favors to make go away.

I guess I am to blame as much as anybody because deep down I knew who he was and I pretended he would grow out of it. That there was a good man inside of him. He was still a boy in my eyes so I thought there was time. When I walked in on him fucking the maid against her will I couldn’t pretend anymore.

I’ll never forget those eyes. He wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed. He saw me come into the room. I froze in shock when I saw. He did not. Without slowing his rhythm he smiled at me as if I was there to admire him.

Rosalinda had been with us for years. Had practically raised him. He had her bent over the bed with her panties around one ankle and her dress pulled up over her waist. She was completely helpless against his size and brawn. One hand had hers pinned behind her back while the other was pulling her head up off the bed by a brutal handful of hair. Tears were streaming down her face and she was crying out, “mi Cachorro, mi Cachorro” over and over while he drove himself into her from behind.

‘Mi Cachorro’ was her nickname for him when he was a child. It meant, ‘my Puppy’. She hadn’t called him that in a long time. He finished in her while I stared in mute horror.

Reggie had her deported rather than waiting around for it to get out. That was the last straw for me. I wanted hospitalization for my son but Reggie found him a spot at a military academy. He still believed our son could be redeemed by the kind of discipline we couldn’t provide. I think by then I knew better but it wasn’t really up to me.

Jake seemed to straighten right the hell up once he was a cadet. Reggie was over the moon with his transformation. Gone was the hostility and reflexive resistance to authority. In its place was a mature and outwardly respectful young man who talked about college and a future in politics. I let myself be fooled because I wanted to believe.

I wouldn’t find out until it was too late, but that bitch who had released the monster in him was a GRU agent. It turned out the Reds were paying attention to the families of powerful men in this country. Turns out that powerful men will do a lot to keep their names clean.

What actually happened was, that woman moved to Maryland to be close to Jake when we sent him off. Far from our view, he continued to see her when he could and she continued to indoctrinate him into a nihilistic world view that suited his narcissism. His rage didn’t leave him. He was taught to harness it. He learned to play the long game his Daddy was so good at. She made him believe that people were no more than levers or obstacles to him. She showed him how to get what he wanted. What he wanted was to dominate.

After his graduation from the academy, he came home for the summer. His time back at home was unremarkable. He was mostly pleasant with his sister which was a welcome change. I actually caught them laughing together over twin humor a few times. It gave me hope.

He enjoyed arguing politics with his dad on the few weekends Reggie made it home. I couldn’t help notice that even for a Right-winger his take on problem solving was more than a little draconian. I hoped college would temper his views.

I was surprised when he suggested an outing for the last weekend of the summer at the family cabin. He hadn’t shown any interest in Gampy’s place since he was young. It was an off the grid bunker Reggie’s father had constructed deep in the West Virginia hills for the end times but the cabin was comfortable and it overlooked a pristine lake. It was well beyond cell reception so since his first election Reggie had taken to using it to be conveniently unavailable when the media took interest in an especially problematic position of his.

The weekend Jack wanted to go overlapped with a prior for Reggie so it would just be me and the kids. Even though she loves the mountains I was surprised that Andrea agreed to go. She had always been a little fearful of her brother but they seemed to have reached a detente since he got back and she was perhaps a little nostalgic for better times. I agreed to it with a feeling of trepidation that I couldn’t name.

The drive was long and largely consumed with media. When we got to the mountains Jack drove and I co-piloted. Andrea was sprawled across the back seat of the Rover deep into last minute texting before we lost cell reception.

While I hunted for a podcast on my phone Jack asked me if I had any regrets. We didn’t really have a history of candidness so I was a little taken aback by the question.

“Um, where is that coming from?” I stalled.

“Well, it’s just,… you and Dad don’t exactly agree on much politically. How did he manage to bag a smart and attractive babe like you when he was such a dork?”

My son took his eyes off the road for longer than I was comfortable with to give me an appraising glance. Well, longer than a glance. I didn’t know whether to be outraged or flattered but I actually blushed. That look he gave me wasn’t meant to happen between a mother and son. Was I misunderstanding him?

He went on, “I mean, Dad never seemed like the kind of guy that kills it, you know? A woman like you must have had a few guys to compare him to, am I right?”

I glanced down at his crotch as he said this and he saw me do it. Oh, Jesus, this was becoming awkward. Jackson is big. His father is average but he takes after his Gampy who was renowned for being large in a time when it just wasn’t discussed. I couldn’t not notice that his penis seemed more volumetric than normal in his jeans. What that meant was unthinkable.

“Where are you going with this, Jackson?” I demanded. I was beginning to feel like this trip was a mistake. I truly didn’t understand what my son was capable of yet, but I was starting to sense a threat. “You don’t need to know about what happens between me and your father. Please concentrate on the road,” I said and turned back to my phone.

He let it go with a nonchalance that had me doubting the nature of what had just transpired. I pretended to listen to podcasts for the rest of the drive while I ran the conversation through my head. I actually dozed off for a while and had the magical dislocation moment when you wake up at your destination.

We all unloaded the car then Jackson got the genny going while Andrea and I put supplies away and opened windows.

It had been my habit in the past to start a weekend in the woods with a hike. We still had an hour or so of daylight and I felt like a break from Jackson was called for so I excused myself and headed north on the lake trail. About fifteen minutes into my walk I heard footsteps jogging up behind me. I turned and saw Jackson coming down the trail at a good clip. He breezed up to me like a thoroughbred barely winded by his exertion. I had the startling realization that I felt unsafe to be alone with him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

“What? I can’t go for a walk with my mom?” He gave me a disarming grin that made me feel foolish to be so afraid.

“Fine. Let’s walk’” I said and turned back up the trail. He fell in behind me as I set a brisk pace. We hiked in silence for a while and I felt the wariness that I usually carried around my son begin to leave my shoulders. This felt normal. I let myself believe that we were okay. I was wrong.

“So, about you and Dad,…” he began.

I stopped and turned so abruptly that he almost ran into me. He pulled up short with a malicious grin and we stood facing each other.

“What about me and Dad, Jackson? What is it you think you are entitled to know about our private life?”

“Well,… does he make you cum, for example. I mean, you’re a total MILF. You should be with someone who makes you cum. A lot.” The way he looked at me as he said this shocked me to my core. I thought of Rosalinda and his remorseless eyes as he raped her. That’s who I was looking at. My son, the rapist.

When I spoke my quavering voice betrayed my fear. “Not another word about me and your father. Or my sex life. Do I need to explain how horrible it is to hear you talk like this? How wrong it is? As far as I’m concerned this weekend is over!”

I began to walk around him in the direction of the cabin but he grabbed my arm in a grip that made it clear I was not going anywhere until he let me.

“Wait, I just want to talk,” he said like *I* was the irrational one and spun me around to face him.

My body was now shaking with adrenaline. We were miles from anything or anyone so no one would hear me if I screamed. My son was holding me by both shoulders now. My legs felt so week I might have fallen if he wasn’t holding me. He looked me up and down and shook his head in amusement.

“I’m just asking if Dad makes you cum? It’s a simple question.”

For the first time in our lives, I slapped him. He released me and stepped back with a shocked grin. I took that moment to storm away from him on unsteady legs. To my surprise he let me. As I marched south towards the cabin I could hear him walking behind me. I did my best to look resolute but inside I was terrified. I expected him to grab me again at any second. If he wanted to do to me what I had seen him do to Rosalinda I knew I couldn’t stop him. I prayed for the first time in a long time as I walked. Irrationally I felt that I would be safe if I could just get back to the cabin and Andrea.

Without thinking I burst into a run. It was foolish, I know. He could have caught me easily if he had wanted to. I work out and run because I like to stay fit, but my legs felt like rubber before I started and I took off in a panicked sprint. I was exhausted in the first minute of running and had to slow to a brisk walk for a few seconds as I gasped for air. I looked back over my shoulder and saw that I had left him behind but the thought of him catching me out here spurred me into a run again. I didn’t slow until the cabin was in sight.

I was still shaking and gasping for breath when I got there and my body felt like it was on the verge of collapsing. The plan I had formulated was simple. Grab Andrea and the keys. Get in the car. Go. I burst through the front door calling her name.

“Mama!” she cried as I entered.

My legs gave out and I fell to my knees when I saw her. My beautiful girl was naked and bound to the wall. Her arms were tied together to a hook over her head and her knees straddled a rounded box that was making a loud mechanical buzzing noise underneath her.

“Mama!” she cried again. “Make it stop, Mama, make it stop!”

A woman wearing a feathered Indian headdress was sitting next to her in a chair while my baby writhed on the machine she was tied to. It was her! That bitch who controlled my son!

“Come in Ginger!” she said cheerfully. “Make yourself comfortable.”

I had to help my baby, I had to get us away from them, but I couldn’t move. I knelt there in front of the door, a boneless puddle, my mind reeling in terror. When a shadow appeared over mine in the last rays of the setting sun coming through the door behind me I knew it was too late.

“I see you’ve met Maria,” my son said to me. “Let’s get this party started!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fm07as/up_and_coming_mfff_rape_incest_bdsm_m_dom_f_dom

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