[F] How my Mother found out about the size of my boyfriends penis

While I was living at home my boyfriend would stay over. Now he is quite well endowed and at this stage we were using condoms every time we would have sex.

One night after we finished my boyfriend went to throw his condom away. The only thing was I had no tissues or anything else of the kind to wrap it up in. So he simply placed it in the bin, no real issue there right? Well the bin was very full so I guess the condom was very visible right at the top of the bin. The next day my mother was vacuuming my bedroom floor and happened to look down into my bin. Now I feel if it was a regular sized condom it wouldn’t have been near as noticeable but this thing was large and in charge.

She made a big deal about it telling me “I CAN SEE YOUR CONDOM!” and so on.

She is also pretty nosy and right before I moved out we had some family coming to stay. I offered for them to use my room since I wouldn’t need it soon. She opened up my bedside table and was shocked by the amount of XL condoms that were in there. At the time we were buying condoms in bulk so there waa easily 50+ in this drawer. She asked if we could move them all before my family came to stay.

So I guess not only does my Mother know my boyfriend is packing but she must also think we are going at it all the time!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/flv427/f_how_my_mother_found_out_about_the_size_of_my


  1. Both of my gf’s parents have walked in on us having sex before, but I guess it’s more entertaining when you’re well endowed lol

  2. I love this. Finding a maxi condom wrapper in a friend’s bedroom drawer did things to my brain. I can’t imagine this scenario ?

  3. The funny part is that trojan magnums are like 1/16th of an inch bigger than regular Trojans which are both smaller than regular durex

  4. Oops. I just dropped my monster condom that I use for my…magnum dong! – Dr. Mantis Toboggan

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