The Saga of Princess Sevi [nsfw] [anal play] [m/f] [oral] [cheating]

**This is chapter one from a new fantasy erotica novel I am working on. Feedback is welcome.**

“Oye… Did you hear that?” The fat watchman said to his skinny companion.

“Hear what?”

Lifting an ear he said, “I could swear I heard a noise coming from the king’s storehouse. It sounded like something crashing,” he added with a tone of certainty.

The two watchmen pushed open the heavy wooden doors and entered into the king’s storehouse to delve into the source of the suspicious sound. Light streamed in from outside, and a vast hoard of weapons and despoiled treasures shone in the streaming Sunlight. Row after row of swords stood on racks, oaken shields were piled as high as a man, mail coats hung from pegs along the walls, and shelves held beautifully crafted vessels from the farthest reaches of the known world.

But of all of the king’s many prized possessions, one of them would be noticeably out of place in a dirty warehouse full of weapons and stolen glassware. Princess Sevi knew that the king’s stores offered the darkest shadows in society for anyone seeking privacy, no matter the time of day, and that it would be the last place in the whole of the kingdom that anyone would think to look for her. And had Sevi not accidentally knocked over a large piece of Roman glass, she might have never found herself in serious risk of being caught. To further the stakes, Sevi was joined in the shadows by a strong young lad, whom she held in a most compromising way.

“Hello! Is there someone here?” The fat guard shouted. The two men paused and waited for the criminal to lay claim to his deeds and come forward, but there was nothing save the dead of silence. The two spear-armed men looked nervously at each other.

“I know I heard something.”

“Maybe it was ghosts,” responded the tall, skinny guard. “The Winter Spirits always give me the creeps,” he added with a mock shiver.

“Wasn’t no ghost.” The fat guard said, shoving his skinny companion. “The princess sang for the spirits on the Night of the Horse’s Cock. They sleep soundly under the earth for another year.”

“How do you know? Did you see her do it?”

“Do what?”

“You know… Please herself with it?

“Well, no. That part is carried out in privacy, you dullard.” The fat guard shoved his companion once more. “I will go search this side. You go that way…idiot.” He ordered… “Oh, and, hey.” He clapped his companion on the shoulder and grinned.

“What are you smiling about?”

“I did hear the princess,” he added, “screaming out loud to the Gods. Went on for hours, I tell you…the breathing, the panting, and the moaning. Had to listen through my entire watch.” The fat man tried to hold back his foolishness, but his cheeks betrayed him and laughter broke out.

“Oh, you sad fellow… Gods curse your bad luck.”

The men had a chuckle and then began their search of the storehouse.

Other than the softest streaks of light that filtered in through the seams in the timber walls, the storehouse interior was a dark cloak favorable to all manner of surreptitious behavior. Slowly their eyes adjusted as they went about their investigation into the cause of the crashing sound. Shapes began to slowly take form. A pile of Alemanni shields, stacks of silk from Byzantium, and a forest of sharp Saxon spears, were among the king’s many trophies that stood out.

With her vision already well accustomed to the low light, Sevi could see the large shape of a man moving right in front of her. He was so close that she could smell leather and body odor.

Standing in that moment on the precipice of discovery, two hearts hammered together with fear as they shrank into the darkest corner they could find. Sevi held her breath, fearing that the softest suspiration would alert the king’s guards to her presence. She sensed that her secret companion also feared to breathe, as it were; she could not feel his chest rise and fall against her body as he held her closely. They both knew the terrible consequences that would befall them should they be found by the guards in their half-naked embrace.

“Hm.. What do we have here?” The fat guard said. “Oye! lackwit…get over here!” He summoned his companion. “I think I found where that noise came from.”

Sevi nearly pissed herself with fear, thinking that the guard had just found her hiding among the shadows in the arms of her huscarl. A whimper was threatening to escape her quivering lips, but to her relief, a hand moved to cover her mouth.

More footsteps approached, and a skinny shape joined the fat one. “Oh no. What naughtiness has happened here?”

“The king won’t be pleased when he hears of this.”

“No… I don’t suppose he will be.”

“It’s a shame, really. This one was so pretty.”

Thinking that her adultery had just been uncovered, Sevi was about to beg the guards for mercy, and offer them substantial bribes in exchange for their silence. But before she could speak, the hand tightened against her mouth, preventing any hasty words from escaping. It was a lucky thing for the princess that her suitor had stopped her from speaking. He noticed that they were not yet found out; instead, it was the very thing that had aroused the suspicions of the guards in the first place that held their attentions. Both of them were stood over a pile of glass shards that lay shimmering on the edge of a shadow. A shadow that was just barely keeping Sevi’s naughty deeds safely hidden from view.

The fat guard suddenly had a thought. He grabbed his skinny companion sharply by the arm, and pulled him away from the broken glass.

“Let’s get out of here.” He said with urgency. “We will be blamed for this,” he continued. “Just as surely as a lynx shits on a log, people will say they saw us in here, and the king will make us pay for it out of our own coin.”

“Well, can’t we just blame the ghosts? The king will want to know about this.”

“Damn’t, Aldo, wouldn’t you think rats would be the more obvious offender here? Besides, the king’s own wife took care of the roaming dead. I heard her do it myself. Or have you forgotten? Let’s go before someone see’s us!”

The sound of hastily moving feet and jingling chainmail faded, the doors groaned on their hinges, and the space was dark and quiet again.

The hand fell from Sevi’s mouth, and both her and Drefan breathed a heavy sigh.

“Gods! That was a close one.” Sevi said as she clasped at her exposed breasts.

Drefan swept his hands back over his head and dropped them sharply. “Shit!” He exclaimed. “I thought we were surely doomed there for a twithe.”

“Do you hear my heart beating?” Sevi said, thumping her palm against her breast, relieved.“Hear it? I can feel it from over here.”

The two laughed until their sides hurt from trying to hold it down. Then Drefan cradled Sevi’s face in warm hands and brushed his nose against hers.

“Princess, you really ought to be more careful. I don’t ever want to see you harmed,” Drefan said with a concerned tone. “I don’t think we should be meeting in the shadows… It’s too risky.” He added, and then pressed a warm kiss against Sevi’s brow. “Gods know, I was so worried about you when you left to see the Hallower. I couldn’t sleep the entire time you were gone. Emma kept asking me what was wrong and…”

“Drefan,” Sevi interrupted, placing her hand down possessively on a strong, shirtless chest. “First, don’t call me princess,” she ordered. “We grew up together. You are like a brother to me, and I have no need for formality from you. Second, I have not had the pleasure of a good cock in over a Moon, and I want to come.” Sevi cooed insistently. “And speaking of Moon… I have missed my monthly blood.”

Drefan hugged his princess. “Wow, Sevi.. Gods, that is great news!” He said as he released her. “I am so happy for you.”

“You know what that means, right?”

“Yeah, your position here is secure. And you don’t have to worry about the bog anymore.”

“No… it means you can spill inside of me,” Sevi responded, larkishly.

Drefan’s pants nearly burst. He and Sevi had been very close friends for years, touching, kissing, and even masturbating together at times, but she’d never permitted him to enter her cunt. She feared a pregnancy from a dalliance would stain her reputation and make her far less valuable to the kingdom.

“I..I, uh.” Drefan cleared his throat. His ears burned. “Sevi.. Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Gods, yes!” She breathed.“Wade has been fucking Matilda since Yeol. Two Moons have passed since I have slept with my own husband… Two Moons!” She emphasized. “I have needs, too.” She said as she pressed herself against Drefan and sent a seeking hand down his trousers. “It will be just like old times…before I was married, only better, since now you can have my cunt. Besides, your hard cock seems to agree with me,” she said as she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and began gently pulling.

“Em.. You aren’t wrong there.” He said as he grew and grew in Sevi’s hand. “And you aren’t wrong to want pleasure, either. You deserve to be worshipped in the bed like the goddess you are.”

Suddenly years of pent up lust for Princess Sevi surged all at once within Drefan. Their lips came together with passionate force, and their searching tongues twisted together. He seized a hot breast, and his fingers squeezed and danced over the round surface. *Finally! She let’s me fuck her.* Drefan was silently thankful to be in Sevi’s favor as he trailed kisses down her neck, along her collarbone, and then at last he dove into her billowing cleavage.

Sevi gasped as Drefan kissed his way across her breasts, seeking out each nipple, and sucking them into his mouth one at a time. He grasped at her untidy dress, “take it all the way off,” he demanded. Sevi wriggled quickly, and in a moment was completely free of the burden of clothes. He couldn’t help himself in his feral state. Drefan dropped to his knees before the nude princess, and idolized the gentle plains of her flat belly, kissing and sucking her sweet skin. He brushed his hot tongue around her deep navel, and softly bit the edge. His hands skimmed down her waist, and he cupped and squeezed her plump ass.

Her breath ran fast, and Sevi’s breasts swelled like rising waves as she endured Drefan’s fevered adoration. She felt heat pooling between her legs. She grasped Drefan by the head and guided his face bellow her navel, and he dipped between her thighs, beckoned by her dew – lured by sweet musk.

This time being careful not to break anything, Sevi threw a leg up on one of the shelves and braced her back against a wall. Holding the thigh of Sevi’s raised leg, Drefan thrust his face deep inside the dark patch of fur that adorned her sex. The appetites of nature had firmly seized Drefan, and he lapped lustily at her soaking wet lips. She purred and twisted as the tongue invaded her cleft. His free hand stoked and softly scratched Sevi’s abdomen, leaving light red streaks under her breasts.

Sevi moaned and rolled her hips. Drefan sucked and slurped Sevi’s weeping cunt, lost in the pleasantly pungent scent of feminine arousal and musk. “Oh, Gods,” she moaned, “that feels so fucking good.” Then to her surprise, Drefan dipped beneath her thigh and brushed his tongue over her asshole. Suddenly she remembered how the stranger had touched her there, and she secretly hoped that Drefan would not neglect that part of her body. She didn’t have to wonder very long. After getting her asshole good and wet, Drefan pushed a finger inside, and then moved his kisses along her damp seam to the crown of her sex. There he sought out that one spot that is the source of a woman’s rapture, and he sucked at it.

“Oh… Fuck! That feels so good.” She breathed as the finger hilted to the last knuckle up her ass. “I’m going to come!” She sucked sharply against her teeth, and then let her jaw drop as her breath hitched. The pressure against the walls of her anus, the tongue strokes, and the sucking, was just the sort of pleasure the princess had been in need of.

Drefan groaned. His own approbations muffled by the silky cunt his face was buried within. He pumped his finger, and diligently licked his beloved princess. His efforts were not without sweet reward. In a matter of a twithe, a hot gush of liquid ran down his chin and soaked his long, brown beard. He swallowed all that he could catch, gulping.

The princess could hardly breathe. Her legs began to shake. And when Drefan pulled his finger sharply out of her wombless canal, it set off even more tremors throughout her lower body. The princess fell into her huscarl’s arms, and they began to laugh breathlessly, suddenly forgetful of the need to be quiet. It had been so long since they were last this playful together, and it swelled their hearts tremendously.

“I need you to fuck me now, Drefan,” Sevi demanded.

“Aye, princess. If you insist,” he answered obediently. He could feel the rallying look of desire on the face of the princess in the darkness. He knew her lustful aura quite well. Even in the shadows, he could tell that Sevi’s need hadn’t yet been fully satisfied, and that his service was still required.

Together the treasonous lovers stood, and Drefan pushed Sevi face first against the wall. He yanked his trousers completely down and kicked them away, as though they were a stray dog come begging.

“Yes.. take me from behind.” She arched her ass, offering her softness.

Those words annealed Drefan’s cock. He had wanted for so long to plunge himself into the princess, and now he had her pinned against the wall, naked and begging. He took her by the waist. Sevi reached back with gentle fingers and guided his protuberance towards moist heat. Drefan grunted as he slowly entered Sevi’s royal cunt, and it was every comfort he dreamed it would be. He sucked back at his teeth as tight muscles clamped snuggly around his cock.

Sevi held the wall, happily enduring her best friend’s rutting. Her breasts swayed heavily beneath her as Drefan hammered her cervix. He wasn’t particularly thick, but he was very long, and each thrust reached the end of her tunnel, and threatened to go further even.

Drefan leaned in to the princess, and she pushed her hips backwards against his pelvis. The soft, liquid sound of humping blended with moans and other breathless cries. He reached forward and took each warm breast into his palms, and he held them happily, squeezing and massaging their supple weight.

Sevi noticed that her asshole could still use some attention, as she longed for the return of that strange and pleasant pressure. “Put your finger back in my ass,” she begged.

Drefan wasted no time. He licked his finger, dribbled spit on Sevi’s anus, and wormed his finger past her muscular ring. Sevi gasped as he stroked the walls of her rectum while fucking her. The feeling of being invaded in both of her holes sent jolts of bliss through her. She had never before experienced a more fuller friction powering inside of her, and it was driving her closer and closer to climax.

“Yes…Fuck yes.” She quietly chanted. “You don’t know how bad I need this.”

Drefan was soon panting and his thrusts were staggering. The hot wreath round his cock was grasping and pulsing. Penetrating Princess Sevi was everything he’d dreamed it would be. It wasn’t just the victory of finally winning her cunt that stirred his balls. It was the whole act; her smell, the taste of her sex, an act of love with a friend, the flower of a long relationship finally come to full bloom.

The muscle around her cunt began to throb in rhythm with her end ring, and every subsequent thrust of cock and finger only served to heighten the sensation. Sevi braced herself against the wall, unable to breathe or speak. Her eyes clamped shut. Her mouth gaped, and a thin string of drool hung from her lip. Sevi’s head bowed as her body threatened to collapse, and she gasped through strands of hair.

A low roar escaped Drefan’s chest, though he tried hard to stifle it. His balls tensed beneath him like a fist balled in anger. He leaned against the princess and shuddered with bliss as his seed-serpent swelled inside of her and flooded her royal slit with liquid warmth.

There followed the sound of a spoon being pulled free from a thick soup as Drefan slid his wet cock from Princess Sevi, and the two collapsed together on a pile of polar bear pelts.



“You are an incredible woman. Shame on the king for keeping pleasure from you.”

“That is a lovely thing to say. Thank you, Drefan.”

He could feel her smile in the darkness, and her happiness made him happy. It was just like old times, before they had the weight of the world to burden them. The mere sight of his princess, his best friend, could both swell his heart and his cock, and that wasn’t a thing likely ever to change. He wouldn’t refuse her if she came to him and wanted him for bedplay again. He would satisfy her, as a servant should. Drefan slid his hand over and captured hers, and they lay together in silence.

Meanwhile, King Wade was off in the wilderness living day to day as a wolf would, hunting and fishing in peace and quiet.

At the crossing of the threshold into manhood, his father along with the Ealdormen, once sent Wade and his brothers into the forest to live as though they were feral. It was a turning point in his life, a time of great teaching, and he took away lessons from the forest that would chisel him into the man he was Fated to become. Wade had taken the noble path of his ancestors, and some even said that he was in fact the reincarnation of Wada, his grandfather, who was of Giant’s blood. King Wade was indeed a giant of a man, and we come to him now as the days begin to lengthen, and he becomes a restless spirit seeking adventure in wide places.

Twas nearly Spring, and Wade had been wandering around the wilderness for a sennight. He had all but put thoughts of women out of his mind as he enjoyed solitude among the trees and streams that textured the mountains of his vast kingdom. So the following occurrence was wholly unexpected.

Wade was having a piss in a pleasant and Sunny wood. He shuddered at the pleasure of its passing, and then lingered a moment in the feeling of total emptiness. When suddenly a raven came flying over and dropped apple on his head. Still holding his brine hose, he narrowed his eye curiously at the yellow fruit laying on the ground at his foot. Then a twig snapped, and a shadowy figure standing some distance away caught his attention. A dark and hoary man stood as mist, a long staff in his hand, and a wide brimmed hat cast shadow on his brow. *Woden has come!* An Apple delivered from supple ravens wing. He knew the omen well, as it could mean only one thing. *Sevi is with child!*

He shook his cock dry and stuffed it away, and wasted no time in returning to his kingdom.

Wade passed through his lands with great speed, and all who recognized him raised a hearty hail to their king. They both feared and loved their conquering king for the wealth and and opportunity that came from being subject to him.

At long last, Wade arrived back at his hill fort, and he passed through the gates and sought to go straight home.

“Drefan,” the king called out. “What are you doing?” He said as he spotted him at the door to the storehouse, holding a sack in his hand. “What is that you hold?”

“I..Uh.” He stammered, caught off guard by his king’s sudden return. “Rats, my lord.”

“What?” He scrunched his brow. “Why are you carrying a bag of rats?”

“No, lord..” He opened the sack to reveal the broken glass.

“Damn. What a terrible shame.”

“I was passing earlier and heard noises, so I went in to have a look. This was on the floor,” he said as he held out the bag, with a slightly tremulous hold. “So I cleaned it up.”

“Good man,” the king said as he clapped the huscarl’s shoulder.

Drefan breathed a deep sigh of relief. He desperately hoped that his alibi would stand.

“Oh, did you find any holes while you were in there?”

“W..what?” He nearly choked.

“Any holes the vermin might have used, Drefan… Did you find any?”

“Oh! Yes, lord. You will be happy to note that I’ve stuffed and sealed the offending hole.” Drefan fought to keep a straight face until the king departed.

**The first book can be read** [here.](
