My daughters new boyfriend. [MF] [rough sex] [voyeur]

I’m trying my best to feign interest in my daughter’s birthday party but having a bunch of 15 year old girls talking about school and make up isn’t quite keeping my attention. I’ve half given up and put some football on the TV but I’ve put it on mute so when my wife comes in I can pretend I’m fully involved in supervising it. It’s my daughter Kate’s birthday today and she’s having fun which is the most important thing.

It’s 2pm and Alice should be here soon. Alice is my other daughter and she’s coming back home for a weekend from university and although she only left 2 months ago I’ve missed having her around all the time. I’m looking forward to seeing her but, as my wife Janet informed me just this morning, she’s bringing with her a new boyfriend. I’m in two minds about this, no dad looks forward to meeting their daughters new partner but as she’s just left for university in a different city 2 hours drive away I’m sort of glad she’s in a relationship and not sleeping around. Even though she’s 18 now I still hate thinking about her in the big wide world and enjoying all of the things availabile to her with her newfound independence and away from her parents supervision. I resolve that I’m going to genuinely try to get to know the new guy and be welcoming, if he is a good person of course.

My eyes look away from the TV screen as I spot Alice walking down the drive holding hands with what must be Dan. He’s dressed smart and he’s making her laugh so I decide that’s a positive first impression.

“Who is that? He’s hot” says one of Kate’s friends I’ve already forgotten the name of, pointing towards Dan. She looks at Kate and they both raise their eyebrows in a knowing gesture and all the girls laugh. I can’t say I liked that too much but I guess it’s not his fault.

I quickly glance at the score on the TV knowing I’m not going to get a chance to watch the second half of the match and switch it off waiting for Alice to walk in. I hear the front door open and I get up to greet them.

Alice swings her arms around me standing on her tip toes “Hi dad, how are you doing?” She says with that big smile of hers flashing her lovely white teeth.

“I’m good sweetie” I say genuinely happy to see my little girl back home. “And you must be Dan”

I hold my hand out and shake Dan’s hand. He’s tall, maybe 6’2 but since I’m 6’4 I feel like I’ve got a bit of authority. He’s athletic, I can tell he goes to the gym but he’s not overly muscley. His short brown hair and fair face make Alice not out if his League but nobody will ever be good enough for her in my eyes. He’s 26 which makes him a full 8 years older than Alice but he’s studying for his PhD which is good in my book.

“Hello sir, nice to meet you. You’ve got a nice house here, thank you for having me”

We make awkward pleasantries and I usher them both in to the front room where Kate is having her party. I follow them in noticing Alice must have kept up her gym habit seeing that she’s even slimmer now than when she left, although she’s kept a nice part of the weight in her bum and hips which give her the same sexy shape as her mother. Alice’s skin is a little bit more tanned now too which contrasts really nicely with her long, natural blonde hair which hangs low to the top of her round arse.

I snap back to my senses and Alice us introducing Dan to Kate and she’s blushing and going shy and her friends are giggling. Again I don’t like it but I’m going to be mature about it.

Dan sits down in the seat I was sitting on, the only single chair in our front room, which I like because it’s got a good view of the TV, everyone knows it’s my chair.

“Oh not there’s please Dan, that’s my dad’s chair” and Alice points Dan towards the sofa.

“Oh sorry sir, of course” Dan gets up quickly and moves seat.

I like that. He’s polite, he’s well dressed. I decide that I don’t mind Dan and he tension I had about this weekend when they will both be staying here is evaporating and I decide this weekend won’t be too bad.

In the evening I cook for the family and Dan. We all sit around the kitchen table and have some wine and food and hear Alice’s and Dans stories about university. I keep my eye on them both to pick up on any subtle clues about his he’s treating her and how she looks at him. I have to say I like what I see, she seems very happy with him and im glad.

When dinner is finished Dan insists on clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. As he is doing so Janet nudges me and tilts her head in his direction letting me know that she approves of her daughter’s new boyfriend. I nod and can’t help but agree.

We sit around the dinner table for about an hour more drinking wine and beer, laughing and joking and I’m enjoying having the family back together again. It hasn’t been quite the same since Alice left for university leaving just the three of us.

It’s getting late and Janet is the first one to call it a night and tells Kate to follow her as it’s 11pm. Kate reminds her mother it’s Friday so she can stay up for half an hour longer. Kate’s been glancing at Dan all eveining and it’s quite obvious that she’s got a crush on her sisters new boyfriend which is quite cute I guess. It seems everyone approves if Dan.

Half an hour pssses and we call it a night. Alice, Dan and Kate go upstairs and I go in to the front room to watch the second half of the football match I missed earlier. An hour later my team wins so I can go to bed with a smile on my face. I lock the door and head upstairs. I reach the top of the stairs and I can hear whispering coming from Alice’s bedroom. I stop walking and listen for a second.

I can’t hear anything…then I hear the bed rocking, it’s quiet but I can definitely hear it. I try to convince myself it’s so something else but I know exactly what they’re doing. My suspicions are confirmed when I hear Alice quietly moaning and sighing. I can’t help it but I get angry. I can’t listen to this so I walk to my bedroom. Where Janet is sound asleep. I slip in to bed and close my eyes trying to forget whst I’ve just heard.

I don’t remember falling asleep but I wake up and it’s 10am. Janet has gone from bed leaving me alone but she’s brought the morning paper for me and put it on my night stand which she does every Saturday. I’m not thinking about reading up on current affairs because I’ve woken up with a strong hard on that has been noticibley absent lately but being in my 50s I don’t think its too strange  I take off the covers and wrap my hands around my 5 inch cock which has gotten rock solid, and i start thinking dirty thoughts. First Jill from work and her long ginger hair. Then my mates wife Carol who loves wearing red lipstick that will do it I think, and I start to imagine her lips wrapped around my cock sucking me deep. A minute of stroking my cock goes by then I realise that I should snap out of it, I haven’t been this horny in months and I should save it for my wife. Alice and Dan are going to a nightclub tonight and Kate is sleeping at her friends so Janet and I will have the house to ourselves and since we haven’t had sex in about 2 months it’s perfect, she’s getting a good hard fuck this evening I decide.

I shower and go downstairs and everyone is sat round the table having a late breakfast which I’ve just missed.

Alice jumps up straight away when I walk in “Morning dad, were having breakfast do you want me to make you a plate?”

“Yes please sweetie” I say sitting down and joining the conversation where Janet is telling Danny about her job as a nurse.

“It’s hard work yes, but very rewarding. It means lots of late nights and long hours but I enjoy it. I always come back in a state though. Sweaty, tired, hair is a mess, I must look awful when I get back in late from a long shift” says Janet.

“No darling you always look lovely” I reassure her.

“Im sure you do” Danny joins in. “No woman looks bad in a nurses outfit” Dan winks at her and they both burst out laughing at the cheekiness. At that the memories from last night pour back in to my mind. I can’t get the mental image of Dan on top of my daughter, her legs spread wide and him fucking her. My teeth clench hearing them laugh at the inappropriate joke.

I eat my breakfast in silence and stew over the images in my mind. Janet leaves for her shift at the hospital and takes Kate with her and drops her at her friends.

“Okay I’m going for a shower, I’ll be back soon” Alice skips off upstairs leaving me and Dan eating breakfast.

Dan breaks the awkward silence after a few seconds “thank you for inviting me in to your house, you’ve got a lovely family”

“That’s okay, Dan. Thank you, I hope you feel welcome here. All I ask is you take good care of Alice”

“Don’t worry sir I take her good care of her” and he shows me a grin which I can’t decide whether it has another meaning.

Alice comes tiptoeing in to the kitchen in just a towel. And I see Dan looking her up and down drinking her in and she’s trying to cling hold if some modisty which is hard considering the towel us barely covering the top of her thighs and we can both see the top of her little tits being squeezed together it creating a little bit of cleavage. “Daddy do you know where the razors are?”

“No I don’t use disposable ones” I say with a sigh knowing Dan is getting an eyeful of my daughter

“I left mind at home, can I use yours?”

“No…I don’t think…”

“Please dad, just once”

Hmmm…okay fine”

Alice smiles and totters off. As she turns she gives us both a both a peek of the bottom inch of her arse cheeks I don’t think she knows she was showing. My cock twitches a little in my trousers. I look at Dan and notice he’s saw too. He doesn’t know what to say and I don’t either. He smiles at me, I sigh and get up to get on with my day.

They both get showered and I do too. I’ve got an en suite in my bedroom so we’re all done by 12 and we meet in the living room. I walk in to see Dan sitting in my chair and Alice on the sofa. I look at him and he gets up. “sorry sir, this is your chair isn’t it”

“Thanks” I sit down. “Okay what time are you two going out tonight?”

“About 10pm” Alice says. Dan nods in agreement.

“Okay I’m going to the pub, I’ll be back at about 11 so I won’t see you until tomorrow. Your mother finishes work at 2am so we will be asleep when you get back I assume. Don’t wake us up” I say this trying to sound firm hoping to regain some authority in my own house.

“Okay dad, were heading out to go shopping. I’ll see you tomorrow then” Alice gets up gives me a kiss and leaves with Dan following her.

I get my phone out if my pocket and text Janet: woke up rock hard this morning. Make sure you cone home with a bit if energy I’m going to wear you out tonight XXX.

I get to the pub at 7 and meet John there. He tells me he has to pick his wife up from her mother’s at 8 so can only stay for one drink. This leaves me disappointed I was looking forward to a few pints with my mate tonight and having a few usually gets me in a good mood for sex when I get home. Theres nothing I can do though so I have a a few pints and John sips his one. It gets to 8pm and john has to leave. I have one more by myself which leaves me feeling s bit light headed and order a taxi home. On the ride home I’m deciding what I’m going to do for the few hours before Janet gets home and I can give her the fuck I’ve been thinking about all day.

The taxi pulls up to the house and I pay the driver and get out. I notice that the curtains are closed downstairs which is odd because they’re never closed. But theres a light on in the front room so Alice must be home still, it’s only 8.20 and she’s not going out until 10. I guess I’ll just sit with them until they leave.

I walk to the front door and push the handle but it’s locked. I can hear talkjng in the front room and the curiosity gets the better if me. The curtains are drawn but there’s a little triangle at the bottom where they are bunched up. I side step along to the window, bend down and look in through the little hole.

My eyes widen with the sight I’m presented with. Alice is completely naked on the chair in our front room. Her arms are reaching behind the chair over her head pulling her little tits up making them super perky. Her long blonde hair is draped over her chest but they arent covering her pink puffy nipples that look so soft in the dim light. Her legs are spread wide open exposing her tight slit. Her nails on her hands and feet match the redness of her obviously swollen pussy lips. This and the way she’s licking her lips makes it clear that she is aching for some cock. My dick instantly starts growing in my trousers.

I find it very hard to take my eyes of my daughter in this slutty pose but I see movement to the left. Dan cones in to view. He is naked from head to toe, facing away from me and doing something on his phone. Even from the back you can tell he’s toned, the muscles on his back and arms are well defined. He bends down slightly and points the phone at alice and it flashes. He looks at the screen and smiles. It’s painfully apparent that I’ve interuptee their dirty photo shoot and Dan now has a filthy pictures of my daughter on his phone.

The thick windows in my house are preventing me from hearing what they’re saying but Dan sats something and Alice stands up. Seeing her in her full figure instantly gets my cock throbbing and I can’t stop looking at her. She turns around exposing her sexy arse and stradlee my chair, the chair I sit in everyday. Alice puts her hands on the back of the chair and her knees on the seat with them set far apart. My daughter is now presenting herself fully to her boyfriend. Her tiny arse hole is now fully exposed looking incredibly inviting between those plump soft cheeks. And just below is her now parted pussy lips. Her bald cunt looks so smooth I have no doubt what she used my razor for this morning.

Alice looks round at Dan and pouts her lips. Dan’s camera flashes a few times as he turns my daughter in to a porn star getting close ups of both her tight holes. They laugh and kiss and Alice sits her naked bum in my chair and Dan walks and stands beside her. This is when I see his fully erect cock for the first time.

Dan is shaved like Alice which means you can see every detail of his cock. His length is impressive it looks over seven inches. But his thickness is the real surprise. It’s a meaty cock for sure and it’s curved slightly upwards.

Dan shows Alice his phone and she smiles at the dirty picture. He’s positioned his cock inches away from Alice’s face and as soon as she sees it she licks it with the tip of her tongue. Dan twitches at the contact and puts it an inch closer to her lips. I watch as Alice opens her mouth and while staring up at her boyfriend with those innocent blue eyes wraps her lips around his meat and begins sucking hungrily on him. He rewards her bit sliding two fingers up her pussy.

I start rubbing my cock through my trousers at the sight of my little girl behaving like horny slut pushing her head hard on Dan’s big dick making herself gag. With that she pulls away and two thick strings of spit run from her lips to the end of his cock. I watch as they hang off Dan’s cock and drop down onto the armrest of my chair.

Alice’s face dispels any notion that she’s not loving this cock sucking session as shes smiling naughtily and breathing heavily.

Dan swings his leg over and rests his foot on the other armrest of my chair. Alice positions her mouth at the head of his long cock and he starts face fucking my daughter. Thers not a chance that she can take his fat dick down her throat so it’s just jabbing get tonsils and her head is being rocked back roughly. Alice grabs his big smooth balls with one hand and behind to massage and fondle them no doubt encouraging to squirt a hot load of cum in her mouth. With the other she slides down to her hairless pussy and a finger disappears up her glistening hole. She immediately decides her hungry pussy needs more and two fingers go in. She roughly jams two digits in her teenage twat as Dan feeds her his meaty dick.

I can’t take this sight anymore and realise too late that my light rubbing has taken me over the edge. I feel my cock pulse and the warm fluid expanding on my upper thigh and the sensation spreading throughout my body.

I look away in some mixture of shame, disgust arousal and anger.

I don’t know what to do next but I know that every moment I wait I am prolonging my daughter’s facefuck session. I get a tissue out of my pocket and rub the inside of my boxer shorts and jeans cleaning my cum up. I look round and as it’s dark. I’m confident nobody has seen this shameful episode.

I can’t help but the one last look inside. The comedown from the orgasm makes the sight of Dan sitting naked in my chair with a fistful of my daughters hair pushing her head down on his cock gut wrenching. I walk to the door and knock loudly. For a few seconds nothing happens so I knock again my heart still pumping and the anger rising. A light comes on and I see one of them running upstairs. The door eventually opens and Alice is standing there with shorts and a vest top on which had obviously been rushed on. Her hair is a mess, her face is flushed.

“Oh hi dad, you’re home early, sorry I locked the door I was playing loud music earlier”

Her lying is convincing and casual. The shame washes over me she I feel too bad to be angry. I just want to get in bed and go to sleep.

Dan comes downstairs nonchalantly a few seconds later and greets me.

“Hi sir, good evening” he holds his hand out to shake mine. I know he has just had two of his fingers deep in my daughter’s cunt but I can’t think of a way to avoid it so I reluctantly shake his hand.

“Hmm it’s getting late we need to go and get ready for the nightclub” Alice says looking at her watch.

“Okay sweetie I’m going to go straight to sleep im feeling pretty tired”. I say faking a yawn just wanting to get out of the company of them both.

“Okay I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then” Alice plants a kiss on my cheek and her and dan go upstairs to get ready. It’s only when I get half way upstairs that I remember where Alice’s lips were just 2 minutes ago.

I hear the door slam at 10pm and stare at the ceiling not being able to get the mental image of Alice getting a large dick pushed to the back of her throat out of my head and wondering when my innocent little girl turned in to a dick slut.

I drift off to sleep and am awoken to Janet licking my ear and whispering “baby… baby..  wake up”

I open my eyes a little, still half asleep. Janet grabs my hand and pushes my finger up her sopping wet cunt. “I’m ready for that fuck you promised me”

Janet stands up to reveal she’s slipped in to her dirty nurse lingerie while I was sleeping. She’s got white suspenders on her full legs. No knickers to cover her big round arse or her hairy pussy and a see through white corset which is propping up her big juicy tits and exposing her big pink puffy nipples which I realise Alice has inherited from her.

“What do you think? Are you going to wear me out?” Janet says with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

I think my wife looks sexy as fuck, she knows I love it when she dresses up all slutty for me. But my cock isn’t stirring at all. I’ve got nothing left after blowing my load seeing Alice sucking dick.

“I’m really sorry dear, I’m very tired. Maybe tomorrow” I say shamefully knowing that Janet’s hungry hole isn’t going to get satisfied tonight. I turn over and pretend to go to sleep.

“Oh fucking hell” Janet grumbles and I hear her get undressed and get in to bed and face away from me. She soon starts breathing heavily and I drift off to sleep too.

The next morning i wake up and janet is not beside me. It’s 10.30 and I get up and go downstairs. Janet is at the breakfast table with Kate and theyre having french toast as is our Sunday tradition.

“Morning darling” I test the waters to see if I get an icy response.

“Morning” it’s a tepid one. I don’t think she’s too angry.

Alice age Dan walk in looking hungover from their night out. Dan is in shorts and t-shirt and Alice is in a vest top and short shorts. We all sit down at the table and serve myself some of the French toast. I’m trying to avoid looking at Dan and Alice in case it’s awkward or I feel myself getting angry. Eventually I can’t help it and glance at her.

The image of her spreading her legs, Dan photographing her bald pussy, showing him her tight arsehole, sucking his fat dick, it all comes flooding back to me and I can’t help feeling another twitch in my cock. When I look at her all I see is a desperate cock slut, not my eldest daughter.

I force the images to the back of my mind and carry on with breakfast. When we all finish Janet gets up and begins clearing the table. I notice that she’s not put in a bra this morning which is unusual. Her big puffy nipples have hardened in the cold kitchen and are now poking through her top and there’s quite a lot of cleavage on show. I instinctively look at Dan and see that my wife’s big milky tits have got his undivided attention. Neither of the girls realise whats going on. Janet leans over to get dans empty plate and her heavy boobs hang down and swing a little while she’s collecting the dishes. Dan’s eyes are fixed on Janet’s juicy tits which are a so much different from Alice’s perky little things.

He eventually snaps out it and sees me looking at him staring at my wife. He sheepishly looks at the ground then helps clear the table.

The day goes by and Janet is giving me the cold shoulder. She pissed off that she didn’t get the fucking she wanted last night and she’s unsatisfied, though when I ask she says she’s fine. I watch the sport and she runs errands. Alice, Dan and Kate all go to the cinema.

That evening we all have dinner and a few glasses of wine but not too much because I have work tomorrow and Alice and Dan are going back to university. Everyone decides to call it s night at 9.30 and I go and watch some TV knowing Janet probably doesn’t want me in bed with her.

I go in the front room and switch the TV on and slouch in to my chair. Somehow I don’t like this chair as much as I used to ever since I saw my daughter get facefucked in it. It will have to do though. I watch about half an hour of sport and drift off to sleep.

I wake up at 2am and decide i need to go to bed.
I go and get myself a water and go for a piss in the downstairs toilet. I turn the lights out and head upstairs. When I get to the top I hear a clap which confuses me. Another clap. It’s coming from Alice’s bedroom. I slowly walk to her bedroom door and listen.

“You like that big cock in your pussy you dirty bitch?” It’s Dan’s voice

“Mmmhmmm….oh fuck…yeah, fuck me”

Another clap comes


But this time I realise it’s not a clap… my daughter is getting spanked.

“Ugh…good girl take my big dick I know you love it” Dan’s growling at her

“Oh yes.. I’m your little slut…fuck me like a slut” Alice has got a filthy mouth on her I’m learning.

I can hear their bodies slamming together and another slap planted on her arse. My cock stiffens in my trousers and I can’t stop listening.

“Mmm your cunt is so tight”

Mmm… please…finger my arse. Play with my arse hole please” the moan if pleasure I hear immediately afterwards tells me both of Alice’s holes are now occupied. The beds starts rocking louder and I know my daughter is getting fucked roughly.

“I’m going to cover your little tits with my cum. Do you hear me you naughty slut?”

“Ugh…ugh…no please. Please cum on my face. I want it on my face…OWW!”

Slap!. Alice’s arse must be red raw by now I think as I start rubbing my cock listening to my daughter getting dicked and loving every second.

“Shh be quiet. Do you want your family to know your a cumslut?” Now get on your knees and clean my cock you whore” Dan ordered

I could hear her obeying him and then I heard the sloppy sucking sounds to match the image I already had of her with her boyfriends big dick in her mouth.

“Oh yes, gag on it you dirty bitch. Spit all over it. And rub your fucking clit while you do it.”

I heard her cough and spit and i knew she was doing what she was told. This went on for a couple of minutes. I was memorised listening to their dirty fuck session.

Mmh…oh yeah…I’m cumming” Dan was getting ready to finish. “ohhh fuck yeah…keep sucking…mmmm”

It was unmistakable, Dan was emptying his balls all over my daughters face. My cock was fully erect and I was determined not to let this on go to waste.

I tucked my dick back in to my trousers and slipped past Kate’s room and entered my bedroom I stripped all my clothes off and slipped under the covers next to Janet.

“Darling? Are you awake?” I asked her placing my hand on her back.

“Yeah, Alice and Dan are being quite loud, they woke me up” can’t Janet’s response to my surprise.

“Oh, yeah…I think I might have heard them too…” I grabbed my her hand and squeezed it around my hard cock. “Anywyay I’m ready to make it up to you, are you ready for it?

She turned over and kissed me on the lips. ” Sorry dear I’m tired, maybe tomorrow” she turned over, she went to sleep.



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