Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland Chapter 1 FF MF con exhib Mdom Much more to come

Alice always managed to get very tired of sitting by her sister by the bank, the water lapping nearby and her sister’s nose in a book. No matter how many years passed, nor how either girl grew, she always grew restless, but still felt quite sleepy and stupid in the soft summer heat.

Shifting, she felt the slide of her skirt over her stockinged legs and tossed her hair back to let fingers of the gentle breeze slip through and cool her brow.

She felt very sleepy and stupid, lolling on the bank. Just as Alice began to wonder if the pleasure of making a daisy crown was worth the work to collect the daisies, when a sudden, soft sound caught at her attention. It was a rustling, followed by a short exclaimed “Oh!”

Peeking through her lashes, Alice saw suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes (which would have been the most natural thing to see by the river on a summer day) but that this rabbit was, indeed, a soft, pale, girl. Her skin was almost translucent in the bright light that dappled her skin, veins showing bluely through her pliant form. Her long hair slid over her shoulders the exact opposite of Alice’s reddish black- a blonde so pale the color was like the glimmer of moonlight on grain. She wore a headband with two upright bunny ears, trimmed in snow colored lace and adorned by a bright red bow at the base of each. Her startlingly pink eyes glimmered with gathering tears as she glanced at a large run in her white silk stocking, a shallow graze dripping blood vividly in a thin line into the shimmery cloth. Alice watched the breath catch in the bunny girl’s chest, a tiny sob. She lifted her skirt carefully, it wasn’t long to begin with but she couldn’t quite see around the frothy layers that obscured her upper thighs. “Oh, no no nono…” she murmured “Oh, see how late it’s getting..”

A twig snapped in the forest and the White Rabbit jumped, gasping and hurrying into plain view. Her flesh was barely covered in a soft foam of lace and iridescent shimmer of satin; all black, red, and white, like a playing card. Gold, black, and red geometric patterns chased themselves across the white cloth, hugging her flat belly and sharp hips. She continued on her way, her rushed but purposeful walk sending her bountiful curves to gently bouncing with her stride, tempting flashes of butt and breast peeking out as her clothes moved with her, struggling down the path and glancing at her torn stocking.

In her drowsy daze, Alice hadn’t taken the time to consider the strange occurrence of a scarcely clad girl with bunny ears rushing through a river-side meadow in summer (although it seemed the best season to do such an unconventional thing, considering the potential thermal inconvenience). Her curiosity piqued, she raised onto her knees to watch the bunny hurry through the underbrush, down a low tunnel overhung densely in hydrangeas.

A small flash caught her eye, and, creeping closer in the wake of the rabbit, Alice found a delicate pair of white gloves fallen to the ground, one hung precariously from the exposed twigs of a bush, it’s mate a few feet away on the path.

Well, nothing would do but that Alice should return the gloves, fine lace that they were, so she gathered them up and hurried after the tantalizing flashes of flesh striding through the rich green before her. The path twisted and turned and just as Alice despaired of catching up to her quarry, she watched as the last froth of tiny petticoat disappeared down a large rabbit-hole under a hedge. In a trice (quick as a bunny), she followed. Some part of her may well have wondered at this, however it was such a dull afternoon, and it all did seem quite natural at the time.
She picked her way down carefully but quickly, never considering that once she was down the hole, she’d have to get back out of it again eventually.

All of a sudden, the ground seemed to disappear before her, and she fell with a sickening drop, careening down this way and that, her skirt blowing high up into her face as she tried to pull it back down (either to use the soft blue length to cover her tender self or to keep the fabric from obscuring her view, as she had been falling for an awfully long time already.)

After she fell for some time, she decided that the hole was either very deep, or that she fell very slowly, for as she eventually regained her bearings, she had ample time to look about herself at all the bits and bobs surrounding her along the walls of the hole. She looked to the dark space above her, then down the to deep dark below her, and felt a frisson of fear that she certainly could not see the top or the bottom, so she contented herself to look around at the chairs, cupboards, and bookshelves that dotted the walls. They seemed filled with all manner of useful things; glimmering silverware, books of every size and color (some of which, she thought, must certainly have some more interesting contents than the dusty old tomes her sister preferred), a shelf full of dozens of varieties of jam, and, strangely enough, flashes here and there of pictures and figures with the same soft flesh she’d followed here (but flashing by her in a variety of poses and couplings, all giving her the distinct sensation of a warming, squirming curiosity).

Having fallen for quite such a long time, Alice began to feel quite bored and sleepy again, her thoughts drifting to the quick images that flashed through her vision, now accompanied by her idle mind with the sort of sounds and sighs that result from such debaucherous goings on. The girl she’d followed seemed to run through Alice’s thoughts, all low sine curves and warm shadows. She shifted her hips, pressing her thighs against each other and twisting, trying to alleviate the heavy warmth that had grown between them with a tremendous huff, she fell with a resounding thump into the pillowy surface of a deep, down-stuffed chaise. And the fall was over.

Remembering her mission (for returning the gloves was really the only thing she could do now, after having fallen so far and long and with no way back the way she’d come) Alice startled upright, eyes seeking and finding the very last pale flash of the rabbit as she disappeared down a long, dimly lit corridor. Faintly, Alice heard her again “Oh, the Queen will be savage if I don’t arrive on time again, and with ripped stockings too…”
Not a bit hurt, Alice jumped to her feet in that moment, and hurried down the corridor, noting with pleasure at the luxurious nap of the rugs beneath her feet and the rich, dark stain on the wooden doors that lined the way to either side of her. She stopped, startled, noting that the perfect red pinstripes on the slightly iridescent pale wallpaper were, in fact, tiny perfect hearts in even lines falling and falling and falling, right down to the rich red rugs.

Though Alice followed like the wind (albeit a bit of a wandering wind), the rabbit came to a bend in the way and soon after disappeared to the thick click of the latch turning in a door. The next moment, Alice followed, her hand reaching out to a large bronze handle with the curious addition of a face shaped panel, the doorknob worn smooth and shiny around the contorted features.

“Ohwowow!” the little face shouted in a tinny, male voice. “Well what would you go and do something like that for?” She noted, with some alarm, that the little face on the doorknob was speaking. To her. It seems she had just dragged her knuckles across his little bronze eyes, no wonder it had hurt.

“Oh, I do, I’m so sorry” she stammered, a blush heating her cheeks and making her neck tingle.

“Young miss.” the Doorknob said with disapproval, “You really must be more careful, you know.”

“Yes, I’m sure you’re right,” she said politely, bending down a bit to speak closer to his level. She made a little figure seven with her body, her heart rising with her breath and pressing the pale blue neckline of her dress tight against the soft mounds of her breasts, straining against the fabric. “It’s just that I was chasing the girl who looks like a white rabbit,” Alice explained, bracing one hand over her thigh and pulling the lost lace gloves out of her apron pocket with the other. “She dropped these,” about to continue, she paused when the Doorknob interrupted.

“Oh, she came through here alright,” he said, with resignation. It seemed to be the most recent of many such events. “And you’d better catch up, the Queen will already be furious at the state of her, much less arriving at Court incompletely dressed.”

Something turned mischievous in his tiny, tinny gaze. “And I’ll let you through if you do just as I say, just for a minute.”

Alice nodded, smiling gently. “What first?” she asked.

“Turn around,” she did as instructed, slowly. She let it be a bit of a show, this door seemed to be in a far corridor, and the Doorknob must get bored. Dropping her shoulder, she exposed the long line of her throat, down to the soft expanse of her chest. Her breasts rose and fell with her breath, her hand tracing the outermost curve and down over her belly, looping up under her hip to rest just under her ass as she came to turn her back to the door.

“Grab your ankles.” he said, his voice a little higher, betraying a slight strain. She did as she was told, spreading her heels a little wider and painting her thighs with the palms of her hands as she dropped her forehead nearly to the floor, wrapping her wrists around her ankles and looping her fingers together.

It had already been such a warm morning that Alice had chosen not to wear a single thing beneath her skirts and her smooth, soft, pink altogether peered out from under her sky blue skirt covering frothing white petticoats. The pale stretch of her thighs perfectly framed her pinkness, the soft lips of herself glistening slightly like the petals of a flower newly washed with dew. The soft skin traveled down a little further before being bisected by the stark black and white stripes of her stockings, through which she peered at the panting little face frozen in metal, shock, and surprise. The door swung open silently.



  1. I only made it half way through this but wanted to comment as to not lose it. Your writing style and word choice are beautifully orchestrated. ❤ I’ll keep following your journey. Feel free to check out some of mine, this motivates me to go more fictional than i have though.

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