Swollen Chapter 2 (Female:impregnating/breeding kink)

swollen chapter 2

I’m shaking. I sit on Elliot’s bed, sprawled out with my huge belly extended to the sky. I look at it frightfully. Round and white and throbbing occasionally. You know, that jerking kind of muscle throb? Yeah, that’s gotta be all this is. It’s just… it’s just food. But. It’s gotten so much bigger overnight. I try to ground myself. I know this can happen after too much eating and drinking, especially when you binge. Especially when you have such rough engaging sex the night prior. I keep reminding myself: it’s just food, it’s just food, it’s just food. My belly finally stops jerking around, but it’s still swollen and hard-soft to the touch. I sit up again. Ok… it’s over. I put pull my pants over the bulge and see if it’s still noticeable. It is.

God, the tightness is getting bad. My skin still has a thick layer of fat over it to cover this huge circle. So when I sit up the fat spills over it and covers most of the mysterious swelling. At least I can hide it with a shirt. Mines too small, so I grab a sweatshirt from Elliott’s closet.

Then, I call her. No answer. Just a voicemail over and over and over again. I decide to leave one: “Elliot? It’s me. I feel really weird. A-After last night. I’m not sure what to do, my stomach is like, I don’t know how to describe it, I think I’m sick. Please call me when you can. Bye.” I hang up, unsatisfied and worried. I run two hands over my belly and look down nervously at it as I hold it. At least it’s being quiet now. I grab my purse and leave the house.

It’s noon in New York. The streets are crowded and loud. As I walk outside the first time for the day my new heavy belly starts to bounce up and down. God, it’s so heavy. Like a bowling ball hanging out in my… womb? Why is the feeling so low… I turn into a drug store and buy some Pepto Bismol. The clerk checking me out smiled at my belly. “You know for pregnant women we really recommend tums. Congrats by the way.” The clerk wiggles his finger towards my belly. I wince. “Oh, I’m not…” His eyes widen in horror. “Oh, oh my god I’m so sorry.” He checks me out briskly in embarrassment and I leave the store.

I walk through the park, breathing in some fresh air to calm down. It rained last night, so the air is crisp and full of life. It refreshes me. For a second I feel calm. My belly starts growling. I ignore it. Then it starts growling louder. The growls sound like they’re a result of some sloshing. You know, that watery kind of sound that churns in your belly. I take the pepto bismol to try to silence the ocean and let it cool my insides. The growling stops. Fuck, I guess I fixed it. I better get back home so I can rest and work. Maybe work out a little, jeez.

I get back to my apartment. I live alone, thank god. No one there to see my belly. I sit at my work desk for a moment but I’m distracted by the bump spilling into my lap. I suddenly get super tired and decide to lay out on my bed. My eyes flutter on and off as I fight the urge to sleep. I examine my belly and undo my pants, then lift up my shirt. The orb is silent and stretched. Wait. Stretched? Fuck.

Is this thing really growing…? The size of… two softballs now? I place my hands on my belly, giving up. Suddenly, I get a call from Elliot. Holy shit. Just in time. Shaking, I race to pick up my phone. “Elliot-“ She cuts me off, though, with something quite trivial. I’m almost relieved by how trivial. “Hey… did you eat all my doughnuts?” Elliot chuckles. I get red. “Sorry.” I reply. She smiles though the phone. “No, no, I’m really happy you did that.” I hear her cute breathy laughter. I’m confused. “Why?” I can feel her teeth smile through the phone as she speaks again. “I… I just love how good you are at taking care of that belly. It’s so cool. You’re incredible.” I smile, still confused. “Oh. Yeah I guess.” She asks me how I’m feeling. She says she got my voicemail. “I feel sick and weird.” I reply. “My stomach… I don’t know… I think I might have a stomach bug or something. My belly is acting weird… this is gonna sound crazy but… I think it’s growing?” She laughs: “That’s amazing!” I wince. “What do you mean?” She answers too quickly: “You stuffed so much last night you grew your belly out!” I shake my head although she can’t see me. “Elliot, this feels like more than that. I feel like somethings squirming inside me.” I look down angrily at my belly, who is completely well behaved and silent as I speak about it. I poke it hard. Nothing. Elliot chuckles again: “Good one. You been sleeping with any boys or anything lately?” I laugh, “nope, only you.” Elliot is quiet but her breaths sound happy over the phone. “Do you want me to come check it out? Make you feel better?” I smile. I know she means another hookup. She was so good last night and I definitely need to get my mind off this belly, so I agree: “Come over.”

An hour or so later, Elliot knocks on my door. She’s holding a bag of groceries and vitamins. I squint and smile. “What’s this for?” She smiles back: “I’m making you dinner.” I blush. She’s fucking cute as hell. I felt nothing for Elliot but she’s growing on me.

Elliot fries steaks and boils pasta and broccoli. I sit down at the table scribbling circles into the newspaper. “So that belly…” Elliot starts… “You said it was moving or something? That’s really weird. How are you feeling now?” I nod, embarrassed. It hasn’t moved since, so I feel silly and crazy to have even brought it up, but I was afraid. “I feel fine now, honestly. Sorry if that was weird to tell you.” Elliot laughs. “You’re just worried, it’s fine. I’ve been there!” Elliot turns around with her finished meal for me. It’s a lot, but I’m so hungry I can’t take my eyes off it.

She eats much less than me, but keeps her eyes on me lovingly as I eat. “God you’re so cute when you eat.” She says. I shake my head, embarrassed at her glaring kink. “You’re into stuffing or something then?” She shrugs. I know she is. I want to turn her on, even if it isn’t really my thing, so I approach her as she sits down, and push my belly on her cheek as I down a glass of water. “You want to listen?” I ask rhetorically. Her eyes light up like she’s seen God. She’s shaking with excitement, so cute and nervous. She closes her eyes and smiles as she runs a hand on my belly. She’s shocked and pulls back a second when she feels how big it is. “Holy shit.” I get embarrassed as she says it. “Oh… I’m.. im sorry I got a little big.” She smiles. “Holy shit that’s incredible. Can I…” she motions to remove my shirt. I nod, relieved she’s not turned off.

Elliot lifts my shirt like she’s opening a Christmas present. She stares in awe at my huge round belly. My belly looks like it’s relieved to be free of that sweatshirt. I start to hear faint gurgles. Elliot kisses it softly, then puts her hands on both sides and looks deeply at it. She traces the roundness of my belly with all her fingers. I start to get chills down my spine as she awakens something in me. My eyelids lower. Am I getting turned on my this? Elliot looks up at me guiltily. “It does look great on you, though.” I laugh lightly, and gently pull her ear to my belly. She closes her eyes and breathes heavily, listening to the soft purring of my belly.

We sit there for ten minutes straight. Elliot kisses and rubs my belly. She’s presses her face into the hard-soft mass. “Its so quiet. And I haven’t felt any moving. Are you sure all that happened earlier?” I tell Elliot I was probably just imagining it. It’s been hours with nothing. Elliot points to my bedroom. I know what she wants so I lead her there.

I sprawl out on my bed, legs open, belly out. Elliot creeps over to me, but instead of going for my pussy, she goes for my belly. She’s just… rubbing it and admiring it. Elliot sighs: “I wish it would move. Kind of weird it isn’t moving.” I’m confused. Why would she be concerned about that? Elliot grabs some of the vitamins she brought over from her back pocket. “You want one?” I ask what they are. She says they’re supplements to help the stomach churning I was feeling earlier. I trust her and take one. But I thought she meant “alleviate” it. Not help it along.

Elliot sits back, patiently staring at my tum. In a matter of seconds, my belly starts churning and gurgling again, much more aggressively than before. “See?” I hold both sides of my belly in fear. Elliot laughs. “It’s gonna get worse before it gets better. But that pill will help the pain stop.” She’s right. I notice the stretching and moving isn’t causing me pain any longer. I sit up and Elliot scoots closer to me. “Want me to rub it?” I nod. Elliot cooly runs her fingers over my tight, churning belly. Suddenly, the movement gets so aggressive it doesn’t look like indigestion anymore, it looks like… broad strokes of flying limbs. “What the fuck?” I lean back and Elliot squeals with delight. My stomach is freaking out. I hear gurgling, roaring, I feel wiggling. It’s all out of my control. Suddenly, something inside me feels fully formed. I can hardly believe it as the sensation of a tiny person stretches its head directly under my belly button. It disappears back into oblivion. Pulsating harder than ever before. In and out. In and out. In and out. It shakes and murmurs, hushed under my skin. My eyes are huge. Elliots in awe. “Huh. Did you feel something?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fkwv8n/swollen_chapter_2_femaleimpregnatingbreeding_kink

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