[MF] One thing leads to another? Part 1



**The next development is kind of messy. If you are not into emotional mangles, don’t read further. Normal service would resume in later parts. Tune in then.**

After I returned from Sud’s place, I was riding a two big cumshot wave. I felt light and happy. It was early by my grad school sleep time standards. So I cracked open a cold one and started working. I was getting so close to finishing school. There was so much to look forward to. I was excited!

I was in flow for 2 hours.

When I checked my phone after I was done for the day, it was full of whatsapp notifications. Sud had flooded me with msgs. I had not noticed at all. It was 1 AM so I was contemplating, if I should call her at all. But she was online and the moment she noticed the blue ticks, she sent another text.

Sud: I need to talk.

Me: Ok. What’s up?

Sud: I will call.

The phone vibrated

Me: Hey, what’s up?

Sud: I want to talk to you.

Me: Yes, we are talking.

Sud: Why did you have to pick me up and drop me back?

Me: No specific reason. I just wanted to.

Sud: Do you realise what could happen if …

Me: Oh god, not this fucking thing again

Sud: No no no. Listen to me. You are young. You are single. I am the one who is married.

Me: Yes you are.

Sud: So you have nothing to lose. I have.

Me: Sud, if there was any risk, I would not have.

Sud: There is risk! That’s my goddamn husband.

Me: And he knows shit! So if you calm down and let me drive, maybe it will stay that way.

Sud: Easy for you to say! You are not the one who is married.

Me: Sud, again, if there was anything to be careful of, I would have been.

Sud: No you are not. You are convinced you are careful.

Her voice was breaking. I could not understand why she was so emotional about this. I do now. But I didn’t back then.

Sud: You have nothing to lose. You have nothing. You will just..

Me: I will just what?

Sud: You will walk away the moment something happens. I will be stuck in a hell of my own.

Me: Nothing will happen if you don’t blow it Sud.

Sud: God, you are so convinced!

Me: I am. If we keep it normal, it stays normal. If you give him reasons to be suspicious, he will be.

Sud: You don’t know him.

Me: I don’t, as much as you. Which is why I take your opinion and then process it with my sense.

Sud: You are so obstinate!

Me: Sud, I don’t do things without thinking. And I also don’t deal in stupid. Get it through your head.

Sud: My sister told me this about you. Many years back. She did. Now I know.

I felt time slow down. It was an eerie feeling hear about my ex again. And this time from her sister. I could feel my own breath flow in and out. A wave of rage was building.

Me: What did she?

Sud: That you can’t be convinced. You are too headstrong for your own good.

I am a very calm person. But the mention of my ex telling her sister about what she thought was a big problem with me set off an explosion in my head. There were so many things I wanted to say. My brain was struggling to make a coherent sentence.

Me: Sud, I don’t want to deal with this.

Sud: Yes, you don’t. Because it is my life. You can just walk away.

Me: No, I don’t want to deal with this drama. You are being overtly emotional because I pushed a button today, unknowingly. I won’t walk away if I ever get you in trouble. But know this, if you do get in trouble, it will never be for me.

Sud: There it is, you are convinced.

Me: I am.

Heavy breathing. Sud’s been crying through this.

Me: I can’t dial back who I am. I am this person. I enjoy being this person. I enjoy your company. But if you want to be unreasonable, I am not the guy to encourage that.

Sud: Of course.

Me: In fact, I don’t even see why this is such a big fuss. You are overreacting. So why don’t you relax. Go to sleep and we talk tomorrow.

Sud: You are too headstrong for your own good.

When she said it again, it pushed me beyond my patience. I took a few seconds. I was on the verge of losing it.

Me: Sud, let’s stop. This is not fun for you. And you just made it no fun for me. Don’t call me again.

I could hear her crying intensify.

Sud: Wait, no. Listen to me. Why…

Me: Good night.

I disconnected.

The light buzz of 2 erdinger weissbier just evaporated into the air. A heaviness descended upon me. Whatever I had with Sud, had just come to an end.

It was over.

All of a sudden, I had a feeling of loss. I was struggling to comprehend what happened in the last 5 mins. Time had slowed down. I was hot under my ears. I was also feeling a mix of rage and sadness. I wanted to stay in control. I couldn’t afford to ponder over it. I had the biggest deadline of my career in less than a week. I managed to find my feet and get back to work now that sleep had just been vaporised.

I started typing away. Hold it together. We will get through it. I told myself. Let’s focus on what is more important.

Over the next few days, I had to take some drastic steps to be functional. If I told you that this “breakup” didn’t affect me, I would be telling you a big lie. I was rattled. I struggled, a lot. But I somehow, held it together. This is not the final days of school I had planned for. The plan was for me to work hard and then fuck Sud harder and then come back to work hard. Now, it was frustrating! I was frustrated and horny as hell. I focussed on an hour at a time. I spoke to myself a lot. I reminded myself what was important. I locked my phone away. One step at a time, one hour at a time.

I managed to finish my thesis and was one evening away from submission. I got a message on FB. It was Annie.

Annie was a friend at grad school. She was Vietnamese-American. We had met at a mixer 4 years back when we were starting our PhDs. I had talked to her many times. We had a spark. I had never taken it forward. Neither did she. Eventually we had both friendzoned each other and moved on. We talked occasionally and we both enjoyed our conversations. But that was the end of it. She was the liberal geek chick. Razor sharp wit and a smile that would light up your darkest days. Physically, she was tiny. 4’11, hardly 90 lbs. She was athletic, played soccer and was good at it. She was sharp with her comebacks. She was a laughter riot and made fun of everyone including herself. Over the last two years she was in a on-off fling with one of my roomies. So I would see her sometimes at our place when we were drinking. We would team up to go after anyone of her choosing and sometimes turned on each other. Overall, we were good friends who were very comfortable with each other but just never prioritised “us” enough to make time for it.

Annie: Where the fuck is your phone?

Me: Hey, what’s up? Just switched it off for focusing on the baby.

Baby = thesis.

Annie: We made it huh!

Me: We did. :)

Annie: Coffee tomorrow after we drop off our babies?

I would be meeting her alone for the first time in years. I didn’t know what was the agenda. But I like her anyway, so I agreed.

Finally, next day, I was a free man. I submitted my thesis alongside my friends. It was a great moment of relief and achievement. In a few months, I would have a “Dr.” to my name.

I reached the cafe and saw Annie waiting for me. She was dressed as she always is. Jeans and ill-fitted t shirt. She gave me a big hug.

Annie: What a relief! How do you feel?

Me: Relief more than anything else.

We talked about a lot of memories. I always had a lot to talk about with her. It was good reminiscence. We talked about all the things that had happened over the last 4 years, the fun and the not-so-fun, highs and lows, wins and losses. It was two friends catching up to a lot that they had missed in each other’s lives. I was still wondering why we are here. One of the things I admired most about her is her straightforwardness. She had no inhibitions. It made me connect with her.

Annie: Can I ask you something?

Me: You mean more questions?

Annie laughed loudly.

Annie: This one is different. You know I fancied you, right?

Me: Umm yes.

Annie: I know you fancied me too.

Me: Wow, you are confident.

Annie: Tell me I am wrong.

Me: I did, a little bit.

She smiled, made her eyes small and mocked me: A little bit, sure.

Annie: Why did we not do anything?

Me: What is this, grad school review or something?

She laughed loudly again.

Annie: Come on, play nice.

Me: I don’t know. I wasn’t ready I guess.

Annie: Me too. Also you were fat.

Me: Ouch.

She pinched my arm.

Annie: But now, my my.

We were silent for a while.

Annie: You know when we used to talk a lot, you told me what you like best about me. Do you remember?

Me: I do.

Annie: In a month, we will all be gone from here. I am moving to UK.

Me: Oh hey, you are? Congrats..

Annie put a finger on my lips.

Annie: Shhhhh…. not the point. I have no regrets in life. And I don’t want to.

Me: Ok. Is there a question in there for me or..?

Annie: Shhhhh

She also fell quiet. I was now very puzzled.

Annie: I saw you in your apartment, the other day.

Me: What do you mean?

She had a deadshot look in her eyes.

Annie: When you had your lady friend over, I saw you. I was there to get something from roomie#1 and they were all peeking. So I did too.

My heart pumped a big wave. The thumping could be felt now. My ears were getting hot. It was uncomfortable to be questioned by Annie. How the fuck was she there. I tried to hold it together. She was looking straight at me. I was struggling to maintain eye contact.

Me: You were there?

Annie: I was. Not the entire time. I left in sometime.

Me: Ok, that is very informative.

Annie: I know she can’t be your girlfriend. Whatever she is, is it exclusive?

Me: Aren’t you probing a bit too much?

Annie: Look, she isn’t your girl. Don’t tell me otherwise. No one fucks their girl with a door not fully closed. So please, be upfront with me. Let’s be real here.

She was sharp.

Me: Annie, whatever it was. It’s over.


Annie: I am sorry about that.

Me: That’s all right. So why did you bring that up?

Annie: Yes, getting to it. So I don’t want to be the heartless bitch. But as I said, I don’t have regrets.

Me: All right, so?

Annie: So, what do you say we swipe right?

She smiled a genuine proposing smile. My cock, deprived of Sud for weeks sprang up instantly. I was horny for weeks now and I wanted not to do something foolish in sexual heat.

Me: Umm, what?

Annie placed her hand over my hand.

Annie: That’s right, dude. You know that we should have given it a shot all those years back. But I would rather now than never. You and I will go our ways in a month anyway.

I smiled at her.

Annie: I have thought of it before as well. A fleeting thought, time to time. But seeing you with that girl pushed me.

Me: What if I was still with her?

Annie: I would still have asked. It would have been you choice to turn me down. As it is now.


Me: You and me, we are friends. And then I don’t know what is your equation with my roomie. This is weird. You are not recording and playing a prank, right?

Annie laughed.

Annie: That is actually a good idea! But no, I am not. God, what do you think of me? What do I have to do to be taken seriously?

I smiled.

Me: You know your reputation

Annie: What does a girl have to do to get laid around here!

We both laughed.

Me: But you and roomie#1?

Annie: We hook up. So what? We tried dating. It didn’t work. He is in the same department. So it is less work for me. For him too I guess.

Me: FWB?

Annie: More or less. We like each other enough to get naked around. Not enough to stay once he has his explosion.

We laughed again.

Me: Girl, you are something else.

Contemplation. Chugs of coffee.

Me: So, what is this, some checklist in your mind?

Annie: I don’t know, honestly. I saw you with that girl and I felt like I should act upon my desires I had had many times and did nothing about. Do you know how vigorously my vibrator worked that evening?

Me: Oh god, Annie!

I was laughing my guts out.

Annie: Just to be clear, once again, no one is falling in love. We had mutual interest. I am the one with the balls to do something about it.

Me: Again, ouch.

Annie: So you know, no feelings and stuff. We should have done it long back. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about fucking me? All I am doing is acting on an impulse I have had many times.

Me: I think I got that quite clear.

We laughed together.

Me: Annie, we are this. Two jokers who enjoy each other’s company and connect so easily. Do you think it will work?

Annie: Dude, you haven’t seen the 36DD tits underneath this shirt.

She was actually really, really, flat-chested. Which was the point of the joke.

Me: See, this is what will happen. We will laugh and roll around and there will be no sex.

Annie: I will bust your nuts with my own hands if that happens.

Me: Ouch.

Annie: I know what I want.

Me: What?

Annie: Fuck me like you fuck her.

This is what I meant when I said that she was a straight talker.

Me: Annie, it is different with her.

Annie: Yes, which is why I am setting the ground rules. I want what she gets. How she gets. The full serving. If you can get into that mental makeup, show up. Otherwise, don’t bother.

Me: Do you know what you are asking for?

Annie: Every bit. I saw you. That is what I want. Do not show up if you can’t deliver the goods.

Me: To get what she gets, you will also have to do what she does.

Annie: Dude, I have been tinder-ing for 4 years. Do you have any idea what it takes to get repeat dates with no tits and no ass?

I was laughing.

Annie: You know me as the full-stack engineer. I am a full-stack slut when I am thirsty.

Me: Oh my fucking god, Annie.

Annie: I can’t beat that girl’s body, that voluptuous, buxom bitch. But ain’t no woman gonna outwork me.

I was smiling at her.

Annie: So we doing this or not?

Me: I want….

Annie: Before you say anything, just know that the ground rule is sacrosanct. I don’t want any vanilla from you. Bring your dark chocolate for Annie, or fuck off.

My raging boner had eliminated any other rational thought I would have wanted to have. Sud-withdrawal symptoms were winning over any other argument I was building in my head.

Me: Your place. Tonight.

She smiled a wide grinning smile.

Annie: 9 pm.

Me: Ok, so see you later.

Annie: Before you go, remember, we matched on Tinder. Don’t break character.

Me: Sure, Annie.

I left and headed to my room. The pleasure and relief of submitting my thesis was overtaken by the thought of getting sex again after weeks. My cock was so hard that the boner was visible through my trousers. I reached my room and threw myself on the bed. I unbuckled myself to release the pressure on my boner and it sprung up hard in anticipation. My mind was filled with Annie and concocted images of her in various stages of undressing were flooding in. I had never seen her in any kind of undress. Yet the fantasy was running wild in my imagination. I had barely slept the previous night. I drifted into sleep. When I woke up, it was 7 pm. With more sleep came more clarity and I was thinking straighter now. Should I do this? Annie was a good friend. Will this ruin it? Forever? Should I ruin it? Maybe I should leave it to her. If she initiated it, then she was sure it wouldn’t ruin it. Then I must be overthinking. But it’s Annie!

I groomed myself thinking about her. All the while, I had a semi-boner. My brain liked the proposition of a naked Annie. A part of my conscience was asking me to reconsider. But that part was getting steamrolled by testosterone.

At 850 pm, I was outside her place. She lived with a friend. It was happening. I was really here. I was feeling tensed. It was weird.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

The door opened and her hand waved me in. I walked in and the door closed behind me. I turned around and saw Annie. I had never seen Annie like that before.

She was in a translucent lingerie. It was made of pink net material. Her hair, always in a bun, was now loose and it flowed over her shoulders. She had no tits at all. But she wore a pink lacy bra. She had the skimpiest pink panty on. It was tied together with strings on both sides of her hips. She had pink stockings on. She was really tiny. I scanned her from head to toe. She had a look on her face that I have never seen on her. My cock responded immediately.

Me: I see those massive 36DD tits you were talking about.

Annie closed her eyes and shook her head. She had a look of disappointment.

Annie: Stop it! I told you to fucking stay in character. That’s not what you say to your Tinder date! Goddamn it! Get out. Restart. Fuck off, right now. Get out. Knock again.

She pulled me to the door and then pushed me out. Woah, this girl was dead serious. She was not messing around. She shut the door in my face and shouted from inside.

Annie: Don’t fucking knock if you can’t be my Tinder date.

I took a moment. This was my first tryst with roleplaying. All right, we can do this. Let’s be this guy from Tinder. I was talking myself into it. This is not Annie. I swiped right. I fucking swiped right.

Knock knock.

She waved me in again. I stepped in. She closed the door and rested on it. One dainty feet resting on the door, hands behind her back and looking at me.

Me: You are hotter than your profile.

She blushed.

I stepped closer. The height difference was big. She looked up at me. I could feel the heat coming off her. She had an intoxicating perfume. I pushed my body into her. She was breathing deep now. I let her feel my frame cover her. I pulled out her hands from behind her and pinned it up over her head. I went for the earlobe and started sucking on it and nibbling on it.

A soft moan escaped her lips. Hearing Annie moan was an aphrodisiac. While pinning her on the door, I started dry humping her. The door rattled against the frame. I just wanted her to feel my frame up close. My dick was just below her boobs. She was moaning in sync with the dry thrusts.

Me: Is it true, what you told me about you on Tinder?

Annie: What?

She was in a daze and she didn’t hear me clearly. Her eyes were closed.

Me: You told me that you like it hard. Were you trying to impress me or you really like it hard?

Annie: I like it hard.

I thrust strongly pushing her into the door and slamming it against the frame again. She let out a moan again. I bunched her hair up and pulled it back, pointing her head up towards me.

Me: Like your hair pulled or was that a lie?

Annie: I like it.

Her usual smiling face was now one of ecstasy. My cock was raging and begging to be let out. I was deriving some stimulation from the thrusting but I needed so much more. I grabbed her ass. Well, whatever ass she had. It was really skinny and there was hardly any muscle to grab.

Me: I tend to redden bottoms when I fuck. Can you handle that?

Annie: Yes please.

I lifted her up and pulled her up to my height. Her bony ass was now in my hands, she was supported by the door frame on one side and crushed into it by my torso. I kissed her intensely. She put her hands behind my head. I carried her like that and moved to the couch. She had set her apartment up for the date. On the table were candles. The glow was erotic. I didn’t drop her immediately. I stood near the couch and kept kissing her. She was comfortable in the air and put herself into the kissing. I stopped and withdrew.

Me: You said you are a hardworking girl?

Annie nodded: I am.

Me: Show me.

I threw her onto the couch. She licked her lips and got up. I crossed my arms and thrust out my pelvis in her direction. She was very quick to prop herself up and unzip my pants. She first drew down my trousers and then came up again. Her eyes met my boner arranged horizontally. She bit her lips and looked up at me. I didn’t say anything. She touched it from over the undies, rubbing it while looking at me. She was hissing.

Annie: You were not lying when you said you don’t lie.

Me: I don’t.

Annie: I think I am going to work extra hard for you.

She took out my cock and looked at it close up. She moved her body closer to me. She was on her knees on the couch now. My arms were still crossed. I was mesmerised by the sight. Annie took the head of my cock in her mouth. A warm wet mouth on my cock after weeks of sex starvation was feeling heavenly. She was licking the knob with rapid strokes. My knees were feeling the impact. The stimulation was more than I wanted.

Me: That’s good, but I want more of my cock to disappear.

She looked up and jerked my cock a few times.

Annie: Is that what you want?

I nodded.

She stood up on the couch and pulled my t shirt over my head. Then while standing on the couch she grabbed my dick in her one hand and pulled herself close to my face with the other. She started nibbling my ear.

Annie: Let me show you reason#1 why I am a hardworking girl.

She collapsed onto her knees again. She grabbed my dick and pointed it straight at her throat. In her tiny hands, my cock was looking thicker and bigger than it has ever looked. Then she plunged herself headlong onto my erect dick. At first she got stuck at the 3 inch mark. She gagged a bit. There was a muffled cough sound. She breathed and composed herself. Then she made a thrust again and reached 5 inch. She looked up at me. I was shocked but impressed. Her eyes were watering. The candlelight made it clearer to see. A guttural sound emerged. Then she thrust again and buried the entire length of it and kept pushing against the base of the cock. Tears were flowing down her eyes. She looked up and smiled. I instinctively reached for her head and kept it in. She withdrew and breathed heavy. I was flabbergasted.

Me: Fucking do that again. Wait.

I reached for my phone. I wanted a pic of Annie’s face with my cock in her mouth. I pulled out my phone and brought it up.

Annie: Woah dude!

She covered up the lens.

Annie: Too much for a first date don’t you think?

Me: I want a picture of the hardworking girl for my record.

Annie: Take a mental picture. If we do this again, I will rethink.

Me: Fair enough.

I tossed my phone away. She plunged herself onto my cock again. She took two steps this time. Her throat was getting used to it. She cupped my balls as she did it.

Me: Oh god. This is good.

Annie started moving back and forth slowly now. She was covering the entire length in two strokes. Her eyes were watering. The girl was a true champion. I was in heaven. Of course, a deep throated blowjob is much less intense than the one in which the tongue is continuously on the tip. But the mental stimulation is immense. Annie had a super cute girl-next-door face as well. I knew her for her prowess as a coder. Seeing her this slutty and this skilled was such a turn on.

Me: Reason#1 is a check.

I pulled her away from my cock by tugging on her hair.

Me: Let me tell you how hard I can work.

I pulled out a condom from my wallet and slipped it on. Annie removed her translucent top. She was now in her bra and the thong. I slapped her ass lightly and then pointed her to move towards the end of the couch. It was L shaped.

Me: Bend over.

Annie: Ooh, starting with a show of dominance. Me like.

I unkindly pulled her towards me, her ass to my groin. I pulled the thong aside. Two fingers go in to probe the moisture. She was wet. I positioned my cock at the entrance and then grabbed her hair in a bunch.

Annie: Ahhhh. Yes please.

With that, I thrust hard. Her body couldn’t take it and she fell forward from the thrust. I pulled her hair again and drew her back.

Me: Brace yourself on the armrest.

I thrust again and she pushed back and her pussy got impaled with my man meat. Annie screamed, loud.

Annie: Fuck yes.

I started thrusting in a slow cadence but gut punching thrusts that go deep. It was a stabbing motion. My teeth were grinding. Annie had collapsed and put her head closer to the armrest. Her arms were now pushing hard against it. I slapped her ass. Hard. If you have ever spanked a skinny girl, you will know how hard it stings you back. I was surprised how hard it stung me.

Annie: Ahhhhhhhh. Fuck yes.

I raised my palm to go a second time but before I could land, she screamed.

Annie: Even me out. Hit the other side.

I happily obliged.

Annie: Fuck yes. Oh yes. You are killing my pussy. I want faster.

I let go of her hair and grabbed her waist.

Annie: I am so close to cumming. Fuck me fast.

I started humping. I picked up the pace. Now, her ass had nowhere close to the padding that Sud’s had. My groin stuck her bones, and it was not comfortable to pick up speed because it was hurting me. I soldiered through for her.

Annie: Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes almost there

I kept fucking through the screams. She bit the armrest as the orgasm arrived. It shook her small being. Her screams were almost like crying. I was happy to take a break myself as the position was killing my groin. Annie recovered. She turned around and took my condom off.

Annie: I feel like having this in my mouth.

And she dived in once more. It was a good break for me as well. With the candles, the room was warm. It was then that I realised, Annie was very small. I could really get some positions going because of her small size. I stopped her and lay her out on the couch. I approached from above her face and asked her to lick my cock. While she did that, I reached out and scooped her up. This caught her by surprise. Now I had her legs parted across my face, while standing and her face on my cock. She was licking my cock while suspended against my body.

Annie: Air sports. Ummmmmm. Precum. I like precum.

She was enthusiastic. She licked the knob again. I was now eating her labia. My cock had really opened her up. I could see deep inside. As I reached in with my tongue, Annie stopped sucking and tightened her legs around my head.

Annie: Oh god. This is new.

Me: What? Pussy eating?

Annie: No pussy eating while hanging upside down. Oh god. I am dizzy.

Me: Lick.

She obeyed and I continued my eating. I would suck in a lot of pussy lip and then let go. I used my tongue to reach in and tried to explore parts of it. I adjusted her height at will by pulling her up or letting her fall. Annie had stopped licking. Instead, she grabbed my ass and was hissing and moaning as I ate away at her pussy.

Annie: Stoooooooop. I will faint. Let me down.

Me: Then faint. I will stop when I want to.

Annie: Nooooooooooo. God I can’t take this.

I was holding her in position with one arm and using my free hand to poke her pussy and eat it. I hadn’t eaten a girl out in ages. I was also enjoying it. Annie was thrashing around while hanging upside down. She would grab my cock, suck on it fervently for a while and then let go and grab my ass or pinch my thighs. She was not under control. Her body wanted a release and her tormentor wasn’t letting her go without it. As the orgasm neared, she started slapping my thighs.

Annie: Fucker, you…… Oh god, make me cum….. This is so hard, this dick…. Noooooo. Yes yes yes yes.

Her tiny head thrashed around my belly as she held my knees to tide over the orgasm that came through.

Annie: Oooooooh oooooooooooooooh ooooooooooo you bastard

When she was done she slapped my bare butt and screamed

Annie: Asshole

I dropped her back on the couch. She lay there for a few moments covering her face. Her chest went up and down from the heavy breathing. I bent over her and unhooked her bra while she was still catching her breath. Her nipples were dark brown and standing upright like almonds. It looked especially large compared to her tiny boobs. I threw the bra on the ground and started playing with her nipples in my fingers. She moved her hands from her face and saw her nipples being toyed with. My finger movements were making her shiver. Her toes were curling from the impulse. She bit her lip and watched me knead her boobs as I intensified my assault. She was moaning and hissing as she observed her own body being mauled. She didn’t look up at me. She only looked at my hands squeezing her tiny boobs and twisting her nipples between the thumb and the index finger. She had arched her back up to push her boobs into my hands. I pushed one of my hands into her mouth.

Me: Suck this.

She hungrily started sucking my fingers one by one. My semi was now raging once again. We were very close to missionary position, so I decided to just go for it. I parted her legs out wide and pushed them back almost to her head. She was now wide open. Her body was supremely flexible. I pushed her leg, grabbing it by the inside of the knee and pressed it into the couch. Now her pussy was as open as it could be. Her dainty feet were pointed up to the ceiling. I lifted her in this position and threw her a bit further up on the couch to make space for my body. I positioned my dick on the gaped open pussy and looked at her. Annie’s face was aghast at being pinned helpless and with the dick just about probing her pussy.

Me: Like it hard?

She nodded and softly said: Umm hummm.

I let her have it. I plunged my entire length in at once and let my body crash on hers.

Annie: Oh shittttt. Oh shittttt. Godddddd.

I was driving in full thrust. I fixated my gaze upon her face, which was now a mixture of shock and pleasure. The couch started creaking with the force I was generating. I could feel Annie’s body pop in and out of the couch.

Annie: It’s so fucking deep. So……fucking……deep.

She grabbed my arms that were pinning her legs and tightened her grip.

Annie: Give it to me baby. God. You are killing my pussy.

This girl could take dick like a champ. Missionary was the least painful with her bony body and I held nothing back. I was sweating as well. It dripped on her face and her chest. She was in delirious pleasure. She was taking all the sights in. She observed my face, she looked at my chest, she felt my arms and then she looked at my cock plunging itself into her willing pussy. Her eyes rolled back signalling the arrival of a new orgasm as she stopped moaning and clenched her teeth. I picked up the speed and was going to fuck her through this wave. As I picked up my speed, she knew why I had.

Annie: Motherfuckkkkkeeeeerrrrrr…..

She came crashing on my cock and I didn’t stop for a second. She was held in the same pinned position and took the pounding I was meting out with no choice. She writhed and shivered as it washed over her. I paused for a bit. She was heaving. I dragged her body with my cock still impaled into her to the edge of the sofa and lifted her up.

Annie: Oooooooo

I wanted to fuck her in a standing position. It was really easy with her because she was only about 90 lbs. I was literally bouncing her on my cock. Annie was loving it. She had hugged me and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her moans were directly near my ear and it was making me crazy. My sweat was now mixing with hers. Her legs were wrapped around my waist. I was letting her drop all the way till her groin hit the base of my cock. Then I lifted her and let her fall again. It was so easy with her that I could do it forever.

Annie: Your cock is ……. touching a very sensitive spot. ooooooooooooo. Fuck me like this. ooooooooooo

She was moaning some incoherent sentences and some words that I couldn’t decipher. But what I could decipher very well was that I was juicing her pussy up. It was making that wet sound, when you know that your woman was really enjoying your cock. In her arousal, Annie bit my ear and I grunted and swung her body off her embrace to come face me. I was going hard and fast now. She still had her arm locked around my neck, but now her arms were outstretched. So we were looking at each other while I ploughed her pussy. She was hanging on my body like a monkey on a tree.

Annie: Fuck yes, fuck yes, fucking yes. You are so wild. I love it. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Her eyes clenched shut and her neck muscles strained as she came once again. I dropped her body gently on the floor. She propped herself back on her knees immediately. I held her head by her hair and slowly made her crawl by my side. I sat myself down on the sofa and spread my legs open wide. My cock was glistening with Annie juice.

Me: Get to work.

Annie: With pleasure.

She took my cock in without any hesitation. She wasn’t lying when she was a hardworking girl. She had a determined look on her face as she jerked my cock and took care of it with her mouth. She had no inhibition to her own cum. The other thing that was different was her stamina. Sud was smashed within two orgasms. Annie had 4 or 5 and was still kicking about. The soccer helps, I think.

Annie: Do you want to know reason#2 why I am a hardworking girl?

Me: Show me.

She cupped my balls while sucking my cock really hard. She wasn’t very deep but the suction was strong. She massaged my balls while she tugged my cock with the other hand, all the while licking the head like icecream. She was wetting my cock and balls with gallons of drool. I was still wondering what she was talking about. Was it the super messy blowjob? It did feel very good. And that’s when she did it. She slipped her index finger into my ass! She watched me as she did it – cock in her mouth and that look in her eyes that she was not messing around. My mouth opened in a gasp. Once in, she slowly twisted it around the opening. It was sending all kinds of impulses through my spine and into my brain. Involuntary hisses escaped my mouth.

Annie: Oooh yeah baby, that tickles in the brain doesn’t it.

And she got right back into it. She was a pro at this. I pulled her off my cock tugging on her hair and pushed her to lean against the couch. I got off the couch and made her face me. Now her head was resting on the couch while she sat on her butt on the floor. Annie was puzzled as to what I wanted. But I knew what I wanted. I positioned her head to lay on the couch while her body was just resting against it. Then I mounted the couch over her face and opened my ass just over her face. I was sort of squatting.

Me: Now eat it.

Annie: You are free of disease right?

Me: I am clean.

Annie: Then, I am gonna lick your soul out of this hole.

She was skilled at it. She parted my ass with her small hands and got right to it. There was no hesitation, no inhibition. She went darting with her tongue around my sphincter. I was tugging my cock for extra stimulation. Her strokes were quick and they were directed to the most sensitive parts of the sphincter. It was clear that she knew her way around.

Me: Oh yes, you are so good at this Annie.

I rubbed my ass on her mouth by moving back and forth a bit. She didn’t stop for a second. She tracked my hole as it moved and followed it with her tongue. I looked down to see part of her face working with singular focus. I couldn’t imagine this was the same Annie. It was so hot and so weird at the same time. I felt my orgasm building.

Me: Eat it clean. Eat it until I cum.

She again pushed a finger in partially. With the existing stimulus of her rimming already planting me on the edge, the extra stimulus pushed me over board. I lowered myself from her face to the chest and pointed my dick to her face. She knew what was coming. She closed her eyes and stuck her tongue out. The first shot went right across her face in a line that started on her lips and ended on the couch. I pointed my cock lower on the face now. The rest of the shots streaked her pretty face with dense ropes of white. By the time I was done, there were about 9 ropes distinctly marking a pattern of eruption on her face. Annie opened one eye to see if I was done.

Annie: Love what you see?

Me: I do.

Annie: Take me to my washroom.

I lifted her up and walked to her room. With her still in my lap, I found the switch, flicked it on and planted her on her feet in the washroom. She opened her eyes to see herself in the mirror. I stood behind her. In front of me, she looked so tiny. Her head was below my pecs and I was twice the width, if not more. She looked at herself and then looked at me in the mirror.

Annie: You are quite the painter, I see.

I shrugged.

Annie: Give me some time. Help yourself to whatever you can find in the fridge.

I walked out and headed to the living room and opened the fridge in the kitchen. I chose a sparkling water and came back to the couch. It felt damp now. It felt uncomfortable to sit on now. I tried to find a dry corner and sat myself down there.

What a way to celebrate last day of student life! I had been feeling so horny after cutting off Sud and been isolated away in my coop trying to finish off the thesis. It was like the universe rewarded me with Annie. My brain fog was gone. I felt so light. Annie walked out and headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of probiotic. She sat beside me. She looked at me and smiled.

Annie: So, normally, I kick out my Tinder dates after the act. But I want you to stay.

Me: I am special?

Annie: Maybe. No cuddling, no pillow talk. But you can sleep in my bed with me.

Me: But why the special treatment?

Annie: Because you gave Annie what she needed.

Me: That was easy.

Annie: You want to get your resting heart rate down to 60 before you say that again?

I smiled. Truth was, she had great stamina. I was in fact, worn out.

Me: Where’s your roomie?

Annie: Sorry mister, no threesome on the cards.

Me: Oh no, that’s not what you told me.

She smiled.

Annie: I sent her away to sleep at a friends’

Me: So you could have the place.

Annie: I usually take dates to the bedroom. But I wanted you to be out here. Use the space.

We clinked our drinks together. We chatted till the drinks were done and then she pulled me to the bedroom. She had prepared for it. It was nicely cleaned up and had two pillows with space in between.

Annie: As I said, no cuddling.

We both got in, nude, under the blanket. I respected her space and stuck to a side. She turned the lights off. The silence was heavy. It was a weird space to be in. I wasn’t sleepy. I didn’t know if she wanted to break character. I held on. Some time passed.

Annie: Ok, I think we can switch off Tinder.

Me: I think that would be good.

Annie: You are a monster, do you know that?

Me: That’s a good or bad thing?

Annie: It’s something.

Me: Did you get what you wanted?

Annie: Yes, a taste.

Me: And?

Annie: You will break me if you can.

Me: Well, you are small.

Annie: And I had no idea that would matter so much. Until today.

She was moving under the blanket.

Annie: You were tossing me around, throwing me like a ball and when you were pounding me on the couch, I thought either my guts would spill or the couch will break.

Me: You turned me on.

Annie: I thought you liked your women curvy.

Me: I do. But it was you.

Annie: Ooh does someone fancy me a little bit?

Me: Not gonna hide that.

Annie: We should have done this a long time back.

Me: Perhaps.

Annie: I am glad you showed up.

Me: I am glad I did.

Annie: Good night.

Me: Good night, Annie.

I checked the bedside clock. It was 1150 PM.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fkqvru/mf_one_thing_leads_to_another_part_1