My professor’s obsession [FFM] [Bdsm] [Oil] [Slight Coercion] [Preamble]

I had put on the black dress and the laced lingerie on underneath. I walked from my car to the large wooden doors. I knocked and waited patiently for a minute. I couldn’t believe what I was doing. It took me a second as to how this happened before the thoughts came to mind.

*Mr. Franklin was also the professor that was viewed as a good guy. He was always generous and helpful to all. He made the work easier so that all the students could understand. He also had a pretty looking body. From his flowy chocolate brown hair to his salt and pepper beard. He was also of a higher lifestyle, driving around a sports car and wearing suits and watches all the time. He also had a commanding voice, maybe from his previous work when he was in the marines. He was married but I still had a decently sized crush on him.

I noticed that he had an eye out for me. Also checking up on me more than others. The attention was defintely nice. I started showing up earlier to class and the two of us actually bonded a bit. It was so nice. Until he noticed my notes that I wrote about him. Then it was awkward knowing that a professor knew of me crushing on him. The workload also got heavier for me afterwards, but I believe that’s a coincidence. Last class he invited me to his place to talk about all of this, but he told me what to wear*

Then the door got opened by a woman. Her dark red hair matched her dark green eyes perfectly. She also was wearing a black dress and heels. She invited me and she walked me to the living room. I saw some sort of spiky scarf or collar around her neck, but I presumed it to be her kind of fashion. Then I saw Professor Franklin and we greeted each other and hugged. He said that he wanted to talk about life since it’s been awhile since we last did.

He walked over to the couch and we sat down. The woman came back with a tray that held two empty glasses and small pitchers of whiskey and water, both heavily iced. I took the water and thanked as he poured himself whiskey but I noticed no manners. Which seemed to be odd to me but not to her. We started catching back up again. His smile is just so charming and pearly white that it could shine through anything.

“So, we need to talk about those notes.” His voice echoed that statement through my head. I began to act nervous about it all but I didn’t know what to do so I uttered out a yes to him. He put his hand on my thigh which helped calm me down a bit.

“I read them all and you know I did. There’s nothing to be ashamed about, we all have crushes on people and I understand that you are new to that. Look at you, an innocent Christian girl that went to an all girls school, it’s natural for someone like you to be confused by how you feel. And by *what you want.*”

His voice flickered throughout it all and made me feel better. I was still too nervous to speak.

“Do you agree?” He asked with his sharp tongue

“Yes I do. It’s just weird to think about that stuff and especially you when we are friends and you’re my professor. You’re paid to teach me not love me like that. I’m sor—“ he caught me off before I could finish my thought.

“Do not apologize for something like this. It’s natural. And you are right, I get paid to teach you not love you. But I can make you an offer if you’d like.”

“Offer? What do you mean?”

He took a sip of his whiskey and then proceeded again.

“I live a different lifestyle than you do. I’m not just all of the stuff I say I am. I’m also a Dominant. I am into having more control than I do, in and out of the bedroom. My wife, as you saw before, is not just a wife. She is like a submissive servant for me. She does what I tell her and she is expected to take care of my needs. We still love each other even though we aren’t equal.”

I was more confused than ever before. I had no idea what he was saying to me. Dominating his wife? What does that even mean?

“I am a professor but I can also teach and guide how you feel when it comes to sex and your sexuality. My offer is this: you become a servant for me. You help my wife take care of my needs and urges and I’ll lessen that homework load. Did you really think those extra hours spent on essays were for a grade?” He smirked after I nodded towards him.

“But I have no idea what I’ll be doing in all of this plus what if others find out?” I said in order to get a better hold of this crazy idea.

“No one has to know other than us three. And I’m a teacher, I will teach and mold you into how you are supposed to behave. So what do you say?”

I pondered for a bit but before I could say an answer his finger was on my lips.

“Yes or no, sweetheart? I’m an impatient man, I want an answer now.”

I wasted no time because I didn’t want to be in trouble and I said yes. Professor Franklin ushered his wife and told her to bring me into the training room with code 9. She grabbed my arm and we started walking.

I was wondering about all of this and I had no idea what was happening. She attempted some small talk but I didn’t care for it. We stopped and she opened a door for the basement. I froze in the moment.

“Sweetie, it might be dark and scary but it’s good for you. And I’ll be with you the whole way.” Her eyes caught my attention. She was being very friendly and I decided to go with her. We got downstairs and she flickered on the lights.

There was a table full of sex toys and paddles on it. Rope and handcuffs from the walls and ceilings. Paintings of penises on another wall. No windows to be seen.

She told me to undress. I didn’t really want to do it in front of her but I undressed nonetheless. She sat down staring at me. I felt both creeped out and liking it. My body was naked and I could feel my nipples hardening from the cold air. She came over with a warm bottle of oil. She covered my boobs in it and made me smear around. She kept complimenting me.

Then she made me go to one of the walls. She made me kneel while I got cuffed behind my back. No where to move nor go. Then I got a small red ball in my mouth; holding my jaw in place. I started slobbering all over it.

“Good girl, now I’m just gonna go fetch Sir.” She squealed and kissed me. She turned off the lights and left. And I was left waiting for him to come back.
