[FM] A married man, a stranger, and a sore jaw.

First time posting. Recently went through a breakup and I’ve had a few wild rebound nights lately. Been thinking about them a lot and I found this community so I wanted to share. I was visiting my parents for my mother’s bday and I got stuck here because of the virus situation. My boss has banned me from getting on a plane and is making everyone work remotely. So, I’m sitting in my old bedroom, horny and I really needed to tell somebody, anybody, what a slut I am.

Anyway, I’m new around here (hello!), but not new to being a slut. At the impressionable age of fourteen I talked some shit, got in trouble, ended up on my knees, and wrapped my lips around the first real cock I’d ever seen. I was instantly hooked. The rush of letting go. The power of one good lick. It was intoxicating, and I fell right off the deep end. Right away, I loved the mix of emotions; the feeling of willingly submitting to a man solely for his pleasure, being looked down on as a toy, talked down to, used…all while being in complete control. I was the one on my knees, but they were the ones begging. I was the one with hands in my hair, being grabbed and groped…but they were the ones who couldn’t live without. It was nirvana, and I sure as hell took advantage. Many, many cocks have found their way to the back of my throat.

Fast forward to a year ago. I found myself in my early 30’s. Good job. Good man. Good friends. I was stable. Settled. It was a bit boring, but I convinced myself that it was for the better. No more whoring around for the “good lil slut”. Then in one spectacular weekend it all came crashing down: a four year relationship ended as quickly as it had begun and I found myself looking to recapture some of the old me. Long story short, I was horny and looking for revenge. Don’t want to marry a reformed slut? Hah! I’ll show you then!

Immediately after the breakup, I hit the gym and lawyered up. Just kidding, I stopped eating for 3 days, slipped on my fuck-me dress and then went out hunting for cock like a wannabe cougar. Success! A couple of meaningless flings held off the cravings but nothing extraordinary…until I went to meet a few friends for drinks on a Friday afternoon.

I do a lot of in-state travel for my job, so I don’t get to see the girls I work with as often as we’d all like. Because of this, we’ll meet for afternoon rum runners at a tiki bar on the beach a couple times a month. It gives us a chance to catch up, gossip and get loaded on cheap rum. On this particular Friday, I was heading back home from a late lunch appointment about an hour away and I got back to town a bit earlier than I expected. Instead of going home for an hour and then going back out, I decided to head straight to the tiki hut to get a head start on those bitches.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed a man sitting at the bar with his back toward me: suit coat thrown over the stool, sleeves rolled up, tie pulled down. You could say he stuck out like a sore thumb. He looked like a stock broker who got lost and settled down to enjoy a cocktail while his driver came to pick him up. Not the kind of guy you’d expect to find a sticky, splinter infested tiki bar most commonly frequented by sweaty fishermen and bikers. Oh and of course marketing sluts like me.

I was immediately intrigued by the mystery man at the bar, so I settled down near him, ordered a drink and waited for the glances to find their way to me. It didn’t take long. I’m a good looking lil slut, but if I’m honest there wasn’t much competition at 4:00 PM on a Friday so I was golden. Eventually he mustered up the nerve to strike up a conversation, and at this point I was already one should-be-illegal-for-being-so-strong rum runner down and feeling pretty good. Perhaps that was his plan all along, but a few things were obvious right away: 1) he was very hot, 2) he was very married, 3) he was very frustrated, and 4) he was eye fucking me so hard I’m surprised I didn’t spontaneously get pregnant right at the bar.

Mystery man introduced himself as Jim, and we immediately hit it off. He was funny, charming, witty, and self deprecating. Perfect! He was everything I’d been looking for save for that fucking ring on his finger. Still, here he was on Friday afternoon at this shitty dive bar, talking, getting drunk and hitting on a world class slut out on a revenge tour. What could possibly go wrong?

The conversation flowed as easily as the rum runners, and before long he was stealing glances at my chest every time I turned my head. Mm, naughty boy. So, Jim the mystery man likes big tits, hm? Time for some fun. I excused myself, slipped into the bathroom and unbuttoned my shirt far more than necessary. The poor shirt was hanging on for dear life by the time I made it back to the bar. I may as well have just strapped an “open for business” sign to my forehead. As I sat down I ran my fingernails along his back and down his arm to pull his attention back to me. His eyes went straight to my chest like they had been pulled there with a magnet. There was no denying my intention. I made it as obvious as possible and he responded with a wry little smile.

I got closer, started touching him more, running my fingers along his leg under the bar, and the conversation quickly turned to sex. Turned out Jim was a frustrated husband on a business trip. He was in his mid 40’s and his wife didn’t feel like fucking him anymore. He opened up and I listened. I could tell he was torn at first. I could see in his eyes that he wanted me, and he knew I was begging for it, but he wasn’t sure if I was worth the effort. That is, until the conversation eventually turned to the disaster that is my life. I gave him the short version: I was on the rebound, not looking for anything serious, just out to have fun. Jim eventually hit me THE question, the one that had been stirring in his mind: why didn’t it work? I told him it failed because my boyfriend didn’t appreciate the fact that I love being a good lil slut. His jaw dropped and the flood gates opened.

Suddenly now he wants it. He can’t live without it. He’d risk anything for it. He would have fucked me right on that bar if I had asked him to. But before all that I had to dive deeper and find out what I was working with. I asked him a few questions about his relationship, and then asked if there was anything he wished he could change. I wasn’t expecting it, but he let loose: the woman he dated before his wife was a naughty freak (like me, rawr). When they went out with friends, or out for dinner/drinks, she would tease other men in front of him to get him all riled up. She’d touch, flirt, tease and then she’d go home with Jim and they’d have crazy, wild, animal sex. He married the nice girl instead of the slut and he was regretting it.

That was my cue. My mind raced. I was flush. The idea of being a living, breathing fantasy for this guy was too much to ignore. I couldn’t resist. I texted my friends and told them I had to bail, and then I quickly scribbled my number down on a cocktail napkin, leaned in close and told him to meet me at another bar two blocks away that was a bit younger and busier. I gave him specific instructions to wait about fifteen minutes before leaving, to sit across from me on the other side of the bar, and to text me when he got there. I left quickly, before he was able to ask questions and certainly before I changed my mind. I swallowed my nerve, took a chance and vanished.

Fifteen minutes later I’m sitting comfortably between two reasonably attractive men at a crowded bar full of young professionals, wondering if Jim would even show up. I was a mess. My stomach was twisted into knots. Butterflies. The whole nine yards. I was checking my phone every 30 seconds while politely chatting with the two men on either side of me and sipping my drink. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a tall drink of water in a suit cozy down at the far end of the bar across from me. A smile crept across my lips. I couldn’t dare look. I was too nervous. Then I felt my phone vibrate. It was on.

I smiled when I saw Jim’s text, but I never looked up. I wanted him to know that I saw it, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of looking at him yet. He was here and he was watching, ready for the show. Eventually the guy to my right got up the nerve to start actually hitting on me and I acquiesced. I laughed at his jokes, touched his arm, leaned in for whispers, all with a huge smile plastered on my face knowing Jim was sitting there watching me. Soon after that I caved and searched for him in the now crowded room. He was a man among boys, gazing over at me like a pet he’d let wander off for a little fun. He sat back, comfortably enjoying the show, as if he knew he could tug my leash and pull me back at any moment.

I didn’t have a plan. I was just winging it, and that added to the excitement. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I knew at some point Jim’s cock would end up in my mouth before the night was over. I would not be denied. I’d tease a little, get his blood pumping and then have a little fun. So I kept up the charade, played nice and listened as my new friend Gavin hit me with all the classics. Family? Job? Boyfriend? Despite the fact that my tits were practically falling out onto his arm, he maintained his composure quite well. Turns out he was an agricultural farm equipment salesman, which I thought was interesting, and I couldn’t help but ask him if he’d ever fucked a girl in one of those big tractors. He laughed, blushed, nodded, and downed his drink…in that order. After that, the conversation quickly turned to sex.

My phone buzzed. Jim, firmly fixed on me from across the bar, was now curious. He asked what we were talking about and I sent him a series of lewd blowjob mimicking emojis. He cleared his throat and rustled a bit in his stool. He was pondering a response when I cut him off and doubled down. I asked Jim if I should tell Gavin how much I love sucking cock, to which he simply nodded. Being a good lil slut, and not one to disobey, I set my phone on the bar and leaned in and pressed myself hard against my new friend, whispered into his ear how much of a slut I am and slowly let my hand run over his leg.

The next half-hour was a blur. Gavin and I were all over each other. For brief moments I would get lost in all the touching and teasing going on, but I never forgot about Jim. He dominated my mind, but he stopped texting. At one point I started getting nervous that I had taken it too far, but apparently we were just getting started. Gavin excused himself to go to the bathroom, and I looked down to see a missed text from Jim. “Are you going to suck his dick or what?” So. Fucking. Hot. This guy was pressing all the right buttons and my heart was racing. He was into it and I played it off as roleplay and shot back. “Of course. It feels huge.” I expected some more teasing but then he dropped the hammer. He told me in a rather long winded text that he wanted me to follow Gavin to the bathroom, suck his cock, and prove it to him without blowing my cover. My mind raced again. I tried to process whether or not he was serious until he followed up by telling me if I didn’t do it he would leave. I panicked and quickly hurried after Gavin.

By the time I got across the bar, Gavin had already come out of the bathroom and was walking toward me with a big smile. Fuck, I blew it! I grabbed his hand and pulled him back toward the bathrooms just as another random guy went into the men’s room. Ugh, foiled again! I tried the women’s bathroom next but that was locked too. In my desperation I told Gavin that I wanted to suck his cock, and if he could find a quiet place in the next five minutes that I would give him the best blowjob of his life. Suddenly he turned into Tarzan, grabbed my hand tighter and attempted to open every door in the vicinity to no avail. We settled on going out to his truck and he pulled me through the back door and suddenly we were in a side alley between the bar and the sandwich shop next door which was now closed. He said his car was another block or two away and the patio for the sandwich shop was fairly well hidden so I pushed him down on a picnic table and figured I’d make it quick. I settled down on my knees behind a big potted plant and got to work on Gavin’s cock.

Now, even though we were somewhat hidden from the main street, this was still quite a risky place for a blowjob. Anyone could have wandered by and caught a glimpse, so I started out by storming that cock like it was Normandy. Full frontal assault. I felt like I was in a race. Thankfully, the thrill of it all took over at some point and I began to enjoy the possibility of getting caught. I slowed down. Way, way down. I teased and licked. I sucked his balls and slapped his cock on my tits. I even stopped a few times to slowly stroke his cock while looking up at him or asking him a question or two. I wanted it to last, and it did. At one point a small group of guys loudly stumbled down the alley and I tried to hide what we were doing but it was fairly obvious. They laughed and I got back to work before they were even gone, making sure my slurping was extra loud. I even wanted perfect strangers to know what a good lil slut I am.

I licked and sucked and teased for at least twenty minutes. Soon enough Gavin began to moan a bit louder and thrust his hips a bit, I could tell he was close but I still wasn’t sure how I was going to prove to Jim that I had been blowing this guy. I got lost in that thought when suddenly Gavin’s cock began to pulse. Instinctively I shoved his cock further in my mouth and started to let him cum down my throat before realizing there was only one thing that could really prove what happened: cum. I pulled back before he was finished and allowed the remaining drops of the cum to spill out onto my cheek while I choked down the rest. It dribbling down to my lip and stopped shy of my mouth. I fought the urge to lick it off my lip and just left it there. It was like an itch I couldn’t scratch. Infuriating.

As I was getting up, I squeezed the last little bit of cum out of Gavins slowly deflating cock and onto one of my tits before straightening up and pulling him back into the bar. The mix of cum and saliva was glistening, and I was convinced that everyone in the bar would immediately notice, though I carried it like a badge of honor as we settled back down into our seats and my eyes went searching for Jim. I was so worried about the huge streak of cum on my cheek that I completely forgot about the one on my tits until much later that night. Our eyes finally met and Jim smiled. I wasn’t sure if he could see the cum on my cheek so I casually ran my finger across it, scooped it up as best I could and sucked it off my finger. He was hooked.

What followed was perhaps the best sex of my life. I made an excuse to leave Gavin hanging and went back with Jim to his hotel. We ordered room service and then sat out on the huge balcony attached to his room. I sucked his cock for what felt like hours, all while he showered me with commands and encouragement. “Get on your knees” “Slower.” “Good girl.” I’m quite positive other guests could have seen us from their hotel rooms, and they certainly could have heard us, but I couldn’t have cared less. He asked about Gavin and I told him every last detail. He opened up to me. We both did. We shared all of our fucked up kinks with each other. We played those roles for each other and fucked all night. He pulled my hair. Threw me around the hotel room. Called me a slut at least 100 times. It was perfect. The next morning we fucked like rabbits again and Jim confessed how hot it was watching me suck his cock with Gavin’s cum still on my tits.

I’ve seen Jim a few more times in the last year. We keep it casual but we have fun. He texts me often and asks about all the trouble I’m getting in. Part of me feels bad, but I know I gave the guy the night of his life, so I think it was worth it. Gavin too. Poor guy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fk9ygc/fm_a_married_man_a_stranger_and_a_sore_jaw


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